public static void Initialize() { if (Settings != null) return; _settings = new Settings(); // run this first as it has the information in it we need GetDatabaseSettings(); // now get email setting as database hits will send email out if does not work EmailSettings(); // Aggregator settings GetAggregatorSettings(); // get logging settings GetLoggingSettings(); // Get the data used for mark-up etc GetLookupSettings(); _settings.WriteData = new WriteData(); // set the logging going _settings.LoggingSettings.AccommodationJobHost = new AccommodationJobHost(_settings); AccommodationTimer.Start(_settings); // set this last as we need Settings = _settings; }
internal static Dictionary<int, string> CityAsIata(Settings settings) { var returnData = new Dictionary<int, string>(); // Create and open the connection in a using block. This // ensures that all resources will be closed and disposed // when the code exits. using (var connection = new SqlConnection(settings.DatabaseSettings.ReadConnectionString)) { // Create the Command and Parameter objects. var command = new SqlCommand("dbo.[spPtsCityGetAll]", connection) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; // Open the connection in a try/catch block. try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { returnData.Add((int)reader["CityCode"], (string)reader["Iata"]); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendErrorEmail(ex, "Error getting CityAsIata", settings); } return returnData; } }
private static string GetH2H(long cityCode, AggregatorSetting aggregatorSetting, Settings settings) { if (settings.LookupSettings.H2HToSearch.ContainsKey(cityCode)) return settings.LookupSettings.H2HToSearch[cityCode]; return aggregatorSetting.H2HDefault; }
public static List<AggregatorSetting> GetAggregatorAuthentication(Settings settings) { var returnData = new List<AggregatorSetting>(); // Create and open the connection in a using block. This // ensures that all resources will be closed and disposed // when the code exits. using (var connection = new SqlConnection(settings.DatabaseSettings.ReadConnectionString)) { // Create the Command and Parameter objects. var command = new SqlCommand("dbo.spAuthenticationGetAll", connection) {CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure}; // Open the connection in a try/catch block. try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { var setting = new AggregatorSetting { Enabled = (bool)reader["Enabled"], H2HDefault = (string)reader["H2HDefault"], UserName = (string)reader["UserName"], Password = (string)reader["Password"], Id = (int)reader["Id"], PtsPassword = (string)reader["PTSPassword"], PtsUserName = (string)reader["PTSUserName"], HotelConcurrentSearches = (int)reader["HotelConcurrentSearches"], Tracker = (string)reader["Tracker"], PtsNetwork = (string)reader["PtsNetwork"], PtsTimeOut = (int)reader["PtsTimeOut"], PtsUrl = (string)reader["PtsUrl"], }; var featureCode = (string)reader["PtsFeatureCode"]; setting.PtsFeatureCode = featureCode.Contains(",") ? featureCode.Split(',') : new[] { featureCode }; returnData.Add(setting); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendErrorEmail(ex, "Error getting GetAggregatorAuthentication", settings); } return returnData; } }
public static bool CheckIfWeAreOkToSearch(AggregatorSetting aggregatorSetting, Settings settings) { AddToSearchCount(aggregatorSetting); lock (ThisLock) { if (aggregatorSetting.CurrentSearches > aggregatorSetting.HotelConcurrentSearches) { ErrorHelper.SendErrorEmail(new Exception("Speed limit error"), "Too many searches was carried out: <br />Aggregator: " + aggregatorSetting.UserName + "<br />Current Searches: " + GetCurrentSearchCount(aggregatorSetting) + "<br />Maximum Searches: " + aggregatorSetting.HotelConcurrentSearches, settings); return false; } } return true; }
public static bool SendErrorEmail(Exception exception, string errorMessage, Settings settings) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<h2>Error on aggregator</h2>"); sb.Append("<p>Server: "); sb.Append(Environment.MachineName); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append("<p>Date: "); sb.Append(DateTime.Now); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append("<p>Error Message: "); sb.Append(errorMessage); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append("<p>Exception: "); sb.Append(exception.Message); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append("<p>Exception: "); sb.Append(exception.StackTrace); sb.Append("</p>"); try { var mail = new MailMessage { Subject = "Aggregator Error " + DateTime.Now, From = new