private void RowColumnError(int row, string column) { MessageBox.Show(this, L10n._("Invalid / missing value in row {0}, column {1}.", row, column), L10n._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
public AfxError(int code, string title = null, string description = null, string solution = null, Exception innerException = null) : base(L10n._("AfxError"), innerException) { m_Code = code; m_Title = title; m_Description = description; m_Solution = solution; }
private static string GetHookPath(bool isProcess64Bit) { if (isProcess64Bit) { throw new System.ApplicationException(L10n._("64 Bit CS:GO is not supported.")); } return(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\AfxHookSource.dll"); }
private void buttonCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GetColors()) { MessageBox.Show( L10n._("No Errors"), L10n._("Check passed"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
static Loader() { IntPtr hKernel32Dll = GetModuleHandle("Kernel32.dll"); if (IntPtr.Zero == hKernel32Dll) { throw new ApplicationException(L10n._("Can not get Kernel32.dll handle.")); } m_HasIsWow64Process = IntPtr.Zero != GetProcAddress(hKernel32Dll, "IsWow64Process"); }
private bool GetColors() { m_Colors.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < dataGridViewColors.Rows.Count; ++i) { if (dataGridViewColors.Rows[i].IsNewRow) { continue; } HlaeCommentedColor src; HlaeWeightedColor dst; if (!GetRowColor(dataGridViewColors.Rows[i], out src, out dst)) { return(false); } if (m_Colors.ContainsKey(src)) { int idx = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <HlaeCommentedColor, HlaeWeightedColor> kvp in m_Colors) { if (kvp.Key.Equals(src)) { MessageBox.Show(this, L10n._("Duplicate source color in row {0} (of row {1}).", i, idx), L10n._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } ++idx; } return(false); } m_Colors.Add(src, dst); } if (m_Colors.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, L10n._("Color map must not be empty."), L10n._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } return(true); }
private static bool IsProcess64Bit(IntPtr hProcess) { if (!m_HasIsWow64Process) { return(Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem); } bool wow64Process; if (!IsWow64Process(hProcess, out wow64Process)) { throw new ApplicationException(L10n._("IsWow64Process failed, error code: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } return(!(wow64Process || !Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)); }
private void SaveToFile() { if (colorLutTools != null && colorLutTools.IsValid()) { if (DialogResult.OK == saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this)) { if (!colorLutTools.SaveToFile(saveFileDialog.FileName)) { MessageBox.Show(this, L10n._("Saving to \"{0}\" failed.", saveFileDialog.FileName), L10n._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
private void buttonGenerateLut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!GetColors()) { return; } UpdateAxis(); suspendPreview = true; comboX.SelectedIndex = 0; comboY.SelectedIndex = 1; trackZ.Value = 0; trackW.Value = 0; drawMode.SelectedIndex = 0; if (preview.Image != null) { preview.Image.Dispose(); preview.Image = null; } if (previewBitmap != null) { preview.Image = null; previewBitmap.Dispose(); } previewBitmap = new Bitmap((int)resR.Value, (int)resG.Value); preview.Image = new Bitmap(preview.Width, preview.Height); if (null == colorLutTools) { colorLutTools = new AfxCppCli.ColorLutTools(); } if (!colorLutTools.New( (uint)resR.Value, (uint)resG.Value, (uint)resB.Value, (uint)resA.Value )) { MessageBox.Show(this, L10n._("Error when creating / re-sizing color map."), L10n._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); colorLutTools.Dispose(); colorLutTools = null; } if (null != colorLutTools && !colorLutTools.IteratePut(Iterate)) { MessageBox.Show(this, L10n._("Iteration aborted."), L10n._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); colorLutTools.Dispose(); colorLutTools = null; } trackZ.Value = 255; trackW.Value = 255; suspendPreview = false; UpdatePreview(); if (null != colorLutTools && colorLutTools.IsValid()) { SaveToFile(); } }
public AfxRgbaLutVoronoiGenerator() { InitializeComponent(); this.Icon = Program.Icon; this.Text = L10n._("Voronoi Color Lookup Table"); this.tabMap.Text = L10n._("Color map"); this.tabGenerate.Text = L10n._("Generate"); this.buttonCheck.Text = L10n._("Check"); this.buttonCopy.Text = L10n._("Copy all to clipboard"); this.buttonPaste.Text = L10n._("Paste all from clipboard"); this.colIndex.HeaderText = L10n._p("Number/Key", "Index"); this.colComment.HeaderText = L10n._("Comment"); this.colDstWeight.HeaderText = L10n._("Weight"); grpRes.Text = L10n._p("image", "Resolution"); labelMemEstimate.Text = L10n._p("image", "Memory estimate (Bytes):"); grpPreview.Text = L10n._("Preview"); labelHori.Text = L10n._("Horizontal:"); labelVert.Text = L10n._("Vertical:"); buttonStart.Text = L10n._("Generate"); buttonSave.Text = L10n._("Save"); suspendPreview = true; m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(224, 175, 86, 0, L10n._p("terrorist", "T")), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 0, 0, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(224, 175, 86, 255, L10n._p("terrorist", "T")), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 0, 255, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(144, 155, 221, 0, L10n._p("counter-terrorist", "CT")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 255, 0, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(144, 