コード例 #1
 private string GetYearDataInsert(YearData yd)
         (new FluentMySqlInsert("playerYearData")
          .WithColumns("id", "isRookie", "startingHandicap", "finishingHandicap", "playerId", "yearId", "teamId", "week0Score")
          .WithValues(yd.Id, yd.Rookie, yd.StartingHandicap, yd.FinishingHandicap, yd.Player.Id, yd.Year.Id, yd.Team.Id, yd.Week0Score)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// "new" handicap calculation (2011+)
        /// </summary>
        private static void CalculateHandicaps(DataModel dataModel, Player player, YearData yearData, bool isNewestYear)
            var week0Score = yearData.Week0Score;
            var isRookie   = yearData.Rookie;

            // Get all results for a player for the year.
            var resultsForPlayerForYear = dataModel.Results.Where(x => x.Player.Id == player.Id && x.Matchup.TeamMatchup.Week.Year.Value == yearData.Year.Value).OrderBy(x => x.Matchup.TeamMatchup.Week.SeasonIndex).ToList();

            HandicapResult handicapResult = null, firstHandicapResult = null;

            for (int i = resultsForPlayerForYear.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var subResults = resultsForPlayerForYear.Take(i + 1);

                handicapResult = HandicapsForResults(subResults, week0Score, isRookie);

                // bleh this could be cleaned up.
                if (i == 0)
                    resultsForPlayerForYear[i].PriorHandicap = week0Score - 36;

                if (i == resultsForPlayerForYear.Count - 1)
                    firstHandicapResult = handicapResult;
                    resultsForPlayerForYear[i + 1].PriorHandicap = handicapResult.Handicap;

            // handicap result will be null if no results for the year yet.
            if (firstHandicapResult != null)
                if (isNewestYear)
                    player.CurrentHandicap = firstHandicapResult.Handicap;

                yearData.FinishingHandicap = firstHandicapResult.Handicap;
コード例 #3
 public void AddYearData(YearData yearData)
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Not used currently. Old calculation.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CalculateIncorrectHandicaps(DataModel dataModel, Player player, YearData yearData, bool isNewestYear)
            var week0Score = yearData.Week0Score;
            var isRookie   = yearData.Rookie;

            // Get all results for a player for the year.
            var resultsForPlayerForYear = dataModel.Results.Where(x => x.Player.Id == player.Id && x.Matchup.TeamMatchup.Week.Year.Value == yearData.Year.Value).OrderBy(x => x.Matchup.TeamMatchup.Week.SeasonIndex).ToList();

            int scoreIndex = 4;

            List <int> scores = new List <int>(4);

            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            foreach (var result in resultsForPlayerForYear)
                result.PriorHandicap = priorHandicapWithScores(scores, scoreIndex);
                int handicapForWeek = result.Score - result.Matchup.TeamMatchup.Week.Course.Par;

                // Can't be larger than 20
                if (handicapForWeek > 20)
                    handicapForWeek = 20;



            if (isNewestYear)
                player.CurrentHandicap = priorHandicapWithScores(scores, scoreIndex);

            yearData.FinishingHandicap = priorHandicapWithScores(scores, scoreIndex);
コード例 #5
 private static void CalculateHandicapsUnder2009(DataModel dataModel, Player player, YearData yearData, bool isNewestYear)
コード例 #6
        public DataModel CreateDataModel(string databaseDirectory, string fileDsnLocation)
            // 99 - 08
            // 09 - 11 - added week 0 score to players, added course name to week
            // 12 - 13 - added status to player

            const int lastYear = 2015;

            Dictionary <string, Player> namesToPlayers      = new Dictionary <string, Player>();
            ICollection <Player>        extraInvalidPlayers = new List <Player>();
            HashSet <string>            setOfPlayers        = new HashSet <string>();

            int teamIndex          = 1,
                courseIndex        = 1,
                weekIndex          = 1,
                yearIndex          = 1,
                yearDataIndex      = 1,
                teamMatchupIndex   = 1,
                playerIndex        = 1,
                matchupIndex       = 1,
                resultIndex        = 1,
                dataMigrationIndex = 1,
                teamYearDataIndex  = 1;

