/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the CLNMAS EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToCLNMAS(CLNMA cLNMA) { base.AddObject("CLNMAS", cLNMA); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new CLNMA object. /// </summary> /// <param name="client_ID">Initial value of the Client_ID property.</param> /// <param name="rowguid">Initial value of the rowguid property.</param> public static CLNMA CreateCLNMA(global::System.Int32 client_ID, global::System.Guid rowguid) { CLNMA cLNMA = new CLNMA(); cLNMA.Client_ID = client_ID; cLNMA.rowguid = rowguid; return cLNMA; }
public void doClients(Form1 form, System.IO.DirectoryInfo migrationDir) { var files = migrationDir.GetFiles(); DateTime myDM = DateTime.Now; foreach (var file in files) { form.updFileLabel(file.Name); try { using (var t = new StreamReader(file.FullName)) { string strOldID = ""; var bits = t.ReadToEnd(); dynamic json = JsonHelper.Decode(bits); CLNMA item = new CLNMA() { UNIQUE = "AccuAuto", DBA = file.Name, DateMigrated = myDM, CompanyName = json.DisplayName, LNAME = json.Name.LastName, FNAME = json.Name.FirstName, MiddleName = json.Name.MiddleName, SALUTATION = json.Name.Title, SOURCE = json.Source, CSTATUS = (json.ClientStatus == "Prospect") ? "P" : "A", }; try { item.ADDRESS1 = json.Addresses[0].Line1; item.CITY = json.Addresses[0].City; item.STATE = json.Addresses[0].State; item.ZIP = json.Addresses[0].Zip; item.ADDRESS2 = json.Addresses[0].Line2; } catch { } try { if (json.Contacts.Count > 0) { foreach (dynamic Contact in json.Contacts) { if (Contact.ContactType == "HomePhone") { item.HPHONE = Contact.Value; } else if (Contact.ContactType == "WorkPhone") { item.WPHONE = Contact.Value; } else if (Contact.ContactType == "MobilePhone") { item.Cell = Contact.Value; } else if (Contact.ContactType == "Email") { item.Email = Contact.Value; } } } } catch { } try { if (json.Comments != null) { if (json.Comments.Count > 0) { item.datXDate = Convert.ToDateTime(json.Comments[0].ModifiedDate.Substring(0, 10)); if (item.datXDate < Convert.ToDateTime("1800-01-01")) item.datXDate = null; item.strXDateComm = json.Comments[0].Text; } } } catch { } try { item.isCOMMERCIAL = (json.ClientType == "Commercial"); } catch { } try { item.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(json.BirthDate.Substring(0, 10)); if (item.DOB < Convert.ToDateTime("1800-01-01")) item.DOB = null; } catch { } try { strOldID = json.OldId; } catch { } db.CLNMAS.AddObject(item); db.SaveChanges(); client.add(file.Name, item.Client_ID, strOldID); if (item.Client_ID % 100 == 0) form.Refresh(); } } catch { } } }