コード例 #1
 public TableData(TableDefinition definition) : base(definition)
コード例 #2
 public TableData(TableDefinition definition, int estimatedBatchSize) : base(definition, estimatedBatchSize)
コード例 #3
ファイル: DBDestination.cs プロジェクト: lmm713281/etlbox
 public DBDestination(TableDefinition tableDefinition)
     DestinationTableDefinition = tableDefinition;
コード例 #4
ファイル: DBDestination.cs プロジェクト: lmm713281/etlbox
 public DBDestination(TableDefinition tableDefinition, int batchSize)
     DestinationTableDefinition = tableDefinition;
     BatchSize = batchSize;
コード例 #5
ファイル: TableDefinition.cs プロジェクト: likeshan168/etlbox
        private static TableDefinition ReadTableDefinitionFromSqlServer(IConnectionManager connection, ObjectNameDescriptor TN)
            TableDefinition result = new TableDefinition(TN.ObjectName);
            TableColumn     curCol = null;

            var readMetaSql = new SqlTask($"Read column meta data for table {TN.ObjectName}",
SELECT  cols.name
     , CASE WHEN tpes.name IN ('varchar','char','binary','varbinary') THEN CONCAT(UPPER(tpes.name), '(', cols.max_length, ')')
            WHEN tpes.name IN ('nvarchar','nchar') THEN CONCAT(UPPER(tpes.name), '(', cols.max_length/2, ')')
            WHEN tpes.name IN ('decimal','numeric') THEN CONCAT(UPPER(tpes.name), '(', cols.precision,',',cols.scale, ')')
            ELSE UPPER(tpes.name)            
       END AS type_name
     , cols.is_nullable
     , cols.is_identity
     , ident.seed_value
     , ident.increment_value
     , CONVERT (BIT, CASE WHEN pkidxcols.index_column_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS primary_key
     , defconstr.definition AS default_value
     , cols.collation_name
     , compCol.definition AS computed_column_definition
FROM sys.columns cols
    SELECT name, type, object_id, schema_id FROM sys.tables 
    SELECT  name, type, object_id, schema_id FROM sys.views
    ) tbl
    ON cols.object_id = tbl.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas sc
    ON tbl.schema_id = sc.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.systypes tpes
    ON tpes.xtype = cols.system_type_id
LEFT JOIN sys.identity_columns ident
    ON ident.object_id = cols.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.indexes pkidx
    ON pkidx.object_id = cols.object_id
    AND pkidx.is_primary_key = 1
LEFT JOIN sys.index_columns pkidxcols
    on pkidxcols.object_id = cols.object_id
    AND pkidxcols.column_id = cols.column_id
    AND pkidxcols.index_id = pkidx.index_id
LEFT JOIN sys.default_constraints defconstr
    ON defconstr.parent_object_id = cols.object_id
    AND defconstr.parent_column_id = cols.column_id
LEFT JOIN sys.computed_columns compCol
    ON compCol.object_id = cols.object_id
WHERE ( CONCAt (sc.name,'.',tbl.name) ='{TN.UnquotatedFullName}' OR  tbl.name = '{TN.UnquotatedFullName}' )
    AND tbl.type IN ('U','V')
    AND tpes.name <> 'sysname'
ORDER BY cols.column_id
                                          , () => { curCol = new TableColumn(); }
                                          , () => { result.Columns.Add(curCol); }
                                          , name => curCol.Name                         = name.ToString()
                                          , type_name => curCol.DataType                = type_name.ToString()
                                          , is_nullable => curCol.AllowNulls            = (bool)is_nullable
                                          , is_identity => curCol.IsIdentity            = (bool)is_identity
                                          , seed_value => curCol.IdentitySeed           = (int?)(Convert.ToInt32(seed_value))
                                          , increment_value => curCol.IdentityIncrement = (int?)(Convert.ToInt32(increment_value))
                                          , primary_key => curCol.IsPrimaryKey          = (bool)primary_key
                                          , default_value =>
                                          curCol.DefaultValue = default_value?.ToString().Substring(2, (default_value.ToString().Length) - 4)
                                          , collation_name => curCol.Collation = collation_name?.ToString()
                                          , computed_column_definition => curCol.ComputedColumn = computed_column_definition?.ToString().Substring(1, (computed_column_definition.ToString().Length) - 2)
                DisableLogging    = true,
                ConnectionManager = connection

