/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "getOSInfo": OSInfo response0 = this.GetOSInfo(); if (response0 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); } break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "OSBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "isNetworkReachable": string host0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); INetworkReachabilityCallback callback0 = new NetworkReachabilityCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.IsNetworkReachable(host0, callback0); break; case "isNetworkServiceReachable": string url1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); INetworkReachabilityCallback callback1 = new NetworkReachabilityCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.IsNetworkServiceReachable(url1, callback1); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "NetworkReachabilityBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "logLevelMessage": ILoggingLogLevel level0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ILoggingLogLevel>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string message0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); this.Log(level0, message0); break; case "logLevelCategoryMessage": ILoggingLogLevel level1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ILoggingLogLevel>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string category1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); string message1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[2]); this.Log(level1, category1, message1); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "LoggingBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "dismissApplication": this.DismissApplication(); break; case "dismissSplashScreen": bool response1 = this.DismissSplashScreen(); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "RuntimeBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "sendEmail": Email data0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Email>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IMessagingCallback callback0 = new MessagingCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.SendEmail(data0, callback0); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "MailBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "call": string number0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); ITelephonyStatus response0 = this.Call(number0); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "TelephonyBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "addNetworkStatusListener": INetworkStatusListener listener0 = new NetworkStatusListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.AddNetworkStatusListener(listener0); break; case "removeNetworkStatusListener": INetworkStatusListener listener1 = new NetworkStatusListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.RemoveNetworkStatusListener(listener1); break; case "removeNetworkStatusListeners": this.RemoveNetworkStatusListeners(); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "NetworkStatusBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "getDefaultLocale": Locale response0 = this.GetDefaultLocale(); if (response0 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); } break; case "getLocaleSupportedDescriptors": Locale[] response1 = this.GetLocaleSupportedDescriptors(); if (response1 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); } break; case "getResourceLiteral": string key2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); Locale locale2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Locale>(request.GetParameters()[1]); string response2 = this.GetResourceLiteral(key2, locale2); if (response2 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response2); } break; case "getResourceLiterals": Locale locale3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Locale>(request.GetParameters()[0]); KeyPair[] response3 = this.GetResourceLiterals(locale3); if (response3 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response3); } break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "GlobalizationBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "deleteSecureKeyValuePairs": string[] keys0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string[]>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string publicAccessName0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); ISecurityResultCallback callback0 = new SecurityResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.DeleteSecureKeyValuePairs(keys0, publicAccessName0, callback0); break; case "getSecureKeyValuePairs": string[] keys1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string[]>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string publicAccessName1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); ISecurityResultCallback callback1 = new SecurityResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.GetSecureKeyValuePairs(keys1, publicAccessName1, callback1); break; case "isDeviceModified": bool response2 = this.IsDeviceModified(); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response2); break; case "setSecureKeyValuePairs": SecureKeyPair[] keyValues3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <SecureKeyPair[]>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string publicAccessName3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); ISecurityResultCallback callback3 = new SecurityResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.SetSecureKeyValuePairs(keyValues3, publicAccessName3, callback3); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "SecurityBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "openExtenalBrowser": string url0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response0 = this.OpenExtenalBrowser(url0); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); break; case "openInternalBrowser": string url1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string title1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); string backButtonText1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[2]); bool response1 = this.OpenInternalBrowser(url1, title1, backButtonText1); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); break; case "openInternalBrowserModal": string url2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string title2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); string backButtonText2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[2]); bool response2 = this.OpenInternalBrowserModal(url2, title2, backButtonText2); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response2); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "BrowserBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "MapBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "addDisplayOrientationListener": IDisplayOrientationListener