コード例 #1
        private void Update()
            healthValue = health;                // sets the healthValue to the players current health
            shieldValue = currShieldHealth;      // sets the shieldValue to the players current shield health

            if (gameOverTimer > 0)               // If the Timer has been set in the Die() method...
                gameOverTimer -= Time.deltaTime; // start counting down

            if (cooldownInvulnerability > 0)
                cooldownInvulnerability -= Time.deltaTime; // if cooldownInvulnerability still has time life, countdown timer

            switch (currentHealthState)
            case HealthState.Regular:
                // Do behavior for this state:
                shieldRender.enabled = false;                   // disable the shield render on the player
                if (currShieldHealth < maxShieldHealth)         // If NOT shielding and shieldHealth < max...
                    currShieldHealth = currShieldHealth + .05f; // Regen shield health

                if (currShieldHealth >= minShieldHealth) // If shieldHealth >= minimumHealth...
                    canShield = true;                    // Player can turn on shield...
                    canShield = false;
                }                                 // ELSE, player can NOT shield

                // Transition to other states:
                if (!shielding && Input.GetButtonDown("Shield") && currShieldHealth > minUsableShieldHealth)     // If NOT shielding, pressing Q, and currShieldHealth > minShieldHealth...
                    currentHealthState = HealthState.Shielding; // switch to shielding state
                    shielding          = true;                  // set shielding to true


            case HealthState.Shielding:
                // Do behavior for this state:
                shieldRender.enabled = true;                    // render the shield on the player
                // Transition to other states:
                if (shielding && Input.GetButtonDown("Shield")) // If shielding and pressing Q
                    currentHealthState = HealthState.Regular; // switch to regular state
                    shielding          = false;               // set shielding to false
コード例 #2
        void Update()

            batteryValue = currBattery; // Sets the batteryValue to the tracked current battery

            if (timerSpawnBullet > 0)
                timerSpawnBullet -= Time.deltaTime; // if the timer is GREATER THAN 0, countdown the timer
            switch (currentPodState)                // State Switcher
            case PodState.Regular:                  // Regular State: Follows player, depletes battery
                // Behavior
                currBattery   -= Time.deltaTime;    // Battery drops over time
                podStatus.text = ("ONLINE");        // UI tells player the pod is online

                // Transition
                if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
                    currentPodState = PodState.Shooting;
                }                                         // If player presses "Left Click", switch to Shooting state
                if (Input.GetButtonDown("FollowerPower")) // If player presses "F"...
                    SoundBoard.PlayPlayerShieldOff();     // Play Player Shield Off Sound
                    currentPodState = PodState.Charging;  // Switch to charging state

                if (currBattery <= batteryMin)           // if current battery is LESS THAN or EQUAL TO minimum battery...
                    SoundBoard.PlayPlayerShieldOff();    // Play player shield off sound
                    currentPodState = PodState.Charging; // switch to charging state


            case PodState.Shooting:            // Shooting State: Follows player, Shoots when player shoots, depletes battery
                // Behavior
                currBattery -= Time.deltaTime; // battery drops over time
                podStatus.text = ("FIRING");   // UI tells player the pod is firing

                // Transition
                if (!Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
                    currentPodState = PodState.Regular;
                }                                        // If player is not left clicking, switch to regular state

                if (currBattery <= batteryMin)           // if current battery is LESS THAN or EQUAL TO minimum battery...
                    SoundBoard.PlayPlayerShieldOff();    // Player player shield off sound
                    currentPodState = PodState.Charging; // switch to charging state


            case PodState.Charging:                     // Charging State: Follows player, charges battery
                // Behavior
                currBattery   += Time.deltaTime * 1.5f; // current battery increases over time
                podStatus.text = ("CHARGING");          // UI tells player the pod is charging

                // Transition
                if (Input.GetButtonDown("FollowerPower")) // If player presses "F"
                    SoundBoard.PlayPlayerShieldOn();      // Play player shield on sound
                    currentPodState = PodState.Regular;   // Switch to regular state

                if (currBattery >= batteryMax)
                    currentPodState = PodState.Off;
                }                                                                      // If current battery is GREATER THAN or EQUAL TO maximum battery, switch to Off state


            case PodState.Off:                // Off State: Do nothing
                // Behavior
                podStatus.text = ("OFFLINE"); // UI tells player the pod is offline

                // Transition
                if (Input.GetButtonDown("FollowerPower")) // If player presses "F"
                    SoundBoard.PlayPlayerShieldOn();      // Play player shield on sound
                    currentPodState = PodState.Regular;   // Switch to regular state
