public static bool Errorcontinue(String error) { var options = new List <string> { "Yes", "No" }; var MMB = new ANDREICSLIB.NewControls.MultipleMessageBox("Continue?", "Error:\n" + error + "\nDo you wish to continue?", options); MMB.ShowDialog(); return(MMB.Result.Equals("Yes")); }
public static void DropInFiles(string[] files, ListView fileList) { var acceptall = false; var nochanges = false; const string YTA = "Yes To All"; const string nostr = "No"; const string noallstr = "No To All"; const string yesstr = "Yes"; const string cancelstr = "Cancel"; var l = new List<string>(); l.Add(YTA); l.Add(yesstr); l.Add(nostr); l.Add(noallstr); l.Add(cancelstr); foreach (var s in files) { var LVI = initLVI(fileList); LVI.Text = fileList.Items.Count.ToString(); LVI.Name = LVI.Text; LVI.SubItems.Add(s); Mp3File mf = null; var retrycount = 0; var retrymax = 10; retry: try { mf = new Mp3File(s); } catch (Exception exp) { retrycount++; if (retrycount >= retrymax) { MessageBox.Show("Error opening file:" + exp.ToString()); var DR = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continue?", "option", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (DR == DialogResult.No) return; continue; } //for a certain period, retry Thread.Sleep(100); goto retry; } LVI.Tag = mf; var sas = mf.Audio; sas.ScanWholeFile(); //clean files on entry var newData = new changes.TagHandlerUpdate(mf); if (nochanges == false) { Music_File_Info_Editor.changes.cleanMP3(newData); var changes = Music_File_Info_Editor.changes.areThereDifferences(mf, newData); var makechanges = true; if (changes && acceptall == false) { var tt = "The file:" + mf.FileName + " has a title/album/artist with blank characters at the start or end, or has multiple white space. Do you wish to fix these?"; var MMB = new MultipleMessageBox("option", tt, l); MMB.ShowDialog(); if (MMB.IsSet == false) return; switch (MMB.Result) { case cancelstr: return; case nostr: makechanges = false; break; case YTA: acceptall = true; break; case noallstr: makechanges = false; nochanges = true; break; } } if (makechanges) { if (Music_File_Info_Editor.changes.makeChangesAndContinue(newData, mf) == false) return; } } //only add if the name isnt there already var add = true; foreach (ListViewItem tt in fileList.Items) { var s1 = tt.SubItems[ListViewExtras.GetColumnNumber(fileList, "Path")].Text; if (s1.Equals(mf.FileName)) { add = false; break; } } if (add) fileList.Items.Add(LVI); } RefreshInfo(fileList); ListViewExtras.AutoResize(fileList); }
public static void EditIngredientCategory() { const string cr = "Create"; const string ren = "Rename"; const string del = "Delete"; const string canc = "Cancel"; //get options type var ls = new List<string>(); ls.Add(cr); ls.Add(ren); ls.Add(del); ls.Add(canc); var mmb = new MultipleMessageBox("Edit Category", "Choose Mode", ls); mmb.ShowDialog(); if (mmb.IsSet == false || mmb.Result == canc) return; var cats = Data.IngredientCategories.Select(s2 => s2.ToSelectItem()).ToList(); if (mmb.Result.Equals(cr)) { var gsb = new GetStringBox(); var res = gsb.ShowDialog("Enter Category Name to create:", "Edit Category"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res)) return; if (Data.IngredientCategories.Any(s => s.Name == res)) { MessageBox.Show("Error, a category with that name already exists"); return; } Data.IngredientCategories.Add(new IngredientCategory(res)); } else if (mmb.Result.Equals(ren)) { var res = SelectItemFromListBox.ShowDialog("Select category to rename", "Rename Category", cats, false, 1); if (res == null) return; var rename = new GetStringBox(); var res2 = rename.ShowDialog("Enter new category name", "Rename Category"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res2)) return; if (Data.IngredientCategories.Any(s => s.Name == res2)) { MessageBox.Show("Error, a category with that name already exists"); return; } try { var cat = Data.IngredientCategories.First(s => s.Name == res.First()); cat.Name = res2; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error occured:" + ex); return; } } else if (mmb.Result.Equals(del)) { var res = SelectItemFromListBox.ShowDialog("Select category to delete", "Delete Category", cats, true, 1); if (res == null) return; foreach (var cat in res) { var cat1 = Data.IngredientCategories.First(s => s.Name == cat); Data.RemoveIngredientCategory(cat1); } } UpdateFormFromData(true); }
public static bool Errorcontinue(String error) { var options = new List<string> { "Yes", "No" }; var MMB = new ANDREICSLIB.NewControls.MultipleMessageBox("Continue?", "Error:\n" + error + "\nDo you wish to continue?", options); MMB.ShowDialog(); return MMB.Result.Equals("Yes"); }