private double probHigherLvl = 0.55, probLowerLvl = 0.45; // probability of inheriting the higher level-stat public BreedingPlan() { InitializeComponent(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { statWeights[i] = 1; } breedingPairs = new List <BreedingPair>(); pedigreeCreatureBest.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureBestPossibleInSpecies.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureWorst.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureBestPossibleInSpecies.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureBest.HandCursor = false; pedigreeCreatureWorst.HandCursor = false; pedigreeCreatureBestPossibleInSpecies.HandCursor = false; statWeighting = statWeighting1; breedingPlanNeedsUpdate = false; tagSelectorList1.OnTagChanged += TagSelectorList1_OnTagChanged; }
private const double probLowerLvl = 0.45; // probability of inheriting the higher level-stat public BreedingPlan() { InitializeComponent(); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { statWeights[i] = 1; } breedingMode = BreedingMode.TopStatsConservative; breedingPairs = new List <BreedingPair>(); pedigreeCreatureBest.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureBestPossibleInSpecies.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureBestPossibleInSpecies.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureWorst.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureBestPossibleInSpecies.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureBest.HandCursor = false; pedigreeCreatureWorst.HandCursor = false; pedigreeCreatureBestPossibleInSpecies.HandCursor = false; statWeighting = statWeighting1; breedingPlanNeedsUpdate = false; dontUpdateBreedingPlan = false; cbServerFilterLibrary.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.UseServerFilterForBreedingPlan; tagSelectorList1.OnTagChanged += TagSelectorList1_OnTagChanged; }
public BreedingPlan() { InitializeComponent(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { statWeights[i] = 1; } breedingPairs = new List <BreedingPair>(); pedigreeCreatureBest.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureWorst.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureBest.HandCursor = false; pedigreeCreatureWorst.HandCursor = false; ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.SetToolTip(labelBreedingScore, "The Breeding-Score of a paring is not comparable to the Breeding-Score of another breeding-mode.\nThe numbers in the different modes are generated in incompatible ways."); tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPTopStatsCn, "Top Stats, Conservative.\nCheck for best long-term-results and if you want to go safe.\nThis mode will get to the best possible offspring steady and surely.\nSome offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but that's the mode you go if you want to have that perfect creature in some generations."); tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPTopStats, "Top Stats, Feeling Lucky.\nCheck for best long-term-results and if you're feeling lucky. It can be faster to get the perfect creature than in the Top-Stat-Conservative-Mode if you're lucky.\nSome offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but you also have a chance to the best possible offspring."); tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPHighStats, "Check for best next-generation-results.\nThe chance for an overall good creature is better.\nCheck if it's not important to have a Top-Stats-Offspring."); tt.SetToolTip(buttonJustMated, "Click to create an incubation-entry in the Raising-tab"); tt.SetToolTip(nudMutationLimit, "Consider only creatures with at most this many mutations.\nSet to -1 for any number of mutation."); tt.SetToolTip(cbTagExcludeDefault, "Check if all creatures should be excluded and only be included when have the include-mark on their tag.\nIf this checkbox is unchecked, all creatures will be included by default, and only excluded if one of their tags has the exclude-mark and none has the include-mark."); statWeighting = statWeighting1; breedingPlanNeedsUpdate = false; tagSelectorList1.OnTagChanged += TagSelectorList1_OnTagChanged; }
public BreedingPlan() { InitializeComponent(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { statWeights[i] = 1; } combinedTops[0] = new List <int>(); combinedTops[1] = new List <int>(); pedigreeCreatureBest.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.IsVirtual = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureWorst.onlyLevels = true; pedigreeCreatureBest.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureWorst.Clear(); pedigreeCreatureBest.HandCursor = false; pedigreeCreatureWorst.HandCursor = false; ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.SetToolTip(labelBreedingScore, "The Breeding-Score of a paring is not comparable to the Breeding-Score of another breeding-mode.\nThe numbers in the different modes are generated in incompatible ways."); tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPTopStatsCn, "Top Stats, Conservative.\nCheck for best long-term-results and if you want to go safe.\nThis mode will get to the best possible offspring steady and surely.\nSome offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but that's the mode you go if you want to have that perfect creature in some generations."); tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPTopStats, "Top Stats, Feeling Lucky.\nCheck for best long-term-results and if you're feeling lucky. It can be faster to get the perfect creature than in the Top-Stat-Conservative-Mode if you're lucky.\nSome offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but you also have a chance to the best possible offspring."); tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPHighStats, "Check for best next-generation-results.\nThe chance for an overall good creature is better.\nCheck if it's not important to have a Top-Stats-Offspring."); tt.SetToolTip(buttonJustMated, "Click to create an incubation-entry in the Raising-tab"); statWeighting = statWeighting1; breedingPlanNeedsUpdate = false; /* // TODO fix for different display-scalings. doesn't work right now. * float dpiX, dpiY; * Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics(); * dpiX = graphics.DpiX; * dpiY = graphics.DpiY; */ }