//event handler for when user clicks 'Yes - Process' //validates transaction, then updates customer object with the new information //Loads frmTransactionComplete after update private void btnYesProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //inidcates whether or not to load frmTransactionComplete Boolean processed = false; //increment savingsBal with transactionAmount if (btnSavingsDeposit.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { savingsBal += transactionAmount; processed = true; } //increment checkingBal with transactionAmount if (btnCheckingDeposit.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { checkingBal += transactionAmount; processed = true; } //Load frmTransactionComplete so that user can view balance if (btnSavingsBalance.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { //MessageBox.Show("Your Savings Account Balance is : $" + savingsBal, "Savings Account Balance"); processed = true; } //Load frmTransactionComplete so that user can view balance if (btnCheckingBalance.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { //MessageBox.Show("Your Checking Account Balance is : $" + checkingBal, "Checking Account Balance"); processed = true; } if (btnCheckingWithdrawal.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { //if transactionAmount is greather than the withdrawal limit, user needs to enter a smaller amount if (GlobalData.ATMBank.underLimit(transactionAmount) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a withdrawal amount less than 300", "Error"); transactionAmount = 0; txtConfirmAmount.ResetText(); lblCorrectMarked.Visible = false; lblYouSelected.Visible = false; txtConfirmAmount.Visible = false; btnYesProcess.Visible = false; btnNoSelectAgain.Visible = false; txtTransactionAmount.ResetText(); txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); txtTransactionAmount.Select(); } //if transactionAmount is more than the current Balance, the user needs to enter a smaller amount else if (transactionAmount > checkingBal) { MessageBox.Show("Insufficient Funds. Please type in a smaller amount", "Error"); transactionAmount = 0; txtConfirmAmount.ResetText(); lblCorrectMarked.Visible = false; lblYouSelected.Visible = false; txtConfirmAmount.Visible = false; btnYesProcess.Visible = false; btnNoSelectAgain.Visible = false; txtTransactionAmount.ResetText(); txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); txtTransactionAmount.Select(); } //if transactionAmount is a valid amount, then the withdrawal transaction can be executed else { checkingBal -= transactionAmount; processed = true; } } if (btnSavingsWithdrawal.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { //if transactionAmount is greather than the withdrawal limit, user needs to enter a smaller amount if (GlobalData.ATMBank.underLimit(transactionAmount) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Amount Exceeds the Daily Limit. Please enter a withdrawal amount less than 300", "Invalid Amount"); transactionAmount = 0; txtConfirmAmount.ResetText(); lblCorrectMarked.Visible = false; lblYouSelected.Visible = false; txtConfirmAmount.Visible = false; btnYesProcess.Visible = false; btnNoSelectAgain.Visible = false; txtTransactionAmount.ResetText(); txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); txtTransactionAmount.Select(); } //if transactionAmount is more than the current Balance, the user needs to enter a smaller amount else if (transactionAmount > savingsBal) { MessageBox.Show("The amount you entered exceeds the current amount in this account. Please type in a smaller amount", "Insufficient Funds"); transactionAmount = 0; txtConfirmAmount.ResetText(); lblCorrectMarked.Visible = false; lblYouSelected.Visible = false; txtConfirmAmount.Visible = false; btnYesProcess.Visible = false; btnNoSelectAgain.Visible = false; txtTransactionAmount.ResetText(); txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); txtTransactionAmount.Select(); } //if transactionAmount is a valid amount, then the withdrawal transaction can be executed else { savingsBal -= transactionAmount; processed = true; } } if (btnTransferCheckingToSavings.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { //if transactionAmount is greather than the amount in the source account, user needs to enter a smaller amount if (transactionAmount > checkingBal) { MessageBox.Show("The amount you entered exceeds the current amount in this account. Please type in a smaller amount.", "Insufficient Funds"); txtConfirmAmount.ResetText(); lblCorrectMarked.Visible = false; lblYouSelected.Visible = false; txtConfirmAmount.Visible = false; btnYesProcess.Visible = false; btnNoSelectAgain.Visible = false; transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.ResetText(); txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } //if transactionAmount is a valid amount, then the trasnfer money transaction can be executed else { checkingBal -= transactionAmount; savingsBal += transactionAmount; processed = true; } } if (btnTransferSavingsToChecking.BackColor == Color.Yellow) { //if transactionAmount is greather than the amount in the source account, user needs to enter a smaller amount if (transactionAmount > savingsBal) { MessageBox.Show("The amount you entered exceeds the current amount in this account. Please type in a smaller amount.", "Insufficient Funds"); txtConfirmAmount.ResetText(); lblCorrectMarked.Visible = false; lblYouSelected.Visible = false; txtConfirmAmount.Visible = false; btnYesProcess.Visible = false; btnNoSelectAgain.Visible = false; transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.ResetText(); txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } //if transactionAmount is a valid amount, then the trasnfer money transaction can be executed else { savingsBal -= transactionAmount; checkingBal += transactionAmount; processed = true; } } //if true, then frmTransactionComplete can be loaded if (processed == true) { GlobalData.customer.updateAccounts(savingsBal, checkingBal); Form frmTransactionComplete = new frmTransactionComplete(); frmTransactionComplete.Show(); Close(); } }
// Calculates changes to accounts based on transaction information. Validates some transaction rules. // Updates customer object with new information and opens frmTransactionComplete. // Closes transaction entry form. private void btnTransactionGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool transactionHappened = false; if (selectedTransaction == 1) { savingsBalance += transactionAmount; transactionHappened = true; } if (selectedTransaction == 2) { if (GlobalData.ATMBank.meetsLimit(transactionAmount)) { if (transactionAmount > savingsBalance) { MessageBox.Show("You are withdrawing more money than you have in your account. Please widthdraw less.", "Overdraft Warning"); transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.Text = ""; txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } else { savingsBalance -= transactionAmount; transactionHappened = true; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a withdrawal amount less than 300.", "Error"); transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.Text = ""; txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } } if (selectedTransaction == 4) { if (transactionAmount > savingsBalance) { MessageBox.Show("You are transfering more money than you have in your account. Please transfer less.", "Overdraft Warning"); transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.Text = ""; txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } else { savingsBalance -= transactionAmount; checkingBalance += transactionAmount; transactionHappened = true; } } if (selectedTransaction == 5) { checkingBalance += transactionAmount; transactionHappened = true; } if (selectedTransaction == 6) { if (transactionAmount > 300) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a withdrawal amount less than 300.", "Error"); transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.Text = ""; txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } else { if (transactionAmount > checkingBalance) { MessageBox.Show("You are withdrawing more money than you have in your account. Please widthdraw less.", "Overdraft Warning"); transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.Text = ""; txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } else { checkingBalance += transactionAmount; transactionHappened = true; } } } if (selectedTransaction == 8) { if (transactionAmount > savingsBalance) { MessageBox.Show("You are transfering more money than you have in your account. Please transfer less.", "Overdraft Warning"); transactionAmount = 0; txtTransactionAmount.Text = ""; txtTransactionAmount.Focus(); } else { checkingBalance -= transactionAmount; savingsBalance += transactionAmount; transactionHappened = true; } } if (selectedTransaction == 3 || selectedTransaction == 7) { transactionHappened = true; } if (transactionHappened) { GlobalData.customer.updateSavingsCheckings(savingsBalance, checkingBalance); Form frmTransactionComplete = new frmTransactionComplete(); frmTransactionComplete.Show(); Close(); } }