private static void TestFtp(ConnectionTester connectionTesterWindow, FtpUploader command) { connectionTesterWindow.StatusText = string.Format("Testing FTP connection to {0}...", command.Host); connectionTesterWindow.TryStatus = TryStatus.Trying; using (var client = new FTPSClient()) { try { const int timeout = 20 * 1000; client.Connect(command.Host, command.Port, new NetworkCredential(command.UserName, command.Password), 0, null, null, 0, 0, 0, timeout); } catch (TimeoutException) { connectionTesterWindow.StatusText = "Connection timed out"; connectionTesterWindow.TryStatus = TryStatus.Failure; return; } catch (Exception e) { connectionTesterWindow.StatusText = string.Format("Connection to FTP server failed: {0}", e.Message); connectionTesterWindow.TryStatus = TryStatus.Failure; return; } connectionTesterWindow.StatusText = "Connection successful"; connectionTesterWindow.TryStatus = TryStatus.Success; } }
internal DokanFtpClient(FTPSClient fTPSClient, IFtpOptions ftpOptions) { this.fTPSClient = fTPSClient; this.ftpOptions = ftpOptions; const string ROOT = "\\"; cachedDirectoryFileInformation.Add( ROOT, new DirectoryFileInformation(true) { FileName = ROOT }); this.fTPSClient.Connect( ftpOptions.HostName, new NetworkCredential(ftpOptions.UserName, ftpOptions.Password), ESSLSupportMode.ClearText); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { fTPSClientTaskQueue.Take().RunSynchronously(); } }); }
public FtpVirtualPathProvider(FTPSClient client, string host, int? port, string username, string password) { this.Client = client; this.Host = host; this.Username = username; this.Password = password; this.Port = port; }
//private string hostname, username, password; public static void UploadFiles(ConfigurationProfile profile, string temppath, string remotedir) { // Setup session options // add support for: scp/sftp protocols, ssh host/private keys, active/passive mode, port, FtpSecure, timeout, ssl cert, using (FTPSClient session = new FTPSClient()) { ESSLSupportMode sslSupportMode = ESSLSupportMode.ClearText; RemoteCertificateValidationCallback userValidateServerCertificate; userValidateServerCertificate = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateServerCertificate); // enable encryption if desired if (profile.Encryption.IsTrue()) { sslSupportMode |= ESSLSupportMode.ControlAndDataChannelsRequired | ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequired; if (profile.EncryptionImplicit.IsTrue()) { // implicit if desired sslSupportMode |= ESSLSupportMode.Implicit; } if (profile.ForceEncryption.IsTrue()) { // force encryption if desired userValidateServerCertificate = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(delegate { return true; }); } } session.Connect(profile.Hostname, new System.Net.NetworkCredential(profile.Username, profile.Password), sslSupportMode, userValidateServerCertificate); // Upload files //TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions(); //transferOptions.TransferMode = TransferMode.Binary; //TransferOperationResult transferResult; //transferResult = session.PutFiles(Path.Combine(temppath, "*"), Common.Parse(remotedir), false, transferOptions); try { session.SetCurrentDirectory(Common.ParseTemplate(remotedir)); } catch { session.MakeDir(Common.ParseTemplate(remotedir)); } session.PutFiles(temppath, Common.ParseTemplate(remotedir), "*", EPatternStyle.Wildcard, false, new FileTransferCallback(TransferCallback)); // Throw on any error //transferResult.Check(); // Print results //foreach (TransferEventArgs transfer in transferResult.Transfers) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Upload of {0} succeeded", transfer.FileName); //} } }
public Repository(string host, Token token, string repoFolderPath) { _ftp = new FTPSClient(); _ftp.Connect(host, new NetworkCredential(token.Key, token.Secret), ESSLSupportMode.ClearText); try { _ftp.MakeDir(repoFolderPath); } catch {} _ftp.SetCurrentDirectory(repoFolderPath); }