            Dictionary <string, Team>     teamNameToTeam       = new Dictionary <string, Team>();
            Dictionary <string, Course>   courseNameToCourse   = new Dictionary <string, Course>();
            Dictionary <int, Year>        yearIdToYear         = new Dictionary <int, Year>();
            Dictionary <int, Year>        yearValueToYear      = new Dictionary <int, Year>();
            Dictionary <int, TeamMatchup> teamMatchupIdMatchup = new Dictionary <int, TeamMatchup>();
            ICollection <MatchUp>         allMatchUps          = new List <MatchUp>();
            ICollection <Result>          allResults           = new List <Result>();
            ICollection <YearData>        yearDatas            = new List <YearData>();
            ICollection <TeamYearData>    teamYearDatas        = new List <TeamYearData>();
            ICollection <Week>            allWeeks             = new List <Week>();
            ICollection <DataMigration>   dataMigrationDatas   = new List <DataMigration>();

            // Add fake team and fake players (these will be used later)
            var teamOfLostPlayers = new Team {
                Id = teamIndex++, Name = "Dummy Team", ValidTeam = false

            var noShowPlayer = new Player(playerIndex++)
                Name = "No Show", CurrentHandicap = 0, ValidPlayer = false

            namesToPlayers[noShowPlayer.Name] = noShowPlayer;

            var nonLeagueSub = new Player(playerIndex++)
                Name = "Non-League Sub", CurrentHandicap = 0, ValidPlayer = false

            namesToPlayers[nonLeagueSub.Name] = nonLeagueSub;

            for (int year = 1999; year < lastYear; year++)
                OdbcCommand    cmd;
                OdbcConnection connection;

                string yearStr = Convert.ToString(year);

                string connectionString = @"filedsn=" + fileDsnLocation + "; Uid=Admin; Pwd=bigmatt; DBQ=" + databaseDirectory + @"\golf" + yearStr.Substring(2) + ".mdb";

                using (connection = new OdbcConnection(connectionString))
                    cmd            = new OdbcCommand();
                    cmd.Connection = connection;

                    // Year
                    var newYear = new Year {
                        Id = yearIndex++, Value = year, Complete = year == DateTime.Now.Year ? false : true
                    yearIdToYear[newYear.Id] = newYear;
                    yearValueToYear[year]    = newYear;

                    // add year data for both no show and non-league sub
                        var noShowPlayerYd = new YearData {
                            FinishingHandicap = 20, Id = yearDataIndex++, Player = noShowPlayer, StartingHandicap = 20, Rookie = false, Team = teamOfLostPlayers, Week0Score = 99, Year = newYear

                        var nonLeagueSubYd = new YearData {
                            FinishingHandicap = 20, Id = yearDataIndex++, Player = nonLeagueSub, StartingHandicap = 20, Rookie = false, Team = teamOfLostPlayers, Week0Score = 99, Year = newYear

                    // Data migration
                    DateTime migrationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (year != DateTime.Now.Year)

                    var dataMigration = new DataMigration {
                        Id = dataMigrationIndex++, Year = newYear, Notes = yearStr, DataMigrationDate = migrationDate


                    // Weeks
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM WeekTable";
                    Dictionary <int, Week> weekTempIdToWeek         = new Dictionary <int, Week>();
                    Dictionary <int, int>  weekIdToTeamMatchupIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                    using (var weekReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (weekReader.Read())
                            string courseName = string.Empty;
                            int    coursePar  = Convert.ToInt32(weekReader.GetString(1));

                            Course course = null;

                            if (year < 2009)
                                courseName = Convert.ToString(year) + " Course " + Convert.ToString(coursePar);
                                courseName = weekReader.GetString(3);
                                //coursePar = Convert.ToInt32(weekReader.GetString(1));

                            if (!courseNameToCourse.TryGetValue(courseName, out course))
                                course = new Course {
                                    Name = courseName, Id = courseIndex++, Par = coursePar
                                courseNameToCourse.Add(courseName, course);

                            var weekDate = weekReader.GetString(2).Replace("Sept.", "September");

                            Week week = new Week {
                                SeasonIndex = weekReader.GetInt32(0), Course = course, Date = DateTime.Parse(weekDate), Id = weekIndex++, Year = newYear

                            if (week.SeasonIndex != 0)
                                week.PairingId = ((week.SeasonIndex - 1) % 3) + 1;
                                week.PairingId = 1;

                            // TODO: Manually set some pairing indexes for 2014.

