コード例 #1
 private static int IndividualSelect(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
     for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows; i++)
         long rowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[i, 0];
         if (rowWeight == bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
             return(i); //this row;
         //Lets see if if required data is within +- of cushion factor
         if (rowWeight < bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
             rowWeight += bMatrix.CushionFactor;
             if (rowWeight >= bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
                 return(i); //this row
             rowWeight -= bMatrix.CushionFactor;
             if (rowWeight <= bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
                 return(i); //this row
     return(-1); //We got no single row that can be selected under required criteria
コード例 #2
ファイル: DistributionData.cs プロジェクト: yongwuhou/NCache
        public DistributionData(ArrayList hashMap, Hashtable bucketStatistics, ArrayList members, ILogger NCacheLog, long cacheSizePerNode)
            _members = members;
            int memberCount = _members.Count;

            _hashMapData  = new ArrayList(memberCount);
            _cacheDataSum = 1;

            ArrayList _weightIdList = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < DistributionManager.TotalBuckets; i++)
                HashMapBucket    hmapBuck  = (HashMapBucket)hashMap[i];
                BucketStatistics buckStats = (BucketStatistics)bucketStatistics[i];

                if (buckStats == null)
                    buckStats = new BucketStatistics();

                //Catering for situations when two nodes are balancing and a new node joins in OR
                // two nodes joins one after the other, first one started state transfer while second jumped in.
                if (hmapBuck.Status != BucketStatus.UnderStateTxfr) //include only those buckets that are Functional/NeedStateTr
                    //We are selecting buckets based on temp address; although it is possible that these buckets
                    //might have not been transfered to TEMP owner but algorithm consider these are owned by TEMP owner.
                    WeightIdPair listItem = new WeightIdPair(hmapBuck.BucketId, buckStats.DataSize, hmapBuck.TempAddress);

                _cacheDataSum += buckStats.DataSize; //Lets get the TOTAL weight of the cluster.

            if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled)
                NCacheLog.Info("DistributionData()", "cacheDataSum = " + _cacheDataSum.ToString());

            //Initialize the two very important data pieces. All distribution is based on this.
            _bucketsPerNode = DistributionManager.TotalBuckets / (memberCount + 1);
            _weightPerNode  = _cacheDataSum / (memberCount + 1);

            _distMatrixForNodes = new ArrayList(memberCount);
            long maxCacheSize = cacheSizePerNode * memberCount; //in bytes..CacheSize/node is the one user has entered while creating the cluster

            foreach (Address mbr in _members)
                DistributionMatrix distMatrix = new DistributionMatrix(_weightIdList, mbr, this, NCacheLog);
                distMatrix.MaxCacheSize = maxCacheSize;
コード例 #3
        //All 2-tuples of  the given set. Set is array of %weights against each row.
        private static ArrayList CandidateTuples(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            // here we'll have n choose r scenario. Where we need to choose all possible pairs from the given set
            // for n choose r
            int n = bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows;
            int r = 2;
            int tupleCount = (int)(Factorial(n) / (Factorial(r) * Factorial(n - r)));
            ArrayList listTuples = new ArrayList(tupleCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows; j++)
                    listTuples.Add(new Tuple(i, j));
            return listTuples;
コード例 #4
        //Backbone to be written now.//Two arrays ....both need to give a right combination against required weight.
        private static RowsBalanceResult BalanceWeight(Tuple rowPair, DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            BalanceAction balAction          = new BalanceAction();
            long          weightToMove       = 0;
            long          primaryRowWeight   = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.First, 0];
            long          secondaryRowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.Second, 0];

            if (primaryRowWeight < bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice) //
                weightToMove = bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice - primaryRowWeight;
                weightToMove = (weightToMove * bMatrix.TotalWeight) / 100;
                balAction    = BalanceAction.GainWeight;
                weightToMove = primaryRowWeight - bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice;
                weightToMove = (weightToMove * bMatrix.TotalWeight) / 100;
                balAction    = BalanceAction.LoseWeight;

            long[] primaryRowData   = new long[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            long[] secondaryRowData = new long[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];