MailAddress(settings.MailSettings.ErrorMailFrom), IsBodyHtml = true, Body = sb.ToString() }; mail.To.Add(settings.MailSettings.ErrorMailTo); var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(settings.MailSettings.SmtpServer); smtpClient.Send(mail); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public void WriteLog(DataTable dataTable, Settings settings) { using (var connection = new SqlConnection(settings.DatabaseSettings.WriteConnectionString)) { try { connection.Open(); using (var s = new SqlBulkCopy(connection)) { s.DestinationTableName = dataTable.TableName; foreach (var column in dataTable.Columns) s.ColumnMappings.Add(column.ToString(), column.ToString()); s.WriteToServer(dataTable); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendErrorEmail(ex, "Error saving log " + dataTable.TableName, settings); throw; } } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="aggregatorSetting"></param> /// <param name="settings"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static AvailabilityRequest GetRequest(AccommodationSearchRequest request, AggregatorSetting aggregatorSetting, Settings settings) { var availabilityRequest = new AvailabilityRequest { HotelId = request.SuperIds == null ? null : string.Join(",", request.SuperIds), H2H = GetH2H(request.CityCode, aggregatorSetting, settings), FeatureCode = aggregatorSetting.PtsFeatureCode, DetailLevel = 5, CityCode = request.CityCode, ConfirmationLevel = 0 }; TimeSpan ts = request.CheckOut - request.CheckIn; availabilityRequest.Nites = (sbyte)ts.Days; availabilityRequest.SvcDate = request.CheckIn; availabilityRequest.NoOfAdults = (sbyte)request.NumberOfAdults; availabilityRequest.NoOfChildren = (sbyte)(request.ChildAge == null ? 0 : request.ChildAge.Count + request.NumberOfInfants ?? 0); if (request.ResortCode.HasValue && request.ResortCode.Value > 0) availabilityRequest.Location = (int)request.ResortCode.Value; var ages = new List<sbyte>(); if (request.ChildAge != null) foreach (var i in request.ChildAge) { ages.Add((sbyte)i); } for (var i = 0; i < request.NumberOfInfants; i++) { ages.Add(1); } availabilityRequest.ChildAge = ages.ToArray(); availabilityRequest.Units = (sbyte)request.NumberOfRooms; return availabilityRequest; }
public static SuperAvailabilityResponse Search(AccommodationSearchRequest request, Settings settings, AggregatorSetting aggregatorSetting, out int searchTime) { var availabilityRequest = GetRequest(request, aggregatorSetting, settings); var authSoapHd = new AuthSoapHd { strUserName = aggregatorSetting.PtsUserName, strNetwork = aggregatorSetting.PtsNetwork, strPassword = aggregatorSetting.PtsPassword, strUserRef = "", strCustomerIP = "" //HttpContext.Current == null ? String.Empty : (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ?? HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]).Split(',')[0].Trim() }; //""; var service = new AccommodationService { Url = aggregatorSetting.PtsUrl, AuthSoapHdValue = authSoapHd, Timeout = aggregatorSetting.PtsTimeOut }; var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); SuperAvailabilityResponse response = service.GetSuperAvailability(availabilityRequest); stopwatch.Stop(); searchTime = (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; return response; }
public static AggregatorSetting CheckAuth(Settings settings, Authentication authentication) { // see if they are in the dictionary as if not they are not going to be a valid user if (!settings.AggregatorSettings.ContainsKey(authentication.UserName)) return new AggregatorSetting { Enabled = false, LoginSuccess = false, Error = LogonFailMessage }; // get the settings from the dictionary var aggregatorSettings = settings.AggregatorSettings[authentication.UserName]; // now we have there details check if there password is correct if (aggregatorSettings.Password != authentication.Password) return new AggregatorSetting { Enabled = false, LoginSuccess = false, Error = LogonFailMessage }; // now see if there account is disabled if (!aggregatorSettings.Enabled) return new AggregatorSetting { Enabled = false, LoginSuccess = false, Warning = LogonDisabledMessage }; // everything is fine aggregatorSettings.LoginSuccess = true; return aggregatorSettings; }