public static void start() { DirectoryInfo within = new DirectoryInfo (source); FileInfo[] files = within.GetFiles (); int nFiles = files.Length,index = 0; float fraction = 0; Credentials credentials = new Credentials (); string target = credentials.bankRelPath + "/staging/"; FTPSClient client = new FTPSClient (); client.Connect (credentials.ftpServer, new NetworkCredential (credentials.username, credentials.password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequested); client.SetTransferMode (ETransferMode.Binary); foreach (FileInfo f in files) { index += 1; fraction = ((float)index) / nFiles; try { client.PutFile (f.FullName, target + f.Name); } catch { // Console.WriteLine (" -- putfile exception"); client.Close (); client = new FTPSClient (); client.Connect (credentials.ftpServer, new NetworkCredential (credentials.username, credentials.password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequested); client.SetTransferMode (ETransferMode.Binary); client.PutFile (f.FullName, target + f.Name); } Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate { MainClass.getAppWindow ().getTransmissionPBar ().Fraction = fraction;}); f.Delete() ; // delete the file from within .resolved/ } client.Close (); Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate { MainClass.doneTransmitting (); MainClass.resetDisplay (); }); }
public void GetFilesWithFTPNewMode(string host, string remoteLocation) { FTPSClient client = new FTPSClient(); try { client.Connect(host,ESSLSupportMode.All); try { client.SetCurrentDirectory(remoteLocation); ScriptName = client.GetCurrentDirectory(); string localDownloadDirectory = downloadDir + ScriptName; client.GetFiles(localDownloadDirectory, "*.log", EPatternStyle.Wildcard, false); } catch (Exception ex) { } } finally { client.Close(); client.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Mounts the <see cref="Drive"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string Mount() { string result; var fTPSClient = new FTPSClient(); fTPSClient.LogCommand += new LogCommandEventHandler(OnFTPSClientLogCommand); fTPSClient.LogServerReply += new LogServerReplyEventHandler(OnFTPSClientLogServerReply); var dokanFtpClient = new DokanFtpClient(fTPSClient, options); dokanFtpClient.MethodCall += new LogEventHandler(OnFtpClientMethodCall); dokanFtpClient.Debug += new LogEventHandler(OnFtpClientDebug); var status = DokanNet.DokanMain(options.GetDokanOptions(), dokanFtpClient); switch (status) { case DokanNet.DOKAN_DRIVE_LETTER_ERROR: result = "Drive letter error"; break; case DokanNet.DOKAN_DRIVER_INSTALL_ERROR: result = "Driver install error"; break; case DokanNet.DOKAN_MOUNT_ERROR: result = "Mount error"; break; case DokanNet.DOKAN_START_ERROR: result = "Start error"; break; case DokanNet.DOKAN_ERROR: result = "Unknown error"; break; case DokanNet.DOKAN_SUCCESS: result = "Success"; break; default: result = string.Format("Unknown status: %d", status); break; } return result; }
public static bool load(string qrc) { // qrc for the just detected QR Code string manifest = qrc.Substring(0,6) ; if (Folder.GetFiles(manifest).Length == 0) { // manifest not present locally Credentials credentials = new Credentials() ; FTPSClient ftp = new FTPSClient() ; ftp.Connect(credentials.ftpServer, new NetworkCredential(credentials.username, credentials.password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequested) ; ftp.GetFile(credentials.bankRelPath + "/atm/" + manifest + "/keyFile", Folder.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + manifest) ; ftp.Close() ; } FileInfo[] m = Folder.GetFiles(manifest) ; // there should be just one foreach (FileInfo f in m) Manifest.load(f) ; return true ; }
private void UploadData(Stream stream, string fileName, IMutableProgressTracker progress, CancellationToken cancelToken) { using (var client = new FTPSClient()) { try { progress.Status = "Connecting to FTP"; client.Connect(Host, Port, new NetworkCredential(UserName, Password), 0, null, null, 0, 0, 0, Timeout); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new CommandCanceledException(this, "Connection to FTP server timed out", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommandCanceledException(this, "Connection to FTP server failed", e); } using (var outStream = client.PutFile(GetRemotePathName(fileName))) using (var outStreamWrapper = new ProgressTrackingStreamWrapper(outStream, stream.Length)) { outStreamWrapper.BindTo(progress); progress.Status = "Uploading file to FTP"; stream.CopyTo(outStreamWrapper, cancelToken); } } }
