コード例 #1
        public void showHome(bool isClosing)
            // Do we have a valid web server address?
            if (m_ServerDetails.WebClientURL == "")
                // No - show the configuration UI
                PanelMode = PanelModes.Configuration;
                // Yes - navigate to the home template
                string theURI = string.Format(@"{0}{1}myAlfresco?p=&e=xls", m_ServerDetails.WebClientURL, m_TemplateRoot);
                // We don't prompt the user if the document is closing
                string strAuthTicket = m_ServerDetails.getAuthenticationTicket(!isClosing);

                 * Long ticket fix - the encoded ticket is 2426 characters long, therefore has to be sent
                 * as an HTTP header to avoid the IE6 and IE7 2048 character limit on a GET URL
                if ((strAuthTicket == "") && !isClosing)
                    PanelMode = PanelModes.Configuration;

                string strAuthHeader = "";
                if ((strAuthTicket != "") && (strAuthTicket != "ntlm"))
                    if ((Uri.EscapeDataString(strAuthTicket).Length + theURI.Length) > 1024)
                        strAuthHeader = "ticket: " + strAuthTicket;
                        theURI += "&ticket=" + strAuthTicket;

                if ((strAuthTicket == "") && !isClosing)
                    PanelMode = PanelModes.Configuration;

                if (m_ClearSession)
                    m_ClearSession = false;
                    InternetSetOption(0, INTERNET_OPTION_END_BROWSER_SESSION, null, 0);

                if (!isClosing || (strAuthTicket != ""))
                    webBrowser.ObjectForScripting = this;
                    UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(theURI);
                    webBrowser.Navigate(uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri, null, null, strAuthHeader);
                    PanelMode = PanelModes.WebBrowser;