public bool normalCash() { Clear(); decimal requestedAmount = 0; inputRequestedAmount: try { Write("\nEnter the withdrawal amount: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); requestedAmount = decimal.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputRequestedAmount; } CustomerBLL bll = new CustomerBLL(); Transaction transaction = bll.withDraw(requestedAmount, customer.accountNo); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (transaction != null) { WriteLine("\nCash Successfully Withdrawn!"); printRecepit(transaction, customer.accountNo); delay(); return(true); } errorMessage("\nCashDrawn unsuccesfull!"); delay(); return(true); }
public bool cashTransfer() { CustomerBLL bll = new CustomerBLL(); int transferTo = -2; decimal requestedAmount = 0; Transaction transaction = null; inputRequestedAmount: try { ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); Write("\nEnter amount in multiples of 500: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); requestedAmount = decimal.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); Account account = bll.getAccount(customer.accountNo); if (requestedAmount < 0 || requestedAmount % 500 != 0 || requestedAmount > account.Balance) { throw new Exception($"Amount should not be neagitive and Sould " + $"be multipiles of 500 and should be less than you current account balance i.e {account.Balance}"); } Write("\nEnter the account number to which you want to transfer: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); transferTo = int.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (transferTo == customer.accountNo) { throw new Exception("You cannot transfer to yourself"); } Person personTo = bll.getPerson(transferTo); if (personTo == null) { throw new Exception("Account did not found"); } Write($"\nYou wish to deposit Rs {requestedAmount} in account held by {personTo.Name};" + $" If this information is correct please re - enter the account number: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); transferTo = int.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (transferTo == personTo.accountNo) { transaction = bll.transferAmount(requestedAmount, customer.accountNo, personTo.accountNo); if (transaction != null) { WriteLine("Transaction confirmed."); printRecepit(transaction, account.ID); delay(); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputRequestedAmount; } errorMessage("Transaction unsuccessfull!"); delay(); return(true); }
public char GetInput(char from, char to) { bool control = true; char menu = '-'; while (control) { try { ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); ConsoleKeyInfo key = ReadKey(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); menu = key.KeyChar; if (!validateInput(key.KeyChar, from, to)) { throw new Exception("\nInput Selection is not in range"); } control = false; } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); control = true; continue; } } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); return(menu); }
public bool displayBalance() { Clear(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); CustomerBLL bll = new CustomerBLL(); bll.displayReciept(null, customer.accountNo); delay(); return(true); }
public override bool menu(int userType) { Clear(); CustomerBLL bll = new CustomerBLL(); this.customer = bll.getPerson(-2, userType); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); WriteLine("\nWelcome in Customer menu"); WriteLine("1----Withdraw Cash\n2----Cash Transfer\n3----Deposit Cash" + "\n4----Display Balance\n5----Exit"); return(selectMenu(GetInput('1', '5'))); }
private void printRecepit(Transaction transaction, int accountNo) { CustomerBLL bll = new CustomerBLL(); Write("Do you wish to print a receipt (Y/N)?"); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); ConsoleKeyInfo key = ReadKey(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (key.KeyChar.ToString().ToLower() == "y") { bll.displayReciept(transaction, accountNo); } }
public bool withDraw() { Clear(); customerDelegator wd = null; ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); WriteLine("\na) Fast Cash\nb) Normal Cash"); wd = GetInput('a', 'b') switch { 'a' => fastCash, 'b' => normalCash, _ => Exit }; return(wd.Invoke()); }
public bool deleteAccount() { Clear(); AdminBLL bll = new AdminBLL(); int accountNo; inputAccountAgain: try { Write("\nEnter the account number to which you want to delete: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); accountNo = int.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); Person person = (Person)bll.getPerson(accountNo)?[0]; if (person == null || accountNo == -1) { errorMessage("Account did not found!"); delay(); return(true); } Write($"\nYou wish to delete the account held by {person.Name}; \nIf " + $"this information is correct please re - enter the account number:"); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); accountNo = int.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (accountNo == person.accountNo) { bll.deleteAccount(accountNo,; WriteLine("Account Deleted Successfully"); delay(); } else { errorMessage("Cannot be deleted"); delay(); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputAccountAgain; } return(true); }
public bool fastCash() { Clear(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); WriteLine("\n1----500\n2----1000\n3----2000\n4----5000" + "\n5----10000\n6----15000\n7----20000"); Write("Select one of the denominations of money: "); decimal selectedCash = 0; inputAmountAgain: try { selectedCash = decimal.Parse("" + GetInput('1', '5')); }catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputAmountAgain; } Write($"\nAre you sure you want to withdraw Rs. {selectedCash*500} (Y / N) ?: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); ConsoleKeyInfo key = ReadKey(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (key.KeyChar.ToString().ToLower() == "y") { CustomerBLL bll = new CustomerBLL(); Transaction transaction = bll.withDraw(selectedCash * 500, customer.accountNo); if (transaction != null) { WriteLine("\nCash Successfully Withdrawn!"); printRecepit(transaction, customer.accountNo); delay(); return(true); } } errorMessage("\nWithdraw Failed"); delay(); return(true); }
