public static void Setup(TestContext context) { _bucketName = S3TestUtils.CreateBucketWithWait(Client); _mrapName = UtilityMethods.SDK_TEST_PREFIX + DateTime.Now.Ticks; // Look up the account ID for the credentials being used to run the tests _accountId = new AmazonSecurityTokenServiceClient().GetCallerIdentity(new GetCallerIdentityRequest()).Account; var request = new CreateMultiRegionAccessPointRequest { AccountId = _accountId, Details = new CreateMultiRegionAccessPointInput { Name = _mrapName, Regions = new List <Region> { new Region { Bucket = _bucketName } } } }; // All MRAP control plane requests must go to us-west-2 per // var mrapAlias = S3TestUtils.CreateMRAPWithWait(new AmazonS3ControlClient(RegionEndpoint.USWest2), request); _mrapArn = $"arn:aws:s3::{_accountId}:accesspoint/{mrapAlias}"; }