            //Fills the local copy of two rows to be manipulated
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                primaryRowData[i]   = bMatrix.Matrix[rowPair.First, i];
                secondaryRowData[i] = bMatrix.Matrix[rowPair.Second, i];
            RowsBalanceResult rbResult = null;

            switch (balAction)
            case BalanceAction.GainWeight:
                rbResult = RowBalanceGainWeight(rowPair, primaryRowData, secondaryRowData, weightToMove, bMatrix);

            case BalanceAction.LoseWeight:
                rbResult = RowBalanceLoseWeight(rowPair, weightToMove, bMatrix);


コード例 #5
        public DistributionData(ArrayList hashMap, Hashtable bucketStatistics, ArrayList members, ILogger NCacheLog, long cacheSizePerNode)
            _members = members;
            int memberCount = _members.Count;
            _hashMapData = new ArrayList(memberCount);
            _cacheDataSum = 1;

            ArrayList _weightIdList = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < DistributionManager.TotalBuckets; i++)
                HashMapBucket hmapBuck = (HashMapBucket)hashMap[i];
                BucketStatistics buckStats = (BucketStatistics)bucketStatistics[i];
                //Catering for situations when two nodes are balancing and a new node joins in OR
                // two nodes joins one after the other, first one started state transfer while second jumped in.
                if (hmapBuck.Status != BucketStatus.UnderStateTxfr) //include only those buckets that are Functional/NeedStateTr
                    //We are selecting buckets based on temp address; although it is possible that these buckets
                    //might have not been transfered to TEMP owner but algorithm consider these are owned by TEMP owner.
                    WeightIdPair listItem = new WeightIdPair(hmapBuck.BucketId, buckStats.DataSize, hmapBuck.TempAddress);

                _cacheDataSum += buckStats.DataSize; //Lets get the TOTAL weight of the cluster.

            if (NCacheLog.IsInfoEnabled) NCacheLog.Info("DistributionData()", "cacheDataSum = " + _cacheDataSum.ToString());

            //Initialize the two very important data pieces. All distribution is based on this.
            _bucketsPerNode = DistributionManager.TotalBuckets / (memberCount + 1);
            _weightPerNode = _cacheDataSum / (memberCount + 1);

            _distMatrixForNodes = new ArrayList(memberCount);
            long maxCacheSize = cacheSizePerNode * memberCount; //in bytes..CacheSize/node is the one user has entered while creating the cluster
            foreach (Address mbr in _members)
                DistributionMatrix distMatrix = new DistributionMatrix(_weightIdList, mbr,this,NCacheLog);
                distMatrix.MaxCacheSize = maxCacheSize;
コード例 #6
        //returns selected array of indicies that are the resultant set to be sacrificed
        public static RowsBalanceResult CompareAndSelect(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            //First Pass:: Check if any individual row can fulfill the reqs .
            int rowNum = IndividualSelect(bMatrix);

            if (rowNum >= 0)
                int[] selectedBuckets = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
                for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                    selectedBuckets[i] = (rowNum * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;
                RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();
                rbResult.ResultIndicies = selectedBuckets;
                rbResult.TargetDistance = Math.Abs(bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowNum, 1] - bMatrix.WeightToSacrifice);
            else //Second pass Compare all pairs.
                ArrayList         allTuples = CandidateTuples(bMatrix);
                RowsBalanceResult rbResultCurr, rbResultToKeep;
                rbResultCurr = null; rbResultToKeep = null;

                foreach (Tuple pair in allTuples)
                    rbResultCurr = BalanceWeight(pair, bMatrix);
                    if (rbResultToKeep == null)
                        rbResultToKeep = rbResultCurr;

                    //If the current result is more optimized then previous then current is the candidate.
                    if (rbResultCurr.TargetDistance < rbResultToKeep.TargetDistance)
                        rbResultToKeep = rbResultCurr;
コード例 #7
        //We have the matrix. We need no weight balancing, but we need shuffled indexes to be selected. Here comes the routine and algo.
        // Shuffle works the way of moving diagonally within a matrix. If we reach end column, move to first row but extended column.
        public static RowsBalanceResult ShuffleSelect(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();
            int[] selectedBuckets = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; )
                for (int j = 0; j < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows && i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; j++, i++)
                    if (bMatrix.Matrix[j, i] == -1)
                        selectedBuckets[i] = (j * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;

            rbResult.ResultIndicies = selectedBuckets;
            rbResult.TargetDistance = 0;
            return rbResult;
コード例 #8
        //Balances two rows in a way that primary need to lose some weight to get the resultant weight.
        //As secondary is always higher weight then primary, so primary cant lose weight. This makes it 
        //straight forward.