public bool depositCash() { Clear(); decimal requestedAmount = 0; inputRequestedAmount: try { ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); Write("\nEnter the cash amount to Desposited : "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); requestedAmount = decimal.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (requestedAmount < 0) { throw new Exception("Enter Amount should not neagtive"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputRequestedAmount; } CustomerBLL bll = new CustomerBLL(); Transaction transaction = bll.depositCash(requestedAmount, this.customer.accountNo); if (transaction != null) { WriteLine("Cash Deposited Successfully"); printRecepit(transaction, customer.accountNo); delay(); return(true); } errorMessage("Cash Deposited unsuccessful"); delay(); return(true); }
private bool transactionsByDate() { DateTime startDate, endDate; Clear(); inputStartDateAgain: try { Write("\nEnter the Starting Date[DD/MM/YYYY]: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string date = ReadLine(); string[] dates = date.Split("/"); if (dates.Length != 3) { throw new Exception("Date is incorrect format [DD/MM/YYYY]"); } int day = int.Parse(dates[0]); int month = int.Parse(dates[1]); int year = int.Parse(dates[2]); startDate = new DateTime(year, month, day); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputStartDateAgain; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); inputEndDateAgain: try { Write("\nEnter the Ending Date[DD/MM/YYYY]: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string date = ReadLine(); string[] dates = date.Split("/"); if (dates.Length != 3) { throw new Exception("Date is incorrect format [DD/MM/YYYY]"); } int day = int.Parse(dates[0]); int month = int.Parse(dates[1]); int year = int.Parse(dates[2]); endDate = new DateTime(year, month, day); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputEndDateAgain; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); AdminBLL bll = new AdminBLL(); (ArrayList persons, ArrayList transactions) = bll.transactionByDates(startDate, endDate); if (transactions.Count != 0) { WriteLine("=================Search Results================="); WriteLine($"{"Transactions Type",-25}{"User ID",-15}{"Holders Name",-20}{"Amount",-15}{"Date",-20}"); for (int i = 0; i < transactions.Count; i++) { Transaction transaction = (Transaction)transactions[i]; Person person = (Person)persons[i]; WriteLine($"{transaction.Id,-25}{,-15}{person.Name,-20}{transaction.Amount,-15}{transaction.Date,-20}"); } } else { errorMessage("Transaction did not match your criteria"); } delay(); return(true); }
private bool accountsByAmmount() { decimal minBalance = 0, maxBalance = 0; Clear(); inputMinBalanceAgain: try { Write("\nEnter the minimum amount: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); minBalance = decimal.Parse(ReadLine()); if (minBalance < 0) { throw new Exception("Minimum Balance should Not be less than zero"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputMinBalanceAgain; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); inputMaxBalanceAgain: try { Write("Enter the maximum amount: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); maxBalance = decimal.Parse(ReadLine()); if (minBalance < 0) { throw new Exception("Maximum Balance should Not be less than zero"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputMaxBalanceAgain; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); AdminBLL bll = new AdminBLL(); (ArrayList persons, ArrayList accounts) = bll.accountsByAmount(minBalance, maxBalance); if (accounts.Count != 0) { WriteLine("=================Search Results================="); WriteLine($"{"Account ID",-15}{"User ID",-10}{"Holders Name",-20}{"Type",-15}{"Balance",-15}{"Status",-15}"); for (int i = 0; i < accounts.Count; i++) { Account account = (Account)accounts[i]; Person person = (Person)persons[i]; WriteLine($"{account.ID,-15}{,-10}{person.Name,-20}{account.Type,-15}{account.Balance,-15}{account.Status,-15}"); } } else { errorMessage("Acccount did not match your criteria"); } delay(); return(true); }
public bool createAccount() { Clear(); decimal balance = 0; int accountType = 0, accountStatus = 0; string pinCode = String.Empty; Write("Login: "******"Pin Code: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); pinCode = ReadLine(); if (pinCode.Length != 5 || !Regex.Match(pinCode, @"\d\d\d\d\d").Success) { throw new Exception("Pincode is incorrect"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputPinCode; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); Write("Holders Name: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string holderName = ReadLine(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); inputTypeAgain: try { Write("Type(Savings, Current): "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string type = ReadLine(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (type.ToLower() != "savings" && type.ToLower() != "current") { throw new Exception("savings/current"); } else { accountType = type.ToLower() switch { "savings" => 0, "current" => 1 }; } } catch (Exception e) { errorMessage(e.Message); goto inputTypeAgain; } inputBalanceAgain: try { Write("Starting Balance: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); balance = decimal.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (balance < 0) { throw new Exception("Starting Balance should Not be less than zero"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputBalanceAgain; } inputStatusAgain: try { Write("Status(Active/Inactive): "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string status = ReadLine(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (status.ToLower() != "active" && status.ToLower() != "inactive") { throw new Exception("Active/Inactive"); } else { accountStatus = status.ToLower() switch { "active" => 0, "inactive" => 1 }; } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputStatusAgain; } AdminBLL bll = new AdminBLL(); int accountNo = bll.createAccount((new Person(holderName, 0)), (new Credentials(login, pinCode)), (new Account(balance, accountType, accountStatus))); WriteLine($"Account created Suuessfully - the account number assigned is: {accountNo}"); delay(); return(true); }