private static void TransferCallback(FTPSClient sender, ETransferActions action, string localObjectName, string remoteObjectName, ulong fileTransmittedBytes, ulong? fileTransferSize, ref bool cancel) { switch (action) { case ETransferActions.FileDownloaded: case ETransferActions.FileUploaded: //OnFileTransferCompleted(fileTransmittedBytes, fileTransferSize); break; case ETransferActions.FileDownloadingStatus: case ETransferActions.FileUploadingStatus: //OnFileTransferStatus(action, localObjectName, remoteObjectName, fileTransmittedBytes, fileTransferSize); break; case ETransferActions.RemoteDirectoryCreated: //if (options.verbose) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Remote directory created: " + remoteObjectName); } break; case ETransferActions.LocalDirectoryCreated: //if (options.verbose) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Local directory created: " + localObjectName); } break; } }
private async Task<FtpMessage> GetFromFtps(FtpConfiguration config, string path) { var host = config.FtpHost.Host; var username = config.Username; var password = config.Password; var port = config.FtpPort; using (var client = new FTPSClient()) { client.Connect(host, new NetworkCredential(username, password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequired | ESSLSupportMode.DataChannelRequested); var ftps = client.GetFile(path); var data = ReadToEnd(ftps); return new FtpMessage { Configuration = config, Data = data, Filename = path }; } }
static void ListFiles(FTPSClient client) { IList<DirectoryListItem> list = null; try { list = client.GetDirectoryList(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (list != null) { var items = list.Where(x => !x.IsDirectory && x.Name.EndsWith("xml", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); foreach (var item in items) { Console.WriteLine(item.Name.Substring(0, item.Name.LastIndexOf("."))); } } }
private async Task SendByFtps(FtpMessage ftpMessage) { var host = ftpMessage.Configuration.FtpHost; var path = ftpMessage.Filename; var username = ftpMessage.Configuration.Username; var password = ftpMessage.Configuration.Password; var port = ftpMessage.Configuration.FtpPort; using (var client = new FTPSClient()) { client.Connect(host.Host, new NetworkCredential(username, password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequired | ESSLSupportMode.DataChannelRequested); var ftps = client.PutFile(path); await ftps.WriteAsync(ftpMessage.Data, 0, ftpMessage.Data.Length); ftps.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// FTPS procedure to upload or download files /// </summary> /// <param name="blShuttingDown"></param> public void FTPs(ref bool blShuttingDown) { FTPSClient FTPS = null; bool blFileFound = false; bool blOverwriteFile = false; try { FTPS = new FTPSClient(); AES256 aes = new AES256(ep); string upassword = aes.Decrypt(_password); if (Protocol == ProtocolOptions.FTP) { FTPS.Connect(Host, Port, new NetworkCredential(Username, upassword), ESSLSupportMode.ClearText, null, null, 0, 0, 0, Timeout); } else { if (AllowAnyCertificate) { if (Protocol == ProtocolOptions.FTPsExplicit) { FTPS.Connect(Host, Port, new NetworkCredential(Username, upassword), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequired | ESSLSupportMode.DataChannelRequested, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateTestServerCertificate), null, 0, 0, 0, Timeout); } else { FTPS.Connect(Host, Port, new NetworkCredential(Username, upassword), ESSLSupportMode.Implicit, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateTestServerCertificate), null, 0, 0, 0, Timeout); } } else { if (Protocol == ProtocolOptions.FTPsExplicit) { FTPS.Connect(Host, Port, new NetworkCredential(Username, upassword), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequired | ESSLSupportMode.DataChannelRequested, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateServerCertificate), null, 0, 0, 0, Timeout); } else { FTPS.Connect(Host, Port, new NetworkCredential(Username, upassword), ESSLSupportMode.Implicit, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateServerCertificate), null, 0, 0, 0, Timeout); } } } _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync: FTPS Connected Successfully to: " + Host, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, 2005, 20); upassword = ""; switch (TransferDirection) { case TransferDirectionOptions.Upload: BackupFolder = BackupFolder.Replace("\\\\", "\\"); IList<DirectoryListItem> RemoteFilesU=null; try { FTPS.SetCurrentDirectory(RemoteDirectory); RemoteFilesU = FTPS.GetDirectoryList(); UploadFiles = Common.WalkDirectory(BackupFolder, ref blShuttingDown, FileNameFilter); //CreateRemote Directories foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in Common.GetAllDirectories(BackupFolder)) { string strRemotePath = ""; strRemotePath=Common.RemotePathCombine(RemoteDirectory, dir.FullName, BackupFolder); if (blShuttingDown) { throw new Exception("Shutting Down"); } if (blShuttingDown) { _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync: Shutting down about to possibly create a folder on Host: " + Host + " Folder: " + strRemotePath, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, 2040, 20); return; } try { FTPS.MakeDir(strRemotePath); _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync: Folder Created on " + Host + " : " + strRemotePath, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, 2040, 20); } catch (Exception) { } //FTPS.SetCurrentDirectory(strRemotePath); } //Upload Each File foreach (FileInfo fileU in UploadFiles) { if (blShuttingDown) { throw new Exception("Shutting Down"); } try { string strRemotePath = ""; strRemotePath = Common.RemotePathCombine(RemoteDirectory, fileU.DirectoryName, BackupFolder); strRemotePath = Common.RemotePathCombine(strRemotePath, fileU.Name); blFileFound = false; blOverwriteFile = false; try { if (FTPS.GetFileTransferSize(strRemotePath) > 0) { blFileFound = true; if (!(/*(fileU.LastAccessTimeUtc == FTPS.GetFileModificationTime(strRemotePath)) &&*/ ((ulong)fileU.Length == FTPS.GetFileTransferSize(strRemotePath)))) { blOverwriteFile = true; } } } catch (Exception) { //File Not found No Action Necessary on Error } try { if (FTPS.GetFileTransferSize(strRemotePath + ".7z") > 0) { blFileFound = true; //7z file exists but there is no current way to compare the 7zipped file vs the non compressed file so the user overwrite option will force the appropriate action blOverwriteFile = true; /* if (!((fileU.LastAccessTimeUtc == FTPS.GetFileModificationTime(strRemotePath + ".7z")) && ((ulong)fileU.Length == FTPS.GetFileTransferSize(strRemotePath + ".7z")))) { blOverwriteFile = true; } */ } } catch (Exception) { //File Not Found No Action Necessary on Error } if (blShuttingDown) { _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: Shutting Down about to possible upload a file: " + fileU.FullName + " Host: " + Host + " To: " + strRemotePath, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, 2010, 20); return; } if ((!blFileFound || blOverwriteFile || (Overwrite == OverwriteOptions.ForceOverwrite && blFileFound)) && !(Overwrite == OverwriteOptions.NoOverwrite && blFileFound)) { //This Uploads the file FTPS.PutFile(fileU.FullName, strRemotePath); _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: File Uploaded: " + fileU.FullName + " Host: " + Host + " To: " + strRemotePath, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, 2010, 20); } } catch (Exception exp) { _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: Host:" + Host + " Upload FileName: " + fileU.FullName + " Error: " + exp.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, 2010, 20); } } } catch (Exception exu) { _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: Upload Error on Host:" + Host + " Error: " + exu.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, 2010, 20); } finally { if (RemoteFilesU != null) { RemoteFilesU.Clear(); } if (UploadFiles != null) { UploadFiles.Clear(); } RemoteFilesU = null; UploadFiles = null; } break; case TransferDirectionOptions.Download: List<RemoteFile> RemoteFilesD=null; try { FTPS.SetCurrentDirectory(RemoteDirectory); RemoteFilesD = Common.GetRemoteDirectories(RemoteDirectory, FTPS, ""); Common.CreateLocalFolderStructure(RemoteFilesD, BackupFolder); foreach (RemoteFile FileD in RemoteFilesD) { string strLocalFile = ""; string strRemoteFile = ""; if (blShuttingDown) { throw new Exception("Shutting Down"); } try { if (!FileD.IsDirectory) { strLocalFile = Common.WindowsPathCombine(BackupFolder, FileD.ParentDirectory); strLocalFile = Common.WindowsPathCombine(strLocalFile, FileD.Name); strRemoteFile = FileD.FullName; if (Common.DownloadFile(strLocalFile, strRemoteFile, FileD, Overwrite)) { if ((!blFileFound || blOverwriteFile || (Overwrite == OverwriteOptions.ForceOverwrite && blFileFound)) && !