        private static RowsBalanceResult RowBalanceLoseWeight(Tuple rowPair, long weightToLose, DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            int[] primaryIndicies = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];

            RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();
            //lets first populated indicies list for each row.This would help in geting the final set of indicies.
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                primaryIndicies[i] = (rowPair.First * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;

            rbResult.ResultIndicies = primaryIndicies;
            rbResult.TargetDistance = weightToLose;

            return rbResult;
コード例 #9
        //Balances two rows in a way that primary need to add some more weight to get the resultant weight.

        private static RowsBalanceResult RowBalanceGainWeight(Tuple rowPair, long[] primaryRowData, long[] secondaryRowData, long weightToGain, DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            int[] primaryIndicies = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            int[] secondaryIndicies = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            int  tmpIndex, primaryLockAt, secondaryLockAt;            
            long primaryRowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.First, 1];
            long secondaryRowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.Second, 1];
            long weightToAchieve, primaryDistance, secondaryDistance, tmpWeightPri, tmpWeightSec, weightDifference;

            bool primarySelect = false;
            primaryLockAt = -1;
            secondaryLockAt = -1;
            primaryDistance = 0;
            secondaryDistance = 0;
            bool bSecondaryNeedsToLoose = true;
            //total weight to be made 
            weightToAchieve = primaryRowWeight + weightToGain;

            RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();

            // for example first-row weight = 1000, second-row weight = 2000, required weight = 3000, 
            // in this case second row need not to lose weight, so no need to keep it as a candidate.
            if (secondaryRowWeight < weightToAchieve)
                bSecondaryNeedsToLoose = false;

            //lets first populated indicies list for each row.This would help in geting the final set of indicies.
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                primaryIndicies[i] = (rowPair.First * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;
                secondaryIndicies[i] = (rowPair.Second * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;

            //in this loop I am checking both ways. The one that needs to gain weight and the one that looses 
            //weight in result. So any row can match the required weight. After each loop, each swap I check
            //for the criteria against both rows. In the end I get two indexes against both rows along with
            //possible extra/deficient count.
            //In Loose weight, primary is already high from the target,so no chance of secondary 

            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                tmpWeightPri = primaryRowData[i];
                tmpWeightSec = secondaryRowData[i];

                weightDifference = tmpWeightSec - tmpWeightPri;

                primaryRowWeight += weightDifference;
                secondaryRowWeight -= weightDifference;

                if (primaryRowWeight > weightToAchieve && primaryLockAt == -1)
                    long diffAfterSwap = primaryRowWeight - weightToAchieve;
                    long diffBeforeSwap = weightToAchieve - (primaryRowWeight - weightDifference);
                    if (diffAfterSwap >= diffBeforeSwap)
                        primaryLockAt = i - 1;
                        primaryDistance = diffBeforeSwap;
                        primaryLockAt = i;
                        primaryDistance = diffAfterSwap;

                //Do secondary really needs to loose weight ?? Not all the time.
                if (secondaryRowWeight < weightToAchieve && secondaryLockAt == -1 && bSecondaryNeedsToLoose)
                    long diffAfterSwap = weightToAchieve - secondaryRowWeight;
                    long diffBeforeSwap = (secondaryRowWeight + weightDifference) - weightToAchieve;

                    if (diffAfterSwap >= diffBeforeSwap)
                        secondaryLockAt = i - 1;
                        secondaryDistance = diffBeforeSwap;
                        secondaryLockAt = i;
                        secondaryDistance = diffAfterSwap;

            if (primaryLockAt != -1 && secondaryLockAt != -1) //if we found both rows be candidates then select one with less error
                if (primaryDistance <= secondaryDistance)
                    primarySelect = true;
                    primarySelect = false;
                if (primaryLockAt != -1)
                    primarySelect = true;

                if (secondaryLockAt != -1)
                    primarySelect = false;

            //unfortunately we found nothing ... So give the first row back with overhead value
            if (primaryLockAt == -1 && secondaryLockAt == -1)
                primarySelect = true;
                primaryDistance = weightToAchieve - primaryRowWeight;

            int swapCount = (primarySelect == true) ? primaryLockAt : secondaryLockAt;

