コード例 #1
        //determine closest point on left side
        public void BuildContourGuidanceLine(vec3 pivot)
                //2 triangles EAD and CBF
                double sinH = Math.Sin(pivot.heading) * 1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;
                double cosH = Math.Cos(pivot.heading) * 1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;
                double sin2H = Math.Sin(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * 1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;
                double cos2H = Math.Cos(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * 1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;
                double sin3H = Math.Sin(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * 0.5;
                double cos3H = Math.Cos(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * 0.5;

                //build a frustum box ahead of fix to find adjacent paths and points
                boxA.easting = pivot.easting - sin2H;
                boxA.northing = pivot.northing - cos2H;
                boxA.easting -= (sinH * 0.5);
                boxA.northing -= (cosH * 0.5);

                boxB.easting = pivot.easting + sin2H;
                boxB.northing = pivot.northing + cos2H;
                boxB.easting -= (sinH * 0.5);
                boxB.northing -= (cosH * 0.5);

                boxC.easting = boxB.easting + sinH;
                boxC.northing = boxB.northing + cosH;

                boxD.easting = boxA.easting + sinH;
                boxD.northing = boxA.northing + cosH;

                boxE.easting = pivot.easting - sin3H;
                boxE.northing = pivot.northing - cos3H;

                boxF.easting = pivot.easting + sin3H;
                boxF.northing = pivot.northing + cos3H;

                int ptCount;

                //check if no strips yet, return
                int stripCount = stripList.Count;
                if (stripCount == 0) return;

                cvec pointC = new cvec();
                if (isRightPriority)
                    //determine if points are in right side frustum box
                    for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                        ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                        for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                            if ((((boxF.easting - boxC.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxC.northing))
                                    - ((boxF.northing - boxC.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxC.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxC.easting - boxB.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxB.northing))
                                    - ((boxC.northing - boxB.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxB.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxB.easting - boxF.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxF.northing))
                                    - ((boxB.northing - boxF.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxF.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                            ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                            if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                                //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                                pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                                pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                                pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                                pointC.strip = s;
                                pointC.pt = p;

                    if (conList.Count == 0)
                        //determine if points are in frustum box
                        for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                            ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                            for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                                if ((((boxE.easting - boxA.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxA.northing))
                                        - ((boxE.northing - boxA.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxA.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                                if ((((boxD.easting - boxE.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxE.northing))
                                        - ((boxD.northing - boxE.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxE.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                                if ((((boxA.easting - boxD.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxD.northing))
                                        - ((boxA.northing - boxD.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxD.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                                //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                                ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                                if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                                    //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                                    pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                                    pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                                    pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                                    pointC.strip = s;
                                    pointC.pt = p;
                    for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                        ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                        for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                            if ((((boxE.easting - boxA.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxA.northing))
                                    - ((boxE.northing - boxA.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxA.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxD.easting - boxE.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxE.northing))
                                    - ((boxD.northing - boxE.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxE.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxA.easting - boxD.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxD.northing))
                                    - ((boxA.northing - boxD.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxD.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                            ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                            if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                                //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                                pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                                pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                                pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                                pointC.strip = s;
                                pointC.pt = p;

                    if (conList.Count == 0)
                        //determine if points are in frustum box
                        for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                            ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                            for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                                if ((((boxF.easting - boxC.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxC.northing))
                                        - ((boxF.northing - boxC.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxC.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                                if ((((boxC.easting - boxB.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxB.northing))
                                        - ((boxC.northing - boxB.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxB.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                                if ((((boxB.easting - boxF.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxF.northing))
                                        - ((boxB.northing - boxF.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxF.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                                //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                                ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                                if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                                    //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                                    pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                                    pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                                    pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                                    pointC.strip = s;
                                    pointC.pt = p;

                //no points in the box, exit
                ptCount = conList.Count;
                if (ptCount == 0)
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = 9999;
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = 32000;
                    mf.guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;