(Overwrite == OverwriteOptions.NoOverwrite && blFileFound)) { if (Common.FixNullstring(FileNameFilter) != "" && Common.VerifyPattern(FileNameFilter)) { if (Common.FileNameMatchesPattern(FileNameFilter, FileD.Name)) { FTPS.GetFile(strRemoteFile, strLocalFile); _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: File Downloaded: " + strRemoteFile + " Host: " + Host + " To: " + strLocalFile, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, 2020, 20); } } else { FTPS.GetFile(strRemoteFile, strLocalFile); _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: File Downloaded: " + strRemoteFile + " Host: " + Host + " To: " + strLocalFile, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, 2020, 20); } } } } } catch (Exception exdi) { _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: File Download Error: " + strRemoteFile + " Host: " + Host + " To: " + strLocalFile + " Error: " + exdi.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, 2020, 20); } } } catch (Exception exd) { _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: Download Error: Host: " + Host + " Error: " + exd.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, 2020, 20); } finally { if (RemoteFilesD !=null) { RemoteFilesD.Clear(); } RemoteFilesD = null; } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { _evt.WriteEntry("Remote Sync FTPS: Error: Host: " + Host + " Error: " + ex.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, 2000, 20); } finally { if (FTPS != null) { try { FTPS.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } FTPS.Dispose(); } FTPS = null; } }
static void GetFile(FTPSClient client, string packageName) { packageName += ".zip"; // add .zip so we get the full file name //Console.WriteLine(packageName); string tempFolder = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"); string destinationFile = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", tempFolder, packageName); //Console.WriteLine(destinationFile); try { client.GetFile(packageName, destinationFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialises a new instance of the <see cref="FtpMessageSender"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An object to communicate over FTP.</param> public FtpMessageSender(FTPSClient client) { this._ftpClient = client; }
public static void start() { DirectoryInfo within = new DirectoryInfo(source); FileInfo[] files = within.GetFiles(); int nFiles = files.Length, processed = 0; int percentDone = 0; Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); string target = + "/staging/"; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); FTPSClient client = new FTPSClient(); string welcomeMsg = null; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[Transmitter]: Thread start()"); try { welcomeMsg = client.Connect(credentials.ftpServer, new NetworkCredential(credentials.username, credentials.password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequested); } catch (SocketException e) { Program.Gui.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(delegate { Program.EstTransmission.Text = "No Net?"; Label noNet = Program.Gui.NetConnectionStatus; noNet.Text = "Just make sure you're connected to the Net. I will try again later"; noNet.Visible = true; })); client.Close(); return; } // Have net ... Try logging in to FTP server if (welcomeMsg.StartsWith("Login successful")) { Program.Gui.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(delegate { Program.EstTransmission.Text = "Connected"; Program.Gui.NetConnectionStatus.Visible = false; })); } else { Program.Gui.