コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: TANIAX/C-Assaultcube-Aimbot
        //With this we see which enemy is closest to OUR player, we return their index that way we aim directly

        private int FindClosestEnemyIndex(PlayerDataVec[] enemiesDataVec, PlayerDataVec myPosition)
            float[] distances = new float[enemiesDataVec.Length];

            //store all our distances between us and the enemies to see which is closest
            for (int i = 0; i < enemiesDataVec.Length; i++)
                //only store their distance if they are ALIVE
                if (enemiesDataVec[i].health > 0)
                    distances[i] = Get3dDistance(enemiesDataVec[i], myPosition);
                    // sets these as very high floats
                    distances[i] = float.MaxValue;
            //Make a copy of our array so we dont lose track of which position our closest enemy is
            float[] newDistances = new float[distances.Length];
            Array.Copy(distances, newDistances, distances.Length);

            //sorts our array from LOWEST TO HIGHEST

            //See which enemy was closest and return that Index for us to aim at them
            for (int i = 0; i < distances.Length; i++)
                if (distances[i] == newDistances[0])
コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: TANIAX/C-Assaultcube-Aimbot
 private float Get3dDistance(PlayerDataVec to, PlayerDataVec from)
                 ((to.xPos - from.xPos) * (to.xPos - from.xPos)) +
                 ((to.yPos - from.yPos) * (to.yPos - from.yPos)) +
                 ((to.zPos - from.zPos) * (to.zPos - from.zPos))
コード例 #3
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: TANIAX/C-Assaultcube-Aimbot
        private void AimAtTarget(PlayerDataVec enemyDataVector, PlayerDataVec playerDataVector)
            float yaw = -(float)Math.Atan2(enemyDataVector.xPos - playerDataVector.xPos, enemyDataVector.yPos - playerDataVector.yPos)
                        / PI * 180 + 180;

            float pitch = (float)Math.Asin((enemyDataVector.zPos - playerDataVector.zPos) /
                                           Get3dDistance(enemyDataVector, playerDataVector))
                          * 180 / PI;

            //Set our  mouse values with our new YAW and PITCH
            Mem.WriteFloat(MainPlayer.baseAddress + MainPlayer.offsets.yaw, yaw);
            Mem.WriteFloat(MainPlayer.baseAddress + MainPlayer.offsets.pitch, pitch);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: TANIAX/C-Assaultcube-Aimbot
        //get all the data and store it
        private PlayerDataVec GetPlayerVecData(PlayerData updatePlayer)
            PlayerDataVec playerRet = new PlayerDataVec();

            playerRet.yaw   = Mem.ReadFloat(updatePlayer.baseAddress + updatePlayer.offsets.yaw);
            playerRet.pitch = Mem.ReadFloat(updatePlayer.baseAddress + updatePlayer.offsets.pitch);

            playerRet.xPos = Mem.ReadFloat(updatePlayer.baseAddress + updatePlayer.offsets.xPos);
            playerRet.yPos = Mem.ReadFloat(updatePlayer.baseAddress + updatePlayer.offsets.yPos);
            playerRet.zPos = Mem.ReadFloat(updatePlayer.baseAddress + updatePlayer.offsets.zPos);

            playerRet.health = Mem.ReadInt(updatePlayer.baseAddress + updatePlayer.offsets.health);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: TANIAX/C-Assaultcube-Aimbot
        private void AimBot()
            //Grab our player's information
            PlayerDataVec playerDataVec = GetPlayerVecData(MainPlayer);
            //this will store every enemy that we have information
            List <PlayerDataVec> enemiesDataVec = new List <PlayerDataVec>();

            for (int i = 0; i < EnemyAddresses.Count; i++)
                //Using our pointer we grab all the enemies information
                PlayerDataVec enemyDataVector = GetPlayerVecData(EnemyAddresses[i]);
                //add our enemy information to the list if hes alive otherwise ignore them

            //only aim if we are ALIVE
            if (playerDataVec.health > 0)
                int target = 0;
                if (FocusingOnEnemy && FocusTarget != -1)
                    //If our previous target is still alive we focus on them otherwise go after someone else
                    if (enemiesDataVec[FocusTarget].health > 0)
                        target = FocusTarget;
                        target = FindClosestEnemyIndex(enemiesDataVec.ToArray(), playerDataVec);
                else//By default aim at the first guy that appears, with this we focus on whos closest to us
                    target = FindClosestEnemyIndex(enemiesDataVec.ToArray(), playerDataVec);

                //if there are more enemies we find the closest one to us then aim
                if (target != -1) //-1 means something went wrong
                    FocusTarget = target;
                    //this condition is only here in case all enemies are dead to aim at NO one
                    //previously if all were dead it would aim at the last guy killed
                    if (enemiesDataVec[target].health > 0)
                        AimAtTarget(enemiesDataVec[target], playerDataVec);