public List<SimplePricing> GetAll(string key) { Authenticate(key); List<int> statuses = new List<int> { 800, 900 }; CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); List<SimplePricing> allparts = new List<SimplePricing>(); allparts = (from c in db.Parts join cpr in db.CustomerPricings on c.partID equals cpr.partID into PricingTemp from cp in PricingTemp.Where(x => x.cust_id == this.cust_id).DefaultIfEmpty() join cir in db.CartIntegrations on c.partID equals cir.partID into IntegrationTemp from ci in IntegrationTemp.Where(x => x.custID == this.cust_id).DefaultIfEmpty() where statuses.Contains(c.status) select new SimplePricing { cust_id = this.cust_id, partID = c.partID, custPartID = (ci.custPartID == null) ? 0 : ci.custPartID, price = (cp.price == null) ? 0 : cp.price, isSale = cp.isSale == null ? 0 : cp.isSale, sale_start = cp.sale_start == null ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(cp.sale_start).ToString(), sale_end = cp.sale_end == null ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(cp.sale_end).ToString(), msrp = ((c.Prices.Any(x => x.priceType.Equals("List"))) ? c.Prices.Where(x => x.priceType.Equals("List")).Select(x => x.price1).FirstOrDefault() : 0), map = ((c.Prices.Any(x => x.priceType.Equals("eMap"))) ? c.Prices.Where(x => x.priceType.Equals("eMap")).Select(x => x.price1).FirstOrDefault() : 0), }).AsParallel().ToList(); return allparts.OrderBy(x => x.partID).ToList<SimplePricing>(); }
public string GetUnintegratedPartsJSON() { CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); List<int> statuses = new List<int> { 800, 900 }; List<APIPart> parts = new List<APIPart>(); parts = (from p in db.Parts join c in db.Classes on p.classID equals c.classID into ClassTemp from c in ClassTemp.DefaultIfEmpty() join ci in db.CartIntegrations on p.partID equals ci.partID into IntegrationTemp from cit in IntegrationTemp.Where(x => x.custID.Equals(this.custID)).DefaultIfEmpty() where statuses.Contains(p.status) && (cit.referenceID == null || cit.custPartID == 0) orderby p.partID select new APIPart { partID = p.partID, status = p.status, dateModified = Convert.ToDateTime(p.dateModified).ToString(), dateAdded = Convert.ToDateTime(p.dateAdded).ToString(), shortDesc = "CURT " + p.shortDesc + " #" + p.partID.ToString(), oldPartNumber = p.oldPartNumber, listPrice = String.Format("{0:C}", (from prices in p.Prices where prices.priceType.Equals("List") select prices.price1 != null ? prices.price1 : (decimal?)0).FirstOrDefault<decimal?>()), pClass = (c != null) ? c.class1 : "", priceCode = p.priceCode, relatedCount = db.RelatedParts.Where(x => x.partID.Equals(p.partID)).Select(x => new { relatedID = x.relatedID }).Count(), attributes = (from pa in p.PartAttributes orderby pa.sort select new APIAttribute { key = pa.field, value = pa.value }).ToList<APIAttribute>(), content = (from co in p.ContentBridges orderby co.contentID select new APIAttribute { key = co.Content.ContentType.type, value = co.Content.text }).OrderBy(x => x.key).ToList<APIAttribute>(), videos = (from pv in p.PartVideos orderby pv.vTypeID select new APIVideo { videoID = pv.pVideoID, youTubeVideoID =, isPrimary = pv.isPrimary, typeID = pv.vTypeID, type =, typeicon = pv.videoType.icon }).ToList<APIVideo>(), pricing = (from pr in p.Prices select new APIAttribute { key = pr.priceType, value = pr.price1.ToString() }).OrderBy(x => x.key).ToList<APIAttribute>(), reviews = (from r in p.Reviews where && r.approved.Equals(true) && r.cust_id.Equals(this.custID) orderby r.createdDate descending select new APIReview { reviewID = r.reviewID, partID = (r.partID != null) ? (int)r.partID : 0, rating = r.rating, subject = r.subject, review_text = r.review_text, email =, name =, createdDate = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt}", r.createdDate) }).Take(10).ToList<APIReview>(), averageReview = (from r in p.Reviews where && r.approved.Equals(true) && r.cust_id.Equals(this.custID) select (double?)r.rating).Average() ?? 0.0, images = (from pi in p.PartImages select new APIImage { imageID = pi.imageID, sort = pi.sort, path = pi.path, height = pi.height, width = pi.width, size = db.PartImageSizes.Where(x => x.sizeID.Equals(pi.sizeID)).Select(x => x.size).FirstOrDefault<string>(), partID = pi.partID }).OrderBy(x => x.sort).ToList<APIImage>() }).AsParallel().Distinct().ToList<APIPart>(); return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parts); }