public bool SearchAccount() { Clear(); int accountID = -2, userID = -2, accountType = -2, accountStatus = -2; decimal balance = 0; WriteLine("\nSEARCH MENU: "); inputAccountID: try { Write("Account ID: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string accountid = ReadLine(); if (accountid != String.Empty) { accountID = int.Parse(accountid); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputAccountID; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); inputUserID: try { Write("User ID: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string userid = ReadLine(); if (userid != String.Empty) { userID = int.Parse(userid); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputUserID; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); Write("Holder Name: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); String holderName = ReadLine(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); inputTypeAgain: try { Write("Type(Savings, Current): "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string type = ReadLine(); if (type.ToLower() != "savings" && type.ToLower() != "current" && type.ToLower() != String.Empty) { throw new Exception("savings/current"); } else { accountType = type.ToLower() switch { "savings" => 0, "current" => 1, _ => - 2 }; } } catch (Exception e) { errorMessage(e.Message); goto inputTypeAgain; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); inputBalanceAgain: try { Write("Starting Balance: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string bal = ReadLine(); if (bal != String.Empty) { balance = decimal.Parse(bal); } //if (balance < 0) // throw new Exception("Starting Balance should Not be less than zero"); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputBalanceAgain; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); inputStatusAgain: try { Write("Status(Active/Inactive): "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string status = ReadLine(); if (status.ToLower() != "active" && status.ToLower() != "inactive" && status.ToLower() != String.Empty) { throw new Exception("Active/Inactive"); } else { accountStatus = status.ToLower() switch { "active" => 0, "inactive" => 1, _ => - 2 }; } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputStatusAgain; } ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); AdminBLL bll = new AdminBLL(); (ArrayList persons, ArrayList accounts) = bll.searchAccount(accountID, userID, holderName, accountType, accountStatus, balance); if (accounts.Count == 0) { errorMessage("Account did not match"); return(true); } WriteLine("=================Search Results================="); WriteLine($"{"Account ID",-15}{"User ID",-10}{"Holders Name",-20}{"Type",-15}{"Balance",-15}{"Status",-15}"); for (int i = 0; i < accounts.Count; i++) { Account account = (Account)accounts[i]; Person person = (Person)persons[i]; WriteLine($"{account.ID,-15}{,-10}{person.Name,-20}{account.Type,-15}{account.Balance,-15}{account.Status,-15}"); } delay(); return(true); }
public bool updateAccount() { Clear(); AdminBLL bll = new AdminBLL(); int accountNo; Account account; Person person; Credentials credentials; inputAccountAgain: try { Write("\nEnter the Account Number: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); accountNo = int.Parse(ReadLine()); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); account = (Account)bll.getAccount(accountNo)?[0]; person = (Person)bll.getPerson(accountNo)?[0]; credentials = bll.getCredentials(; if (account == null || accountNo == -1) { errorMessage("Account did not Found"); delay(); return(true);; } WriteLine($"\nAccount # {account.ID}\nType: {account.Type}\nHolder {person.Name}\n" + $"Balance: {account.Balance}\nStatus: {account.Status}\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputAccountAgain; } WriteLine("Please enter in the fields you wish to update(leave blank otherwise):"); Write("Login: "******"Pin Code: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); pinCode = ReadLine(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (!(pinCode == String.Empty) && (pinCode.Length != 5 || !Regex.Match(pinCode, @"\d\d\d\d\d").Success)) { throw new Exception("Pin Code is incorrect format"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputPinCode; } Write("Holders Name: "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string holderName = ReadLine(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); int accountStatus = 0; inputStatusAgain: try { Write("Status(Active/Inactive): "); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Green); string status = ReadLine(); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); if (status.ToLower() != "active" && status.ToLower() != "inactive" && status != String.Empty) { throw new Exception("Active/Inactive"); } else { accountStatus = status.ToLower() switch { "active" => 0, "inactive" => 1, "" => - 1 }; } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage(ex.Message); goto inputStatusAgain; } bll.deleteAccount(account.ID,; if (login != String.Empty) { credentials.Login = login; } if (pinCode != String.Empty) { credentials.Password = pinCode; } if (holderName != String.Empty) { person.Name = holderName; } if (accountStatus != -1) { account.Status = (Account.AccountStatus)accountStatus; } bll.createAccount(person, credentials, account); WriteLine("Your account has been successfully been updated."); delay(); return(true); }
public static void errorMessage(string Message) { ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Red); WriteLine(Message); ATMInterface.changeTextColor(Color.Gray); }