コード例 #1
ファイル: Potion.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public override Level Eat(Level currentLevel, Creature consumer)
            int creatureIndex = currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(consumer);

            currentLevel.creatures[creatureIndex].Affect(eatEffect, currentLevel); //Apply effect to the consumer

            currentLevel.creatures[creatureIndex].inventory.Remove(this); //It's been drunk, it no longer exists; in the future, rewrite to transfer contents to creature's stomach, and leave behind an empty container in inventory
            return currentLevel;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Door.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void Close(Tile tile, Level currentLevel)
            foreach (Creature c in currentLevel.creatures)
                if (currentLevel.tileArray[(int)tile.pos.X, (int)tile.pos.Y].pos == c.pos)
                    return; //Stop if a creature's blocking it.

            this.isOpen = false;
            base.imageIndex = 43;
            tile.isTransparent = false;
            tile.isPassable = false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Door.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void Open(Tile tile, Level currentLevel)
            this.isOpen = true;

            if (isVertical)
                base.imageIndex = 45; // "|"
                base.imageIndex = 124; // "-"

            tile.isTransparent = true;
            tile.isPassable = true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public Level Eat(Level currentLevel, Item eatItem)
            int itemIndex = inventory.IndexOf(eatItem);
            this.message.Add("You ingest the " + eatItem.name + ".");
            if (currentLevel.LineOfSight(currentLevel.creatures[0].pos, this.pos) &&
                currentLevel.creatures[0].pos != this.pos) //If the player sees it and it's not the player
                currentLevel.creatures[0].message.Add("The " + this.name + " ingests a " + eatItem.name + ".");

            currentLevel = inventory[itemIndex].Eat(currentLevel, this);
            return currentLevel;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public Level Drop(Level currentLevel, Item dropItem)
            int x = pos.X;
            int y = pos.Y;

            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].itemList.Add(dropItem); //Add item to tile
            inventory.Remove(dropItem); //From creature
            this.message.Add("You drop the " + dropItem.name + ".");
            return currentLevel;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void RangeAttack(Level currentLevel, Creature target, Item firedItem)
            #region Attack creature in given direction
            if (target is QuestGiver)
                Creature c = (Creature)target;
                target = new Creature(c); //And then target was a monster
                message.Add("The " + c.name + " gets angry!"); //And s/he's mad.

            byte chanceToMiss = 10; //The chance to miss target
            chanceToMiss += (byte)(15 - dexterity); //Dex bonus
            if (rng.Next(0, 101) < chanceToMiss) //If miss
                message.Add("You miss the " + target.name + ".");
                target.message.Add("The " + name + " misses you.");
                currentLevel.tileArray[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y].itemList.Add(firedItem); //It ends up on selected tile
                int damage = rngDie.Roll(attack); //Inclusive

                //damage = (int)((float)damage * ((float)strength / 10f)); //Strength bonus

                int partIndex = rng.Next(0, target.anatomy.Count);
                BodyPart part = target.anatomy[partIndex];
                foreach (Armor a in wornArmor)
                    foreach (string s in a.covers)
                        if (s == part.name)
                            damage -= a.aC;
                //float conBonus = target.constitution / 10f;
                //damage = (int)((float)damage / conBonus);


                this.message.Add("You hit the " + target.name + " in the " + part.name + " for " + damage + " damage.");
                target.message.Add("The " + this.name + " hits you in the " + part.name + " for " + damage + " damage.");

                if (firedItem is Potion)
                    Potion p = (Potion)firedItem;
                    p.Eat(currentLevel, target); //Smash, effect affects the creature
                    this.message.Add("The " + p.name + " smashes against the " + target.name);
                    currentLevel.tileArray[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y].itemList.Add(firedItem); //It ends up on selected tile

                if (target == currentLevel.creatures[0]) //If player
                    currentLevel.causeOfDeath = "lethal damage to your " + part.name + ".";
                    currentLevel.mannerOfDeath = "you were struck in the " + part.name + " by a " + firedItem.name + " thrown by a " + name + ".";

                inventory.Remove(firedItem); //Remove item from inventory

            #region If Killed Opponent
            if (target.ShouldBeDead(currentLevel))
                if (currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target) == 0) //If it was the player
                    currentLevel.playerDiedHere = true;
                    int count = target.inventory.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        currentLevel = target.Drop(currentLevel, target.inventory[0]); //Drop on death

                    this.message.Add("You kill the " + target.name + ".");

                    if (target.name == "dragon")
                        this.message.Add("You monster.");

