public void remapGuids(ref Dictionary <string, string> guidMap) { if (!guidMap.ContainsKey(pA_guid) || !guidMap.ContainsKey(pB_guid)) { return; } string old_pA_guid_key = ArchimatixUtils.guidToKey(pA_guid); string old_pB_guid_key = ArchimatixUtils.guidToKey(pB_guid); string new_pA_guid_key = ArchimatixUtils.guidToKey(guidMap[pA_guid]); string new_pB_guid_key = ArchimatixUtils.guidToKey(guidMap[pB_guid]); //Debug.Log("+++ remapGuids pA_guid: " + old_pA_guid_key + "==="+new_pA_guid_key); //Debug.Log("=====> expression_AB (old): " + expression_AB); // EXPRESSIONS if (expression_AB != null) { expression_AB = expression_AB.Replace(old_pA_guid_key, new_pA_guid_key); } if (expression_BA != null) { expression_BA = expression_BA.Replace(old_pB_guid_key, new_pB_guid_key); } // ACTUAL PARAMETER GUIDS // replace old guids in the strings with the new guids pA_guid = AXUtilities.swapOutGuids(pA_guid, ref guidMap); pB_guid = AXUtilities.swapOutGuids(pB_guid, ref guidMap); // later, swap guids in pA_expression && pB }
public void saveToFile() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath)) { string filepath = ArchimatixUtils.getAbsoluteLibraryPath(readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath); if (File.Exists(filepath)) { AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode jn = AX.SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(File.ReadAllText(filepath)); AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode pon = jn[0]; if (jn ["parametric_objects"] != null) { pon = jn ["parametric_objects"] [0]; } pon["name"] = Name; pon["includeInSidebarMenu"] = includeInSidebarMenu.ToString(); pon["description"] = description; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { pon["author"] = author; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tags)) { pon["tags"] = tags; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentationURL)) { pon["documentationURL"] = documentationURL; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath)) { pon["readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath"] = readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath; } // resave File.WriteAllText(filepath, jn.ToString().Replace("\\", "")); //Debug.Log(jn.ToString().Replace("\\","")); } } }
// SAVE WITHOUT DIALOG POPUP IF POSSIBLE public static void doSave_MenuItem(object obj) { //Debug.Log("LastLibraryPath="+EditorPrefs.GetString("LastLibraryPath")); //EditorPrefs.SetString("LastLibraryPath", ""); // 1. Is there a folder pref? string absoluteFolderPath = EditorPrefs.GetString("LastLibraryPath"); // of the form "Assets/folder1/folder2..." if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteFolderPath)) { // 1. THERE IS NO PREFERENCE FOR A FOLDER -- USE DEFAULT absoluteFolderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "ArchimatixLibrary"); //Debug.Log("CASE #1: " + absoluteFolderPath); doSavePO_ToSpecifiedFolder(assertDefaultLibraryFolder(), obj); } else if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(absoluteFolderPath)) { // 2. THERE WAS A PREFERENCE, BUT IT DOES NOT EXIST -- Has the project name changed? string relativeFolderPath = ArchimatixUtils.getRelativeFilePath(absoluteFolderPath); string tryThisAbsolutePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, relativeFolderPath); //Debug.Log("CASE #2: " + tryThisAbsolutePath); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(tryThisAbsolutePath)) { // 2a. There is an analagous folder in this project. go to file save panel with this as a suggestion doSavePO_ToSpecifiedFolder(tryThisAbsolutePath, obj); } else { // 2b. Go to file panel with default folder AXParametricObject po = (AXParametricObject)obj; doSave_SaveFilePanel(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "ArchimatixLibrary"), po.Name, obj); } } else { //Debug.Log("CASE #3: " + absoluteFolderPath); // 3. The pref folder checks out, silently save to it... doSavePO_ToSpecifiedFolder(absoluteFolderPath, obj); } }
public void saveParametricObjectMetadata(AXParametricObject head_po) { //Debug.Log("SAVING"; AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode hn = AX.SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(JSONSerializersAX.ParametricObjectAsJSON(head_po)); string filename = ArchimatixUtils.getAbsoluteLibraryPath(head_po.readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath); AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode jn = AX.SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(File.ReadAllText(filename)); jn["parametric_objects"][0] = hn; File.WriteAllText(filename, jn.ToString()); rebuildTagListsFromExistingPOs(); }