            //do the items swapping according to swap count value
            for (int i = 0; i <= swapCount; i++)
                tmpIndex = primaryIndicies[i];
                primaryIndicies[i] = secondaryIndicies[i];
                secondaryIndicies[i] = tmpIndex;

            if (primarySelect == true)
                rbResult.ResultIndicies = primaryIndicies;
                rbResult.TargetDistance = primaryDistance;
                rbResult.ResultIndicies = secondaryIndicies;
                rbResult.TargetDistance = secondaryDistance;

            return rbResult;
コード例 #10
        //All 2-tuples of  the given set. Set is array of %weights against each row.
        private static ArrayList CandidateTuples(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            // here we'll have n choose r scenario. Where we need to choose all possible pairs from the given set
            // for n choose r
            int n = bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows;
            int r = 2;
            int tupleCount = (int)(Factorial(n) / (Factorial(r) * Factorial(n - r)));
            ArrayList listTuples = new ArrayList(tupleCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows; j++)                    
                    listTuples.Add(new Tuple(i, j));
            return listTuples;
コード例 #11
        /*  public static RowsBalanceResult BucketSelectionFromTuples(ArrayList allTuples,DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
              int primaryRow; //This row would be modified to acomodae required weight.
              int secondaryRow; //This row would be consulted to make primaryRow workable
              for (int i = 0; i < allTuples.Count; i++)
                  Tuple tempTuple = allTuples[i];
                  int firstWeight = bMatrix.WeightMatrix[tempTuple.First][0];
                  int secondWeight = bMatrix.WeightMatrix[tempTuple.second][0];
                  // Calculate which Move is cost-effective, Moving data from first to second or moving from second to first
                  if (CalcMoveCost(firstWeight, bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice) <= CalcMoveCost(secondWeight, bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice))
                      primaryRow = tempTuple.First;
                      secondarayRow = tempTuple.Second;
                      primaryRow = tempTuple.Second;
                      secondarayRow = tempTuple.First;
          }    */

        /*// Calculates cost to make sourceweight to be equal to desired weight. This can be in + and -. We take absolute value though.
        public static int CalcMoveCost(int sourceWeight,int toMoveWeight)
            if (sourceWeight < toMoveWeight) //
                return (toMoveWeight - sourceWeight);

            if (sourceWeight > toMoveWeight)
                return (sourceWeight - toMoveWeight);

            if (sourceWeight == toMoveWeight)
                return 0;

        //Backbone to be written now.//Two arrays ....both need to give a right combination against required weight.
        private static RowsBalanceResult BalanceWeight(Tuple rowPair, DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            BalanceAction balAction = new BalanceAction();
            long weightToMove = 0;
            long primaryRowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.First, 0];
            long secondaryRowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.Second, 0];

            if (primaryRowWeight < bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice) //
                weightToMove = bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice - primaryRowWeight;
                weightToMove = (weightToMove * bMatrix.TotalWeight) / 100;
                balAction = BalanceAction.GainWeight;
                weightToMove = primaryRowWeight - bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice;
                weightToMove = (weightToMove * bMatrix.TotalWeight) / 100;
                balAction = BalanceAction.LoseWeight;

            long[] primaryRowData = new long[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            long[] secondaryRowData = new long[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];

            //Fills the local copy of two rows to be manipulated
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                primaryRowData[i] = bMatrix.Matrix[rowPair.First, i];
                secondaryRowData[i] = bMatrix.Matrix[rowPair.Second, i];
            RowsBalanceResult rbResult= null;
            switch (balAction)
                case BalanceAction.GainWeight:                    
                    rbResult = RowBalanceGainWeight(rowPair, primaryRowData, secondaryRowData, weightToMove, bMatrix);
                case BalanceAction.LoseWeight:
                    rbResult = RowBalanceLoseWeight(rowPair, weightToMove, bMatrix);

            return rbResult;
コード例 #12
        private static int IndividualSelect(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows; i++)
                long rowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[i, 0];
                if (rowWeight == bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
                    return i; //this row;