                    Item corpse = new Item(target.mass, target.mass, $"{target.name} corpse", target.color, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());
                    corpse.itemImage = 253;
                    corpse.edible = true;
                    corpse.nutrition = 3000; //For now, default to this
                    currentLevel.tileArray[target.pos.X, target.pos.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(corpse)); //Gibs

                    for (int y = 1; y < 40; y++)
                        for (int x = 1; x < 80; x++)
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier.RemoveAt(currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target)); //Remove it from scent tracking
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.RemoveAt(currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target));
                    currentLevel.creatures.RemoveAt(currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target)); //Creature is gone ***Improve with death drop***
コード例 #7
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
 public void OpenDoor(Tile tile, Level currentLevel)
     if (isDextrous == true)
         Door door = (Door)tile.fixtureLibrary[0];
         door.Open(tile, currentLevel);
         message.Add("Opposable thumbs would be helpful here.");
コード例 #8
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public Level MeleeAttack(Level currentLevel, Directions dir)
            if (dir == Directions.NONE)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dir", "Attempted to melee attack own location");
            int opponentIndex = -1;

            #region Attack creature in given direction
            if (currentLevel.CreatureNAt(pos.AdjacentVector(dir)) >= 0)
                opponentIndex = currentLevel.CreatureNAt(pos.AdjacentVector(dir));
                var opponent = currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex];

                if (opponent is QuestGiver)
                    //TODO: Make aggressive

                byte chanceToMiss = 10;
                chanceToMiss += (byte)(15 - dexterity);
                if (rng.Next(0, 101) < chanceToMiss)
                    message.Add("You miss the " + currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name + ".");
                    currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].message.Add("The " + name + " misses you.");
                    int damage = 1;
                    if (weapon == null)
                        damage = rngDie.Roll(attack);
                        damage = rngDie.Roll(weapon.damage);

                    int partIndex = rng.Next(0, currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].anatomy.Count);
                    BodyPart part = currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].anatomy[partIndex];
                    foreach (Armor a in wornArmor)
                        foreach (string s in a.covers)
                            if (s == part.name)
                                //damage -= a.aC;

                    if (damage <= 0)
                        damage = 0;
                        message.Add("You deal no damage.");

                    var damageBefore = currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].anatomy[partIndex].injury;
                    var damageAfter = currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].anatomy[partIndex].injury;

                    message.Add("You hit the " + currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name + " in the " +
                        part.name + " for " + damage + " damage.");
                    currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].message.Add("The " + this.name + " hits you in the " +
                        part.name + " for " + damage + " damage.");

                    if (damageBefore != damageAfter)
                            case InjuryLevel.Minor:
                                message.Add($"You wound the {currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name}'s {part.name}.");
                            case InjuryLevel.Broken:
                                message.Add($"You break the {currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name}'s {part.name}.");
                            case InjuryLevel.Mangled:
                                message.Add($"You mangle the {currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name}'s {part.name}.");
                            case InjuryLevel.Destroyed:
                                message.Add($"You obliterate the {currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name}'s {part.name}.");

                    if (weapon is Potion)
                        Potion p = (Potion)weapon;
                        p.Eat(currentLevel, currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex]); //Smash, effect affects the creature
                        message.Add($"The ${p.name} smashes against the ${currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name}");
                        weapon = null; //Smashed, gone

                    if (opponentIndex == 0) //If player
                        currentLevel.causeOfDeath = $"lethal damage to your {part.name}.";

                        if(weapon == null)
                            currentLevel.mannerOfDeath = $"you were hit in the {part.name} by a {name}.";
                            currentLevel.mannerOfDeath = $"you were struck in the {part.name} by a {weapon.name} wielded by a {name}.";

            #region If Killed Opponent
            if (currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].ShouldBeDead(currentLevel))
                if (opponentIndex == 0) //If it was the player
                    currentLevel.playerDiedHere = true;
                    Creature c = currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex];
                    xp += currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].xpWorth;
                    if (xp > xpBorder*2) //AKA 20, 40, 80, 160
                    int count = currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].inventory.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        currentLevel = currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].Drop(currentLevel,
                            currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].inventory[0]); //Drop on death

                    this.message.Add("You kill the " + currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name + ".");

                    if (currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name == "dragon")
                        this.message.Add("You monster.");

