コード例 #1
        public static Bitmap GetMergedBitmap(AddTexImageInfo[] images, OptimizedImgParams[] xLimits,
                                             int mergedImgWidth, int mergedImgHeight)
            var heightOfEachImage = images[0].ImageBitmap.Height;

            if (images.Any(image => image.ImageBitmap.Height != heightOfEachImage))
                throw new Exception("GetMergedBitmap: All images should be of the same height");

            var mergedBitmap = new Bitmap(mergedImgWidth, mergedImgHeight);
            var g            = Graphics.FromImage(mergedBitmap);

            g.Clear(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200));
            g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;

            var previousImgWidths = 0;

            for (var index = 0; index < images.Length; index++)
                for (var y = 0; y < heightOfEachImage; y++)
                    var image = images[index];

                    //in the merged image, the original bitmaps are stacked one next to the other
                    //the widths of the stacked images are cropped to their optimizedWidth

                    //move forward by the previous image width
                    var mergedImageXPos = previousImgWidths;

                    if (xLimits[index].XLimitsAtYIndices[y].Min >= xLimits[index].OptimizedImgMin)
                        //move forward by the cropped min
                        mergedImageXPos += xLimits[index].XLimitsAtYIndices[y].Min - xLimits[index].OptimizedImgMin;

                        //Copy the pixel data from the image
                        for (int x = xLimits[index].XLimitsAtYIndices[y].Min, noOfPixels = 1;
                             noOfPixels <= xLimits[index].XLimitsAtYIndices[y].Width;
                             noOfPixels++, x++)
                            var pixel = image.ImageBitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
                            mergedBitmap.SetPixel(mergedImageXPos, y, pixel);
                previousImgWidths += xLimits[index].OptimizedImgWidth;

            //fill up blank spaces by extending edges
            TexImageOptimizer.ExtendTextureToAllSidesOfImage(mergedBitmap, 0);

コード例 #2
        public static ImgIndexRange GetNextIndexRangeFromLeft(int beyondThisIndex, Bitmap img, int y, bool validInvalidFlag)
            var startIndex = -1;

            for (var ctr = beyondThisIndex + 1; ctr >= 0 && ctr < img.Width; ctr++)
                var valid = TexImageOptimizer.IsValidPixel(ctr, y, img);
                if (valid == validInvalidFlag)
                    startIndex = ctr;

            if (startIndex < 0)

            var endIndex = startIndex;

            for (var ctr = startIndex + 1; ctr >= 0 && ctr < img.Width; ctr++)
                var valid = TexImageOptimizer.IsValidPixel(ctr, y, img);
                if (valid == validInvalidFlag)
                    endIndex = ctr;
                    break; //looking for continuous stream of pixels of same type (valid or invalid)

            return(new ImgIndexRange {
                MinIndex = startIndex, MaxIndex = endIndex
コード例 #3
        internal static void ExtendRightTextureAtYValue(Bitmap img, int y, int consecutiveValidSidePixelsToOverlay)
            var nextRange = IndexRangeProcessor.GetNextIndexRangeFromRight(img.Width, img, y, validInvalidFlag: false);

            while (nextRange != null)
                if (consecutiveValidSidePixelsToOverlay > 0)
                    var validRange = IndexRangeProcessor.GetNextIndexRangeFromRight(nextRange.MinIndex, img, y, validInvalidFlag: true);
                    if (validRange != null && (validRange.MaxIndex + 1 - validRange.MinIndex) > consecutiveValidSidePixelsToOverlay)
                        nextRange.MinIndex = nextRange.MinIndex - consecutiveValidSidePixelsToOverlay;
                var indexOfPixelToOverlay = nextRange.MinIndex - 1;
                if (0 <= indexOfPixelToOverlay && indexOfPixelToOverlay < img.Width)
                    var colorForOverlay = img.GetPixel(indexOfPixelToOverlay, y);
                    TexImageOptimizer.ColorPixels(nextRange.MinIndex, nextRange.MaxIndex, colorForOverlay, img, y);
                nextRange = IndexRangeProcessor.GetNextIndexRangeFromRight(nextRange.MinIndex, img, y, validInvalidFlag: false);