private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (mJM == null || !mJM.ValidLoadedProgram) { return; } Graphics g = e.Graphics; System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix mx = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, panel1.AutoScrollPosition.X, panel1.AutoScrollPosition.Y); e.Graphics.Transform = mx; using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(panel1.BackColor)) using (SolidBrush textBrush = new SolidBrush(panel1.ForeColor)) using (SolidBrush highlightBrush = new SolidBrush(mHighlightColor)) { for (uint ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) { int ypos = (int)(ii * panel1.Font.Height); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, ypos, panel1.ClientRectangle.Width, panel1.Font.Height); string str = GeneralPurposeRegisters.registerToString(ii); uint regValue = mJM.GPR[ii]; switch (this.CurrentDisplayBase) { case RegisterDisplayBase.Hexadecimal: str += regValue.ToString("x8"); break; case RegisterDisplayBase.Signed: str += ((int)regValue).ToString(); break; case RegisterDisplayBase.Unsigned: str += regValue.ToString(); break; } g.FillRectangle(backBrush, bounds); Brush brush = _gpRegistersChanged[ii] ? highlightBrush : textBrush; // Draw the current item text based on the current Font and the custom brush settings. e.Graphics.DrawString(str, panel1.Font, brush, bounds, StringFormat.GenericDefault); }//for ii RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 16, textBrush, "------------------"); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 17, textBrush, "CPSR Register"); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 18, _cpsrChanged[0] ? highlightBrush : textBrush, "Negative(N):" + ( ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 19, _cpsrChanged[1] ? highlightBrush : textBrush, "Zero(Z) :" + (mJM.CPSR.zf ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 20, _cpsrChanged[2] ? highlightBrush : textBrush, "Carry(C) :" + ( ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 21, _cpsrChanged[3] ? highlightBrush : textBrush, "Overflow(V):" + (mJM.CPSR.vf ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 22, textBrush, "IRQ Disable:" + (mJM.CPSR.IRQDisable ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 23, textBrush, "FIQ Disable:" + (mJM.CPSR.FIQDisable ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 24, textBrush, "Thumb(T) :" + ( ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 25, textBrush, "CPU Mode :" + System.Enum.GetName(typeof(CPSR.CPUModeEnum), mJM.CPSR.Mode)); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 26, textBrush, "------------------"); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel1, 27, textBrush, "0x" + mJM.CPSR.Flags.ToString("x8")); } }
private void panel2_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (mJM == null || !mJM.ValidLoadedProgram) { return; } Graphics g = e.Graphics; System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix mx = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, panel2.AutoScrollPosition.X, panel2.AutoScrollPosition.Y); e.Graphics.Transform = mx; using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(panel2.BackColor)) using (SolidBrush textBrush = new SolidBrush(panel2.ForeColor)) using (SolidBrush highlightBrush = new SolidBrush(mHighlightColor)) { int line = 0; switch (this.CurrentFloatingPointType) { case FloatingPointType.Single: for (uint ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++, line++) { int ypos = (int)(ii * panel2.Font.Height); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, ypos, panel2.ClientRectangle.Width, panel2.Font.Height); string str = "s" + ii.ToString() + ((ii < 10) ? " " : "") + ":"; float regValue = mJM.FPP.FPR.ReadS(ii); str += ARMSim.Simulator.VFP.FloatingPointProcessor.FloatToString(regValue); //str += float.IsNaN(regValue) ? "NaN" : regValue.ToString("0.###E+0"); g.FillRectangle(backBrush, bounds); Brush brush = _fpRegistersChanged[ii] ? highlightBrush : textBrush; e.Graphics.DrawString(str, panel2.Font, brush, bounds, StringFormat.GenericDefault); } break; case FloatingPointType.Double: for (uint ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++, line++) { int ypos = (int)(ii * panel2.Font.Height); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, ypos, panel2.ClientRectangle.Width, panel1.Font.Height); string str = "d" + ii.ToString() + ((ii < 10) ? " " : "") + ":"; double regValue = mJM.FPP.FPR.ReadD(ii); str += ARMSim.Simulator.VFP.FloatingPointProcessor.DoubleToString(regValue); //str += double.IsNaN(regValue) ? "NaN" : regValue.ToString("0.###E+0"); g.FillRectangle(backBrush, bounds); Brush brush = _fpRegistersChanged[ii] ? highlightBrush : textBrush; e.Graphics.DrawString(str, panel1.Font, brush, bounds, StringFormat.GenericDefault); } break; }//switch RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "------------------"); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "FCPSR Register"); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "Negative(N):" + ( ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "Zero(Z) :" + (mJM.FPP.FPSCR.zf ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "Carry(C) :" + ( ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "Overflow(V):" + (mJM.FPP.FPSCR.vf ? "1" : "0")); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "Stride :" + (mJM.FPP.FPSCR.Stride.ToString())); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "Length :" + (mJM.FPP.FPSCR.Length.ToString())); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "-------------"); RegistersView.DrawLine(g, panel2, line++, textBrush, "0x" + mJM.FPP.FPSCR.Flags.ToString("x8")); } }