// [STAThread] public static void Main(String[] args) { data[0] = new ClientData("akka.tcp://client1@localhost:", 1111, "/user/GameActor", 1, "client1"); data[1] = new ClientData("akka.tcp://client2@localhost:", 2222, "/user/GameActor", 2, "client2"); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); clientClass = new ClientClass(data, "client1"); clientItem = clientClass.initializeClient(0, data.Length); t1 = new Test(); t1.setNumPlayer(data.Length); // line = Console.ReadLine(); line = ""; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); while (line != null) { line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == "start") { clientAlcatraz = clientItem.getAlcatraz(); clientItem.getAlcatraz().showWindow(); clientAlcatraz.addMoveListener(t1); clientItem.getAlcatraz().getWindow().FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(Test_FormClosed); clientItem.getAlcatraz().start(); Application.Run(); } } }
// [STAThread] public static void Main(String[] args) { string actorSystemName = "client2"; Console.Title = actorSystemName; var actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create(actorSystemName); var localChatActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create <GameActor>(), "GameActor"); child = actorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create <GameActor>(), "GameActorClient2Child"); string remoteActorAddressClient1 = "akka.tcp://client1@localhost:1111/user/GameActor"; remoteChatActorClient1 = actorSystem.ActorSelection(remoteActorAddressClient1); data = new ClientData[1]; data[0] = new ClientData("akka.tcp://client1@localhost:", 1111, "/user/GameActor", 1, "client1"); other = new Alcatraz[data.Length + 1]; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); clientClass = new ClientClass(data, "client2"); clientItem = clientClass.initializeClient(1, data.Length + 1, data, "client2"); // loop here and sent to other if (clientItem != null) { string line = string.Empty; while (line != null && line != "received") { line = Console.ReadLine(); remoteChatActorClient1.Tell(clientItem, child); } } t1 = new Test(); t1.setNumPlayer(data.Length + 1); // line = Console.ReadLine(); line = ""; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); while (line != null) { line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == "start") { clientAlcatraz = clientItem.getAlcatraz(); clientItem.getAlcatraz().showWindow(); clientAlcatraz.addMoveListener(t1); clientItem.getAlcatraz().getWindow().FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(Test_FormClosed); clientItem.getAlcatraz().start(); Application.Run(); } } }
public void doMove(Player player, Prisoner prisoner, int rowOrCol, int row, int col) { Console.WriteLine("moving " + prisoner + " to " + (rowOrCol == Alcatraz.ROW ? "row" : "col") + " " + (rowOrCol == Alcatraz.ROW ? row : col)); Console.WriteLine("ID" + player.Id); ActorSelection[] remoteActors = ClientClass.getRemoteChatActorClient(); for (int i = 0; i < remoteActors.Length; i++) { remoteActors[i].Tell(this.convertMove(player, prisoner, rowOrCol, row, col), clientClass.getChild()); } }
public Client initializeClient(int playerID, int numberOfPlayer) { ClientClass clientClass = new ClientClass(numberOfPlayer); Alcatraz clientAlcatraz = new Alcatraz(); clientClass.setNumPlayer(numPlayer); clientAlcatraz.init(numPlayer, playerID); for (int j = 1; j < numPlayer + 1; j++) { int help = j - 1; clientAlcatraz.getPlayer(help).Name = "Player " + j; } return(new Client(clientClass, clientAlcatraz, playerID)); }