                            weekTempIdToWeek[week.SeasonIndex]         = week;
                            weekIdToTeamMatchupIndex[week.SeasonIndex] = 0;

                    if (year == 2014)
                        weekTempIdToWeek[10].PairingId = 3;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[11].PairingId = 1;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[12].PairingId = 2;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[13].PairingId = 3;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[14].PairingId = 1;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[15].PairingId = 2;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[16].PairingId = 3;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[17].PairingId = 3;
                        weekTempIdToWeek[18].PairingId = 1;

                    // Now that we are done processing weeks, assign playoff values to each one.
                    var lastTwoWeeksOfYear = weekTempIdToWeek.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.SeasonIndex).Take(2);

                    foreach (var week in lastTwoWeeksOfYear)
                        week.IsPlayoff = true;

                    // Teams
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TeamTable";
                    Dictionary <int, Team> teamIdToTeam = new Dictionary <int, Team>();

                    using (var teamReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (teamReader.Read())
                            var teamId   = teamReader.GetInt32(0);
                            var teamName = teamReader.GetString(1);

                            if (string.Equals(teamName, "Mentally Handicapped", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                teamName = "Golf Gods";

                            Team team = null;

                            if (!teamNameToTeam.TryGetValue(teamName, out team))
                                bool validTeam = true;

                                // Garbage team from 2005. Throw it awayyy
                                if (string.Equals(teamName, "Handicap", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    validTeam = false;

                                team = new Team()
                                    Name = teamName, Id = teamIndex++, ValidTeam = validTeam
                                teamNameToTeam.Add(teamName, team);

                            TeamYearData tyd = new TeamYearData {
                                Id = teamYearDataIndex++, TeamId = team.Id, Year = yearValueToYear[year]

                            teamIdToTeam.Add(teamId, team);
                    // Add our dummy team :\
                    if (!teamIdToTeam.ContainsKey(0) && !teamIdToTeam.ContainsKey(99))
                        teamIdToTeam[0] = teamIdToTeam[99] = teamOfLostPlayers;

                        TeamYearData tyd = new TeamYearData {
                            Id = teamYearDataIndex++, TeamId = teamOfLostPlayers.Id, Year = yearValueToYear[year]

                    // Players
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM PlayerTable";
                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            string playerName       = reader.GetString(0);
                            int    playersTeam      = reader.GetInt32(1);
                            int    startingHandicap = 0;
                            bool   isRookie         = false;
                            int    week0Score       = -1;

                            // If the year is before 2009, we'll update the handicaps later
                            if (year >= 2009)
                                week0Score       = reader.GetInt32(2);
                                startingHandicap = week0Score - 36;

                            // If we have player status, then set the rookie value based on status.
                            // Otherwise, everyone is assumed a veteran.
                            if (year >= 2011)
                                var status = reader.GetString(3);
                                isRookie = string.Equals(status, "new", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? true : false;

                            Player player = null;
                            if (!namesToPlayers.TryGetValue(playerName, out player))
                                player = new Player(playerIndex++)
                                    Name = playerName, CurrentHandicap = startingHandicap, ValidPlayer = true
                                namesToPlayers[playerName] = player;

                            // TODO: Needs to be something else
                            //player.Team = teamIdToTeam[playersTeam];

                            // Current handicap will be updated by handicap code later
                            player.CurrentHandicap = startingHandicap;

                            // finishing handicap will be updated later.
                            YearData yearData = new YearData
                                Player            = player,
                                Rookie            = isRookie,
                                StartingHandicap  = startingHandicap,
                                FinishingHandicap = startingHandicap,
                                Year       = yearValueToYear[year],
                                Id         = yearDataIndex++,
                                Team       = teamIdToTeam[playersTeam],
                                Week0Score = week0Score == -1 ? 0 : week0Score                         // only years > 2009 will have a valid value here.


                    var playoffWeeksInOrder = weekTempIdToWeek.Values.Where(x => x.IsPlayoff).OrderBy(x => x.SeasonIndex).ToList();

                    // Matches
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM MatchTable";
                    using (var matchReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        LinkedList <Tuple <int, TeamMatchup> > allTeamMatchupsForYear = new LinkedList <Tuple <int, TeamMatchup> >();

                        while (matchReader.Read())
                            int weekId  = matchReader[2] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : (matchReader.GetInt32(2));
                            int matchId = matchReader[1] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(matchReader.GetString(1));

                            if (matchId == -1 || weekId == -1)

                            var team1IdType = matchReader[3].GetType();
                            var team2IdType = matchReader[4].GetType();

                            if (team1IdType == System.DBNull.Value.GetType() || team2IdType == System.DBNull.Value.GetType())

                            int team1Id = typeof(string) == team1IdType?Convert.ToInt32(matchReader.GetString(3)) : matchReader.GetInt32(3);

