コード例 #1
		private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
			try {
				// Update settings from controls
				TrackCount = txtTracks.Text.ToInt(2, "Track count");
				float m = 0;
				if(!txtMinTrackLength.Text.TimeSpanToSeconds(ref m))
					throw new ApplicationException("Invalid min track length");
				Properties.Settings.Default.MinTrackLength = m;
				Properties.Settings.Default.SilenceFilterCentre = txtCentre.Text.ToFloat("Centre Frequency");
				Properties.Settings.Default.SilenceFilterQ = txtQ.Text.ToFloat("Filter width (Q)");
				Properties.Settings.Default.StartSilenceThreshold = txtStartSilence.Text.ToFloat("Start silence threshold");
				Properties.Settings.Default.EndSilenceThreshold = txtEndSilence.Text.ToFloat("Start Music threshold");
				btnOK.Enabled = false;	// Disable OK until finished
				m_Task.Run(delegate(TaskRunner.Task t) {
					Progress("Finding silences between tracks", 0);
					// Get list of potential gaps
					float length = m_Reader.WaveFormat.BytesToSeconds(m_Reader.Length);	// Length of file in secs
					List<GapInfo> gaps = new List<GapInfo>();	// Found silences
					GapFinder f = new GapFinder(m_Reader);
					float start = 0;	// Start of track
					Program.Trace("Album length {0}", length.ToTimeSpanString());
					while (!t.Stop && f.FindMusic(start, -1)) {
						// Found some music - add info about the gap
						gaps.Add(new GapInfo() {
							Start = start,
							End = f.Position,
							AverageVolume = f.AverageVolume
						string status = "Track " + gaps.Count + " at " + f.Position.ToTimeSpanString();
						Progress(status, (int)(100 * f.Position / length));
						if (f.FindSilence(f.Position, -1)) {
							// Found a silence
							while (!t.Stop && f.Position - start < Properties.Settings.Default.MinTrackLength) {
								// Track is too small - find music, then another silence
								Progress(status, (int)(100 * f.Position / length));
								if (!f.FindMusic(f.Position, -1))
								Progress(status, (int)(100 * f.Position / length));
								if (!f.FindSilence(f.Position, -1))
							Program.Trace("Track " + gaps.Count + " ends at " + f.Position.ToTimeSpanString());
							start = f.Position;
						} else {
							Program.Trace("Album ends at " + f.Position.ToTimeSpanString());
						Progress("Track " + gaps.Count + " ends at " + f.Position.ToTimeSpanString(), (int)(100 * f.Position / length));
					// And the gap at the end
					gaps.Add(new GapInfo() {
						Start = start,
						End = length,
						AverageVolume = f.AverageVolume
					if (!t.Stop) {
						if (gaps.Count < TrackCount + 1) {
							Despatch(delegate() {
								lblStatus.Text = "Only " + (gaps.Count - 1) + " Tracks found";
						} else {
							// Eliminate loudest gaps (but not first or last)
							while (gaps.Count > TrackCount + 1) {
								float vol = float.MinValue;
								int loudest = 0;
								for (int i = 1; i < gaps.Count - 2; i++) {
									if (gaps[i].AverageVolume > vol) {
										vol = gaps[i].AverageVolume;
										loudest = i;
					if (!t.Stop) {
						// Now create/update track information
						Tracks = new List<Track>();
						for (int i = 1; i < gaps.Count; i++) {
							GapInfo last = gaps[i - 1];
							// Copy existing track, or create new one
							Track trk = Program.Album != null && i <= Program.Album.Tracks.Count ?
								new Track(Program.Album.Tracks[i - 1]) : new Track();
							trk.Gap = last.End - last.Start;
							trk.LengthSeconds = gaps[i].Start - last.End;
					if (!t.Stop) {
						// Have finished = close dialog with OK
						Despatch(delegate() {
							btnOK.Enabled = true;
							DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
			} catch(Exception ex) {
				lblStatus.Text = ex.Message;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: nikkilocke/AlbumRecorder
		/// <summary>
		/// Adjust track starts to coincide with actual start of music.
		/// Can call from any thread.
		/// </summary>
		private void autoGap() {
			Status("Checking track gaps");
			GapFinder f = new GapFinder(m_Reader);
			float end = 0;	// Silence at end of previous track (or start of recording, at first)
			foreach (Track t in Program.Album.Tracks) {
				float start;
				if (f.FindMusic(end, 60)) {
					// Set track start to start of music
					start = f.Position;
					// Set track gap to length of silence
					t.Gap = start - end;
				} else {
					// No music found in first 60 secs - just default to gap provided
					start = end + t.Gap;
				end = start + t.LengthSeconds;	// Where track end should be, according to Program.Album.Tracks
				// Is there silence shortly after the end of the track?
				if(f.FindSilence(end, 60)
					// If not, go back 30 seconds (or less, subject to MinTrackLength), and look again
					|| f.FindSilence(Math.Max(start + Properties.Settings.Default.MinTrackLength, end - 30), 30)) {
					// Found silence - set correct track end, and length
					end = f.Position;
					t.LengthSeconds = end - start;