                //determine closest point
                minDistance = 99999;
                for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++)
                    double dist = ((pivot.easting - conList[i].x) * (pivot.easting - conList[i].x))
                                    + ((pivot.northing - conList[i].z) * (pivot.northing - conList[i].z));
                    if (minDistance >= dist)
                        minDistance = dist;
                        closestRefPoint = i;

                //now we have closest point, the distance squared from it, and which patch and point its from
                int strip = conList[closestRefPoint].strip;
                int pt = conList[closestRefPoint].pt;
                refX = stripList[strip][pt].easting;
                refZ = stripList[strip][pt].northing;
                refHeading = stripList[strip][pt].heading;

                //are we going same direction as stripList was created?
                bool isSameWay = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - refHeading) - Math.PI) < 1.4;

                //which side of the patch are we on is next
                //calculate endpoints of reference line based on closest point
                refPoint1.easting = refX - (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
                refPoint1.northing = refZ - (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

                refPoint2.easting = refX + (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
                refPoint2.northing = refZ + (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

                double dx = refPoint2.easting - refPoint1.easting;
                double dz = refPoint2.northing - refPoint1.northing;

                //how far are we away from the reference line at 90 degrees - 2D cross product and distance
                distanceFromRefLine = ((dz * mf.pn.fix.easting) - (dx * mf.pn.fix.northing) + (refPoint2.easting
                                        * refPoint1.northing) - (refPoint2.northing * refPoint1.easting))
                                            / Math.Sqrt((dz * dz) + (dx * dx));

                //add or subtract pi by 2 depending on which side of ref line
                double piSide;

                //sign of distance determines which side of line we are on
                if (distanceFromRefLine > 0) piSide = glm.PIBy2;
                else piSide = -glm.PIBy2;

                //offset calcs
                double toolOffset = mf.vehicle.toolOffset;
                if (isSameWay)
                    toolOffset = 0.0;
                    if (distanceFromRefLine > 0) toolOffset *= 2.0;
                    else toolOffset *= -2.0;

                //move the Guidance Line over based on the overlap, width, and offset amount set in vehicle
                double widthMinusOverlap = mf.vehicle.toolWidth - mf.vehicle.toolOverlap + toolOffset;

                //absolute the distance
                distanceFromRefLine = Math.Abs(distanceFromRefLine);

                //make the new guidance line list called guideList
                ptCount = stripList[strip].Count - 1;
                int start, stop;

                start = pt - 45; if (start < 0) start = 0;
                stop = pt + 45; if (stop > ptCount) stop = ptCount + 1;

                //double distSq = widthMinusOverlap * widthMinusOverlap * 0.98;
                //bool fail = false;

                for (int i = start; i < stop; i++)
                    var point = new vec3(
                        stripList[strip][i].easting + (Math.Sin(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),
                        stripList[strip][i].northing + (Math.Cos(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),

                    //var point = new vec3(
                    //    stripList[strip][i].easting + (Math.Sin(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),
                    //    stripList[strip][i].northing + (Math.Cos(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),
                    //    stripList[strip][i].heading);

                    ////make sure its not closer then 1 eq width
                    //for (int j = start; j < stop; j++)
                    //    double check = glm.DistanceSquared(point.northing, point.easting, stripList[strip][j].northing, stripList[strip][j].easting);
                    //    if (check < distSq)
                    //    {
                    //        fail = true;
                    //        break;
                    //    }

                    //if (!fail) ctList.Add(point);
                    //fail = false;
コード例 #2
        //determine closest point on applied 
        public void BuildContourGuidanceLine(double eastFix, double northFix)
            //build a frustum box ahead of fix to find adjacent paths and points
            //double startX = eastFix + Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading)* 0;
            //double startY = northFix + Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading) * 0;

            boxA.x = eastFix - Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) *  1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;
            boxA.z = northFix - Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;
            boxB.x = eastFix + Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) *  1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;
            boxB.z = northFix + Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 1.5 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth;

            boxC.x = boxB.x + Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0;
            boxC.z = boxB.z + Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0;
            boxD.x = boxA.x + Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0;
            boxD.z = boxA.z + Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0;

            int ptCount;

