public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(ActionBar_Sherlock.View.IMenuItem item) { switch (item.ItemId) { case Android.Resource.Id.Home: Toast.MakeText(this, "HOME", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; case Resource.Id.menu_save1: Toast.MakeText(this, "TEST1", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; case Resource.Id.menu_save2: Toast.MakeText(this, "TEST2", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; case Resource.Id.menu_save3: Toast.MakeText(this, "TEST3", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; case Resource.Id.menu_save4: Toast.MakeText(this, "TEST4", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; default: Toast.MakeText(this, "OTHER", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; } return(true); }
public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem item) { // If this callback does not handle the item click, onPerformDefaultAction // of the ActionProvider is invoked. Hence, the provider encapsulates the // complete functionality of the menu item. Toast.MakeText(this, "Presiono " + item.TitleFormatted, ToastLength.Short).Show(); return(false); }
public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected (IMenuItem item) { // If this callback does not handle the item click, onPerformDefaultAction // of the ActionProvider is invoked. Hence, the provider encapsulates the // complete functionality of the menu item. Toast.MakeText (this, "Presiono "+item.TitleFormatted, ToastLength.Short).Show (); return false; }