155, 221, 255, L10n._p("counter-terrorist", "CT")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 255, 255, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0.662745f, 0.647059f, 0.601961f, 0.0f, L10n._p("terrorist / counter-terrorist", "T/CT neutral")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0.656863f, 0.656863f, 0.656863f, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0.662745f, 0.647059f, 0.601961f, 1.0f, L10n._p("terrorist / counter-terrorist", "T/CT neutral")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0.656863f, 0.656863f, 0.656863f, 1)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(230, 128, 0, 0, L10n._p("terrorist", "T aim")), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 0, 0, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(230, 128, 0, 255, L10n._p("terrorist", "T aim")), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 0, 255, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 120, 240, 0, L10n._p("counter-terrorist", "CT aim")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 255, 0, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 120, 240, 255, L10n._p("counter-terrorist", "CT aim")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 255, 255, 128f)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0.450980f, 0.486275f, 0.470588f, 0, L10n._p("terrorist / counter-terrorist", "T/CT aim neutral")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0.469281f, 0.469281f, 0.469281f, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0.450980f, 0.486275f, 0.470588f, 1, L10n._p("terrorist / counter-terrorist", "T/CT aim neutral")), new HlaeWeightedColor(0.469281f, 0.469281f, 0.469281f, 1)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 0, 0, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 0, 0, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 0, 255, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 255, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 0, 255, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 0, 255, 255)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 255, 0, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 255, 0, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 255, 0, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 255, 0, 255)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 255, 255, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 255, 255, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(0, 255, 255, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(0, 255, 255, 255)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 0, 0, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 0, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 0, 0, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 0, 255)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 0, 255, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 255, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 0, 255, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 0, 255, 255)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 255, 0, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 255, 0, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 255, 0, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 255, 0, 255)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 255, 255, 0), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 255, 255, 0)); m_Colors.Add(new HlaeCommentedColor(255, 255, 255, 255), new HlaeWeightedColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); int idx = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <HlaeCommentedColor, HlaeWeightedColor> kvp in m_Colors) { StyleRow(dataGridViewColors.Rows[dataGridViewColors.Rows.Add( idx, ValueToByte(kvp.Key.Color.R), ValueToByte(kvp.Key.Color.G), ValueToByte(kvp.Key.Color.B), ValueToByte(kvp.Key.Color.A), kvp.Key.Comment, ValueToByte(kvp.Value.Color.R), ValueToByte(kvp.Value.Color.G), ValueToByte(kvp.Value.Color.B), ValueToByte(kvp.Value.Color.A), kvp.Value.Weight.ToString() )]); ++idx; } drawMode.Items.AddRange(new string[] { L10n._p("Image", "Target"), L10n._p("Image", "Source"), L10n._p("Image", "RGB difference") }); drawMode.SelectedIndex = 0; UpdateEstimate(); suspendPreview = false; UpdatePreview(); }
// // Public members: // // Internal members: internal MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Icon = Program.Icon; this.pictureBoxHelp.Image = SystemIcons.Information.ToBitmap(); this.Text = L10n._p("Main window", "Half-Life Advanced Effects"); this.fileToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "File"); this.menuLaunchCSGO.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | File", "Launch CS:GO"); this.launchGoldSrcToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | File", "Launch GoldSrc"); this.menuExit.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | File", "Exit"); this.viewToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main Window | menu", "View"); this.menuStatusBar.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | View", "Status Bar"); this.toolsToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "Tools"); this.calculatorsToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "Calculators"); this.menuFileSize.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Calculators", "File Size"); this.menuAfxRgbaLut.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "Color Lookup Tables"); this.menuVoronoi.