            //check if no strips yet, return
            int stripCount = stripList.Count;
            if (stripCount == 0) return;

            cvec pointC = new cvec();
            //determine if points are in frustum box
            for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                    if (((boxB.x - boxA.x) * (stripList[s][p].z - boxA.z) -
                            (boxB.z - boxA.z) * (stripList[s][p].x - boxA.x)) < 0) continue;
                    if (((boxD.x - boxC.x) * (stripList[s][p].z - boxC.z) -
                            (boxD.z - boxC.z) * (stripList[s][p].x - boxC.x)) < 0) continue;
                    if (((boxC.x - boxB.x) * (stripList[s][p].z - boxB.z) -
                            (boxC.z - boxB.z) * (stripList[s][p].x - boxB.x)) < 0) continue;
                    if (((boxA.x - boxD.x) * (stripList[s][p].z - boxD.z) -
                            (boxA.z - boxD.z) * (stripList[s][p].x - boxD.x)) < 0) continue;

                    //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                    ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].h) - Math.PI);
                    if (ref2 < 1.1 || ref2 > 2.04)
                        //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                        pointC.x = stripList[s][p].x;
                        pointC.z = stripList[s][p].z;
                        pointC.h = stripList[s][p].h;
                        pointC.strip = s;
                        pointC.pt = p;

            //determine closest point
            ptCount = conList.Count;
            if (ptCount == 0)
                distanceFromCurrentLine = 0;

            minDistance = 99999;
            for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++)
                double dist = (eastFix - conList[i].x) * (eastFix - conList[i].x) +
                                (northFix - conList[i].z) * (northFix - conList[i].z);
                if (minDistance >= dist)
                    minDistance = dist;
                    closestRefPoint = i;

            //now we have closest point, the distance squared from it, and which patch and point its from
            int strip = conList[closestRefPoint].strip;
            int pt = conList[closestRefPoint].pt;
            refX = stripList[strip][pt].x;
            refZ = stripList[strip][pt].z;
            refHeading = stripList[strip][pt].h;

            //which side of the patch are we on is next
            //calculate endpoints of reference line based on closest point
            refPoint1.x = refX - Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0;
            refPoint1.z = refZ - Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0;

            refPoint2.x = refX + Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0;
            refPoint2.z = refZ + Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0;

            //move the Guidance Line over based on the overlap amount set in vehicle
            double widthMinusOverlap = mf.vehicle.toolWidth - mf.vehicle.toolOverlap;

            double dx = refPoint2.x - refPoint1.x;
            double dz = refPoint2.z - refPoint1.z;

            //how far are we away from the reference line at 90 degrees - 2D cross product and distance
            distanceFromRefLine = (dz * mf.fixPosX - dx * mf.fixPosZ + refPoint2.x *
                                    refPoint1.z - refPoint2.z * refPoint1.x) /
                                        Math.Sqrt(dz * dz + dx * dx);

            //add or subtract pi by 2 depending on which side of ref line
            double piSide;

            //sign of distance determines which side of line we are on
            if (distanceFromRefLine > 0) piSide = glm.PIBy2;
            else piSide = -glm.PIBy2;

            //absolute the distance
            distanceFromRefLine = Math.Abs(distanceFromRefLine);

            //are we going same direction as stripList was created?
            bool isSameWay = false;
            if (Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - refHeading) - Math.PI) < 1.1) isSameWay = true;
            //make the new guidance line list called guideList
            ptCount = stripList[strip].Count-1;
            int start, stop;
            vec3 point;

            if (isSameWay)
                start = pt - 5;
                if (start < 0) start = 0;
                stop = pt + 20;
                if (stop > ptCount) stop = ptCount+1;

                start = pt - 20;
                if (start < 0) start = 0;
                stop = pt + 5;
                if (stop > ptCount) stop = ptCount+1;

