コード例 #1
 // Initialize the state and create a 0-length tape.
 internal TuringMachineExecutionById(TuringMachineDefinitionById machineDefinition)
     definition = machineDefinition;
コード例 #2
        // This constructor creates a Turing machine definition. The arguments are:
        // (Note: We use "symbol" and "letter" as synonims.)
        // States and letters have a double representation. They can bee seen as
        // integer ids (positions in the matrix, newMachineBlankSymbolId, newMachineInitialStateId)
        // or as TState and TAlphabet (types you choose). The mapping between this 2 representations
        // is acomplished using newMachineTapeAlphabet and newMachineStates. It is not mandatory
        // to use this 2 representations. You may be happy with just integers. In that case,
        // pass <int,int> as <TAlphabet,TState> and null as newMachineTapeAlphabet and newMachineStates.
        // The number of states and letters will then be computer using matrix lengths.
        // You can have a mix of the 2, for example state as ids only but letters as cutom type.
        // - the tape alphabet (length >= 1)
        // - a blank symbol (>= 0, <(alphabet size))
        // - the set of letters that are part of the input alphabet, subset of the tape alphabet,
        //   it is an array of bools of length = alphabet size. The blank symbol
        //   must not be part of the input alphabet. newMachineInputAlphabet[a] contains
        //   true of false whether or not letter a is part of the input alphabet.
        //   If you want the input alphabet to be all the tape alphabet except blank,
        //   then you can pass null as this argument.
        // - states (length >= 1)
        // - an initial state (>= 0, <(number of states))
        // - a transition matrix, with lines being states, 3 columns beeing one letter and content being
        //   the new state, the new letter and the direction.
        //   ie. newMachinesTransitions[s1,3*a] = s2 means that when the machine is in state s1
        //   and reads letter a, it goes in state s2. Special values -1 and -2 respectively mean
        //   reject and accept.
        //   newMachinesTransitions[s1,3*a+1] = a2 means the written letter is a2
        //   newMachinesTransitions[s1,3*a+2] = d means the machine will go in direction d
        //   with 0 beeing "don't move", 1 beeing "go one step right", and 2 beeing "go one step left".
        // About FrozenVector and FrozenMatrix:
        // This object requires that you use FrozenVector and FrozenMatrix for
        // the transitions matrix and the vector of final states.
        // As FrozenVector and FrozenMatrix are read-only, they can safely be
        // shared accross machines definitions. For convenience, a overrided
        // constructor is provided, that takes usual arrays, and converts them
        // to FrozenMatrix/Vector.
        public TuringMachineDefinition(ICollection <TAlphabet> newMachineTapeAlphabet,
                                       int newMachineBlankSymbolId,
                                       FrozenVector <bool> newMachineInputAlphabet,
                                       ICollection <TState> newMachineStates,
                                       int newMachineInitialStateId,
                                       FrozenMatrix <int> newMachineTransitions)
            int tapeAlphabetSize;

            /* Store alphabet and check it is correct (ie no duplicates). */
            if (newMachineTapeAlphabet != null)
                tapeAlphabet = new TAlphabet[newMachineTapeAlphabet.Count];
                newMachineTapeAlphabet.CopyTo(tapeAlphabet, 0);
                tapeAlphabetIds = new Dictionary <TAlphabet, int>();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (TAlphabet a in newMachineTapeAlphabet)
                    if (tapeAlphabetIds.ContainsKey(a))
                        throw new FiniteStateMachineException("Duplicated letter in newMachineAlphabet : " + a);
                    tapeAlphabetIds.Add(a, i);
                // newMachineAlphabet array has authority for giving the number of letters
                tapeAlphabetSize = tapeAlphabet.Length;
                if (typeof(TAlphabet) != typeof(int))
                    throw new FiniteStateMachineException("You passed null as newMachineAlphabet, so I deduce that you want to identify"
                                                          + " letters with ids instead of TAlphabet type, but did not choose int as TAlphabet"
                                                          + " so this is inconsistant.");
                // the matrix has authority for giving the number of letters
                tapeAlphabetSize = newMachineTransitions.GetLength(1) / 3;

            int numberOfStates;

            /* Store states and check it is correct (ie no duplicates). */
            if (newMachineStates != null)
                states = new TState[newMachineStates.Count];
                newMachineStates.CopyTo(states, 0);
                stateIds = new Dictionary <TState, int>();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (TState s in newMachineStates)
                    if (stateIds.ContainsKey(s))
                        throw new FiniteStateMachineException("Duplicated state in newMachineStates : " + s);
                    stateIds.Add(s, i);
                // newMachineStates array has auothority for giving the number of letters
                numberOfStates = states.Length;
                if (typeof(TState) != typeof(int))
                    throw new FiniteStateMachineException("You passed null as newMachineStates, so I deduce that you want to identify"
                                                          + " states with ids instead of TState type, but did not choose int as TState"
                                                          + " so this is inconsistant.");
                // the matrix has authority for giving the number of states
                numberOfStates = newMachineTransitions.GetLength(0);

            /* Now build our internal FiniteStateMachineDefinitionById. */
            definitionById = new TuringMachineDefinitionById(tapeAlphabetSize,