public static void WriteNewPassword(DBLoginData login) { using (IDbConnection conn = Connector.GetConnection()) { conn.Execute( "UPDATE login SET password=@pwd WHERE Username=@user", new { pwd=login.Password, user=login.Username }); } }
public static void WriteLoginData(DBLoginData login) { using (IDbConnection conn = Connector.GetConnection()) { conn.Execute( "INSERT INTO login (CreationDate, Email, FirstName, LastName, Username, Password, Allowed_Characters, Flags, AccountFlags, Expansions, GM) VALUES (@creationdate, @email, @firstname, @lastname,@username, @password, @allowed_characters, @flags, @accountflags, @expansions, @gm)", new { creationdate = DateTime.Now, email = login.Email, firstname = login.FirstName, lastname = login.LastName, username = login.Username, password = login.Password, allowed_characters = login.Allowed_Characters, flags = login.Flags, accountflags = login.AccountFlags, expansions = login.Expansions, gm = login.GM }); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="args"> /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// </exception> private static void Main(string[] args) { LogUtil.SetupConsoleLogging(LogLevel.Debug); LogUtil.SetupFileLogging("${basedir}/LoginEngineLog.txt", LogLevel.Trace); SettingsOverride.LoadCustomSettings("NBug.LoginEngine.Config"); Settings.WriteLogToDisk = true; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += Handler.UnhandledException; TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += Handler.UnobservedTaskException; Console.Title = "CellAO " + AssemblyInfoclass.Title + " Console. Version: " + AssemblyInfoclass.Description + " " + AssemblyInfoclass.AssemblyVersion + " " + AssemblyInfoclass.Trademark; var ct = new ConsoleText(); ct.TextRead("main.txt"); Console.Write("Loading "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.Write(AssemblyInfoclass.Title + " "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(AssemblyInfoclass.Description); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("..."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); Console.ResetColor(); // Sying helped figure all this code out, about 5 yearts ago! :P bool processedargs = false; loginServer = Container.GetInstance<LoginServer>(); bool TCPEnable = true; bool UDPEnable = false; int Port = Convert.ToInt32(Config.Instance.CurrentConfig.LoginPort); try { if (Config.Instance.CurrentConfig.ListenIP == "") { loginServer.TcpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, Port); } else { loginServer.TcpIP = IPAddress.Parse(Config.Instance.CurrentConfig.ListenIP); } } catch { ct.TextRead("ip_config_parse_error.txt"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } // TODO: ADD More Handlers. loginServer.MaximumPendingConnections = 100; #region Console Commands // Andyzweb: Added checks for start and stop // also added a running command to return status of the server // and added Console.Write("\nServer Command >>"); to login server string consoleCommand; ct.TextRead("login_consolecommands.txt"); while (true) { if (!processedargs) { if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0].ToLower() == "/autostart") { ct.TextRead("autostart.txt"); loginServer.Start(TCPEnable, UDPEnable); } } processedargs = true; } Console.Write("\nServer Command >>"); consoleCommand = Console.ReadLine(); string temp = string.Empty; while (temp != consoleCommand) { temp = consoleCommand; consoleCommand = consoleCommand.Replace(" ", " "); } consoleCommand = consoleCommand.Trim(); switch (consoleCommand.ToLower()) { case "start": if (loginServer.IsRunning) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; ct.TextRead("loginisrunning.txt"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } loginServer.Start(TCPEnable, UDPEnable); break; case "stop": if (!loginServer.IsRunning) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; ct.TextRead("loginisnotrunning.txt"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } loginServer.Stop(); break; case "exit": Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); break; case "running": if (loginServer.IsRunning) { // Console.WriteLine("Login Server is running"); ct.TextRead("loginisrunning.txt"); break; } // Console.WriteLine("Login Server not running"); ct.TextRead("loginisnotrunning.txt"); break; #region Help Commands.... case "help": ct.TextRead("logincmdhelp.txt"); break; case "help start": ct.TextRead("helpstart.txt"); break; case "help exit": ct.TextRead("helpstop.txt"); break; case "help running": ct.TextRead("loginhelpcmdrunning.txt"); break; case "help Adduser": ct.TextRead("logincmdadduserhelp.txt"); break; case "help setpass": ct.TextRead("logincmdhelpsetpass.txt"); break; #endregion default: #region Adduser // This section handles the command for adding a user to the database if (consoleCommand.ToLower().StartsWith("adduser")) { string[] parts = consoleCommand.Split(' '); if (parts.Length < 9) { Console.WriteLine( "Invalid command syntax.\nPlease use:\nAdduser <username> <password> <number of characters> <expansion> <gm level> <email> <FirstName> <LastName>"); break; } string username = parts[1]; string password = parts[2]; int numChars = 0; try { numChars = int.Parse(parts[3]); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error: <number of characters> must be a number (duh!)"); break; } int expansions = 0; try { expansions = int.Parse(parts[4]); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error: <expansions> must be a number between 0 and 2047!"); break; } if (expansions < 0 || expansions > 2047) { Console.WriteLine("Error: <expansions> must be a number between 0 and 2047!"); break; } int gm = 0; try { gm = int.Parse(parts[5]); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error: <GM Level> must be number (duh!)"); break; } string email = parts[6]; if (email == null) { email = string.Empty; } if (!TestEmailRegex(email)) { Console.WriteLine("Error: <Email> You must supply an email address for this account"); break; } string firstname = parts[7]; try { if (firstname == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error: <FirstName> You must supply a first name for this accout"); break; } string lastname = parts[8]; try { if (lastname == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error: <LastName> You must supply a last name for this account"); break; } DBLoginData login = new DBLoginData { Username=username, AccountFlags = 0, Allowed_Characters = numChars, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Email = email, Expansions = expansions, FirstName = firstname, LastName = lastname, GM = gm, Flags = 0, Password = new LoginEncryption().GeneratePasswordHash(password) }; try { LoginDataDao.WriteLoginData(login); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine( "An error occured while trying to add a new user account:\n{0}", ex.Message); break; } Console.WriteLine("User added successfully."); break; } #endregion #region Hashpass // This function just hashes the string you enter using the loginencryption method if (consoleCommand.ToLower().StartsWith("hash")) { string Syntax = "The Syntax for this command is \"hash <String to hash>\" alphanumeric no spaces"; string[] parts = consoleCommand.Split(' '); if (parts.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine(Syntax); break; } string pass = parts[1]; var le = new LoginEncryption(); string hashed = le.GeneratePasswordHash(pass); Console.WriteLine(hashed); break; } #endregion #region setpass // sets the password for the given username // Added by Andyzweb // Still TODO add exception and error handling if (consoleCommand.ToLower().StartsWith("setpass")) { string Syntax = "The syntax for this command is \"setpass <account username> <newpass>\" where newpass is alpha numeric no spaces"; string[] parts = consoleCommand.Split(' '); if (parts.Length != 3) { Console.WriteLine(Syntax); break; } string username = parts[1]; string newpass = parts[2]; var le = new LoginEncryption(); string hashed = le.GeneratePasswordHash(newpass); try { LoginDataDao.WriteNewPassword( new DBLoginData { Username = username, Password = hashed }); } // yeah this part here, some kind of exception handling for mysql errors catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Could not set new Password\r\n"+ex.Message); LogUtil.ErrorException(ex); } } #endregion ct.TextRead("login_consolecmdsdefault.txt"); break; } } #endregion }