listener0 = new DisplayOrientationListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.AddDisplayOrientationListener(listener0); break; case "getOrientationCurrent": ICapabilitiesOrientation response1 = this.GetOrientationCurrent(); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); break; case "removeDisplayOrientationListener": IDisplayOrientationListener listener2 = new DisplayOrientationListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.RemoveDisplayOrientationListener(listener2); break; case "removeDisplayOrientationListeners": this.RemoveDisplayOrientationListeners(); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "DisplayBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "addLifecycleListener": ILifecycleListener listener0 = new LifecycleListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.AddLifecycleListener(listener0); break; case "isBackground": bool response1 = this.IsBackground(); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); break; case "removeLifecycleListener": ILifecycleListener listener2 = new LifecycleListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.RemoveLifecycleListener(listener2); break; case "removeLifecycleListeners": this.RemoveLifecycleListeners(); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "LifecycleBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "canRead": FileDescriptor descriptor0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response0 = this.CanRead(descriptor0); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); break; case "canWrite": FileDescriptor descriptor1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response1 = this.CanWrite(descriptor1); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); break; case "create": FileDescriptor descriptor2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IFileResultCallback callback2 = new FileResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.Create(descriptor2, callback2); break; case "delete": FileDescriptor descriptor3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool cascade3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <bool>(request.GetParameters()[1]); bool response3 = this.Delete(descriptor3, cascade3); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response3); break; case "exists": FileDescriptor descriptor4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response4 = this.Exists(descriptor4); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response4); break; case "getContent": FileDescriptor descriptor5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IFileDataLoadResultCallback callback5 = new FileDataLoadResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.GetContent(descriptor5, callback5); break; case "getFileStorageType": FileDescriptor descriptor6 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IFileSystemStorageType response6 = this.GetFileStorageType(descriptor6); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response6); break; case "getFileType": FileDescriptor descriptor7 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IFileSystemType response7 = this.GetFileType(descriptor7); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response7); break; case "getSecurityType": FileDescriptor descriptor8 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IFileSystemSecurity response8 = this.GetSecurityType(descriptor8); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response8); break; case "isDirectory": FileDescriptor descriptor9 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response9 = this.IsDirectory(descriptor9); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response9); break; case "listFiles": FileDescriptor descriptor10 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IFileListResultCallback callback10 = new FileListResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.ListFiles(descriptor10, callback10); break; case "listFilesForRegex": FileDescriptor descriptor11 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string regex11 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); IFileListResultCallback callback11 = new FileListResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.ListFilesForRegex(descriptor11, regex11, callback11); break; case "mkDir": FileDescriptor descriptor12 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool recursive12 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <bool>(request.GetParameters()[1]); bool response12 = this.MkDir(descriptor12, recursive12); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response12); break; case "move": FileDescriptor source13 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); FileDescriptor destination13 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[1]); bool createPath13 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <bool>(request.GetParameters()[2]); bool overwrite13 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <bool>(request.GetParameters()[3]); IFileResultCallback callback13 = new FileResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.Move(source13, destination13, createPath13, overwrite13, callback13); break; case "setContent": FileDescriptor descriptor14 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); byte[] content14 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <byte[]>(request.GetParameters()[1]); IFileDataStoreResultCallback callback14 = new FileDataStoreResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.SetContent(descriptor14, content14, callback14); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "FileBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "createFileDescriptor": FileDescriptor parent0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <FileDescriptor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string name0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); FileDescriptor response0 = this.CreateFileDescriptor(parent0, name0); if (response0 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); } break; case "getApplicationCacheFolder": FileDescriptor response1 = this.GetApplicationCacheFolder(); if (response1 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); } break; case "getApplicationCloudFolder": FileDescriptor response2 = this.GetApplicationCloudFolder(); if (response2 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response2); } break; case "getApplicationDocumentsFolder": FileDescriptor response3 = this.GetApplicationDocumentsFolder(); if (response3 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response3); } break; case "getApplicationFolder": FileDescriptor response4 = this.GetApplicationFolder(); if (response4 