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Color Lookup Tables", "Voronoi"); this.goldSrcToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "GoldSrc"); this.demoToolsToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | GoldSrc", "Demo Tools"); this.skyManagerToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | GoldSrc", "Sky Manager"); this.developerToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "Developer"); this.menuCustomLoader.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Developer", "Custom Loader"); this.menuGuidToClipBoard.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Developer", "Own GUID to ClipBoard"); this.menuNewGuidToClipBoard.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Developer", "New GUID to ClipBoard"); this.helpToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "Help"); this.checkForUpdatesToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help", "Check for Updates"); this.menuAutoUpdateCheck.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help | Check for Updates", "Auto Check"); this.checkNowToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help | Check for Updates", "Check Now"); this.menuAdvancedFxOrg.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help", "Official Website"); this.donateToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "Donate"); this.checkUpdatesLabel.Text = L10n._p("Main window | check updates strip", "Check for updates automatically?"); this.statusLabelAutoYes.Text = L10n._p("Main window | check updates strip", "Yes"); this.statusLabelAutoNo.Text = L10n._p("Main window | check updates strip", "No"); this.statusLabelIgnore.Text = L10n._p("Main window | update status strip", "Ignore"); this.statusLabelHide.Text = L10n._p("Main window | update status strip", "OK"); this.statusLabelUpdate.Text = L10n._p("Main window | update status strip | label", "Update status unknown"); this.menuContact.Text = L10n._("Contact / Privacy Policy / Imprint ("); this.groupBoxHelp.Text = L10n._("Help"); this.labelHelpLanguage.Text = L10n._("Language:"); this.labelHelpSelection.Text = L10n._("Selection:"); { HelpEntry officialEnglishSupportPage = new HelpEntry(L10n._("Official support page (English)"), ""); HelpEntry chinesePage = new HelpEntry(L10n._("HLAE Chinese Station"), ""); helpLanguages = new HelpLanguage[] { new HelpLanguage("en", L10n._p("Language", "English (en)"), new HelpEntry[] { officialEnglishSupportPage }), new HelpLanguage("zh-CN", L10n._p("Language", "Chinese (zh-CN)"), new HelpEntry[] { chinesePage }) }; this.comboBoxHelpLanguage.Items.AddRange(helpLanguages); string ietfLanguageTag = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.IetfLanguageTag; string twoLetterIsoLanguageName = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName; // Select a default language: int selectIndex = -1; int curIndex = 0; foreach (HelpLanguage helpLanguage in helpLanguages) { if (helpLanguage.Code.Equals(ietfLanguageTag)) { selectIndex = curIndex; break; } ++curIndex; } if (selectIndex == -1) { curIndex = 0; foreach (HelpLanguage helpLanguage in helpLanguages) { if (helpLanguage.Code.Equals(twoLetterIsoLanguageName)) { selectIndex = curIndex; break; } ++curIndex; } } if (selectIndex == -1 && 0 < helpLanguages.Length) { selectIndex = 0; } if (selectIndex != -1) { comboBoxHelpLanguage.SelectedIndex = selectIndex; } } m_UpdateCheckNotification = new UpdateCheckNotificationTarget(this, new UpdateCheckedDelegate(OnUpdateChecked)); }
// // Public members: // // Internal members: internal MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Icon = Program.Icon; this.pictureBoxHelp.Image = SystemIcons.Information.ToBitmap(); this.pictureBoxPathError.Image = SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap(); this.Text = L10n._p("Window title, args: {0} - version", "Half-Life Advanced Effects {0}", System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion); this.fileToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "File"); this.menuLaunchCSGO.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | File", "Launch CS:GO"); this.launchGoldSrcToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | File", "Launch GoldSrc"); this.menuExit.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | File", "Exit"); this.viewToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main Window | menu", "View"); this.menuStatusBar.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | View", "Status Bar"); this.toolsToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "Tools"); this.calculatorsToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "Calculators"); this.menuFileSize.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Calculators", "File Size"); this.menuAfxRgbaLut.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "Color Lookup Tables"); this.menuVoronoi.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Color Lookup Tables", "Voronoi"); this.goldSrcToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "GoldSrc"); this.demoToolsToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | GoldSrc", "Demo Tools"); this.skyManagerToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | GoldSrc", "Sky Manager"); this.developerToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools", "Developer"); this.menuCustomLoader.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Developer", "Custom Loader"); this.menuGuidToClipBoard.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Developer", "Own GUID to ClipBoard"); this.menuNewGuidToClipBoard.