            for (int i = start; i < stop; i++)
                point = new vec3(
                    stripList[strip][i].x + Math.Sin(piSide + stripList[strip][i].h) * widthMinusOverlap,
                    stripList[strip][i].z + Math.Cos(piSide + stripList[strip][i].h) * widthMinusOverlap);
コード例 #3
ファイル: CContour.cs プロジェクト: jjt-pub/BeauceGPS
        //determine closest point on left side
        public void BuildContourGuidanceLine(vec3 pivot)
            double toolWid = mf.tool.toolWidth;

            double sinH = Math.Sin(pivot.heading) * 2.0 * toolWid;
            double cosH = Math.Cos(pivot.heading) * 2.0 * toolWid;

            double sin2HL = 0;
            double cos2HL = 0;
            double sin2HR = 0;
            double cos2HR = 0;

            if (mf.tool.toolOffset < 0)
                //sticks out more left
                sin2HL = Math.Sin(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset * 2)));
                cos2HL = Math.Cos(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset * 2)));

                sin2HR = Math.Sin(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset)));
                cos2HR = Math.Cos(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset)));
                //sticks out more right
                sin2HL = Math.Sin(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset)));
                cos2HL = Math.Cos(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset)));

                sin2HR = Math.Sin(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset * 2)));
                cos2HR = Math.Cos(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * (1.33 * (toolWid + Math.Abs(mf.tool.toolOffset * 2)));

            //narrow equipment needs bigger bounding box.
            if (mf.tool.toolWidth < 6)
                sinH = Math.Sin(pivot.heading) * 4 * toolWid;
                cosH = Math.Cos(pivot.heading) * 4 * toolWid;

            double sin3H = Math.Sin(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * 0.5;
            double cos3H = Math.Cos(pivot.heading + glm.PIBy2) * 0.5;

            //build a frustum box ahead of fix to find adjacent paths and points

            boxA.easting = pivot.easting - sin2HL;
            boxA.northing = pivot.northing - cos2HL;
            boxA.easting -= (sinH * 0.25); //bottom left outside
            boxA.northing -= (cosH * 0.25);

            boxD.easting = boxA.easting + sinH; //top left outside
            boxD.northing = boxA.northing + cosH;

            boxE.easting = pivot.easting - sin3H; // inside bottom
            boxE.northing = pivot.northing - cos3H;

            boxG.easting = boxE.easting + (sinH * 0.3); //inside top
            boxG.northing = boxE.northing + (cosH * 0.3);

            boxB.easting = pivot.easting + sin2HR;
            boxB.northing = pivot.northing + cos2HR;
            boxB.easting -= (sinH * 0.25);
            boxB.northing -= (cosH * 0.25);

            boxC.easting = boxB.easting + sinH;
            boxC.northing = boxB.northing + cosH;

            boxF.easting = pivot.easting + sin3H;
            boxF.northing = pivot.northing + cos3H;

            boxH.easting = boxF.easting + (sinH * 0.3); //inside top
            boxH.northing = boxF.northing + (cosH * 0.3);

            int ptCount;

            //check if no strips yet, return
            int stripCount = stripList.Count;
            if (stripCount == 0) return;

            cvec pointC = new cvec();
            if (isRightPriority)
                //determine if points are in right side frustum box
                for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                    ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                    for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                        if ((((boxH.easting - boxC.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxC.northing))
                                - ((boxH.northing - boxC.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxC.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        if ((((boxC.easting - boxB.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxB.northing))
                                - ((boxC.northing - boxB.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxB.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        if ((((boxB.easting - boxF.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxF.northing))
                                - ((boxB.northing - boxF.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxF.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        if ((((boxF.easting - boxH.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxH.northing))
                                - ((boxF.northing - boxH.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxH.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                        ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                        if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                            //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                            pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                            pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                            pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                            pointC.strip = s;
                            pointC.pt = p;