                            int team2Id = typeof(string) == team2IdType?Convert.ToInt32(matchReader.GetString(4)) : matchReader.GetInt32(4);

                            // TODO/NOTE: Treating null as "false".  Change if it should be treated as true.
                            bool matchComplete = matchReader[0].GetType() == DBNull.Value.GetType() || string.Equals(matchReader.GetString(0), "N", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? false : true;

                            if (!matchComplete && team1Id == 0 && team2Id == 0)

                            var weekForMatchup   = weekTempIdToWeek[weekId];
                            var matchOrderInWeek = weekIdToTeamMatchupIndex[weekId];

                            var teamMatchup = new TeamMatchup
                                //MatchOrderInWeek = matchOrderInWeek,
                                Week          = weekForMatchup,
                                Id            = teamMatchupIndex++,
                                MatchComplete = matchComplete,
                                Team1         = teamIdToTeam[team1Id],
                                Team2         = teamIdToTeam[team2Id],
                                MatchId       = matchId,
                                PlayoffType   = weekForMatchup.IsPlayoff ? GetPlayoffType(playoffWeeksInOrder.IndexOf(weekForMatchup), matchOrderInWeek) : null

                            allTeamMatchupsForYear.AddLast(new Tuple <int, TeamMatchup>(weekId, teamMatchup));

                            weekIdToTeamMatchupIndex[weekId] = matchOrderInWeek + 1;

                            teamMatchupIdMatchup[teamMatchup.Id] = teamMatchup;

                        var lookups = allTeamMatchupsForYear.ToLookup(x => x.Item1, x => x.Item2);

                        foreach (var l in lookups)
                            var orderedMatches = l.OrderBy(x => x.MatchId).ToList();

                            for (int i = 0; i < orderedMatches.Count; i++)
                                orderedMatches[i].MatchOrderInWeek = i;

                    // Results
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ResultsTable";
                    using (var resultsReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (resultsReader.Read())
                            var weekId      = resultsReader.GetInt32(0);
                            var team1Id     = resultsReader.GetInt32(1);
                            var score1      = resultsReader.GetInt32(3);
                            var points1     = resultsReader.GetInt32(4);
                            var team2Id     = resultsReader.GetInt32(5);
                            var score2      = resultsReader.GetInt32(7);
                            var points2     = resultsReader.GetInt32(8);
                            var player1Name = resultsReader.GetString(2);
                            var player2Name = resultsReader.GetString(6);

                            // TODO: Can we throw this out?  It doesn't seem to make sense
                            //if (team1Id == team2Id && weekId != 0)
                            //    throw new ArgumentException("team1: " + team1Id + ", team2: " + team2Id + ", week: " + weekId);

                            Player player1 = null;
                            Player player2 = null;

                            if (!setOfPlayers.Contains(player1Name))
                                //Console.WriteLine("player missing: " + player1Name);

                            if (!setOfPlayers.Contains(player2Name))
                                //Console.WriteLine("player missing: " + player2Name);

                            if (!namesToPlayers.TryGetValue(player1Name, out player1))
                                var invalidPlayer = GetProperInvalidPlayer(player1Name, noShowPlayer, nonLeagueSub);

                                // this is a special 2011
                                if (invalidPlayer == null)
                                    if (year != 2011)
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid player found in year not 2011: " + player1Name);

                                    invalidPlayer = new Player(playerIndex++)
                                        Name = player1Name, ValidPlayer = false, CurrentHandicap = 0
                                    var invalidPlayerYd = new YearData {
                                        Year = newYear, Week0Score = 99, StartingHandicap = 20, FinishingHandicap = 20, Id = yearDataIndex++, Team = teamOfLostPlayers, Rookie = false, Player = invalidPlayer

                                player1 = invalidPlayer;

                            if (!namesToPlayers.TryGetValue(player2Name, out player2))
                                var invalidPlayer = GetProperInvalidPlayer(player2Name, noShowPlayer, nonLeagueSub);

                                // this is a special 2011
                                if (invalidPlayer == null)
                                    if (year != 2011)
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid player found in year not 2011: " + player2Name);

                                    invalidPlayer = new Player(playerIndex++)
                                        Name = player2Name, ValidPlayer = false, CurrentHandicap = 0
                                    var invalidPlayerYd = new YearData {
                                        Year = newYear, Week0Score = 99, StartingHandicap = 20, FinishingHandicap = 20, Id = yearDataIndex++, Team = teamOfLostPlayers, Rookie = false, Player = invalidPlayer