public ReturnableCustomer Get() { CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); ReturnableCustomer cust = (from c in db.Customers where && c.customerID.Equals(this.customerID) select new ReturnableCustomer { customerID = (c.customerID != null)? Convert.ToInt32(c.customerID) : 0, email =, name =, key = c.APIKey.ToString(), website = }).FirstOrDefault<ReturnableCustomer>(); return cust; }
public List<CartIntegration> GetAll(string key) { Authenticate(key); CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); List<int> statuses = new List<int> { 800, 900 }; List<CartIntegration> all = (from c in db.Parts join ci in db.CartIntegrations on c.partID equals ci.partID into IntegrationTemp from cit in IntegrationTemp.Where(x => x.custID.Equals(this.custID)).DefaultIfEmpty() where statuses.Contains(c.status) select new CartIntegration { custID = this.custID, partID = c.partID, custPartID = (cit.custPartID == null) ? 0 : cit.custPartID, referenceID = (cit.referenceID == null) ? 0 : cit.referenceID }).AsParallel().OrderBy(x => x.partID).ToList<CartIntegration>(); return all; }
public void RemoveSale(string key) { Authenticate(key); if (this.partID == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid reference to part."); } if (this.price == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid price point."); } CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); CustomerPricing point = db.CustomerPricings.Where(x => x.partID.Equals(this.partID) && x.cust_id.Equals(this.cust_id) && x.isSale.Equals(1) && x.price.Equals(this.price)).FirstOrDefault<CustomerPricing>(); db.CustomerPricings.DeleteOnSubmit(point); db.SubmitChanges(); }
private bool checkMap() { CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); Price map = db.Prices.Where(x => x.priceType.ToUpper().Equals("eMap") && x.partID.Equals(this.partID)).FirstOrDefault(); if (this.price < (map.price1 / 2) && map.enforced) { return false; } return true; }
internal decimal GetMap() { var db = new CurtDevDataContext(); return db.Prices.Where(x => x.partID.Equals(this.partID) && x.priceType.ToUpper().Equals("eMap")).Select(x => x.price1).FirstOrDefault<decimal>(); }
/*protected int GetCustomerReference() { CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); return db.Customers.Where(x => x.customerID.Equals(this.cust_id)).Select(x => x.cust_id).FirstOrDefault<int>(); }*/ internal void Authenticate(string key) { if (key == null || key.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid API key."); } if (this.cust_id == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid customerID"); } Guid api_key = Guid.Parse(key); CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); Customer cust = db.Customers.Where(x => x.customerID.Equals(this.cust_id) & x.APIKey.Equals(api_key)).FirstOrDefault<Customer>(); if (cust == null || cust.cust_id == 0) { // We need to attempt to auth against a CustomerUsers Key var customerID = (from cu in db.CustomerUsers join c in db.Customers on cu.cust_ID equals c.cust_id join ak in db.ApiKeys on equals ak.user_id join akt in db.ApiKeyTypes on ak.type_id equals where !akt.type.ToUpper().Equals("AUTHENITCATION") && ak.api_key.Equals(api_key) && c.customerID.Equals(this.cust_id) select c.customerID).FirstOrDefault<int?>(); if (customerID == null || customerID == 0) { throw new Exception("Denied Access."); } } }
public void SetAllToMap(string key) { Authenticate(key); var ctx = new CurtDevDataContext(); // Delete existing records ctx.ExecuteCommand( "delete from CustomerPricing where cust_id = {0}", this.cust_id); // Repopulate from the Price table ctx.ExecuteCommand( "insert into CustomerPricing(cust_id, partID, price, isSale) select {0},p.partID, p.price,0 from Price p where p.priceType = 'Map'", this.cust_id); }
