public IOManager() { #if XBOX360 initializing = true; try { result = StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(null, null); result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); device = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(result); result.AsyncWaitHandle.Close(); } catch { } try { result = device.BeginOpenContainer("Accelerated Delivery", null, null); result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); container = device.EndOpenContainer(result); result.AsyncWaitHandle.Close(); } catch { } #elif WINDOWS #region Save Downloading try { RegistryKey k1 = null, k2 = null; bool uploadFailed = false; string password = null; #if INDIECITY password = "******"; username = "******"; filename = Program.SavePath + "IndieCity.sav"; backupName = Program.SavePath + "IndieCity.bak"; #else using (k1 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", true)) using(k2 = k1.CreateSubKey("Accelerated Delivery")) { username = (string)k2.GetValue("username"); password = (string)k2.GetValue("password"); #endif #if !INDIECITY filename = Program.SavePath + username + ".sav"; backupName = Program.SavePath + username + ".bak"; try { uploadFailed = bool.Parse((string)k2.GetValue("hydroxide", false)); } catch { uploadFailed = false; } } #endif HashAlgorithm a = new SHA256Managed(); byte[] n = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username); byte[] salt = a.ComputeHash(n); byte[] ps = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password); byte[] pre = new byte[salt.Length + ps.Length]; ps.CopyTo(pre, 0); salt.CopyTo(pre, ps.Length); key = a.ComputeHash(pre); #if !INDIECITY if(!uploadFailed) { //SecureString p = new SecureString(); //p.AppendChar('p'); p.AppendChar('s'); p.AppendChar('q'); p.AppendChar('1'); p.AppendChar('Z'); p.AppendChar('f'); //p.AppendChar('J'); p.AppendChar('i'); p.AppendChar('I'); //p.MakeReadOnly(); //FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"" + username + "/ADsave.sav"); //request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile; //request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", p); //FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); WebClient c = new WebClient(); byte[] contents = c.UploadValues("", new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection() { { "u", username }, { "p", password } }); //Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); //StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream); StreamWriter write;// = new StreamWriter(File.Open(backupName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); //byte[] contents; //List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>(); //while(true) //{ // // read byte-by-byte // int data = reader.BaseStream.ReadByte(); // if(data == -1) // break; // bytes.Add((byte)data); //} //contents = bytes.ToArray(); // convert to array //reader.BaseStream.Read(contents, 0, (int)contents.Length); // reads file into array //write.BaseStream.Write(contents, 0, (int)bytes); // writes file to backup //write.Close(); write = new StreamWriter(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); // opens primary write.BaseStream.Write(contents, 0, (int)contents.Length); // writes file to primary write.Close(); //reader.Close(); //responseStream.Close(); } #endif } catch(Exception e) { Program.Cutter.WriteExceptionToLog(e, false); } #endregion #endif saveDataSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SaveFile)); //saveDataSerializer.UnknownAttribute += new XmlAttributeEventHandler(doPoop); //saveDataSerializer.UnknownElement += new t(doPoop); //saveDataSerializer.UnknownNode += new XmlNodeEventHandler(doPoop); //saveDataSerializer.UnreferencedObject += new UnreferencedObjectEventHandler(doPoop); file = new SaveFile(); OnSaveChanged += delegate { Input.SetOptions(CurrentSaveWindowsOptions, CurrentSaveXboxOptions); }; try { Load(); SuccessfulLoad = true; } catch { SuccessfulLoad = false; #if WINDOWS New(); #endif } finally { if(CurrentSaveWindowsOptions != null && CurrentSaveXboxOptions != null) Input.SetOptions(CurrentSaveWindowsOptions, CurrentSaveXboxOptions); else throw new Exception("Options are null, crash imminent."); } #if XBOX360 initializing = false; #endif }
private bool tryLoad(Stream s) { try { HandleEncryption(ref s); file = (SaveFile)saveDataSerializer.Deserialize(s); HandleEncryption(ref s); } catch { s.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return true; } finally { s.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Loads the options from the XML. /// </summary> public void Load() { Program.Cutter.WriteToLog(this, "Attempting to load game data."); #if XBOX360 try { if(container == null) { if(initializing) throw new FileNotFoundException("Set Manager to null and continue along."); int? devSelRes; do { devSelRes = SimpleMessageBox.ShowMessageBox("Save", "No storage device is selected. Please select a device.", new string[] { "Select a Device", "Continue Without Saving" }, 0, MessageBoxIcon.Alert); switch(devSelRes) { case -1: // Fall through case 1: returnOptionsToDefault(); return; case 0: StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(storageSelectEnd, null); break; } } while(devSelRes == null); } try { FileNotFound: if(!container.FileExists(filename)) { if(!container.FileExists(backupName)) { if(initializing) throw new FileNotFoundException("Set Manager to null and continue along."); int? fileResult; do { fileResult = SimpleMessageBox.ShowMessageBox("No File Found", "No options file was found on the storage device. Would you like to create a new file or select a new device?", new string[] { "Create File", "Select New Device", "Exit Without Loading" }, 0, MessageBoxIcon.Alert); switch(fileResult) { case 0: New(); return; case 1: result = StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(null, null); result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); device = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(result); result.AsyncWaitHandle.Close(); result = device.BeginOpenContainer("Accelerated Delivery", null, null); result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); container = device.EndOpenContainer(result); result.AsyncWaitHandle.Close(); goto FileNotFound; case -1: // Fall through case 2: returnOptionsToDefault(); return; } } while(fileResult == null); } } currentStream = container.OpenFile(filename, FileMode.Open); HandleEncryption(ref currentStream); file = (SaveFile)saveDataSerializer.Deserialize(currentStream); currentStream.Close(); container.Dispose(); } catch { try { if(!initializing) { int? lalala; do { lalala = SimpleMessageBox.ShowMessageBox("Warning", "The save file was missing or corrupted, but a backup file was found. Loading backup file.", new string[] { "Okay" }, 0, MessageBoxIcon.Alert); } while(lalala == null); } backupStream = container.OpenFile(backupName, FileMode.Open); HandleEncryption(ref backupStream); file = (SaveFile)saveDataSerializer.Deserialize(backupStream); currentStream = container.CreateFile(filename); backupStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); backupStream.CopyTo(currentStream); currentStream.Close(); backupStream.Close(); container.Dispose(); } catch(Exception ex) { if(backupStream != null) backupStream.Close(); if(currentStream != null) currentStream.Close(); if(container != null) container.Dispose(); throw ex; } } #elif WINDOWS // Attempt to load primary save try { if(!File.Exists(filename)) { if(!File.Exists(backupName)) New(); } currentStream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open); HandleEncryption(ref currentStream); try { file = (SaveFile)saveDataSerializer.Deserialize(currentStream); } catch { currentStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); HandleEncryption(ref currentStream); file = (SaveFile)saveDataSerializer.Deserialize(currentStream); } // at this point loading was successful // it will always be safe to copy to backup at this point currentStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); backupStream = File.Open(backupName, FileMode.Create); currentStream.CopyTo(backupStream); backupStream.Close(); //HandleEncryption(ref currentStream); // re-encrypts the file currentStream.Close(); SaveGame1 = file.save1; SaveGame2 = file.save2; SaveGame3 = file.save3; currentSave = file.currentSaveGame; SuccessfulLoad = true; Program.Cutter.WriteToLog(this, "Load successful."); } catch(Exception ex) { Program.Cutter.WriteToLog(this, "An error occurred while loading game data. Attempting to load backup save."); Program.Cutter.WriteExceptionToLog(ex, false); try { FileStream dump = File.Open(Program.SavePath + "dump.sav", FileMode.Create); currentStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); currentStream.CopyTo(dump); dump.Close(); } catch(Exception exc) { Program.Cutter.WriteToLog(this, "Could not dump save file."); Program.Cutter.WriteExceptionToLog(exc, false); } finally { // Attempt to load backup save and copy data to current save try { if(File.Exists(backupName)) { backupStream = File.Open(backupName, FileMode.Open); HandleEncryption(ref backupStream); file = (SaveFile)saveDataSerializer.Deserialize(backupStream); currentStream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create); backupStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); backupStream.CopyTo(currentStream); currentStream.Close(); backupStream.Close(); SaveGame1 = file.save1; SaveGame2 = file.save2; SaveGame3 = file.save3; currentSave = file.currentSaveGame; SuccessfulLoad = true; Program.Cutter.WriteToLog(this, "Load successful."); } else { Program.Cutter.WriteToLog(this, "Backup save was not there. Load failed."); DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("The save file is corrupt. Is it okay to create a new save file? This will erase your progress.", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if(d == DialogResult.Yes) New(); else Program.Game.Exit(); } } catch { // Primary and backups are faulty, throw error if(backupStream != null) backupStream.Close(); if(currentStream != null) currentStream.Close(); SuccessfulLoad = false; Program.Cutter.WriteToLog(this, "Primary and backup saves are faulty or missing. Load failed. Error is:"); Program.Cutter.WriteExceptionToLog(ex, false); DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("The save file is corrupt. Is it okay to create a new save file? This will erase your progress.", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if(d == DialogResult.Yes) New(); else Program.Game.Exit(); } } } #endif }