                if (conList.Count == 0)
                    //determine if points are in frustum box
                    for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                        ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                        for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                            if ((((boxG.easting - boxE.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxE.northing))
                                    - ((boxG.northing - boxE.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxE.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxE.easting - boxA.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxA.northing))
                                    - ((boxE.northing - boxA.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxA.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxA.easting - boxD.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxD.northing))
                                    - ((boxA.northing - boxD.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxD.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxD.easting - boxG.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxG.northing))
                                    - ((boxD.northing - boxG.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxG.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                            ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                            if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                                //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                                pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                                pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                                pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                                pointC.strip = s;
                                pointC.pt = p;
                for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                    ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                    for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                        if ((((boxG.easting - boxE.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxE.northing))
                                - ((boxG.northing - boxE.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxE.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        if ((((boxE.easting - boxA.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxA.northing))
                                - ((boxE.northing - boxA.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxA.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        if ((((boxA.easting - boxD.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxD.northing))
                                - ((boxA.northing - boxD.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxD.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        if ((((boxD.easting - boxG.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxG.northing))
                                - ((boxD.northing - boxG.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxG.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                        //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                        ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                        if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                            //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                            pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                            pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                            pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                            pointC.strip = s;
                            pointC.pt = p;

                if (conList.Count == 0)
                    //determine if points are in frustum box
                    for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                        ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                        for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                            if ((((boxH.easting - boxC.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxC.northing))
                                    - ((boxH.northing - boxC.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxC.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxC.easting - boxB.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxB.northing))
                                    - ((boxC.northing - boxB.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxB.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxB.easting - boxF.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxF.northing))
                                    - ((boxB.northing - boxF.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxF.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            if ((((boxF.easting - boxH.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxH.northing))
                                    - ((boxF.northing - boxH.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxH.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                            //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                            ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                            if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                                //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                                pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                                pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                                pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                                pointC.strip = s;
                                pointC.pt = p;

            //no points in the box, exit
            ptCount = conList.Count;
            if (ptCount == 0)
                distanceFromCurrentLine = 9999;
                distanceFromCurrentLine = 32000;
                mf.guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;

            //determine closest point
            minDistance = 99999;
            for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++)
                double dist = ((pivot.easting - conList[i].x) * (pivot.easting - conList[i].x))
                                + ((pivot.northing - conList[i].z) * (pivot.northing - conList[i].z));
                if (minDistance >= dist)
                    minDistance = dist;
                    closestRefPoint = i;

            //now we have closest point, the distance squared from it, and which patch and point its from
            int strip = conList[closestRefPoint].strip;
            int pt = conList[closestRefPoint].pt;
            refX = stripList[strip][pt].easting;
            refZ = stripList[strip][pt].northing;
            refHeading = stripList[strip][pt].heading;

            //are we going same direction as stripList was created?
            bool isSameWay = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - refHeading) - Math.PI) < 1.4;

            //which side of the patch are we on is next
            //calculate endpoints of reference line based on closest point
            refPoint1.easting = refX - (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
            refPoint1.northing = refZ - (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

            refPoint2.easting = refX + (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
            refPoint2.northing = refZ + (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

            double dx = refPoint2.easting - refPoint1.easting;
            double dz = refPoint2.northing - refPoint1.northing;

            //how far are we away from the reference line at 90 degrees - 2D cross product and distance
            distanceFromRefLine = ((dz * mf.pn.fix.easting) - (dx * mf.pn.fix.northing) + (refPoint2.easting
                                    * refPoint1.northing) - (refPoint2.northing * refPoint1.easting))
                                        / Math.Sqrt((dz * dz) + (dx * dx));

            //add or subtract pi by 2 depending on which side of ref line
            double piSide;

            //sign of distance determines which side of line we are on
            if (distanceFromRefLine > 0) piSide = glm.PIBy2;
            else piSide = -glm.PIBy2;

            //offset calcs
            double toolOffset = mf.tool.toolOffset;
            if (isSameWay)
                toolOffset = 0.0;
                if (distanceFromRefLine > 0) toolOffset *= 2.0;
                else toolOffset *= -2.0;

            //move the Guidance Line over based on the overlap, width, and offset amount set in vehicle
            double widthMinusOverlap = mf.tool.toolWidth - mf.tool.toolOverlap + toolOffset;

            //absolute the distance
            distanceFromRefLine = Math.Abs(distanceFromRefLine);

