/* * Construct the form */ public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.outputPath != "") { loadFileToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; // Enable file loading if path isn't empty } ProcessHandler.StartTimer(this); // Instantiate process timer with MainForm as the parent SetLabelStatus(ProcessHandler.ProcessStatus()); // Set the label to the process status }
/* * Construct the form */ public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.outputPath == "") { Properties.Settings.Default.outputPath = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "unity3d/Audiosurf, LLC/Audiosurf 2/Player.log"); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } ProcessHandler.StartTimer(this); // Instantiate process timer with MainForm as the parent SetLabelStatus(ProcessHandler.ProcessStatus()); // Set the label to the process status }