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(delegate { Program.EstTransmission.Text = "Couldn't login"; Label noNet = Program.Gui.NetConnectionStatus; noNet.Text = "Happens sometimes. Not to worry. I will try again later"; noNet.Visible = true; })); client.Close(); return; } // Otherwise, we are good to go client.SetTransferMode(ETransferMode.Binary); stopWatch.Start(); foreach (FileInfo f in files) { if (!Program.GuiAlive) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[Transmitter]: Gui Dead!!"); break; } ulong bytesSent = 0; ulong size = (ulong)f.Length; try { bytesSent = client.PutFile(f.FullName, target + f.Name); } catch { // Console.WriteLine (" -- putfile exception"); client.Close(); client = new FTPSClient(); client.Connect(credentials.ftpServer, new NetworkCredential(credentials.username, credentials.password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequested); client.SetTransferMode(ETransferMode.Binary); bytesSent = client.PutFile(f.FullName, target + f.Name); } processed += 1; percentDone = (int)((processed * 100) / nFiles); // percentage TimeSpan elapsed = stopWatch.Elapsed; string estimate = Program.EstTimeToCompletion(elapsed, processed, nFiles); // Update the transmission progress bar if (Program.GuiAlive) { Program.Gui.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(delegate { Program.TransmissionBar.Value = percentDone; Program.EstTransmission.Text = estimate; })); } if (bytesSent == size) f.Delete(); // delete file from .resolved/ only if it was transferred completely } stopWatch.Stop(); client.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[Transmitter]: Thread end()"); if (Program.GuiAlive) { Program.Gui.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(delegate { Program.DoneTransmitting(); Program.ResetDisplay(); })); } }
static void ImportPackage(FTPSClient client, string packageName) { packageName += ".zip"; // add .zip so we get the full file name //var c = new EASBackend.ServiceSoapClient(); // c.ImportApplication(); }
public static bool load(string qrc) { // qrc for the just detected QR Code mutex.WaitOne(); string manifest = qrc.Substring(0, 6); bool sthLoaded = false; if (Folder.GetFiles(manifest).Length == 0) { // manifest not present locally Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); FTPSClient ftp = new FTPSClient(); ftp.Connect(credentials.ftpServer, new NetworkCredential(credentials.username, credentials.password), ESSLSupportMode.CredentialsRequested); ftp.GetFile(credentials.root + "/atm/" + manifest + "/keyFile", Folder.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + manifest); ftp.Close(); } FileInfo[] m = Folder.GetFiles(manifest); // there should be just one foreach (FileInfo f in m) sthLoaded |= Manifest.load(f); // returns false if manifest already in DOM mutex.ReleaseMutex(); return sthLoaded; }
static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (string arg in args) { // display help if (arg.Equals("/?", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) | arg.Equals("/help", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { DisplayHelp(); } // switches if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { if (arg.Equals("-list", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { _command = "list"; } if (arg.Equals("-get", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { _command = "get"; } if (arg.Equals("-import", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { _command = "import"; } } else if (arg.StartsWith("/")) { if (arg.Contains(":")) { string key = arg.Split(':')[0]; string value = arg.Split(':')[1]; switch (key.ToLower()) { case "host": _host = value; break; case "port": _port = int.Parse(value); break; case "username": _username = value; break; case "password": _password = value; break; } //Console.WriteLine(key); //Console.WriteLine(value); } //else // Console.WriteLine("{arg} - Invalid parameter!"); } else { _commandArgument = arg; } } FTPSClient client = new FTPSClient(); client.Connect(_host, new NetworkCredential(_username, _password), ESSLSupportMode.ClearText); switch (_command) { case "import": ImportPackage(client, _commandArgument); break; case "get": GetFile(client, _commandArgument); break; case "list": ListFiles(client); break; default: break; } client.Close(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public string Connect(string address, NetworkCredential credentials, ESSLSupportMode esslSupportMode) { _client = new FTPSClient(); return _client.Connect(address, credentials, esslSupportMode); }
/// <summary> /// Initialises a new instance of the <see cref="FtpQueueClient"/> class. /// </summary> public FtpQueueClient() { this._ftpClient = new FTPSClient(); }