public void ODFFixedTextTest() { //Create a new text document TextDocument document = new TextDocument(); document.New(); // Create a new paragraph Paragraph p =new Paragraph(document); // Create a main form ODFForm main_form = new ODFForm(document, "mainform"); main_form.Method = Method.Get; // Create three different pieces of text at different positions ODFFixedText ft= new ODFFixedText(main_form, p.Content, "ft1", "5mm", "5mm", "5cm", "1cm"); ft.Label = "Fixed text one"; ft.Disabled = XmlBoolean.True; main_form.Controls.Add (ft); ft= new ODFFixedText(main_form, p.Content, "ft2", "15mm", "25mm", "5cm", "1cm"); ft.Label = "Fixed text two"; main_form.Controls.Add (ft); ft= new ODFFixedText(main_form, p.Content, "ft3", "35mm", "15mm", "5cm", "1cm"); ft.Label = "Fixed text three"; main_form.Controls.Add (ft); document.Forms.Add(main_form); document.Content.Add(p); document.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"fixedtext_test.odt"); document.Load(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"fixedtext_test.odt"); document.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"fixedtext_test2.odt"); }
private void menuItem4_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { textDocument.New(); Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(textDocument); p1.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(textDocument, "This is a test form generated by the ODF Forms demo generator using the AODL library.")); Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(textDocument); ODFForm fMain = textDocument.AddNewForm("mainform"); ODFFrame frame = new ODFFrame(fMain, p2.Content, "frame", "5mm", "5mm", "9cm", "5cm"); frame.Label = "Demo Form"; frame.AnchorType = AnchorType.Paragraph; ODFFixedText ft_name = new ODFFixedText(fMain, p2.Content, "ft_name", "8mm", "10mm", "3cm", "4mm"); ft_name.Label = "Name"; ODFTextArea name = new ODFTextArea(fMain, p2.Content, "name", "8mm", "14mm", "3cm", "5mm"); name.CurrentValue = eName.Text; name.AnchorType = AnchorType.Paragraph; ODFFixedText ft_surname = new ODFFixedText(fMain, p2.Content, "ft_surname", "8mm", "20mm", "3cm", "4mm"); ft_surname.Label = "Surname"; ODFTextArea surname = new ODFTextArea(fMain, p2.Content, "surname", "8mm", "24mm", "3cm", "5mm"); surname.CurrentValue = eSurname.Text; surname.AnchorType = AnchorType.Paragraph; ODFFixedText ft_gender = new ODFFixedText(fMain, p2.Content, "ft_gender", "8mm", "30mm", "3cm", "4mm"); ft_gender.Label = "Gender"; ODFListBox gender = new ODFListBox(fMain, p2.Content, "gender", "8mm", "35mm", "3cm", "5mm"); ODFOption male = new ODFOption(textDocument, "Male"); if (eGender.SelectedIndex == 0) male.CurrentSelected = XmlBoolean.True; gender.Options.Add(male); ODFOption female = new ODFOption(textDocument, "Female"); if (eGender.SelectedIndex == 1) female.CurrentSelected = XmlBoolean.True; gender.Options.Add(female); gender.AnchorType = AnchorType.Paragraph; gender.DropDown = XmlBoolean.True; ODFFixedText ft_age = new ODFFixedText(fMain, p2.Content, "ft_age", "8mm", "40mm", "3cm", "4mm"); ft_age.Label = "Age"; ODFFormattedText age = new ODFFormattedText(fMain, p2.Content, "age", "8mm", "44mm", "3cm", "5mm"); age.CurrentValue = eAge.Value.ToString(); age.MinValue = 16; age.MaxValue = 100; ODFFixedText ft_addinfo= new ODFFixedText(fMain, p2.Content, "ft_addinfo", "45mm", "10mm", "45mm", "4mm"); ft_addinfo.Label = "Additional information"; ODFTextArea addinfo = new ODFTextArea(fMain, p2.Content, "addinfo", "45mm", "14mm", "45mm", "25mm"); addinfo.CurrentValue = eAdditional.Text; addinfo.AnchorType = AnchorType.Paragraph; addinfo.Properties.Add(new SingleFormProperty(textDocument, PropertyValueType.Boolean, "MultiLine", "true")); ODFCheckBox usesaodl = new ODFCheckBox(fMain, p2.Content, "usesaodl", "45mm", "40mm", "45mm", "25mm"); if (eUsesAODL.Checked) usesaodl.CurrentState = State.Checked; usesaodl.Label = "This person uses AODL:)"; usesaodl.AnchorType = AnchorType.Paragraph; fMain.Controls.Add(frame); fMain.Controls.Add(ft_name); fMain.Controls.Add(name); fMain.Controls.Add(ft_surname); fMain.Controls.Add(surname); fMain.Controls.Add(ft_gender); fMain.Controls.Add(gender); fMain.Controls.Add(ft_age); fMain.Controls.Add(age); fMain.Controls.Add(ft_addinfo); fMain.Controls.Add(addinfo); fMain.Controls.Add(usesaodl); textDocument.Content.Add(p1); textDocument.Content.Add(p2); textDocument.SaveTo(saveFileDialog1.FileName); lastOpenedFile = saveFileDialog1.FileName; } }