                //Lets see if if required data is within +- of cushion factor
                if (rowWeight < bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
                    rowWeight += bMatrix.CushionFactor;
                    if (rowWeight >= bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
                        return i; //this row                
                    rowWeight -= bMatrix.CushionFactor;
                    if (rowWeight <= bMatrix.PercentWeightToSacrifice)
                        return i; //this row                
            return -1; //We got no single row that can be selected under required criteria
コード例 #13
        //returns selected array of indicies that are the resultant set to be sacrificed
        public static RowsBalanceResult CompareAndSelect(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            //First Pass:: Check if any individual row can fulfill the reqs .
            int rowNum = IndividualSelect(bMatrix);

            if (rowNum >= 0)
                int[] selectedBuckets = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
                for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                    selectedBuckets[i] = (rowNum * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;
                RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();
                rbResult.ResultIndicies = selectedBuckets;
                rbResult.TargetDistance = Math.Abs(bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowNum, 1] - bMatrix.WeightToSacrifice);
                return rbResult;
            else //Second pass Compare all pairs.
                ArrayList allTuples = CandidateTuples(bMatrix);
                RowsBalanceResult rbResultCurr, rbResultToKeep;
                rbResultCurr = null; rbResultToKeep = null;

                foreach (Tuple pair in allTuples)
                    rbResultCurr = BalanceWeight(pair, bMatrix);
                    if (rbResultToKeep == null)
                        rbResultToKeep = rbResultCurr;

                    //If the current result is more optimized then previous then current is the candidate.
                    if (rbResultCurr.TargetDistance < rbResultToKeep.TargetDistance)
                        rbResultToKeep = rbResultCurr;
                return rbResultToKeep;
コード例 #14
     /*   public static ArrayList CandidateSelection(ArrayList sortedBucketsForNode, int nodesToSacrifice, int weightToSacrifice)
            int _matrixWidth = nodesToSacrifice;
            double _matrixHeightDbl = sortedBucketsForNode.Count / nodesToSacrifice;
            int _matrixHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(_matrixHeightDbl));
            int _matrixItemsCount = _matrixHeight * _matrixWidth;
            int _ignoreItems = _matrixItemsCount - sortedBucketsForNode.Count;
            BucketMatrix _bMatrix = GetMatrix(_matrixHeight, _matrixWidth, sortedBucketsForNode, weightToSacrifice);

            return null;


     /*   private static BucketMatrix GetMatrix(int matrixH, int matrixW, ArrayList sortedBucketsForNode, int weightToSacrifice)
            int[,] bucketMatrix = new int[matrixH, matrixW];
            int indexCount = 0;
            int itemsCount = sortedBucketsForNode.Count;

            //Fill up the Matrix with buckets for THIS node.
            for (int width = 0; width < matrixW; width++)
                for (int height = 0; height < matrixH; height++)
                    if (indexCount < itemsCount)
                        bucketMatrix[width, height] = Convert.ToInt32(sortedBucketsForNode[indexCount++]);
                        bucketMatrix[width, height] = -1;
            BucketMatrix bMatrix = new BucketMatrix(bucketMatrix, matrixH, matrixW, weightToSacrifice);
            return bMatrix;


        //We have the matrix. We need no weight balancing, but we need shuffled indexes to be selected. Here comes the routine and algo.
        // Shuffle works the way of moving diagonally within a matrix. If we reach end column, move to first row but extended column.
        public static RowsBalanceResult ShuffleSelect(DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();
            int[] selectedBuckets = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; )
                for (int j = 0; j < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Rows && i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; j++, i++)
                    if (bMatrix.Matrix[j, i] == -1)
                        selectedBuckets[i] = (j * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;

            rbResult.ResultIndicies = selectedBuckets;
            rbResult.TargetDistance = 0;
            return rbResult;
コード例 #15
        //Balances two rows in a way that primary need to lose some weight to get the resultant weight.
        //As secondary is always higher weight then primary, so primary cant lose weight. This makes it
        //straight forward.
        private static RowsBalanceResult RowBalanceLoseWeight(Tuple rowPair, long weightToLose, DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            int[] primaryIndicies = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];

            RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();
            //lets first populated indicies list for each row.This would help in geting the final set of indicies.
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                primaryIndicies[i] = (rowPair.First * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;

            rbResult.ResultIndicies = primaryIndicies;
            rbResult.TargetDistance = weightToLose;

            return rbResult;
コード例 #16
        //Balances two rows in a way that primary need to add some more weight to get the resultant weight.
        private static RowsBalanceResult RowBalanceGainWeight(Tuple rowPair, long[] primaryRowData, long[] secondaryRowData, long weightToGain, DistributionMatrix bMatrix)
            int[] primaryIndicies = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            int[] secondaryIndicies = new int[bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols];
            int  tmpIndex, primaryLockAt, secondaryLockAt;
            long primaryRowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.First, 1];
            long secondaryRowWeight = bMatrix.WeightPercentMatrix[rowPair.Second, 1];
            long weightToAchieve, primaryDistance, secondaryDistance, tmpWeightPri, tmpWeightSec, weightDifference;

            bool primarySelect = false;
            primaryLockAt = -1;
            secondaryLockAt = -1;
            primaryDistance = 0;
            secondaryDistance = 0;
            bool bSecondaryNeedsToLoose = true;
            //total weight to be made
            weightToAchieve = primaryRowWeight + weightToGain;

            RowsBalanceResult rbResult = new RowsBalanceResult();

            // for example first-row weight = 1000, second-row weight = 2000, required weight = 3000,
            // in this case second row need not to lose weight, so no need to keep it as a candidate.
            if (secondaryRowWeight < weightToAchieve)
                bSecondaryNeedsToLoose = false;

            //lets first populated indicies list for each row.This would help in geting the final set of indicies.
            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                primaryIndicies[i] = (rowPair.First * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;
                secondaryIndicies[i] = (rowPair.Second * bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols) + i;

            //in this loop I am checking both ways. The one that needs to gain weight and the one that looses
            //weight in result. So any row can match the required weight. After each loop, each swap I check
            //for the criteria against both rows. In the end I get two indexes against both rows along with
            //possible extra/deficient count.
            //In Loose weight, primary is already high from the target,so no chance of secondary

            for (int i = 0; i < bMatrix.MatrixDimension.Cols; i++)
                tmpWeightPri = primaryRowData[i];
                tmpWeightSec = secondaryRowData[i];

                weightDifference = tmpWeightSec - tmpWeightPri;

                primaryRowWeight += weightDifference;
                secondaryRowWeight -= weightDifference;

                if (primaryRowWeight > weightToAchieve && primaryLockAt == -1)
                    long diffAfterSwap = primaryRowWeight - weightToAchieve;
                    long diffBeforeSwap = weightToAchieve - (primaryRowWeight - weightDifference);
                    if (diffAfterSwap >= diffBeforeSwap)
                        primaryLockAt = i - 1;
                        primaryDistance = diffBeforeSwap;
                        primaryLockAt = i;
                        primaryDistance = diffAfterSwap;

                //Do secondary really needs to loose weight ?? Not all the time.

                if (secondaryRowWeight < weightToAchieve && secondaryLockAt == -1 && bSecondaryNeedsToLoose)
                    long diffAfterSwap = weightToAchieve - secondaryRowWeight;
                    long diffBeforeSwap = (secondaryRowWeight + weightDifference) - weightToAchieve;

                    if (diffAfterSwap >= diffBeforeSwap)
                        secondaryLockAt = i - 1;
                        secondaryDistance = diffBeforeSwap;
                        secondaryLockAt = i;
                        secondaryDistance = diffAfterSwap;

            if (primaryLockAt != -1 && secondaryLockAt != -1) //if we found both rows be candidates then select one with less error
                if (primaryDistance <= secondaryDistance)
                    primarySelect = true;
                    primarySelect = false;
                if (primaryLockAt != -1)
                    primarySelect = true;

                if (secondaryLockAt != -1)
                    primarySelect = false;

            //unfortunately we found nothing ... So give the first row back with overhead value
            if (primaryLockAt == -1 && secondaryLockAt == -1)
                primarySelect = true;
                primaryDistance = weightToAchieve - primaryRowWeight;

            int swapCount = (primarySelect == true) ? primaryLockAt : secondaryLockAt;

            //do the items swapping according to swap count value
            for (int i = 0; i <= swapCount; i++)
                tmpIndex = primaryIndicies[i];
                primaryIndicies[i] = secondaryIndicies[i];
                secondaryIndicies[i] = tmpIndex;

            if (primarySelect == true)
                rbResult.ResultIndicies = primaryIndicies;
                rbResult.TargetDistance = primaryDistance;
                rbResult.ResultIndicies = secondaryIndicies;
                rbResult.TargetDistance = secondaryDistance;

            return rbResult;