                    Item corpse = new Item(500f,
                        $"{currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].name} corpse",
                        new List<Item>(),
                        new List<string>()
                    corpse.itemImage = 253; //"�"
                    corpse.edible = true;
                    corpse.nutrition = 3000; //For now, default to this
                    currentLevel.tileArray[currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].pos.X, currentLevel.creatures[opponentIndex].pos.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(corpse)); //Gibs

                    for (int y = 1; y < Level.GRIDH; y++)
                        for (int x = 1; x < Level.GRIDW; x++)
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier.RemoveAt(opponentIndex); //Remove it from scent tracking
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.RemoveAt(opponentIndex);
                    currentLevel.creatures.RemoveAt(opponentIndex); //Creature is gone ***Improve with death drop***

            return currentLevel; //Give back the level now that we're done with it
コード例 #9
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
 public void Affect(Effect e, Level currentLevel)
     Affect(e, currentLevel, false); //No mute
コード例 #10
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public int AdjacentToCreatureDir(Level currentLevel)
            #region Array of positions
            Vector2[] newPos = new Vector2[10];
            newPos[1] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y + 1); //1
            newPos[2] = new Vector2(this.pos.X, this.pos.Y + 1); //2
            newPos[3] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y + 1); //3
            newPos[4] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y);     //4
            newPos[6] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y);     //6
            newPos[7] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y - 1); //7
            newPos[8] = new Vector2(this.pos.X, this.pos.Y - 1); //8
            newPos[9] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y - 1); //9

            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                if (i == 5)
                    i++; //Skip position 5

                if (currentLevel.IsCreatureAt(newPos[i]))
                    return i;

            return -1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void Wear(Amulet a, Level currentLevel)
            if (amulet != null)
                inventory.Add(new Amulet(amulet));
                message.Add("You take off the " + amulet.name + " and wear the " + a.name + ".");
                message.Add("You wear the " + a.name + ".");

            amulet = a;
            Affect(a.effect, currentLevel);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
 public void Wait(Level currentLevel)
     turn_energy -= Adventurer.TURN_THRESHOLD; //If we've gotten here, the turn's been taken
コード例 #13
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public bool ShouldBeDead(Level currentLevel)
            if (hp <= 0)
                currentLevel.causeOfDeath = "overall body damage.";
                return true;

            foreach (BodyPart b in this.anatomy)
                if (b.flags.HasFlag(BodyPartFlags.LifeCritical) && b.injury == InjuryLevel.Destroyed) //If your head is chunky salsa, you're dead.
                    return true;

            return false; //If none of those trip, be glad to be alive.
コード例 #14
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
 public Level Scent(Level currentLevel)
     int index = currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(this);
     if (pos.X > 0 && pos.X < 80 && pos.Y > 0 && pos.Y < 40)
         currentLevel.tileArray[pos.X, pos.Y].scentMagnitude[index] += smelliness;
     return currentLevel;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public bool InMeleeRange(Level currentLevel)
            #region Array of positions
            Vector2[] newPos = new Vector2[9];
            newPos[1] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y + 1); //1
            newPos[2] = new Vector2(this.pos.X, this.pos.Y + 1); //2
            newPos[3] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y + 1); //3
            newPos[4] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y);     //4
            newPos[6] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y);     //6
            newPos[7] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y - 1); //7
            newPos[8] = new Vector2(this.pos.X, this.pos.Y - 1); //8
            newPos[9] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y - 1); //9

            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                if (i == 5)
                    i++; //Skip over position 5

                if (currentLevel.IsCreatureAt(newPos[i])) //If there's a creature in any direction
                    return true;

            return false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void LosePart(Level currentLevel, BodyPart b)
            lostParts.Add(b); //Keep track of lost, removed parts

            Item part = new Item(100f, 100f, $"{name} {b.name}", Color.Red, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());
            part.edible = true;
            part.itemImage = 253;
            part.nutrition = 500;
            currentLevel.tileArray[pos.X, pos.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(part)); //Gibs

            anatomy.Remove(b); //But do remove them.
コード例 #17
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void Affect(Effect e, Level currentLevel, bool mute)
            case "blind":
                blind = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("Your eyes! YOUR EYES OR OTHER SENSORY ORGAN(S)!");

            case "choke":
                hp -= e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("Hrk! You can't breathe.");

            case "confuse":
                confusion = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("Has anyone really been far as decided to use even to go want to do more like?");