public static AccommodationSearchResponse Process(Settings settings, SuperAvailabilityResponse superAvailabilityResponse, AggregatorSetting aggregatorSetting, string rooms) { if (superAvailabilityResponse == null) { return new AccommodationSearchResponse { Message = new Message { Success = false, Errors = new List<string> { "There was no Search results returned due to an error" } }, Results = null, SearchResultSetGuid = new Guid() }; } var returnHotels = new List<AccommodationSearchResponseHotel>(); var getTheIataFromCity = (settings.LookupSettings.CityAsIata.ContainsKey((int) superAvailabilityResponse.AvailabilityRequest.CityCode) ? settings.LookupSettings.CityAsIata[(int) superAvailabilityResponse.AvailabilityRequest.CityCode] : null) ?? "-1"; var destinationMarkup = (settings.LookupSettings.DestinationMarkup.ContainsKey(getTheIataFromCity) ? settings.LookupSettings.DestinationMarkup[getTheIataFromCity] : null) ?? settings.LookupSettings.DestinationMarkup["-1"]; var transfers = new Dictionary<int, decimal>(); // loop through each hotel if (superAvailabilityResponse.SuperHotelAvailabilityDetail != null) { if (aggregatorSetting.UserName.ToLower() == "tripadvisor") { // loop through the hotels and see if there are any compulsory foreach (var hotel in superAvailabilityResponse.SuperHotelAvailabilityDetail) { foreach (var room in hotel.Hotels) { if (room.TransferCompulsory && room.HotelLocationID.HasValue && !transfers.ContainsKey(room.HotelLocationID.Value)) { transfers.Add(room.HotelLocationID.Value, -1); } } } TransferService.GetTransfers(transfers, superAvailabilityResponse, aggregatorSetting); } foreach (var hotel in superAvailabilityResponse.SuperHotelAvailabilityDetail) { int star; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hotel.SuperHotelCategory) && int.TryParse(hotel.SuperHotelCategory.Substring(0, 1), out star)) { // do nothing } else star = 0; // convert the hotel ready var returnHotel = ConvertService.Convert(hotel, star); var hotelId = int.Parse(hotel.SuperHotelID); var hotelMarkups = settings.LookupSettings.HotelMarkup.ContainsKey(hotelId) ? settings.LookupSettings.HotelMarkup[hotelId] : null; // loop through each room foreach (var room in hotel.Hotels) { // see if we need to find out transfers // hotel markup rules if (hotelMarkups != null) { if (hotelMarkups.IsPercentageMarkup) room.Price += (room.Price/100m)*hotelMarkups.Markup; else room.Price += hotelMarkups.Markup; } else { // now apply a destination markup foreach (var markupDestination in destinationMarkup) { if (room.Price > markupDestination.MinPriceTakesEffect) { if (markupDestination.IsPercentageMarkup) room.Price += (room.Price / 100m) * markupDestination.Markup; else room.Price += markupDestination.Markup; break; } } } // apply transfers if needed //if (room.HotelLocationID.HasValue && room.TransferCompulsory && transfers.ContainsKey(room.HotelLocationID.Value)) //{ // if (transfers[room.HotelLocationID.Value] == -1) // continue; // room.MarkupTotals.FixedTotal += transfers[room.HotelLocationID.Value];/} // round the price off room.Price = Math.Round(room.Price, 2); // convert to the object to return returnHotel.Rooms.Add(ConvertService.Convert(room, aggregatorSetting, hotel.SuperHotelID, rooms)); } if (returnHotel.Rooms.Any()) returnHotels.Add(returnHotel); } } var returnResult = new AccommodationSearchResponse { Message = new Message { Success = true }, Results = returnHotels, SearchResultSetGuid = superAvailabilityResponse.ResultID == null ? new Guid() : new Guid(superAvailabilityResponse.ResultID) }; return returnResult; }
public static AccommodationSearchResponse Search(AccommodationSearchRequest accommodationSearchRequest, Settings settings) { // this so we know when we got the request var dateOfSearch = DateTime.Now; // this is so we can time how long we take to process var startOfSearch = new Stopwatch(); startOfSearch.Start(); // Check login credentials var auth = AuthenticationHelper.CheckAuth(settings, accommodationSearchRequest.Authentication); if (!auth.LoginSuccess) { // they failed to login var message = new Message {Success = false}; // add error message if there if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(auth.Error)) message.Errors.Add(auth.Error); // add warning if not there if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(auth.Warning)) message.Warnings.Add(auth.Warning); return new AccommodationSearchResponse {Message = message}; } // now we need to check how many searches they have done var areWeOkToSearch = TooManySearchesHelper.CheckIfWeAreOkToSearch(auth, settings); if (!areWeOkToSearch) { TooManySearchesHelper.MinusToSearchCount(auth); throw new Exception("Speed Limit: Sorry but we have had too many searches at once please try again in a minute"); } try { //Debug.WriteLine(TooManySearchesHelper.GetCurrentSearchCount(auth)); // validate Search var errors = ValidationHelper.ValidateSearch(accommodationSearchRequest); if (errors.Count != 0) { // they failed validation var message = new Message {Success = false}; // add error messages in foreach (var error in errors) message.Errors.Add(error); TooManySearchesHelper.MinusToSearchCount(auth); return new AccommodationSearchResponse {Message = message}; } var log = new AccommodationSearchLog(); // do the search var isError = false; var errorMessage = String.Empty; int timeToSearchPts = 0; SuperAvailabilityResponse ptsResults = null; try { ptsResults = PtsService.Search(accommodationSearchRequest, settings, auth, out timeToSearchPts); } catch (Exception exception) { log.ConvertSearch(accommodationSearchRequest, auth); log.StartOfSearch = dateOfSearch; log.TimeToSearchSupplier = timeToSearchPts; log.TimeToSearchTotal = (int) startOfSearch.ElapsedMilliseconds; log.NumberOfHotelResults = 0; log.Error = exception.Message; settings.LoggingSettings.AccommodationJobHost.AddLog(log); isError = true; errorMessage = exception.Message; } // process and add in mark-ups var processdResults = ProcessService.Process(settings, ptsResults, auth, accommodationSearchRequest.PassengerUrl()); if (isError) { processdResults.Message.Success = false; processdResults.Message.Errors.Add(errorMessage); } startOfSearch.Stop(); log.ConvertSearch(accommodationSearchRequest, auth); log.StartOfSearch = dateOfSearch; log.TimeToSearchSupplier = timeToSearchPts; log.TimeToSearchTotal = (int) startOfSearch.ElapsedMilliseconds; log.NumberOfHotelResults = processdResults.Results == null ? 0 : processdResults.Results.Count; settings.LoggingSettings.AccommodationJobHost.AddLog(log); TooManySearchesHelper.MinusToSearchCount(auth); return processdResults; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendErrorEmail(ex, "Error In Search", settings); TooManySearchesHelper.MinusToSearchCount(auth); throw; } }
internal static Dictionary<string, List<MarkupDestination>> GetDestinationMarkup(Settings settings) { var returnData = new Dictionary<string, List<MarkupDestination>>(); // Create and open the connection in a using block. This // ensures that all resources will be closed and disposed // when the code exits. using (var connection = new SqlConnection(settings.DatabaseSettings.ReadConnectionString)) { // Create the Command and Parameter objects. var command = new SqlCommand("dbo.[spMarkupDestinationGetAll]", connection) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; // Open the connection in a try/catch block. try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { var key = (string) reader["Iata"]; if (returnData.ContainsKey(key)) { returnData[key].Add(new MarkupDestination { Iata = key, Id = (int) reader["Id"], IsPercentageMarkup = (bool) reader["IsPercentageMarkup"], Markup = (decimal) reader["Markup"], MinPriceTakesEffect = (decimal) reader["MinPriceTakesEffect"] }); } else { returnData.Add(key, new List<MarkupDestination> { new MarkupDestination { Iata = key, Id = (int) reader["Id"], IsPercentageMarkup = (bool) reader["IsPercentageMarkup"], Markup = (decimal) reader["Markup"], MinPriceTakesEffect = (decimal) reader["MinPriceTakesEffect"] } }); } } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendErrorEmail(ex, "Error getting GetDestinationMarkup", settings); } return returnData; } }
internal static Dictionary<int, MarkupHotel> GetHotelMarkup(Settings settings) { var returnData = new Dictionary<int, MarkupHotel>(); // Create and open the connection in a using block. This // ensures that all resources will be closed and disposed // when the code exits. using (var connection = new SqlConnection(settings.DatabaseSettings.ReadConnectionString)) { // Create the Command and Parameter objects. var command = new SqlCommand("dbo.[spMarkupHotelGetAll]", connection) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; // Open the connection in a try/catch block. try { connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { var key = (int)reader["SuperId"]; returnData.Add(key, new MarkupHotel { Id = (int)reader["Id"], IsPercentageMarkup = (bool)reader["IsPercentageMarkup"], Markup = (decimal)reader["Markup"], SuperId = key }); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.SendErrorEmail(ex, "Error getting GetHotelMarkup", settings); } return returnData; } }
public AccommodationJobHost(Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; HostingEnvironment.RegisterObject(this); SetTableCols(); }
public static void Start(Settings settings) { _accommodationJobHost = settings.LoggingSettings.AccommodationJobHost; var timer = new System.Timers.Timer { Interval = settings.LoggingSettings.TimeInMillisecondsToLog, Enabled = true }; timer.Elapsed += timScheduledTask_Elapsed; }