async Task ChooseImage(FaceSelectionCollectionViewController selectionController) { try { var image = await this.ShowImageSelectionDialog(); if (image != null) { //make sure the image is in the .Up position image.FixOrientation(); this.ShowHUD("Detecting faces"); var detectedFaces = await FaceClient.Shared.DetectFacesInPhoto(image); if (detectedFaces.Count == 0) { this.ShowSimpleHUD("No faces detected"); } else { selectionController.SetDetectedFaces(image, detectedFaces); this.HideHUD(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); this.HideHUD().ShowSimpleAlert("Error using image selected"); } }
async Task ChooseImage(FaceSelectionCollectionViewController selectionController) { try { var image = await this.ShowImageSelectionDialog(); if (image != null) { //make sure the image is in the .Up position image.FixOrientation(); this.ShowHUD("Detecting faces"); var detectedFaces = await FaceClient.Shared.DetectFacesInPhoto(image); if (detectedFaces.Count == 0) { this.ShowSimpleHUD("No faces detected"); } else { if (selectionController == Face1SelectionController) { selectionController.AppendDetectedFaces(image, detectedFaces); TotalFacesLabel.Text = $"Total faces: {selectionController.Faces.Count}"; } else //Face2SelectionController { selectionController.SetDetectedFaces(image, detectedFaces); } this.HideHUD(); } checkInputs(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); this.HideHUD().ShowSimpleAlert("Error using image selected"); } }