コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: jhorv/CsConsoleFormat
 private object[] LoremIpsumWordWrapWithSoftHyphens (Data data) => new object[] {
     new Span("Word wrap with soft hyphens\n\n") { Color = White },
     Data.Replace(data.LoremIpsum, SoftHyphen),
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: jhorv/CsConsoleFormat
 private object[] LoremIpsumWordWrapWithNoBreakSpaces (Data data) => new object[] {
     new Span("Word wrap with no-break spaces\n\n") { Color = White },
     Data.Replace(data.LoremIpsum, NoBreakSpace),
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: jhorv/CsConsoleFormat
 private object[] LoremIpsumWordWrapWithZeroWidthSpaces (Data data) => new object[] {
     new Span("Word wrap with zero-width spaces\n\n") { Color = White },
     Data.Replace(data.LoremIpsum, ZeroWidthSpace),
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: jhorv/CsConsoleFormat
 private object[] LoremIpsumCharWrap (Data data) => new object[] {
     new Span("Char wrap\n\n") { Color = White },
     Data.Replace(data.LoremIpsum, ""),
コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: jhorv/CsConsoleFormat
        private void Run ()
            /*Size consoleSize = Size.Min(ConsoleRenderer.ConsoleLargestWindowSize, new Size((25 + 1) * 7 + 1, 60));
            try {
                ConsoleRenderer.ConsoleWindowRect = new Rect(consoleSize);
                Console.BufferWidth = consoleSize.Width;
            catch (Exception e) {
                var consoleRect = new Rect(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop, Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight);
                var bufferRect = new Size(Console.BufferWidth, Console.BufferHeight);
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            Console.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Console.Title);

            var data = new Data {
                Title = "Header Title",
                SubTitle = "Header SubTitle",
                Formatted = "Aaaa\nBbbb\nCccc",
                LoremIpsum = "Lo|rem ip|sum do|lor sit amet, con|sec|te|tur adi|pis|cing elit, sed do eius|mod tem|por in|ci|di|dunt ut la|bo|re et do|lo|re mag|na ali|qua. Ut enim ad mi|nim ve|ni|am, qu|is nos|trud exer|ci|ta|tion ul|lam|co la|bo|ris ni|si ut ali|quip ex ea com|mo|do con|se|quat. Du|is au|te iru|re do|lor in rep|re|hen|de|rit in vo|lup|ta|te ve|lit es|se cil|lum do|lo|re eu fu|gi|at nul|la pa|ri|a|tur. Ex|cep|te|ur sint oc|ca|e|cat cu|pi|da|tat non pro|i|dent, sunt in cul|pa qui of|fi|cia de|se|runt mol|lit anim id est la|bo|rum.",
                LoremIpsumShort = "Lo|rem ip|sum do|lor sit amet, con|sec|te|tur adi|pis|cing elit, sed do eius|mod tem|por in|ci|di|dunt ut la|bo|re et do|lo|re mag|na ali|qua. Ut enim ad mi|nim ve|ni|am, qu|is nos|trud exer|ci|ta|tion ul|lam|co la|bo|ris ni|si ut ali|quip ex ea com|mo|do con|se|quat.",
                Guid = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                Items = new List<DataItem> {
                    new DataItem {
                        Id = 1, Name = "Name 1", Value = "Value 1",
                        SubItems = new List<DataItem> {
                            new DataItem { Id = 11, Name = "Name 1.1", Value = "Value 1.1" },
                            new DataItem { Id = 12, Name = "Name 1.2", Value = "Value 1.2" },
                    new DataItem { Id = 2, Name = "Name 2", Value = "Value 2" },

            /*if (MemoryProfiler.IsActive) {
            new ConsoleRenderer().RenderDocument(ReadXaml<Document>(data));
            if (MemoryProfiler.IsActive)
            /*for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                new ConsoleRenderer().RenderDocument(ReadXaml<Document>(data));*/
            /*if (MemoryProfiler.IsActive)

            Document xamlDoc = ConsoleRenderer.ReadDocumentFromResource(GetType(), "Markup.xaml", data);
            //Document xamlDoc = ConsoleRenderer.ReadDocumentFromResource(GetType().Assembly, "Alba.CsConsoleFormat.ConsoleTest.Markup.xaml", data);
            ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(xamlDoc, new HtmlRenderTarget(File.Create(@"../../Tmp/0.html"), new UTF8Encoding(false)));

            Document builtDoc = new ViewBuilder().CreateDocument(data);
            ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(builtDoc, new HtmlRenderTarget(File.Create(@"../../Tmp/0a.html"), new UTF8Encoding(false)));

            var buffer = new ConsoleBuffer(80) {
                LineCharRenderer = LineCharRenderer.Box,
                //Clip = new Rect(1, 1, 78, 30),
            var rainbow = new[] {
                DarkRed, DarkYellow, DarkGreen, DarkCyan, DarkBlue, DarkMagenta, DarkRed,
                Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta, Red,
            /*for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                buffer.FillRectangle((ConsoleColor)i, i, i, 80 - i * 2, 31 - i * 2);*/
            for (int i = 0; i < rainbow.Length; i++)
                buffer.FillBackgroundRectangle(i, i, 80 - i * 2, (rainbow.Length - i) * 2, rainbow[i]);
            buffer.DrawHorizontalLine(1, 0, 78, White);
            buffer.DrawHorizontalLine(1, 1, 78, White, LineWidth.Wide);
            buffer.DrawHorizontalLine(3, 3, 7, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(1, 1, 9, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(2, 2, 4, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(5, 0, 6, White, LineWidth.Wide);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(5, 0, 6, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(6, 0, 6, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(3, 0, 12, White, LineWidth.Wide);
            buffer.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 80, 32, White, LineWidth.Wide);
            buffer.FillBackgroundVerticalLine(40, 0, 32, Yellow);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(41, 0, 32, White, FullBlock);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(42, 0, 32, White, DarkShade);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(43, 0, 32, White, MediumShade);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(44, 0, 32, White, LightShade);
            buffer.DrawString(15, 15, Black, "Hello world!");
            buffer.DrawString(15, 16, White, "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!");
            //buffer.ApplyBackgroundColorMap(0, 0, buffer.Width, buffer.Height, ColorMaps.Invert);
            //buffer.ApplyForegroundColorMap(0, 0, buffer.Width, buffer.Height, ColorMaps.Invert);

