コード例 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the ColumnSchemas for a specified table
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ts">The TableSchema to add the ColumnSchema to</param>
		/// <param name="oledbConnectionString">The OleDb connectionstring to use</param>
		public void CreateColumnSchemas(TableSchema ts, string oledbConnectionString, Adapdev.Data.DbType databaseType)
			DataTable dt = this.GetReaderSchema(oledbConnectionString, ts.Name, databaseType);
			if (!(dt == null)) 
				foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) 
					ColumnSchema ci = new ColumnSchema();
					ci.Alias = (string) dr["ColumnName"];
					ci.AllowNulls = (bool) dr["AllowDBNull"];
					ci.DataTypeId = (int) dr["ProviderType"];
					ci.DataType = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetNameById(dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
					ci.DefaultTestValue = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetTestDefaultById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
					ci.DefaultValue = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetDefaultById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
					ci.IsAutoIncrement = (bool) dr["IsAutoIncrement"];
					ci.IsForeignKey = false;
					ci.IsPrimaryKey = false;
					ci.IsUnique = (bool) dr["IsUnique"];
					ci.Length = (int) dr["ColumnSize"];
					ci.Name = (string) dr["ColumnName"];
					ci.NetType = dr["DataType"].ToString();
					ci.Ordinal = (int) dr["ColumnOrdinal"];
					ci.IsReadOnly = (bool) dr["IsReadOnly"];
コード例 #2
//		private DatabaseSchema CreateMySqlDatabaseSchema(string connectionString)
//		{
//			DataTable schemaTables = this.GetMySqlSchema(connectionString);
//			DatabaseSchema di = new DatabaseSchema();
//			MySqlConnection c = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
//			di.Name = c.Database;
//			c = null;
//			foreach (DataRow dr in schemaTables.Rows)
//			{
//				TableSchema ti = CreateMySqlTableSchema(dr);
//				CreateColumnSchemas(ti, connectionString, Adapdev.Data.DbType.MYSQL);
//				DataTable columns = this.GetMySqlColumnSchema(connectionString, ti.Name);
//				foreach(DataRow columnRow in columns.Rows)
//				{
//					if (columnRow["Key"] + "" == "PRI")
//					{
//						ti[columnRow["Field"].ToString()].IsPrimaryKey = true;
//					}
//					else if (columnRow["Key"] + "" == "MUL")
//					{
//						ti[columnRow["Field"].ToString()].IsForeignKey = true;
//					}
//				}
//				di.AddTable(ti);
//			}
//			return di;
//		}
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the ColumnSchemas for a specified table
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ts">The TableSchema to add the ColumnSchema to</param>
		/// <param name="connectionString">The OleDb connectionstring to use</param>
		private void CreateColumnSchemas(TableSchema ts, string connectionString, Adapdev.Data.DbType databaseType)
			DataTable dt = this.GetReaderSchema(connectionString, ts.Name, databaseType);
			if (!(dt == null)) 
				foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) 
					ColumnSchema ci = new ColumnSchema();
					ci.Alias = (string) dr["ColumnName"];
					ci.AllowNulls = (bool) dr["AllowDBNull"];
					ci.DataTypeId = (int) dr["ProviderType"];
					ci.DataType = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetNameById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
					ci.DefaultTestValue = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetTestDefaultById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
					ci.DefaultValue = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetDefaultById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
					ci.IsAutoIncrement = (bool) dr["IsAutoIncrement"];
					ci.IsForeignKey = false;
					ci.IsPrimaryKey = false;
					ci.IsUnique = (bool) dr["IsUnique"];
					ci.Length = (int) dr["ColumnSize"];
					ci.Name = (string) dr["ColumnName"];
					ci.NetType = dr["DataType"].ToString();
					ci.Ordinal = (int) dr["ColumnOrdinal"];
					ci.IsReadOnly = (bool) dr["IsReadOnly"];

					// hack because MySql has the same provider type for
					// strings and blobs, which results in blob
					// default and test values being incorrectly assigned to
					// string columns
					if((ci.DataTypeId == 252 && ci.NetType.Equals("System.String")) || ci.DataTypeId == 254)
						ci.DataTypeId = 253;
						ci.DataType = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetNameById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
						ci.DefaultTestValue = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetTestDefaultById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);
						ci.DefaultValue = ProviderInfoManager.GetInstance().GetDefaultById(this.dbProviderType, ci.DataTypeId);