            case "detect monster":
                detectMonster = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("You feel a sense of presence.");

            case "detect item":
                detectItem = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("You feel an intuition about treasure.");

            case "gain ability":
                strength += (byte) rngDie.Roll(e.magnitude);
                dexterity += (byte)rngDie.Roll(e.magnitude);
                constitution += (byte)rngDie.Roll(e.magnitude);
                intelligence += (byte)rngDie.Roll(e.magnitude);
                wisdom += (byte)rngDie.Roll(e.magnitude);
                charisma += (byte)rngDie.Roll(e.magnitude);

                if (strength > 18)
                    strength = 18;
                if (dexterity > 18)
                    dexterity = 18;
                if (constitution > 18)
                    constitution = 18;
                if (intelligence > 18)
                    intelligence = 18;
                if (wisdom > 18)
                    wisdom = 18;
                if (charisma > 18)
                    charisma = 18;

                if (!mute) message.Add("Oh, wow... you feel awesome.");

            case "heal":
                foreach (BodyPart b in anatomy)
                    b.currentHealth += (int)(b.maxHealth * 0.25f);

                    if (b.currentHealth > b.maxHealth)
                        b.currentHealth = b.maxHealth;

                hp += e.magnitude;
                if (hp > hpMax)
                    hp = hpMax;

                if (!mute) message.Add("You feel better.");

            case "invisibility":
                invisibility = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute)
                    message.Add("Your body becomes transparent.");
                    message.Add("Monsters seem to still sense you, though. Somehow.");

            case "level up":
                if (!mute) message.Add("You feel more experienced.");

            case "levitation":
                levitate = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("You float up off the ground.");

            case "paralyze":
                status_paralyzed = (byte)e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("You're rooted to the spot!");

            case "poison":
                hp -= e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("You don't feel so well");

            case "polymorph":
                if (!mute)
                    message.Add("You don't feel like yourself.");
                    message.Add("Actually, you feel like the universe is too lazy to make anything happen yet.");

            case "regenerate body part":
                if (lostParts.Count > 0)
                    lostParts[0].currentHealth = lostParts[0].maxHealth; //Heal part
                    anatomy.Add(lostParts[0]); //Restore part
                    if (!mute) message.Add("A shiver runs through your body, and your missing " + lostParts[0].name + " grows back where it once was, good as new.");
                    if (!mute) message.Add("A tingling runs through your body briefly.");

            case "revive":
                revive = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("You are quite certain that nothing bad will happen. Nothing at all.");

            case "see invisible":
                seeInvisible = e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("Your senses seem clearer.");

            case "sleep":
                status_paralyzed = (byte)e.magnitude;
                if (!mute) message.Add("shhh only dreams now");

            case "speed":
                speedy = e.magnitude;
                speed *= (byte)(1 + (e.magnitude / 100)); //Percentage boost
                if (!mute) message.Add("You feel much faster.");
コード例 #18
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        //TODO: Update to use Directions enum
        public bool Move(Level currentLevel, int dir)
            #region Array of positions
            Vector2[] newPos = new Vector2[10];
            newPos[1] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y + 1); //1
            newPos[2] = new Vector2(this.pos.X, this.pos.Y + 1); //2
            newPos[3] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y + 1); //3
            newPos[4] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y);     //4
            newPos[6] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y);     //6
            newPos[7] = new Vector2(this.pos.X - 1, this.pos.Y - 1); //7
            newPos[8] = new Vector2(this.pos.X, this.pos.Y - 1); //8
            newPos[9] = new Vector2(this.pos.X + 1, this.pos.Y - 1); //9

            if (!currentLevel.IsCreatureAt(newPos[dir]) && //If no creature's there and..
                currentLevel.tileArray[(int)newPos[dir].X, (int)newPos[dir].Y].isPassable) //...the tile is passable...
                this.pos = newPos[dir];

                if (confusion > 0 && rngDie.Roll(2) == 1) //If confused, then half the time...
                    dir = rng.Next(1,9); //1-8 //Randomize movement
                    if (dir >= 5)
                        dir++; //Skip 5
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLevel.tileArray[newPos[dir].X, newPos[dir].Y].engraving))
                    message.Add("Something is written here:");
                    message.Add(currentLevel.tileArray[newPos[dir].X, newPos[dir].Y].engraving); //Any message here

