public override void Init(Condition cond, List <string> events, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder, ActionFile actionfile, System.Func <string, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> > func, Icon ic, ToolTip toolTip) { cd = cond; // on creation, the cond with be set to onVoice with one condition, checked in ActionController.cs:SetPackEditor.. textBoxInput = new ExtendedControls.ExtTextBox(); textBoxInput.Location = new Point(panelxmargin, panelymargin); textBoxInput.Size = new Size(356, 24); // manually matched to size of eventprogramcondition bits textBoxInput.Text = cd.fields[0].matchstring; textBoxInput.TextChanged += TextBoxInput_TextChanged; textBoxInput.SetTipDynamically(toolTip, "Enter the voice input to recognise. Multiple phrases seperate with semicolons"); Controls.Add(textBoxInput); ActionProgram p = cond.action.HasChars() ? actionfile.actionprogramlist.Get(cond.action) : null; ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass classifier = p != null ? p.progclass : ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.KeySay; ucprog = new ActionPackEditProgram(); ucprog.Location = new Point(textBoxInput.Right + 16, 0); ucprog.Size = new Size(400, this.Height); // init all the panels to 0/this height, select widths ucprog.Init(actionfile, cond, cp, appfolder, ic, toolTip, classifier); ucprog.onEditKeys = onEditKeys; ucprog.onEditSay = onEditSay; ucprog.onAdditionalNames += () => { return(func(cd.eventname)); }; ucprog.SuggestedName += () => { string textparse = (textBoxInput.Text.Length > 0 && !textBoxInput.Text.Equals("?")) ? ("_" + textBoxInput.Text.Split(';')[0].SafeVariableString()) : ""; return("VoiceInput" + textparse); }; ucprog.RefreshEvent += () => { RefreshIt(); }; Controls.Add(ucprog); }
public override void Init(Condition cond, List <string> events, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder, ActionFile actionfile, System.Func <string, List <BaseUtils.TypeHelpers.PropertyNameInfo> > func, Icon ic, ToolTip toolTip) { cd = cond; //this.BackColor = Color.Red; // for debug // layed out for 12 point. UC below require 28 point area eventtype = new ExtendedControls.ExtComboBox(); eventtype.Items.AddRange(events); eventtype.Location = new Point(panelxmargin, panelymargin); eventtype.Size = new Size(140, 24); if (cd.EventName != null) { eventtype.SelectedItem = cd.EventName; } eventtype.SelectedIndexChanged += Eventtype_SelectedIndexChanged; Controls.Add(eventtype); uccond = new ActionPackEditCondition(); uccond.Location = new Point(eventtype.Right + 16, 0); uccond.Size = new Size(200, 28); // init all the panels to 0/this height, select widths uccond.Init(cond, ic, toolTip); uccond.onAdditionalNames += () => { return(func(eventtype.Text)); }; Controls.Add(uccond); ActionProgram p = cond.Action.HasChars() ? actionfile.ProgramList.Get(cond.Action) : null; ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass classifier = p != null ? p.ProgramClass : ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.Full; ucprog = new ActionPackEditProgram(); ucprog.Location = new Point(uccond.Right + 16, 0); ucprog.Size = new Size(400, 28); // init all the panels to 0/this height, select widths ucprog.Init(actionfile, cond, cp, appfolder, ic, toolTip, classifier); ucprog.onEditKeys = onEditKeys; ucprog.onEditSay = onEditSay; ucprog.onAdditionalNames += () => { return(func(eventtype.Text)); }; ucprog.SuggestedName += () => { return(eventtype.Text); }; ucprog.RefreshEvent += () => { RefreshIt(); }; Controls.Add(ucprog); }
public override void Init(Condition cond, List <string> events, ActionCoreController cp, string appfolder, ActionFile actionfile, System.Func <string, List <string> > func, Icon ic, ToolTip toolTip) { cd = cond; anfunc = func; eventtype = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom(); eventtype.Items.AddRange(events); eventtype.Location = new Point(panelxmargin, panelymargin); eventtype.Size = new Size(140, 24); eventtype.DropDownHeight = 400; eventtype.DropDownWidth = eventtype.Width * 3 / 2; if (cd.eventname != null) { eventtype.SelectedItem = cd.eventname; } eventtype.SelectedIndexChanged += Eventtype_SelectedIndexChanged; Controls.Add(eventtype); uccond = new ActionPackEditCondition(); uccond.Location = new Point(eventtype.Right + 16, 0); uccond.Size = new Size(200, this.Height); // init all the panels to 0/this height, select widths uccond.Init(cond, ic, toolTip); uccond.onAdditionalNames += () => { return(anfunc(eventtype.Text)); }; Controls.Add(uccond); ActionProgram p = cond.action.HasChars() ? actionfile.actionprogramlist.Get(cond.action) : null; ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass classifier = p != null ? p.progclass : ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.Full; ucprog = new ActionPackEditProgram(); ucprog.Location = new Point(uccond.Right + 16, 0); ucprog.Size = new Size(400, this.Height); // init all the panels to 0/this height, select widths ucprog.Init(actionfile, cond, cp, appfolder, ic, toolTip, classifier); ucprog.onEditKeys = onEditKeys; ucprog.onEditSay = onEditSay; ucprog.onAdditionalNames += () => { return(anfunc(eventtype.Text)); }; ucprog.SuggestedName += () => { return(eventtype.Text); }; ucprog.RefreshEvent += () => { RefreshIt(); }; Controls.Add(ucprog); }