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Tools | Developer", "New GUID to ClipBoard"); this.helpToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "Help"); this.checkForUpdatesToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help", "Check for Updates"); this.menuAutoUpdateCheck.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help | Check for Updates", "Auto Check"); this.checkNowToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help | Check for Updates", "Check Now"); this.menuAdvancedFxOrg.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu | Help", "Official Website"); this.donateToolStripMenuItem.Text = L10n._p("Main window | menu", "Donate"); this.checkUpdatesLabel.Text = L10n._p("Main window | check updates strip", "Check for updates automatically?"); this.statusLabelAutoYes.Text = L10n._p("Main window | check updates strip", "Yes"); this.statusLabelAutoNo.Text = L10n._p("Main window | check updates strip", "No"); this.statusLabelIgnore.Text = L10n._p("Main window | update status strip", "Ignore"); this.statusLabelHide.Text = L10n._p("Main window | update status strip", "OK"); this.statusLabelUpdate.Text = L10n._p("Main window | update status strip | label", "Update status unknown"); this.menuContact.Text = L10n._("Contact / Privacy Policy / Imprint ("); this.groupBoxHelp.Text = L10n._("Help"); this.labelHelpLanguage.Text = L10n._("Language:"); this.labelHelpSelection.Text = L10n._("Selection:"); { HelpEntry officialEnglishSupportPage = new HelpEntry(L10n._("Official support page (English)"), ""); HelpEntry chinesePage = new HelpEntry(L10n._("HLAE Chinese Station"), ""); helpLanguages = new HelpLanguage[] { new HelpLanguage("en", L10n._p("Language", "English (en)"), new HelpEntry[] { officialEnglishSupportPage }), new HelpLanguage("zh-CN", L10n._p("Language", "Chinese (zh-CN)"), new HelpEntry[] { chinesePage }) }; this.comboBoxHelpLanguage.Items.AddRange(helpLanguages); string ietfLanguageTag = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.IetfLanguageTag; string twoLetterIsoLanguageName = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName; // Select a default language: int selectIndex = -1; int curIndex = 0; foreach (HelpLanguage helpLanguage in helpLanguages) { if (helpLanguage.Code.Equals(ietfLanguageTag)) { selectIndex = curIndex; break; } ++curIndex; } if (selectIndex == -1) { curIndex = 0; foreach (HelpLanguage helpLanguage in helpLanguages) { if (helpLanguage.Code.Equals(twoLetterIsoLanguageName)) { selectIndex = curIndex; break; } ++curIndex; } } if (selectIndex == -1 && 0 < helpLanguages.Length) { selectIndex = 0; } if (selectIndex != -1) { comboBoxHelpLanguage.SelectedIndex = selectIndex; } } bool bHlaePathOk = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Program.BaseDir, "^\\p{IsBasicLatin}*$"); this.groupBoxPathError.Visible = !bHlaePathOk; this.groupBoxPathError.Enabled = !bHlaePathOk; this.groupBoxPathError.Text = L10n._("HLAE path error"); this.labelHlaePath.Text = L10n._("HLAE path:"); this.textBoxHlaePath.Text = Program.BaseDir; this.labelHlaePathError.Text = L10n._("Warning: Your HLAE path shown above contains non-basic latin characters (meaning characters outside the 7-bit ASCII range), which will lead to multiple problems in-game if not fixed!"); m_UpdateCheckNotification = new UpdateCheckNotificationTarget(this, new UpdateCheckedDelegate(OnUpdateChecked)); }
public static bool Load(IEnumerable <GetHookPathDelegate> getHookPathCollection, string programPath, string cmdLine, string environment = null, bool showErrorMessage = true) { try { string programOptions = "\"" + programPath + "\" " + cmdLine; string programDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(programPath); PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo = new PROCESS_INFORMATION(); STARTUPINFOW startupInfo = new STARTUPINFOW(); startupInfo.cb = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(startupInfo); if (!CreateProcessW( programPath , programOptions , null , null , true // inherit handles , //CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE| CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | DETACHED_PROCESS | CREATE_SUSPENDED //DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS| //DEBUG_PROCESS // we want to catch debug event's (sadly also of childs) | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT , environment , programDirectory , ref startupInfo , out processInfo) ) { throw HlaeErrors.LoaderCreateProcessException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } try { bool isProcess64Bit = IsProcess64Bit(processInfo.hProcess); foreach (GetHookPathDelegate getHookPath in getHookPathCollection) { string hookPath = getHookPath(isProcess64Bit); using (System.Diagnostics.Process injector = new System.Diagnostics.Process()) { injector.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; injector.StartInfo.FileName = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + (isProcess64Bit ? "\\x64" : "") + "\\injector.exe"; injector.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; injector.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; injector.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; try { injector.