                if (currentLevel.tileArray[pos.X, pos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Count > 0) //Check what's there, if anything
                    foreach (Fixture f in currentLevel.tileArray[pos.X, pos.Y].fixtureLibrary)
                        if (f is Trap) //General Ackbar: "IT'S A TRAP!"
                            Trap t = (Trap)f; //"No, f, you are the traps. And then f was a trap
                            if (t.effect.type == "tripwire" && !(isPlayer && t.visible)) //If it's a tripwire... KEEP WORKING HERE
                                if (isPlayer || currentLevel.LineOfSight(currentLevel.creatures[0].pos, pos))
                                    t.visible = true; //We know it's here now
                                //t.armed = false; //Should this be disarmed when tripped over?
                                message.Add("You trip over a tripwire."); //WHOOPS
                                status_paralyzed += (byte)t.effect.magnitude;

                //If there's an item on the tile
                if (currentLevel.tileArray[pos.X, pos.Y].itemList.Count > 0)
                    message.Add("There is a " + currentLevel.tileArray[pos.X, pos.Y].itemList[0].name + " here.");

                return true; //Moving took a turn
            else if (currentLevel.tileArray[(int)newPos[dir].X, (int)newPos[dir].Y].isDoor && isDextrous)
                OpenDoor(currentLevel.tileArray[(int)newPos[dir].X, (int)newPos[dir].Y], currentLevel);
                message.Add("You open a door");
                return true; //Door opening took a turn

            return false; //Didn't spend a turn
コード例 #19
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void BreakDownItem(Level currentLevel, Item i)
            if (i.componentList.Count == 0)
                message.Add("You mangle the " + i.name + " into useless debris.");
                foreach (Item t in i.componentList)
                    //byte phase = 0; //0 - solid, 1 - liquid, 2 - vapor
                    Material m = t.material;
            //                    if (m.meltPoint < 15.555) //Room temperature
            //                        phase = 1;
            //                    if (m.boilPoint < 15.555) //60 fahrenheit, or 15.5 celsius
            //                        phase = 2;

                    if (t.name == "raw material")
                        message.Add("Some liquid spills everywhere");
            //                    else if (phase == 2)
            //                    {
            //                        message.Add("Some vapor escapes");
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                    if (phase == 0)
                        message.Add("You salvage the " + t.name + " from the " + i.name + ".");
                        if (inventory.Count > 26)
                            message.Add("Not having room in your inventory, you drop it on the ground.");
                            Drop(currentLevel, t); //Drop item

コード例 #20
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public Level PickUp(Level currentLevel)
            int x = (int)pos.X;
            int y = (int)pos.Y;
            int stackSize = currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].itemList.Count;

            if (stackSize > 0) //If there's an item at the player's position
                if (currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].itemList[stackSize - 1] == null)
                    currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].itemList.RemoveAt(stackSize - 1);
                    Item pickedItem = currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].itemList[stackSize - 1];
                    if (pickedItem is Currency)
                        Currency pickedCash = (Currency) pickedItem;
                        gold += pickedCash.worth; //Add value
                        inventory.Add(pickedItem); //Transfer to creature
                        this.message.Add("You pick up the " + pickedItem.name + ".");
                    currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].itemList.Remove(pickedItem); //From tile
                    //Wait(currentLevel, speed / 2); //Picking up an item takes half a turn

            return currentLevel;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
 public bool CanAttackMelee(Level currentLevel, Directions dir)
     return currentLevel.IsCreatureAt(pos.AdjacentVector(dir));
コード例 #22
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
 public void Regenerate(Level currentLevel)
     if (rngDie.Roll(413) < constitution * 4 && hp < hpMax)
コード例 #23
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
 public void CloseDoor(Tile tile, Level currentLevel)
     Door door = (Door)tile.fixtureLibrary[0];
     door.Close(tile, currentLevel);
コード例 #24
ファイル: Creature.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        public void CycleWithWorld(Level currentLevel)
            if (status_paralyzed > 0)
            if (blind > 0)
            if (confusion > 0)
            if (coma > 0)
            if (detectItem > 0)
            if (detectMonster > 0)
            if (seeInvisible > 0)
            if (invisibility > 0)
            if (levitate > 0)
            if (revive > 0)

            if (speedy > 0)
                if (speedy <= 0)
                    speed = (byte)(speed*0.66); //Bring back to normal speed

            if (amulet != null)
                Affect(amulet.effect, currentLevel, true); //Affect ourselves with the amulet if we have it
コード例 #25
ファイル: Adventurer_Load.cs プロジェクト: Kalasen/Adventurer
        static void FileS_Level(Level currentLevel)
            string folderPath = "Saves/" + sessionName.ToString(); //Folder name based on seed
            string filePath = folderPath + "/(" + currentLevel.mapPos.X + ", " + currentLevel.mapPos.Y + ", " +
                currentLevel.mapPos.Z + ").txt"; //File path

            if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); //Create the folder if it doesn't exist