                                player2 = invalidPlayer;

                            // okay, now that we have valid players, continue on.
                            Team team1 = teamIdToTeam[team1Id];

                            if (!teamIdToTeam.ContainsKey(team2Id))
                                //Console.WriteLine("Where is dis team: " + team2Id);

                            Team team2 = teamIdToTeam[team2Id];
                            Week week  = weekTempIdToWeek[weekId];

                            // Week 0's are a really special case... we allow team IDs to match here.
                            if (weekId == 0)
                                // Take player1 and player2 and set their current handicaps

                                // Set the week0 score in to the year data's starting handicap.
                                int player1Handicap = score1 - 36;
                                int player2Handicap = score2 - 36;

                                var player1YearDatas = yearDatas.Where(y => y.Player.Id == player1.Id && y.Year.Value == year);
                                var player2YearDatas = yearDatas.Where(y => y.Player.Id == player2.Id && y.Year.Value == year);

                                // Some folks show up in the results table for week 0 even though they aren't valid
                                // for the year... if that makes sense.  In this case, we'll just throw out the handicap value.
                                if (player1.ValidPlayer && team1Id != 99)
                                    // current handicap for a player will be overwritten with each year we pass.
                                    // So, eventually the last year iteration that will be seen will replace the current handicap
                                    // with the correct value.
                                    player1.CurrentHandicap = player1Handicap;
                                    var player1YearDataForThisYear = player1YearDatas.First();
                                    player1YearDataForThisYear.Week0Score = score1;
                                    // finishing handicap will be fixed later when we process handicaps.
                                    player1YearDataForThisYear.StartingHandicap = player1YearDataForThisYear.FinishingHandicap = player1Handicap;

                                if (player2.ValidPlayer && team2Id != 99)
                                    player2.CurrentHandicap = player2Handicap;
                                    var player2YearDataForThisYear = player2YearDatas.First();
                                    player2YearDataForThisYear.Week0Score = score2;
                                    // finishing handicap will be fixed later when we process handicaps.
                                    player2YearDataForThisYear.StartingHandicap = player2YearDataForThisYear.FinishingHandicap = player2Handicap;

                                // Console.WriteLine("could not find matchup.");

                            // Team matchups should be unique based on team ID and week ID for a year.
                            var teamMatchups = teamMatchupIdMatchup.Values.Where(t => ((t.Team1.Id == teamIdToTeam[team1Id].Id || t.Team2.Id == teamIdToTeam[team2Id].Id) || (t.Team1.Id == teamIdToTeam[team2Id].Id || t.Team2.Id == teamIdToTeam[team1Id].Id)) && t.Week.SeasonIndex == weekId && t.Week.Year.Value == year);

                            if (teamMatchups.Count() == 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Should've found a team matchup... " + Convert.ToString(team1Id) + " " + Convert.ToString(weekId));

                            if (team1Id == team2Id && year != 2011)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Teams can only play eachother in week 0 and 2011.");

                            // AGerber - 7/3/2014 allow no show/no show matches to show up in data.
                            // Don't do anything with invalid players that play themselves!
                            //if (player1.Id == 1 && player2.Id == 1)
                            //    continue;

                            var teamMatchup = teamMatchups.First();

                            MatchUp matchup = new MatchUp {
                                Id = matchupIndex++, TeamMatchup = teamMatchup, Player1 = player1, Player2 = player2

                            Result player1Result = new Result {
                                Year = newYear, Player = player1, Matchup = matchup, Points = points1, Score = score1, Id = resultIndex++, Team = team1

                            Result player2Result = new Result {
                                Year = newYear, Player = player2, Matchup = matchup, Points = points2, Score = score2, Id = resultIndex++, Team = team2

                            matchup.Result1 = player1Result;
                            matchup.Result2 = player2Result;


            DataModel dm = new DataModel
                Teams = new List <Team>(teamNameToTeam.Values)
                Years            = yearValueToYear.Values,
                Players          = namesToPlayers.Values.Concat(extraInvalidPlayers).ToList(),
                MatchUp          = allMatchUps,
                TeamMatchup      = teamMatchupIdMatchup.Values,
                Weeks            = allWeeks,
                YearDatas        = yearDatas,
                Results          = allResults,
                Courses          = courseNameToCourse.Values,
                LeaderBoardDatas = new List <LeaderBoardData>(),
                LeaderBoards     = new List <LeaderBoard>(),
                DataMigrations   = dataMigrationDatas,
                TeamYearData     = teamYearDatas


