コード例 #1
        public AcuCafeTests()
            mockDrinkFactory = mockRepository.Create <IDrinkFactory>();
            mockPreparer     = mockRepository.Create <IPreparer>();
            mockLogger       = mockRepository.Create <IOutputter>();

            AcuCafe = new AcuCafe.AcuCafe(mockDrinkFactory.Object, mockPreparer.Object, mockLogger.Object);
コード例 #2
ファイル: AcuCafe.cs プロジェクト: peterwrightdev/AcuCafe
        // Added default values for hasCondiment arguments for backwards-compatability.
        public static Drink OrderDrink(string type, bool hasMilk = false, bool hasSugar = false, bool hasChocolate = false)
            Drink drink = null;

                // Rather than explicitly linking the string to Drink requested, use the typename.
                // Approach like this means we can simply create a new Drink type in AcuCafe.Drinks namespace.
                Type drinkType = Type.GetType("AcuCafe.Drinks." + type);
                drink = (Drink)Activator.CreateInstance(drinkType);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Throw an error with message back in the case where the type entered doesn't match a drink that is actually served.
                ServiceLocatorWrapper.ServiceLocator.GetConsoleService().WriteLine(string.Format("We do not serve {0}.", type));

                // Throw the exception to the caller. This is intended to give the "waiter" the opportunity to handle the error. Perhaps prompting customer for details of a new order.
                throw new Exception("Invalid Drink Type supplied.");

            // Reworked how condiments are included in a drink for ease of extension. Rather than using an ever growing list of flags, concatenate to a list.
            // Now, we no longer have to add a new flag for new condiments.
            // Ideally, I would prefer to have modified the signature of the OrderDrink method to take a list of condiments/names, but maintained for backwards compatability.
            if (hasMilk)
                drink.ExtraCondiments.Add(new Milk());
            if (hasSugar)
                drink.ExtraCondiments.Add(new Sugar());
            if (hasChocolate)
                drink.ExtraCondiments.Add(new Chocolate());

            catch (Exception ex)
                // using service locator pattern here to enable dependency injection of the console in order to unit test output.
                ServiceLocatorWrapper.ServiceLocator.GetConsoleService().WriteLine("We are unable to prepare your drink.");
                ServiceLocatorWrapper.ServiceLocator.GetFileService().WriteTextToPath(@"c:\Error.txt", ex.ToString());
                // Throw the exception to the caller. The "Waiter" can then handle it.
                throw ex;

コード例 #3
ファイル: AcuCafe.cs プロジェクト: robotii/AcuCafe
        public static IDrink OrderDrink(string type, bool hasMilk, bool hasSugar)
            AcuCafe       cafe        = new AcuCafe(new DrinkFactory(), new DrinkIngredientFactory(), new BaristaInformer(), new Logger(@"c:\Error.txt"));
            List <string> ingredients = new List <string>();

            if (hasMilk)
            if (hasSugar)

            return(cafe.OrderDrink(type, ingredients));
コード例 #4
ファイル: AcuCafe.cs プロジェクト: peterwrightdev/AcuCafe
        public static void Prepare(Drink drink)
            string message = "We are preparing the following drink for you: " + drink.Description;

            // I have made this generic for each condiment. So no changes should be required here in future whenever new condiments are added.
            // Also makes use of the validation setup to ensure we only mention condiments that are relevant to the drink in question.
            foreach (Type condiment in drink.ValidCondiments.OrderBy(c => c.Name))
                if (drink.ExtraCondiments.Where(ec => ec.GetType().Name == condiment.Name).Any())
                    message += ", with " + condiment.Name;
                    message += ", without " + condiment.Name;

コード例 #5
        public void OrderDrink_Should_Validate_And_Prepare_Order(bool validation, bool returnNullValidator, bool returnNullDrink,
                                                                 string expectedMessage, Mock <Drink> expectedDrink,
                                                                 [Frozen] Mock <IDrinkFactory> drinkFactory, [Frozen] Mock <IDrinkValidatorFactory> drinkValidatorFactory, [Frozen] Mock <IDrinkValidator> drinkValidator,
                                                                 AcuCafe.AcuCafe sut)
            if (!returnNullValidator)
                drinkValidatorFactory.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(drinkValidator.Object);
                drinkValidator.Setup(x => x.Validate(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <Topping>())).Returns(validation);
                drinkValidatorFactory.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(default(IDrinkValidator));

            if (!returnNullDrink)
                drinkFactory.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <Topping>())).Returns(expectedDrink.Object);
                expectedDrink.Setup(x => x.Prepare()).Returns(expectedMessage);
                drinkFactory.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <Topping>())).Returns(default(Drink));

            var result = sut.OrderDrink(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <bool>());

            if (!returnNullDrink && !returnNullValidator)