            //new ConsoleRenderTarget().Render(buffer);
            //new ConsoleRenderTarget { ColorOverride = ConsoleColor.White, BackgroundOverride = ConsoleColor.Black }.Render(buffer);
            using (var file = File.Create(@"../../Tmp/1.html"))
                new HtmlRenderTarget(file, new UTF8Encoding(false)).Render(buffer);
            using (var file = new StreamWriter(File.Create(@"../../Tmp/1.ans"), Encoding.GetEncoding("ibm437")) { NewLine = "" })
                new AnsiRenderTarget(file).Render(buffer);
            using (var file = File.Create(@"../../Tmp/1.txt"))
                new TextRenderTarget(file).Render(buffer);
            using (var file = File.Create(@"../../Tmp/1.asc"))
                new TextRenderTarget(file, Encoding.GetEncoding("ibm437")).Render(buffer);

            /*var text = new TextRenderTarget();

            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            /*const string TestString1 = "«»‘’‚‛“”„‟‹›", TestString2 = "─═│║┼╪╫╬";
            foreach (EncodingInfo encodingInfo in Encoding.GetEncodings()) {
                try {
                    Encoding encoding = encodingInfo.GetEncoding();
                    bool matched1 = encoding.GetString(encoding.GetBytes(TestString1)) == TestString1;
                    bool matched2 = encoding.GetString(encoding.GetBytes(TestString2)) == TestString2;
                    Console.OutputEncoding = encoding;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-10}{1,-20}{2}{3} {4} {5}",
                        encodingInfo.CodePage, encodingInfo.Name, matched1 ? "+" : "-", matched2 ? "+" : "-", TestString1, TestString2);
                catch {
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-10}{1,-20}xx FAILED",
                        encodingInfo.CodePage, encodingInfo.Name);
            /*for (int i = 1; i < 10000; i += 10) {
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0,-6}{1} ", (i + j), (char)(i + j));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: jhorv/CsConsoleFormat
 public Document CreateDocument (Data data)
     var cellHeaderThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.Single, LineWidth.Wide);
     return new Document { Color = White, Background = Black }
             "Hello world!",
             new List()
                     data.Items.Select(d => new Div().AddChildren(d.Name))
             new Div()
                     data.Items.Select(d => d.Name + " ")
             new Grid()
                     new Cell { Stroke = cellHeaderThickness }.AddChildren("Id"),
                     new Cell { Stroke = cellHeaderThickness }.AddChildren("Name"),
                     new Cell { Stroke = cellHeaderThickness }.AddChildren("Value"),
                     data.Items.Select(d => new[] {
                         new Cell { Color = Yellow, Align = HorizontalAlignment.Right }.AddChildren(d.Id),
                         new Cell { Color = Gray }.AddChildren(d.Name),
                         new Cell { Color = Gray }.AddChildren(d.Value),
             new Dock { Width = 80, Align = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Color = Gray, Background = Blue }
                     new Div { Width = 20, Margin = new Thickness(1, 1, 0, 1), Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue, TextWrap = TextWrapping.CharWrap }
                         .Set(Dock.ToProperty, DockTo.Left)
                     new Div { Height = 10, Margin = new Thickness(1, 1, 1, 0), Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue }
                         .Set(Dock.ToProperty, DockTo.Top)
                     new Div { Width = 20, Margin = new Thickness(0, 1, 1, 1), Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue }
                         .Set(Dock.ToProperty, DockTo.Right)
                     new Div { Height = 10, Margin = new Thickness(1, 0, 1, 1), Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue }
                         .Set(Dock.ToProperty, DockTo.Bottom)
                     new Border { Margin = 1, Padding = 1, Background = DarkCyan, Shadow = new Thickness(-1, -1, 1, 1), Stroke = LineThickness.Single }
             new Canvas { Width = 80, Height = 43, Align = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Color = Gray, Background = Blue }
                     new Div { Width = 38, Height = 20, Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue, TextWrap = TextWrapping.CharWrap }
                         .Set(Canvas.LeftProperty, 1).Set(Canvas.TopProperty, 1)
                     new Div { Width = 38, Height = 20, Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue }
                         .Set(Canvas.LeftProperty, 1).Set(Canvas.BottomProperty, 1)
                     new Div { Width = 38, Height = 20, Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue }
                         .Set(Canvas.RightProperty, 1).Set(Canvas.TopProperty, 1)
                     new Div { Width = 38, Height = 20, Padding = 1, Background = DarkBlue }
                         .Set(Canvas.RightProperty, 1).Set(Canvas.BottomProperty, 1)
                     new Border { Width = 38, Height = 20, Padding = 1, Background = DarkCyan, Shadow = new Thickness(-1, -1, 1, 1), Stroke = LineThickness.Single }
                         .Set(Canvas.LeftProperty, 21).Set(Canvas.TopProperty, 11)