public AXRelation(AXParameter _pA, AXParameter _pB) { if (_pA != null && _pB != null) { //Debug.Log ("Adding relation :: "+_pA.Parent.Name+"."+_pA.Name+" "+_pB.Parent.Name+"."+_pB.Name); pA = _pA; pB = _pB; pA_guid = pA.Guid; pB_guid = pB.Guid; // one expression would normally want to be the inverse of the other: //expression_AB = "IN"; //expression_BA = "IN"; expression_AB = ArchimatixUtils.guidToKey(pA.Guid); expression_BA = ArchimatixUtils.guidToKey(pB.Guid); } }
public static void removeLibraryItem(LibraryItem li) { string filepath = ArchimatixUtils.getAbsoluteLibraryPath(li.readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath); // First remove the item from the live library. THat way when the file is deleted, AX will not try to rebuild the library. //string nodeName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepath); //LibraryItem li = ArchimatixEngine.library.getLibraryItem(nodeName); ArchimatixEngine.library.removeLibraryItemFromList(li); //string localFilepath = filepath.Substring(filepath.IndexOf("Assets/")); string axobjRelativePath = ArchimatixUtils.getRelativeFilePath(filepath);; // [Darkwell: change "undoable" to "cannot be undone" - 2016.06.02] if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Library Object?", "Are you sure you want to delete " + li.Name + "? This cannot be undone!", "Really Delete", "Cancel")) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(axobjRelativePath); string prefix = (li.is2D) ? "zz-AX-2DLib-" : "zz-AX-3DLib-"; string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(li.readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath); string noPrefixThumbnailPath = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(li.readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath, ".jpg"); string ThumbnailPathWithPrefix = noPrefixThumbnailPath.Replace(filename, prefix + filename); AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(ThumbnailPathWithPrefix); //Debug.Log(thumbnailRelativePath + " deleted"); // Refresh the AssetDatabase after all the changes AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //library.readLibraryFromFiles(); } }
public static AXParametricObject instantiateParametricObject(string readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath) { AXModel model = null; // 1. First choice is to use a selected model.... if (ArchimatixEngine.currentModel != null) { model = ArchimatixEngine.currentModel; } bool doInstantiation = true; if (model == null) { // ok, are there other models in the scene that the user doesn't realize arene't selected? AXModel[] axModels = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AXModel)) as AXModel[]; if (axModels != null) { if (axModels.Length == 1) { // Offer this model as a button, but also give opportunity to create a new one... int option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Instantiating Library Item", "There is no AX model currently selected", "Cancel", "Add to " + axModels[0], "Create a new Model"); switch (option) { // Save Scene case 0: doInstantiation = false; break; // Save and Quit. case 1: model = axModels[0]; break; case 2: GameObject axgo = AXEditorUtilities.createNewModel(); model = axgo.GetComponent <AXModel>(); doInstantiation = false; break; default: doInstantiation = false; break; } } else if (axModels.Length > 1) { // Throw up a dialog to see if use wants to go select one of the existing models or create a new one. if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Instantiating Library Item", "There is no AX model currently selected", "Select and Existing Model", "Create a new Model")) { return(null); } } } } if (!doInstantiation) { return(null); } if (model == null) { // Well, then, we tried everything.... GameObject axgo = AXEditorUtilities.createNewModel(); model = axgo.GetComponent <AXModel>(); } //Library.lastInstantiation = po; // This file path is where the metadata // for this head_po was found. Go back to this file // and get the rest of the data... string filepath = ArchimatixUtils.getAbsoluteLibraryPath(readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath); List <AXParametricObject> poList = new List <AXParametricObject>(); List <AXRelation> relationList = new List <AXRelation>(); AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode json = AX.SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(File.ReadAllText(filepath)); foreach (AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode poNode in json["parametric_objects"].AsArray) { poList.Add(JSONSerializersAX.ParametricObjectFromJSON(poNode)); } foreach (AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode rNode in json["relations"].AsArray) { relationList.Add(AXRelation.fromJSON(rNode)); } //Debug.Log (rNode); // make sure there is a game object ready to instantiate this on if (model == null) { // check if the user really wants to create a new model... GameObject axgo = AXEditorUtilities.createNewModel(); model = axgo.GetComponent <AXModel>(); } Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(model, "Add Library Object"); // ADD AND RIGUP // !!! Actually add the library item (as a list of PO's and Relations) to the model model.addAndRigUp(poList, relationList); AXParametricObject head_po = poList[0]; head_po.startStowInputs(); //if (poList[0].is2D() && ArchimatixEngine.workingAxis != (int) Axis.NONE) // poList[0].intValue ("Axis", ArchimatixEngine.workingAxis); model.setRenderMode(AXModel.RenderMode.GameObjects); model.generate(); ArchimatixEngine.currentModel = model; Selection.activeGameObject = model.gameObject; model.deselectAll(); model.selectOnlyPO(head_po); head_po.focusMe = true; //AXParametricObject mostRecentPO = model.recentlySelectedPO; AXParametricObject mostRecentPO = model.recentlySelectedPO; //getPOSelectedBefore(head_po); //Debug.Log ("model.focusPointInGraphEditor="+model.focusPointInGraphEditor); float pos_x = (model.focusPointInGraphEditor.x) + 100; // + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-100, 300); float pos_y = (model.focusPointInGraphEditor.y - 250) + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-10, 0); if (mostRecentPO != null) { //pos_x = mostRecentPO.rect.x + 200; //pos_y = mostRecentPO.rect.y; } //Debug.Log (new Rect(pos_x, pos_y, 150, 100)); head_po.rect = new Rect(pos_x, pos_y, 150, 500); //Debug.Log ("OK "+po.Name+".focusMe = " + po.focusMe); // make sure it is in view in the editor window.... //model.startPanningToRect(head_po.rect); //model.cleanGraph(); model.remapMaterialTools(); model.autobuild(); head_po.generator.adjustWorldMatrices();; model.selectOnlyPO(head_po); //model.beginPanningToRect(head_po.rect); //AXNodeGraphEditorWindow.zoomToRectIfOpen(head_po.rect); //Debug.Log(" 1 model.selectedPOs.Count="+model.selectedPOs.Count + " " + model.selectedPOs[0].Name ); // EDITOR WINDOW ArchimatixEngine.repaintGraphEditorIfExistsAndOpen(); // SCENEVIEW if (SceneView.lastActiveSceneView != null) { //Debug.Log("REPAINT"); SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.Repaint(); } //Debug.Log("--> ArchimatixEngine.currentModel=" + ArchimatixEngine.currentModel); return(head_po); }
/* READ_LIBRARY FROM FILES * If the cache is there, use it. * Otherwise... * Parse all the files in the Library data folder * and, using the head object, extract meta data and build indices. */ public void readLibraryFromFiles() { //Debug.Log("read library"); //StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); /* Maintain a live list of all the files found * as head POs * */ parametricObjects = new List <AXParametricObject>(); libraryItems = new List <LibraryItem>(); DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath); FileInfo[] files = info.GetFiles("*.axobj", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //Debug.Log ("LIBRARY READ " + files.Length); try { //foreach (var filepathname in files) for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { //Debug.Log ("file: " + files[i].ToString()); string filepathname = files[i].ToString(); AX.SimpleJSON.JSONNode jn = AX.SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(File.ReadAllText(filepathname)); AXParametricObject head_po = null; if (jn ["parametric_objects"] != null) { head_po = JSONSerializersAX.ParametricObjectFromJSON(jn ["parametric_objects"] [0]); } else { head_po = JSONSerializersAX.ParametricObjectFromJSON(jn [0]); } //head_po.readIntoLibraryFromPathname = filepathname; head_po.readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath = ArchimatixUtils.getRelativeFilePath(filepathname); parametricObjects.Add(head_po); libraryItems.Add(new LibraryItem(head_po)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } rebuildTagListsFromExistingPOs(); cacheLibraryItems(); //Debug.Log ("LIBRARY READ IN "+sw.stop()+" MILLISECONDS " + parametricObjects.Count + " items."); }
