public ActionResult Register() { RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel(); PersonService pservice = new PersonService(); //model.ListOfPersonName = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonName(System.DateTime.Now, null, null).ToList(); return View(model); }
public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Attempt to register the user try { if (!WebSecurity.UserExists(model.UserName)) { AddNewAccount(model); ViewBag.StatusMessage = "Tạo tài khoản thành công."; } else ViewBag.StatusMessage = "Email này đã được sử dụng bởi nhân viên khác."; } catch (MembershipCreateUserException e) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCodeToString(e.StatusCode)); } } PersonService pservice = new PersonService(); model.ListOfPersonName = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, null, null).ToList(); // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return View(model); }
public ActionResult Index() { RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel(); PersonService pservice = new PersonService(); DepartmentService departmentService = new DepartmentService(); //model.ListOfPersonName = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonName(System.DateTime.Now, null, null).ToList(); model.Departments = departmentService.GetAll().ToList(); model.ListOfPersonName = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, null, null).ToList(); return View(model); }
public JsonResult DeleteAllAccount() { string result = string.Empty; PersonService pservice = new PersonService(); foreach (PersonAccount pa in pservice.GetAllPersonAccount()) { result = DeleteByUserId(pa.UserId); if (result != string.Empty) break; } return Json(result); }
public JsonResult CreateAccountAutomatic(string password) { string result = string.Empty; PersonService pservice = new PersonService(); try { foreach (Person p in pservice.GetAll()) { if (p.Email != null && !p.Email.Trim().Equals(string.Empty) && !WebSecurity.UserExists(p.Email.Trim())) { RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel() { UserName = p.Email, Password = password, View1Role = true, View2Role = false, View3Role = false, EditRole = false, DeleteRole = false, AdminRole = false, PersonId = p.Id }; AddNewAccount(model); } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = "Lỗi: " + ex.Message; } return Json(result); }
public ActionResult GetList(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, string reportDate, int departmentId, int filter) { PersonService pservice = new PersonService(); IEnumerable<PersonDto> allPersons = new List<PersonDto>(); int? department = null; System.DateTime endedDate; if (!System.DateTime.TryParse(reportDate, out endedDate)) endedDate = System.DateTime.Now; if (departmentId != -1) department = departmentId; switch (filter) { case 1: if (Roles.IsUserInRole(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName, RoleNames.view1Role)) allPersons = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, department, pservice.GetPersonIdByUserId(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId)); if (Roles.IsUserInRole(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName, RoleNames.view2Role)) { Person p = pservice.GetPersonByUserId(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId); if (p != null) { if (p.Department != null) { if (p.Department.Id == departmentId) allPersons = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, departmentId, null); } } } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName, RoleNames.view3Role)) allPersons = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, department, null); break; case 2: if (Roles.IsUserInRole(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName, RoleNames.view1Role)) allPersons = pservice.GetListAllOfReleasedPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, department, pservice.GetPersonIdByUserId(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId)); if (Roles.IsUserInRole(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName, RoleNames.view2Role)) { Person p = pservice.GetPersonByUserId(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId); if (p != null) { if (p.Department != null) { if (p.Department.Id == departmentId) allPersons = pservice.GetListOnWorkingOfPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, departmentId, null); } } } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName, RoleNames.view3Role)) allPersons = pservice.GetListAllOfReleasedPersonDto(System.DateTime.Now, department, null); break; } IEnumerable<PersonDto> filteredPersons; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.sSearch)) { //Used if particulare columns are filtered var lastnameFilter = Convert.ToString(Request["sSearch_0"]); var firstnameFilter = Convert.ToString(Request["sSearch_1"]); var phongbanFilter = Convert.ToString(Request["sSearch_6"]); //Optionally check whether the columns are searchable at all var isLastnameSearchable = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["bSearchable_0"]); var isFirstnameSearchable = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["bSearchable_1"]); var isPhongBanSearchable = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["bSearchable_6"]); filteredPersons = allPersons .Where(c => isLastnameSearchable && c.Lastname != null && c.Lastname.ToString().ToLower().Contains(param.sSearch.ToLower()) || isFirstnameSearchable && c.Firstname != null && c.Firstname.ToString().ToLower().Contains(param.sSearch.ToLower()) ); } else { filteredPersons = allPersons; } var isLastnameSortable = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["bSortable_0"]); var isFirstnameSortable = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["bSortable_1"]); var sortColumnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["iSortCol_0"]); Func<PersonDto, string> orderingFunction = (c => sortColumnIndex == 2 && isLastnameSortable ? c.Lastname.ToString() : sortColumnIndex == 3 && isFirstnameSortable ? c.Firstname.ToString() : ""); var sortDirection = Request["sSortDir_0"]; // asc or desc if (sortDirection == "asc") filteredPersons = filteredPersons.OrderBy(orderingFunction); else filteredPersons = filteredPersons.OrderByDescending(orderingFunction); IEnumerable<PersonDto> displayedPersons; if (param.iDisplayLength != -1) displayedPersons = filteredPersons.Skip(param.iDisplayStart).Take(param.iDisplayLength); else displayedPersons = filteredPersons; var result = from c in displayedPersons select new string[] { c.Id.ToString(), c.Lastname, c.Firstname, c.GenderName, c.Birthday, c.ChucDanhName, c.DepartmentName, c.PhoneNumber, c.Email, c.RecruitedDate, c.NgayNghi, c.Note }; return Json(new { sEcho = param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = allPersons.Count(), iTotalDisplayRecords = filteredPersons.Count(), aaData = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ActionResult Index() { PersonModel model = new PersonModel(); GenderService genderService = new GenderService(); DepartmentService departmentService = new DepartmentService(); ChucDanhService chucDanhService = new ChucDanhService(); PersonService personService = new PersonService(); model.Departments = departmentService.GetAll().ToList(); model.Departments.Insert(0, new Department() { Id = -1, Name = "Tất cả"}); model.ChucDanhs = chucDanhService.GetAll().ToList(); model.ReportDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); model.ListOfFilterNames = new List<FilterName>(); model.ListOfFilterNames.Add(new FilterName() { Id = 1, Name = "Đang công tác" }); model.ListOfFilterNames.Add(new FilterName() { Id = 2, Name = "Thôi việc" }); model.ListOfFilterNames.Add(new FilterName() { Id = 3, Name = "Tất cả" }); model.Genders = genderService.GetAll().ToList(); return View(model); }