private void ReadReplacementFile(TextReaderWrapper tr, string textFileName) { textFileName = Path.GetFullPath(textFileName); if (IncludedFiles.Contains(textFileName.ToUpperInvariant())) { return; } IncludedFiles.Set(textFileName.ToUpperInvariant()); string line; while (true) { line = tr.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } //remove initial whitespace line = line.TrimStart(); //check for "#include" if (line.StartsWith("#include ")) { string filenameToInclude = line.Substring("#include ".Length); //check for quotes? if (filenameToInclude.StartsWith("\"") && filenameToInclude.EndsWith("\"")) { filenameToInclude = filenameToInclude.Substring(1, filenameToInclude.Length - 2); } string basePath = tr.DirectoryName; filenameToInclude = Path.Combine(basePath, filenameToInclude); if (!File.Exists(filenameToInclude)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find file: " + filenameToInclude, filenameToInclude); } if (File.Exists(filenameToInclude) && !IncludedFiles.Contains(filenameToInclude.ToUpperInvariant())) { IncludedFiles.Add(filenameToInclude.ToUpperInvariant()); var encoding = EncodingDetector.DetectEncoding(filenameToInclude); tr.IncludeTextReader(new StreamReader(filenameToInclude, encoding)); } continue; } //remove commented text int indexOfComment = line.IndexOf('#'); if (indexOfComment >= 0) { line = line.Substring(0, indexOfComment); } //reading one of these lines: //CODE //function x functionName (or func, f) //string x text (or str, s) //message x text (or msg, m) //id x text (or i) //x text (same as id x text) string lineTrim = line.Trim(); if (lineTrim.Equals("CODE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || lineTrim.Equals("CODE2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { bool isCode2 = lineTrim.Equals("CODE2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); StringBuilder codeText = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { line = tr.ReadLine(); lineTrim = line.Trim(); if (lineTrim.StartsWith("#include")) { string filenameToInclude = lineTrim.Substring("#include ".Length); //check for quotes? if (filenameToInclude.StartsWith("\"") && filenameToInclude.EndsWith("\"")) { filenameToInclude = filenameToInclude.Substring(1, filenameToInclude.Length - 2); } string basePath = tr.DirectoryName; if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filenameToInclude)) { filenameToInclude = Path.Combine(basePath, filenameToInclude); } filenameToInclude = Path.GetFullPath(filenameToInclude); if (!File.Exists(filenameToInclude)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find file: " + filenameToInclude, filenameToInclude); } if (File.Exists(filenameToInclude) && !IncludedFiles.Contains(filenameToInclude.ToUpperInvariant())) { IncludedFiles.Add(filenameToInclude.ToUpperInvariant()); if (isCode2) { //replace with #include <fullpath>, let the compiler handle the actual include codeText.AppendLine("#include " + AssemblerProjectWriter.EscapeAndQuoteString(filenameToInclude)); } else { var encoding = EncodingDetector.DetectEncoding(filenameToInclude); tr.IncludeTextReader(new StreamReader(filenameToInclude, encoding)); } } continue; } if (lineTrim.ToUpperInvariant() == "ENDCODE") { if (isCode2) { CodePatches2.AppendLine(codeText.ToString()); } else { CodePatches.Set(currentFunctionName, codeText.ToString()); } break; } else { codeText.AppendLine(line); } } continue; } //find first space int spaceIndex = line.IndexOf(' '); if (spaceIndex == -1) { continue; } string tagName = line.Substring(0, spaceIndex); line = line.Substring(spaceIndex + 1); int number; //if it starts with a number, it's a legacy text replacement if (IntUtil.TryParse(tagName, out number) == true) { tagName = "id"; } else { bool isFunction = false; string tagNameLower = tagName.ToLowerInvariant(); if (tagNameLower == "f" || tagNameLower == "func" || tagNameLower == "function") { isFunction = true; } line = line.TrimStart(); spaceIndex = line.IndexOf(' '); if (spaceIndex == -1) { if (isFunction) { number = -1; } else { continue; } } else { string numberString = line.Substring(0, spaceIndex); line = line.Substring(spaceIndex + 1); if (IntUtil.TryParse(numberString, out number) == false) { if (isFunction) { line = numberString + " " + line; number = -1; } else { continue; } } } } line = StringExportImport.UnescapeText(line); switch (tagName.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "f": case "func": case "function": string nextFunctionName = line.Trim(); var function = ainFile.GetFunction(number); if (function == null) { function = ainFile.GetFunction(nextFunctionName); if (function == null) { continue; } } currentFunctionName = function.Name; stringDictionary = stringEntries.GetOrAddNew(currentFunctionName); messageDictionary = messageEntries.GetOrAddNew(currentFunctionName); break; case "string": case "str": case "s": stringDictionary.Set(number, line); break; case "msg": case "message": case "m": messageDictionary.Set(number, line); break; case "i": case "id": numberedStrings.Set(number, line); break; } } }
public void LoadFile(string fileName) { var text = File.ReadAllText(fileName); var document = XDocument.Parse(text); var rootElement = document.Element(XNamespace.None + "root"); if (rootElement == null) { return; } foreach (var element in rootElement.Elements()) { if (element.IsNamed("variable")) { var metaData = TryReadMetadata(element); string name = element.GetAttribute("name"); if (name != null && metaData != null) { IVariable variable = null; string parentFunctionName = element.GetAttribute("function"); string parentStructName = element.GetAttribute("struct"); var parentFunction = ainFile.GetFunction(parentFunctionName); var parentStruct = ainFile.GetStruct(parentStructName); var function = ainFile.GetFunction(name); var structInfo = ainFile.GetStruct(name); var global = ainFile.GetGlobal(name); if (parentFunction != null) { int index; if (!int.TryParse(name, out index)) { variable = ainFile.GetFunctionParameter(parentFunction, name); } else { variable = ainFile.GetFunctionParameter(parentFunction, index); } } else if (parentStruct != null) { variable = ainFile.GetStructMember(parentStruct, name); } else if (function != null) { variable = function; } else if (structInfo != null) { variable = structInfo; } else if (global != null) { variable = global; } if (variable != null) { Metadata[variable] = metaData; } } } else if (element.IsNamed("enumeration")) { string name = element.GetAttribute("name"); if (name != null) { var enumeration = this.EnumerationTypes.GetOrAddNew(name); enumeration.Name = name; foreach (var enumerationElement in element.Elements()) { if (enumerationElement.IsNamed("item")) { string itemName = enumerationElement.GetAttribute("name"); string itemValueString = enumerationElement.GetAttribute("value"); if (itemName != null && itemValueString != null) { int itemValue; if (int.TryParse(itemValueString, out itemValue)) { enumeration.Add(itemValue, itemName); } } } } } } else if (element.IsNamed("globalgroup")) { string indexString = element.GetAttribute("index"); int index; if (IntUtil.TryParse(indexString, out index)) { var metaData = TryReadMetadata(element); if (metaData != null) { this.GlobalGroupMetadata.Set(index, metaData); } } } } }