// DO THE ACTUAL SAVE public static void saveParametricObject(AXParametricObject po, bool withInputSubparts, string filepathname) { //Debug.Log(filepathname); //EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Archimatix Library", "Saving to Library: This may take a few moments.", "Ok"); po.readIntoLibraryFromRelativeAXOBJPath = ArchimatixUtils.getRelativeFilePath(filepathname); Library.recentSaveFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filepathname); // If this head po has a grouperKey, lose it! // This is because when it is later instantiated, // that grouper may not exist or may not be the desired place for this. po.grouperKey = null; // gather relations as you go... List <AXRelation> rels = new List <AXRelation>(); // BUILD JSON STRING StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("{"); sb.Append("\"parametric_objects\":["); sb.Append(JSONSerializersAX.ParametricObjectAsJSON(po)); // gather rels foreach (AXParameter p in po.parameters) { foreach (AXRelation rr in p.relations) { if (!rels.Contains(rr)) { rels.Add(rr); } } } // SUB NODES if (withInputSubparts) { // GATHER SUB_NODES //Debug.Log("Start gather"); po.gatherSubnodes(); //Debug.Log("End gather"); foreach (AXParametricObject spo in po.subnodes) { //Debug.Log("-- " + spo.Name); sb.Append(',' + JSONSerializersAX.ParametricObjectAsJSON(spo)); // gather rels foreach (AXParameter p in spo.parameters) { foreach (AXRelation rr in p.relations) { if (!rels.Contains(rr)) { rels.Add(rr); } } } } } sb.Append("]"); // add relations to json string thecomma; // RELATIONS if (rels != null && rels.Count > 0) { sb.Append(", \"relations\": ["); // begin parametric_objects thecomma = ""; foreach (AXRelation rr in rels) { sb.Append(thecomma + rr.asJSON()); thecomma = ", "; } sb.Append("]"); } sb.Append("}"); // *** SAVE AS ASSET *** // Since we have added the newItem to the live library, // generating this new file will not force a recreation of the library from the raw JSON file. File.WriteAllText(filepathname, sb.ToString()); // THUMBNAIL TO PNG if (po.is2D()) { Library.cache2DThumbnail(po); } else { Thumbnail.BeginRender(); Thumbnail.render(po, true); Thumbnail.EndRender(); } //string thumb_filename = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filepathname, ".png"); string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepathname); string prefix = (po.is2D()) ? "zz-AX-2DLib-" : "zz-AX-3DLib-"; string thumb_filename = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filepathname, ".jpg"); thumb_filename = thumb_filename.Replace(filename, prefix + filename); byte[] bytes = po.thumbnail.EncodeToJPG(); //File.WriteAllBytes(libraryFolder + "data/"+ po.Name + ".png", bytes); File.WriteAllBytes(thumb_filename, bytes); //AssetDatabase.Refresh(); string thumbnailRelativePath = ArchimatixUtils.getRelativeFilePath(thumb_filename); //Debug.Log(path); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(thumbnailRelativePath); TextureImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(thumbnailRelativePath) as TextureImporter; if (importer != null) { importer.textureType = TextureImporterType.GUI; importer.maxTextureSize = 256; #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER importer.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed; #else importer.textureFormat = TextureImporterFormat.AutomaticTruecolor; #endif } AssetDatabase.WriteImportSettingsIfDirty(thumbnailRelativePath); // Save the recent path to prefs EditorPrefs.SetString("LastLibraryPath", System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filepathname)); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Archimatix Library", "ParametricObject saved to " + System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(thumbnailRelativePath) + " as " + filename, "Great, thanks!"); Texture2D tex = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(thumbnailRelativePath, typeof(Texture2D)); LibraryItem newItem = new LibraryItem(po); newItem.icon = tex; ArchimatixEngine.library.addLibraryItemToList(newItem); ArchimatixEngine.library.sortLibraryItems(); ArchimatixEngine.saveLibrary(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //Debug.Log("yo 2"); //ArchimatixEngine.library.readLibraryFromFiles(); }