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response4); } break; case "getApplicationProtectedFolder": FileDescriptor response5 = this.GetApplicationProtectedFolder(); if (response5 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response5); } break; case "getSeparator": char response6 = this.GetSeparator(); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response6); break; case "getSystemExternalFolder": FileDescriptor response7 = this.GetSystemExternalFolder(); if (response7 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response7); } break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "FileSystemBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "createDatabase": Database database0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IDatabaseResultCallback callback0 = new DatabaseResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.CreateDatabase(database0, callback0); break; case "createTable": Database database1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); DatabaseTable databaseTable1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <DatabaseTable>(request.GetParameters()[1]); IDatabaseTableResultCallback callback1 = new DatabaseTableResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.CreateTable(database1, databaseTable1, callback1); break; case "deleteDatabase": Database database2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IDatabaseResultCallback callback2 = new DatabaseResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.DeleteDatabase(database2, callback2); break; case "deleteTable": Database database3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); DatabaseTable databaseTable3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <DatabaseTable>(request.GetParameters()[1]); IDatabaseTableResultCallback callback3 = new DatabaseTableResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.DeleteTable(database3, databaseTable3, callback3); break; case "executeSqlStatement": Database database4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string statement4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); string[] replacements4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string[]>(request.GetParameters()[2]); IDatabaseTableResultCallback callback4 = new DatabaseTableResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.ExecuteSqlStatement(database4, statement4, replacements4, callback4); break; case "executeSqlTransactions": Database database5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string[] statements5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string[]>(request.GetParameters()[1]); bool rollbackFlag5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <bool>(request.GetParameters()[2]); IDatabaseTableResultCallback callback5 = new DatabaseTableResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.ExecuteSqlTransactions(database5, statements5, rollbackFlag5, callback5); break; case "existsDatabase": Database database6 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response6 = this.ExistsDatabase(database6); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response6); break; case "existsTable": Database database7 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <Database>(request.GetParameters()[0]); DatabaseTable databaseTable7 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <DatabaseTable>(request.GetParameters()[1]); bool response7 = this.ExistsTable(database7, databaseTable7); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response7); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "DatabaseBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "addButtonListener": IButtonListener listener0 = new ButtonListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.AddButtonListener(listener0); break; case "addDeviceOrientationListener": IDeviceOrientationListener listener1 = new DeviceOrientationListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.AddDeviceOrientationListener(listener1); break; case "getDeviceInfo": DeviceInfo response2 = this.GetDeviceInfo(); if (response2 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response2); } break; case "getLocaleCurrent": Locale response3 = this.GetLocaleCurrent(); if (response3 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response3); } break; case "getOrientationCurrent": ICapabilitiesOrientation response4 = this.GetOrientationCurrent(); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response4); break; case "removeButtonListener": IButtonListener listener5 = new ButtonListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.RemoveButtonListener(listener5); break; case "removeButtonListeners": this.RemoveButtonListeners(); break; case "removeDeviceOrientationListener": IDeviceOrientationListener listener7 = new DeviceOrientationListenerImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.RemoveDeviceOrientationListener(listener7); break; case "removeDeviceOrientationListeners": this.RemoveDeviceOrientationListeners(); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "DeviceBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "getOrientationDefault": ICapabilitiesOrientation response0 = this.GetOrientationDefault(); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); break; case "getOrientationsSupported": ICapabilitiesOrientation[] response1 = this.GetOrientationsSupported(); if (response1 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); } break; case "hasButtonSupport": ICapabilitiesButton type2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesButton>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response2 = this.HasButtonSupport(type2); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response2); break; case "hasCommunicationSupport": ICapabilitiesCommunication type3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesCommunication>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response3 = this.HasCommunicationSupport(type3); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response3); break; case "hasDataSupport": ICapabilitiesData type4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesData>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response4 = this.HasDataSupport(type4); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response4); break; case "hasMediaSupport": ICapabilitiesMedia type5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesMedia>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response5 = this.HasMediaSupport(type5); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response5); break; case "hasNetSupport": ICapabilitiesNet type6 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesNet>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response6 = this.HasNetSupport(type6); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response6); break; case "hasNotificationSupport": ICapabilitiesNotification type7 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesNotification>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response7 = this.HasNotificationSupport(type7); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response7); break; case "hasOrientationSupport": ICapabilitiesOrientation orientation8 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesOrientation>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response8 = this.HasOrientationSupport(orientation8); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response8); break; case "hasSensorSupport": ICapabilitiesSensor type9 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ICapabilitiesSensor>(request.GetParameters()[0]); bool response9 = this.HasSensorSupport(type9); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response9); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "CapabilitiesBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "getServiceRequest": ServiceToken serviceToken0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ServiceToken>(request.GetParameters()[0]); ServiceRequest response0 = this.GetServiceRequest(serviceToken0); if (response0 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response0); } break; case "getServiceToken": string serviceName1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string endpointName1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); string functionName1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[2]); IServiceMethod method1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <IServiceMethod>(request.GetParameters()[3]); ServiceToken response1 = this.GetServiceToken(serviceName1, endpointName1, functionName1, method1); if (response1 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response1); } break; case "getServiceTokenByUri": string uri2 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); ServiceToken response2 = this.GetServiceTokenByUri(uri2); if (response2 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response2); } break; case "getServicesRegistered": ServiceToken[] response3 = this.GetServicesRegistered(); if (response3 != null) { responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response3); } break; case "invokeService": ServiceRequest serviceRequest4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ServiceRequest>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IServiceResultCallback callback4 = new ServiceResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.InvokeService(serviceRequest4, callback4); break; case "isServiceRegistered": string serviceName5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); string endpointName5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[1]); string functionName5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[2]); IServiceMethod method5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <IServiceMethod>(request.GetParameters()[3]); bool response5 = this.IsServiceRegistered(serviceName5, endpointName5, functionName5, method5); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response5); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "ServiceBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }
/** * Invokes the given method specified in the API request object. * * @param request APIRequest object containing method name and parameters. * @return APIResponse with status code, message and JSON response or a JSON null string for void functions. Status code 200 is OK, all others are HTTP standard error conditions. */ public new APIResponse Invoke(APIRequest request) { APIResponse response = new APIResponse(); int responseCode = 200; String responseMessage = "OK"; String responseJSON = "null"; switch (request.GetMethodName()) { case "getContact": ContactUid contact0 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ContactUid>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IContactResultCallback callback0 = new ContactResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.GetContact(contact0, callback0); break; case "getContactPhoto": ContactUid contact1 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ContactUid>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IContactPhotoResultCallback callback1 = new ContactPhotoResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.GetContactPhoto(contact1, callback1); break; case "getContacts": IContactResultCallback callback2 = new ContactResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.GetContacts(callback2); break; case "getContactsForFields": IContactResultCallback callback3 = new ContactResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); IContactFieldGroup[] fields3 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <IContactFieldGroup[]>(request.GetParameters()[1]); this.GetContactsForFields(callback3, fields3); break; case "getContactsWithFilter": IContactResultCallback callback4 = new ContactResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); IContactFieldGroup[] fields4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <IContactFieldGroup[]>(request.GetParameters()[1]); IContactFilter[] filter4 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <IContactFilter[]>(request.GetParameters()[2]); this.GetContactsWithFilter(callback4, fields4, filter4); break; case "searchContacts": string term5 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IContactResultCallback callback5 = new ContactResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); this.SearchContacts(term5, callback5); break; case "searchContactsWithFilter": string term6 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <string>(request.GetParameters()[0]); IContactResultCallback callback6 = new ContactResultCallbackImpl(request.GetAsyncId()); IContactFilter[] filter6 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <IContactFilter[]>(request.GetParameters()[2]); this.SearchContactsWithFilter(term6, callback6, filter6); break; case "setContactPhoto": ContactUid contact7 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <ContactUid>(request.GetParameters()[0]); byte[] pngImage7 = GetJSONProcessor().DeserializeObject <byte[]>(request.GetParameters()[1]); bool response7 = this.SetContactPhoto(contact7, pngImage7); responseJSON = GetJSONProcessor().SerializeObject(response7); break; default: // 404 - response null. responseCode = 404; responseMessage = "ContactBridge does not provide the function '" + request.GetMethodName() + "' Please check your client-side API version; should be API version >= v2.2.15."; break; } response.SetResponse(responseJSON); response.SetStatusCode(responseCode); response.SetStatusMessage(responseMessage); return(response); }