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw HlaeErrors.InjectorStartException( injector.StartInfo.FileName, e ); } AfxError error = null; IFormatter formatter = new advancedfx.injector.interop.Formatter(); using (Stream injectorIn = injector.StandardInput.BaseStream) { using (Stream injectorOut = injector.StandardOutput.BaseStream) { advancedfx.injector.interop.InjectMessage injectMessage = new advancedfx.injector.interop.InjectMessage(); injectMessage.ProcessId = processInfo.dwProcessId; injectMessage.DllPath = hookPath; formatter.Serialize(injectorIn, injectMessage); injectorIn.Flush(); bool injectorExit = false; while (!injectorExit) { advancedfx.injector.interop.ProcessMessage m = (advancedfx.injector.interop.ProcessMessage)formatter.Deserialize(injectorOut); switch (m) { case advancedfx.injector.interop.ExceptionError exceptionError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.Unknown; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.OpenProcessError openProcessError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.OpenProcessFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.VirtualAllocExArgDllDirError virtualAllocExArgDllDirError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.VirtualAllocExReadWriteFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.VirtualAllocExArgDllFilePathError virtualAllocExArgDllFilePathError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.VirtualAllocExReadWriteFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.GetImageError getImageError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.GetImageFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.VirtualAllocExImageError virtualAllocExImageError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.VirtualAllocExReadWriteExecuteFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.WriteProcessMemoryArgDllDirError writeProcessMemoryArgDllDirError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.WriteProcessMemoryFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.WriteProcessMemoryArgDllFilePathError writeProcessMemoryArgDllFilePathError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.WriteProcessMemoryFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.WriteProcessMemoryImageError writeProcessMemoryImageError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.WriteProcessMemoryFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.FlushInstructionCacheError flushInstructionCacheError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.FlushInstructionCacheFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.CreateRemoteThreadError createRemoteThreadError: if (null == error) { error = HlaeErrors.CreateRemoteThreadFailed; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.ContinueWaitingQuestion contineWaitingQuestion: { advancedfx.injector.interop.ContinueWaiting r = new advancedfx.injector.interop.ContinueWaiting(); r.Response = DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(L10n._("Image injection problem.\nContinue waiting?"), L10n._("injector Warning"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); formatter.Serialize(injectorIn, r); injectorIn.Flush(); } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.TerminateThreadError terminateThreadError: // ignore for now break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.GetExitCodeThreadError getExitCodeThreadError: // ignore for now break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.InvalidExitCodeError invalidExitCodeError: if (null == error) { error = InjectorErrors.AfxHookUnknown; } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.KnownExitCodeError knownExitCodeError: if (null == error) { error = InjectorErrors.Instance.GetById((int)knownExitCodeError.ThreadExitCode); } break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.CloseHandleThreadError closeHandleError: // ignore for now break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.VirtualFreeExImageError virtualFreeExImageError: // ignore for now break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.VirtualFreeExArgFilePathError virtualFreeExArgFilePathError: // ignore for now break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.VirtualFreeExArgDllDirError virtualFreeExArgDllDirError: // ignore for now break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.CloseHandleProcessError closeHandleProcessError: // ignore for now break; case advancedfx.injector.interop.InjectResponse injectResponse: bool injectorOk = injectResponse.Response; injector.WaitForExit(); if (!injectorOk) { throw null == error ? HlaeErrors.Unknown : error; } injectorExit = true; break; default: throw HlaeErrors.Unknown; } } } } } } } finally { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); ResumeThread(processInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); } } catch (AfxError e) { if (showErrorMessage) { using (ErrorDialogue frm = new ErrorDialogue()) { frm.Error = e; frm.ShowDialog(); } } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { if (showErrorMessage) { using (ErrorDialogue frm = new ErrorDialogue()) { frm.Error = HlaeErrors.LoaderException(e); frm.ShowDialog(); } } return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool RunLauncherDialog(IWin32Window dialogOwner) { bool bOk; using (LauncherForm frm = new LauncherForm()) { frm.Icon = Program.Icon; frm.ShowInTaskbar = false; CfgLauncher cfg = new CfgLauncher(); cfg.CopyFrom(GlobalConfig.Instance.Settings.Launcher); frm.ReadFromConfig(cfg); if (DialogResult.OK == frm.ShowDialog(dialogOwner)) { frm.WriteToConfig(cfg); if (cfg.RememberChanges) { GlobalConfig.Instance.Settings.Launcher.CopyFrom(cfg); GlobalConfig.Instance.BackUp(); } bOk = Launch(cfg); if (!bOk) { MessageBox.Show(L10n._p("Launcher dialog", "Launching failed."), L10n._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { bOk = true; } } return(bOk); }