private void CacheNeuronExecution(NeuronExecution i_NeuronExecution) { if (i_NeuronExecution == null) { return; } m_NeuronExecutionsCache.Add(i_NeuronExecution); while (m_NeuronExecutionsCache.Count > s_MaxNeuronExecutionCached) { m_NeuronExecutionsCache.RemoveAt(0); } }
public bool TryRun(float[] i_Inputs, out float o_Output, bool i_CacheExecution = true) { o_Output = 0f; if (i_Inputs == null || i_Inputs.Length < m_InputCount) { return(false); } NeuronExecution neuronExexecution = new NeuronExecution(m_InputCount); float output = 0f; for (int index = 0; index < m_InputCount; ++index) { float input = i_Inputs[index]; float weight = m_Weights[index]; neuronExexecution.SetInput(index, input); neuronExexecution.SetWeight(index, weight); float contribute = input * weight; output += contribute; } neuronExexecution.bias = m_Bias; output += m_Bias; output = ApplyActivationFunction(output); neuronExexecution.output = output; o_Output = output; if (i_CacheExecution) { CacheNeuronExecution(neuronExexecution); } return(true); }
public static void AdjustWeights(ANN i_ANN, float[] i_DesiredOutputs) { if (i_ANN == null || i_DesiredOutputs == null || i_DesiredOutputs.Length != i_ANN.ANNOutputCount) { return; } // Init error gradients map (layer x neuron). List <List <float> > layerErrorGradients = new List <List <float> >(); CommonFunctionLibrary.InitListNewElements <List <float> >(layerErrorGradients, i_ANN.layerCount); // Iterate all layers, starting from the output one: this is a backward propagation. for (int layerIndex = i_ANN.layerCount - 1; layerIndex >= 0; --layerIndex) { // Get layer and its error gradients entry. Layer layer = i_ANN.GetLayer(layerIndex); bool isLastLayer = (layerIndex == i_ANN.layerCount - 1); Layer nextLayer = (isLastLayer) ? null : i_ANN.GetLayer(layerIndex + 1); List <float> neuronErrorGradients = layerErrorGradients[layerIndex]; List <float> nextLayerNeuronErrorGradients = (isLastLayer) ? null : layerErrorGradients[layerIndex + 1]; // Iterate neuron. for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < layer.neuronCount; ++neuronIndex) { Neuron neuron = layer.GetNeuron(neuronIndex); NeuronExecution lastNeuronExecution = neuron.lastNeuronExecution; // Compute current error gradient. float errorGradient = 0f; if (isLastLayer) { // If this is the last layer just use iDesired - iActual. float error = i_DesiredOutputs[neuronIndex] - lastNeuronExecution.output; errorGradient = lastNeuronExecution.output * (1f - lastNeuronExecution.output) * error; // This is called DeltaRule ( } else { // If this is not the final layer, use a weighted error gradient baed on next layer error gradients. errorGradient = lastNeuronExecution.output * (1f - lastNeuronExecution.output); float nextLayerErrorGradientSum = 0f; for (int nextLayerNeuronIndex = 0; nextLayerNeuronIndex < nextLayer.neuronCount; ++nextLayerNeuronIndex) { Neuron nextLayerNeuron = nextLayer.GetNeuron(nextLayerNeuronIndex); float nextLayerErrorGradient = nextLayerNeuronErrorGradients[nextLayerNeuronIndex]; nextLayerErrorGradientSum += nextLayerErrorGradient * nextLayerNeuron.GetWeight(neuronIndex); } errorGradient *= nextLayerErrorGradientSum; } neuronErrorGradients.Add(errorGradient); // Iterate over weights and adjust them. for (int weightIndex = 0; weightIndex < neuron.inputCount; ++weightIndex) { float weight = neuron.GetWeight(weightIndex); if (isLastLayer) { // If this is the last layer, act as do on a simple perceptron. float error = i_DesiredOutputs[neuronIndex] - lastNeuronExecution.output; weight = weight + i_ANN.alpha * lastNeuronExecution.GetInput(weightIndex) * error; } else { // If this is not the final layer, use error gradient as error. weight = weight + i_ANN.alpha * lastNeuronExecution.GetInput(weightIndex) * errorGradient; } neuron.SetWeight(weightIndex, weight); } // Adjust bias as usual (keeping the learning rate). neuron.bias = neuron.bias + i_ANN.alpha * errorGradient; } } }