public static void Main()
            Employee employee1;

            Employee employee2 = new Employee();
            employee2.SetName("Inigo", "Montoya");

            // Modify employee2 after saving.

            // Load employee1 from the saved version of employee2
            employee1 = DataStorage.Load("Inigo", "Montoya");

                $"{ employee1.GetName() }: { employee1.Salary }");
        // Save an employee object to a file 
        // named with the Employee name.
        // Error handling not shown.
        public static void Store(Employee employee)
            // Instantiate a FileStream using FirstNameLastName.dat
            // for the filename. FileMode.Create will force
            // a new file to be created or override an
            // existing file.
            FileStream stream = new FileStream(
                employee.FirstName + employee.LastName + ".dat",

            // Create a StreamWriter object for writing text
            // into the FileStream.
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

            // Write all the data associated with the employee.

            // Close the StreamWriter and its stream.
            writer.Close();  // Automatically closes the stream
        public static Employee Load(string firstName, string lastName)
            Employee employee = new Employee();

            // Instantiate a FileStream using FirstNameLastName.dat
            // for the filename. FileMode.Open will open
            // an existing file or else report an error.
            FileStream stream = new FileStream(
                firstName + lastName + ".dat", FileMode.Open);

            // Create a StreamReader for reading text from the file.
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

            // Read each line from the file and place it into
            // the associated property.
            employee.FirstName = reader.ReadLine();
            employee.LastName = reader.ReadLine();
            employee.Salary = reader.ReadLine();

            // Close the StreamReader and its Stream.
            reader.Close();  // Automatically closes the stream

            return employee;
 static void IncreaseSalary(Employee employee)
     employee.Salary = "Enough to survive on";