public SimplePricing Set(string key) { Authenticate(key); CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); // Validate required fields if (this.price == 0) { throw new Exception("Price failed to validate against null or zero."); } if (this.partID == 0) { throw new Exception("Part Number failed to validate against null or zero."); } if (this.isSale == 1) { if (this.sale_start == null || this.sale_start < DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)) { throw new Exception("If record is going to marked as sale, sale start is required and cannot be in the past."); } if (this.sale_end == null || this.sale_end < DateTime.Now || this.sale_end <= this.sale_start) { throw new Exception("If record is going to marked as sale, sale end is required, cannot be in the past, and cannot be sooner or equal to the sale start."); } } else { this.sale_start = null; this.sale_end = null; } // Make sure the price point isn't set lower than map if (!checkMap()) { throw new Exception("You may not set the price point lower than map price."); } CustomerPricing newpricing = new CustomerPricing { cust_id = this.cust_id, partID = this.partID, price = this.price, isSale = this.isSale, sale_start = this.sale_start, sale_end = this.sale_end }; // Attempt to get a CustomerPricing record for this customerID and partID List<CustomerPricing> tmpPoints = db.CustomerPricings.Where(x => x.cust_id.Equals(this.cust_id) && x.partID.Equals(this.partID)).ToList<CustomerPricing>(); bool updated = false; List<CustomerPricing> deletables = new List<CustomerPricing>(); foreach (CustomerPricing tmpPoint in tmpPoints) { bool deleted = false; if (tmpPoint.sale_end != null && tmpPoint.sale_end < DateTime.Now) { // expired sale - delete deletables.Add(tmpPoint); deleted = true; } if (!deleted && this.isSale == tmpPoint.isSale) { if (!updated) { tmpPoint.price = this.price; tmpPoint.isSale = this.isSale; tmpPoint.sale_start = this.sale_start; tmpPoint.sale_end = this.sale_end; newpricing.cust_price_id = tmpPoint.cust_price_id; updated = true; } else { deletables.Add(tmpPoint); } } } if (!updated) { db.CustomerPricings.InsertOnSubmit(newpricing); } if (deletables.Count > 0) { db.CustomerPricings.DeleteAllOnSubmit(deletables); } db.SubmitChanges(); CustomerPricing currentPrice = db.CustomerPricings.Where(x => x.cust_price_id.Equals(newpricing.cust_price_id)).FirstOrDefault<CustomerPricing>(); SimplePricing pricePoint = new SimplePricing { cust_id = currentPrice.cust_id, partID = currentPrice.partID, price = currentPrice.price, isSale = currentPrice.isSale, sale_start = currentPrice.sale_start.ToString(), sale_end = currentPrice.sale_end.ToString() }; return pricePoint; }
public XDocument GetUnintegratedPartsXML() { XDocument xml = new XDocument(); XElement parts = new XElement("Parts"); List<int> statuses = new List<int> { 800, 900 }; CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); List<XElement> partlist = (from p in db.Parts join c in db.Classes on p.classID equals c.classID into ClassTemp from c in ClassTemp.DefaultIfEmpty() join ci in db.CartIntegrations on p.partID equals ci.partID into IntegrationTemp from cit in IntegrationTemp.Where(x => x.custID.Equals(this.custID)).DefaultIfEmpty() where statuses.Contains(p.status) && (cit.referenceID == null || cit.custPartID == 0) orderby p.partID select new XElement("Part", new XAttribute("partID", p.partID), new XAttribute("status", p.status), new XAttribute("dateModified", Convert.ToDateTime(p.dateModified).ToString()), new XAttribute("dateAdded", Convert.ToDateTime(p.dateAdded).ToString()), new XAttribute("shortDesc", "CURT " + p.shortDesc + " #" + p.partID.ToString()), new XAttribute("oldPartNumber", (p.oldPartNumber != null) ? p.oldPartNumber : ""), new XAttribute("listPrice", String.Format("{0:C}", (from prices in p.Prices where prices.priceType.Equals("List") select prices.price1 != null ? prices.price1 : (decimal?)0).FirstOrDefault<decimal?