            //make the new guidance line list called guideList
            ptCount = stripList[strip].Count - 1;
            int start, stop;

            start = pt - 35; if (start < 0) start = 0;
            stop = pt + 35; if (stop > ptCount) stop = ptCount + 1;

            double distSq = widthMinusOverlap * widthMinusOverlap * 0.95;
            bool fail = false;

            for (int i = start; i < stop; i++)
                //var point = new vec3(
                //    stripList[strip][i].easting + (Math.Sin(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),
                //    stripList[strip][i].northing + (Math.Cos(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),
                //    stripList[strip][i].heading);

                var point = new vec3(
                    stripList[strip][i].easting + (Math.Sin(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),
                    stripList[strip][i].northing + (Math.Cos(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),

                //make sure its not closer then 1 eq width
                for (int j = start; j < stop; j++)
                    double check = glm.DistanceSquared(point.northing, point.easting, stripList[strip][j].northing, stripList[strip][j].easting);
                    if (check < distSq)
                        fail = true;

                if (!fail) ctList.Add(point);
                fail = false;

            int ctCount = ctList.Count;
            if (ctCount < 6) return;

            const double spacing = 1.0;
            double distance;
            for (int i = 0; i < ctCount - 1; i++)
                distance = glm.Distance(ctList[i], ctList[i + 1]);
                if (distance < spacing)
                    ctList.RemoveAt(i + 1);
                    ctCount = ctList.Count;

            //    //count the reference list of original curve
            //    int cnt = ctList.Count;

            //    //just go back if not very long
            //    if (cnt < 10) return;

            //    //the temp array
            //    vec3[] arr = new vec3[cnt];

            //    //how many samples
            //    const int smPts = 2;

            //    //read the points before and after the setpoint
            //    for (int s = 0; s < smPts; s++)
            //    {
            //        arr[s].easting = ctList[s].easting;
            //        arr[s].northing = ctList[s].northing;
            //        arr[s].heading = ctList[s].heading;
            //    }

            //    for (int s = cnt - smPts; s < cnt; s++)
            //    {
            //        arr[s].easting = ctList[s].easting;
            //        arr[s].northing = ctList[s].northing;
            //        arr[s].heading = ctList[s].heading;
            //    }

            //    //average them - center weighted average
            //    for (int i = smPts; i < cnt - smPts; i++)
            //    {
            //        for (int j = -smPts; j < smPts; j++)
            //        {
            //            arr[i].easting += ctList[j + i].easting;
            //            arr[i].northing += ctList[j + i].northing;
            //        }
            //        arr[i].easting /= (smPts * 2);
            //        arr[i].northing /= (smPts * 2);
            //        arr[i].heading = ctList[i].heading;
            //    }

            //    //make a list to draw
            //    ctList?.Clear();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
            //    {
            //        ctList.Add(arr[i]);
            //    }
コード例 #4
        //determine closest point on applied 
        public void BuildContourGuidanceLine(double eastFix, double northFix)
            //build a frustum box ahead of fix to find adjacent paths and points
            //double startX = eastFix + Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading)* 0;
            //double startY = northFix + Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading) * 0;

            boxA.easting = eastFix - (Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) *  2.0 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth);
            boxA.northing = northFix - (Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 2.0 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth);

            boxB.easting = eastFix + (Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) *  2.0 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth);
            boxB.northing = northFix + (Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 2.0 * mf.vehicle.toolWidth);

            boxC.easting = boxB.easting + (Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0);
            boxC.northing = boxB.northing + (Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0);

            boxD.easting = boxA.easting + (Math.Sin(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0);
            boxD.northing = boxA.northing + (Math.Cos(mf.fixHeading) * 13.0);

            int ptCount;

            //check if no strips yet, return
            int stripCount = stripList.Count;
            if (stripCount == 0) return;

            cvec pointC = new cvec();