            List<string> data = new List<string>(); //The level data as it will be written to the file.

            data.Add("[TYPE] " + currentLevel.levelType); //Track the level's type
            data.Add("[SEED] " + currentLevel.seed.ToString()); //Store the base seed

            #region Write tile data
            for (int y = 0; y < Level.GRIDH; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Level.GRIDW; x++)
                    Tile currentTile = currentLevel.tileArray[x, y]; //Working with current tile

                    bool creatureHere = false;
                    foreach (Creature c in currentLevel.creatures)
                        if (c.pos == new Vector2(x, y))
                            creatureHere = true; //There's a creature at this tile

                    if (currentTile.itemList.Count > 0 || currentTile.fixtureLibrary.Count > 0 || creatureHere)
                        data.Add("(" + x + ", " + y + ")"); //Mark the tile if there's something notable here

                    foreach (Item i in currentTile.itemList)
                        #region Write item data
                        if (i is Armor)
                            data.Add("[ARMOR] " + i.name);
                        else if (i is Potion)
                            data.Add("[POTION] " + i.name);
                        else if (i is Scroll)
                            data.Add("[SCROLL] " + i.name);
                        else if (i is Weapon)
                            data.Add("[WEAPON] " + i.name);
                        else if (i != null)
                            data.Add("[ITEM] " + i.name);

                    foreach (Fixture f in currentTile.fixtureLibrary)
                        #region Save Fixture Data
                        if (f is Door)
                            Door d = (Door)f;
                            if (d.isOpen)
                                if (d.isVertical)
                                    data.Add("[DOOR] open:true");
                                    data.Add("[DOOR] open:false");
                                if (d.isVertical)
                                    data.Add("[DOOR] closed:true");
                                    data.Add("[DOOR] closed:false");
                        else if (f is Stairs)
                            Stairs s = (Stairs)f;
                            if (s.isDown)
                                data.Add("[STAIRS] down");
                                data.Add("[STAIRS] up");
                        else if (f is Tree)
                            Tree t = (Tree)f;
                            data.Add("[TREE] " + t.species + ":" + t.fruit);
                        else if (f is Trap)
                            Trap t = (Trap)f;
                            data.Add("[TRAP] " + t.effect.type);
                        else if (f is Trap)
                            data.Add("[FIXTURE] ");

                    foreach (Creature c in currentLevel.creatures)
                        #region Save Creatures
                        if (c.pos.X == x && c.pos.Y == y)
                            if (c is QuestGiver)
                                QuestGiver q = (QuestGiver)c;
                                data.Add("[QUESTGIVER] " + q.name + ":" + q.seed + ":" + q.wantObject + ":" + q.giveObject);

                                foreach (Item i in q.inventory)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + i.name;

                                if (q.wornArmor.Count > 0)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":ARMOR";

                                foreach (Armor a in q.wornArmor)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + a.name;

                                if (q.weapon != null)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":WEAPON" + q.weapon.name;
                            else if (currentLevel.creatures[0].pos == c.pos) //If it's the player
                                data.Add("[PLAYER] " + c.name);
                                data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + c.seed;
                                data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + c.hp;
                                data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + c.hpMax;
                                data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + c.xp;
                                data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + c.gold;

                                foreach (Item i in c.inventory)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + i.name;

                                if (c.wornArmor.Count > 0)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":ARMOR:";

                                foreach (Armor a in c.wornArmor)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + a.name;

                                if (c.weapon != null)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":WEAPON:" + c.weapon.name;
                                data.Add("[CREATURE] " + c.name);
                                data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + c.seed; //Store how to generate base creature

                                foreach (Item i in c.inventory)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + i.name;

                                if (c.wornArmor.Count > 0)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":ARMOR:";

                                foreach (Armor a in c.wornArmor)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":" + a.name;

                                if (c.weapon != null)
                                    data[data.Count - 1] += ":WEAPON:" + c.weapon.name;

            string[] dataArray = data.ToArray(); //Convert to a fixed array for next part.

            File.WriteAllLines(filePath, dataArray); //Write the data