>())), new XAttribute("pClass", (c != null) ? c.class1 : ""), new XAttribute("priceCode", (p.priceCode != null) ? p.priceCode : 0), new XAttribute("relatedCount", db.RelatedParts.Where(x => x.partID == p.partID).Select(x => new { relatedID = x.relatedID }).Count()), new XElement("Attributes", (from pa in p.PartAttributes orderby pa.sort select new XElement(XmlConvert.EncodeName(pa.field), pa.value)).ToList<XElement>()), new XElement("Content", (from co in p.ContentBridges orderby co.Content.ContentType.type, co.contentID select new XElement(XmlConvert.EncodeName(co.Content.ContentType.type), co.Content.text)).ToList<XElement>()), new XElement("Videos", (from vp in p.PartVideos orderby vp.vTypeID select new XElement("Video",, new XAttribute("videoID", vp.pVideoID), new XAttribute("isPrimary", vp.isPrimary), new XAttribute("type",, new XAttribute("icon", vp.videoType.icon ?? ""), new XAttribute("typeID", vp.vTypeID) )).ToList<XElement>()), new XElement("Pricing", (from pr in p.Prices orderby pr.priceType select new XElement(XmlConvert.EncodeName(pr.priceType), pr.price1.ToString())).ToList<XElement>()), new XElement("Reviews", new XAttribute("averageReview", (from r in p.Reviews where && r.approved.Equals(true) && r.cust_id.Equals(this.custID) select (double?)r.rating).Average() ?? 0.0), (from r in p.Reviews where && r.approved.Equals(true) && r.cust_id.Equals(this.custID) orderby r.createdDate descending select new XElement("Review", new XAttribute("reviewID", r.reviewID), new XElement("createdDate", String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt}", r.createdDate)), new XElement("rating", r.rating), new XElement("name",, new XElement("email",, new XElement("subject", r.subject), new XElement("review_text", r.review_text))).Take(10).ToList<XElement>()), new XElement("Images", (from pin in p.PartImages group pin by pin.sort into pi orderby pi.Key select new XElement("Index", new XAttribute("name", pi.Key.ToString()), (from pis in db.PartImages join pig in db.PartImageSizes on pis.sizeID equals pig.sizeID where pis.partID.Equals(p.partID) && pis.sort.Equals(pi.Key) orderby pis.sort, pis.sizeID select new XElement(pig.size, new XAttribute("imageID", pis.imageID), new XAttribute("path", pis.path), new XAttribute("height", pis.height), new XAttribute("width", pis.width) )).ToList<XElement>() )).ToList<XElement>()) )).AsParallel().ToList<XElement>(); parts.Add(partlist); xml.Add(parts); return xml; }
internal void Authenticate(string key) { if (key == null || key.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid API key."); } if (this.custID == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid customerID"); } Guid api_key; try { api_key = Guid.Parse(key); } catch { throw new Exception("Invalid API key."); } CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); Customer cust = db.Customers.Where(x => x.customerID.Equals(this.custID) & x.APIKey.Equals(api_key)).FirstOrDefault<Customer>(); if (cust == null || cust.cust_id == 0) { throw new Exception("Denied Access."); } }
public CartIntegration Set(string key) { Authenticate(key); CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext(); // Validate required fields // This isn't working because the customer needs to be able to unlink // if (this.custPartID == 0) { throw new Exception("Customer Part ID failed to validate against null or zero."); } // - ajn if (this.partID == 0) { throw new Exception("Part Number failed to validate against null or zero."); } // Attempt to get a CustomerPricing record for this customerID and partID List<CartIntegration> tmpIntegrations = db.CartIntegrations.Where(x => x.custID.Equals(this.custID) && x.partID.Equals(this.partID)).ToList<CartIntegration>(); CartIntegration newintegration = new CartIntegration(); List<CartIntegration> deleteables = new List<CartIntegration>(); bool updated = false; foreach (CartIntegration tmpIntegration in tmpIntegrations) { if (tmpIntegration.custPartID == 0) { deleteables.Add(tmpIntegration); } else { if (!updated && this.custPartID > 0) { tmpIntegration.custPartID = this.custPartID; updated = true; } else { deleteables.Add(tmpIntegration); } } } if (!updated && this.custPartID > 0) { newintegration = this; newintegration.custID = this.custID; db.CartIntegrations.InsertOnSubmit(newintegration); } if (deleteables.Count > 0) { db.CartIntegrations.DeleteAllOnSubmit(deleteables); } db.SubmitChanges(); CartIntegration cartIntegration = new CartIntegration { custID = this.custID, partID = newintegration.partID, custPartID = newintegration.custPartID, referenceID = newintegration.referenceID }; return cartIntegration; }