            //determine if points are in frustum box
            for (int s = 0; s < stripCount; s++)
                ptCount = stripList[s].Count;
                for (int p = 0; p < ptCount; p++)
                    if ((((boxB.easting - boxA.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxA.northing))
                            - ((boxB.northing - boxA.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxA.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                    if ((((boxD.easting - boxC.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxC.northing))
                            - ((boxD.northing - boxC.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxC.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                    if ((((boxC.easting - boxB.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxB.northing))
                            - ((boxC.northing - boxB.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxB.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                    if ((((boxA.easting - boxD.easting) * (stripList[s][p].northing - boxD.northing))
                            - ((boxA.northing - boxD.northing) * (stripList[s][p].easting - boxD.easting))) < 0) { continue; }

                    //in the box so is it parallelish or perpedicularish to current heading
                    ref2 = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - stripList[s][p].heading) - Math.PI);
                    if (ref2 < 1.2 || ref2 > 1.9)
                        //it's in the box and parallelish so add to list
                        pointC.x = stripList[s][p].easting;
                        pointC.z = stripList[s][p].northing;
                        pointC.h = stripList[s][p].heading;
                        pointC.strip = s;
                        pointC.pt = p;

            //no points in the box, exit
            ptCount = conList.Count;
            if (ptCount == 0)
                distanceFromCurrentLine = 9999;

            //determine closest point
            minDistance = 99999;
            for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++)
                double dist = ((eastFix - conList[i].x) * (eastFix - conList[i].x))
                                + ((northFix - conList[i].z) * (northFix - conList[i].z));
                if (minDistance >= dist)
                    minDistance = dist;
                    closestRefPoint = i;

            //now we have closest point, the distance squared from it, and which patch and point its from
            int strip = conList[closestRefPoint].strip;
            int pt = conList[closestRefPoint].pt;
            refX = stripList[strip][pt].easting;
            refZ = stripList[strip][pt].northing;
            refHeading = stripList[strip][pt].heading;

            //are we going same direction as stripList was created?
            bool isSameWay = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - refHeading) - Math.PI) < 1.4;

            //which side of the patch are we on is next
            //calculate endpoints of reference line based on closest point
            refPoint1.easting = refX - (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
            refPoint1.northing = refZ - (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

            refPoint2.easting = refX + (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
            refPoint2.northing = refZ + (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

            double dx = refPoint2.easting - refPoint1.easting;
            double dz = refPoint2.northing - refPoint1.northing;

            //how far are we away from the reference line at 90 degrees - 2D cross product and distance
            distanceFromRefLine = ((dz * mf.pn.fix.easting) - (dx * mf.pn.fix.northing) + (refPoint2.easting
                                    * refPoint1.northing) - (refPoint2.northing * refPoint1.easting))
                                        / Math.Sqrt((dz * dz) + (dx * dx));

            //add or subtract pi by 2 depending on which side of ref line
            double piSide;

            //sign of distance determines which side of line we are on
            if (distanceFromRefLine > 0) piSide = glm.PIBy2;
            else piSide = -glm.PIBy2;

            //offset calcs
            double toolOffset = mf.vehicle.toolOffset;
            if (isSameWay)
                toolOffset = 0.0;
                if (distanceFromRefLine > 0) toolOffset *= 2.0;
                else toolOffset *= -2.0;

            //move the Guidance Line over based on the overlap, width, and offset amount set in vehicle
            double widthMinusOverlap = mf.vehicle.toolWidth - mf.vehicle.toolOverlap + toolOffset;

            //absolute the distance
            distanceFromRefLine = Math.Abs(distanceFromRefLine);

            //make the new guidance line list called guideList
            ptCount = stripList[strip].Count-1;
            int start, stop;
            if (isSameWay)
                start = pt - 25; if (start < 0) start = 0;
                stop = pt + 60;  if (stop > ptCount) stop = ptCount+1;
                start = pt - 60; if (start < 0) start = 0;
                stop = pt + 25;  if (stop > ptCount) stop = ptCount+1;

            for (int i = start; i < stop; i++)
                var point = new vec3(
                    stripList[strip][i].easting + (Math.Sin(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),
                    stripList[strip][i].northing + (Math.Cos(piSide + stripList[strip][i].heading) * widthMinusOverlap),