コード例 #6
ファイル: TableDefinition.cs プロジェクト: likeshan168/etlbox
        private static TableDefinition ReadTableDefinitionFromPostgres(IConnectionManager connection, ObjectNameDescriptor TN)
            TableDefinition result = new TableDefinition(TN.ObjectName);
            TableColumn     curCol = null;

            var readMetaSql = new SqlTask($"Read column meta data for table {TN.ObjectName}",
SELECT cols.column_name
   WHEN LEFT(cols.data_type,4) = 'time' THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cols.data_type,'without time zone',''), 'with time zone', 'tz'),' ','')
   ELSE cols.data_type
END AS ""internaldatatype""
    WHEN cols.domain_name IS NOT NULL THEN domain_name
    WHEN cols.data_type='character varying' THEN
        CASE WHEN character_maximum_length IS NULL
        THEN 'varchar'
        ELSE 'varchar('||character_maximum_length||')'
    WHEN cols.data_type='character' THEN 'char('||character_maximum_length||')'
    WHEN cols.data_type='numeric' THEN
        CASE WHEN numeric_precision IS NULL
        THEN 'numeric'
        ELSE 'numeric('||numeric_precision||','||numeric_scale||')'
    WHEN LEFT(cols.data_type,4) = 'time' THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(cols.data_type,'without time zone',''), 'with time zone', 'tz'),' ','')
    ELSE cols.data_type
END AS ""datatype""
, CASE WHEN cols.is_nullable = 'NO' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS ""is_nullable""
, CASE WHEN cols.column_default IS NOT NULL AND substring(cols.column_default,0,8) = 'nextval' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS ""serial""
, CASE WHEN tccu.column_name IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS ""primary_key""
, cols.column_default
, cols.collation_name
, cols.generation_expression
    ON cols.table_name = tbl.table_name
    AND cols.table_schema = tbl.table_schema
    AND cols.table_catalog = tbl.table_catalog
    ON cols.table_name = tc.table_name
    AND cols.table_schema = tc.table_schema
    AND cols.table_catalog = tc.table_catalog
    AND tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
LEFT JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage tccu
    ON cols.table_name = tccu.table_name
    AND cols.table_schema = tccu.table_schema
    AND cols.table_catalog = tccu.table_catalog
    AND tccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
    AND tccu.constraint_schema = tc.constraint_schema
    AND tccu.constraint_catalog = tc.constraint_catalog
    AND cols.column_name = tccu.column_name
WHERE(cols.table_name = '{TN.UnquotatedFullName}'  OR  CONCAT(cols.table_schema, '.', cols.table_name) = '{TN.UnquotatedFullName}')
    AND cols.table_catalog = CURRENT_DATABASE()
ORDER BY cols.ordinal_position
                                          , () => { curCol = new TableColumn(); }
                                          , () => { result.Columns.Add(curCol); }
                                          , column_name => curCol.Name = column_name.ToString()
                                          , internal_type_name => curCol.InternalDataType = internal_type_name.ToString()
                                          , data_type => curCol.DataType                   = data_type.ToString()
                                          , is_nullable => curCol.AllowNulls               = (int)is_nullable == 1 ? true : false
                                          , serial => curCol.IsIdentity                    = (int)serial == 1 ? true : false
                                          , primary_key => curCol.IsPrimaryKey             = (int)primary_key == 1 ? true : false
                                          , column_default => curCol.DefaultValue          = column_default?.ToString().ReplaceIgnoreCase("::character varying", "")
                                          , collation_name => curCol.Collation             = collation_name?.ToString()
                                          , generation_expression => curCol.ComputedColumn = generation_expression?.ToString()
                DisableLogging    = true,
                ConnectionManager = connection

コード例 #7
 public static void Create(TableDefinition tableDefinition) => new CreateTableTask(tableDefinition).Execute();
コード例 #8
 public CreateTableTask(TableDefinition tableDefinition) : this()
     this.TableName = tableDefinition.Name;
     this.Columns   = tableDefinition.Columns.Cast <ITableColumn>().ToList();
コード例 #9
ファイル: TableDefinition.cs プロジェクト: vinhb7ck5/etlbox
        private static TableDefinition ReadTableDefinitionFromSqlServer(string tableName, IConnectionManager connection)
            TableDefinition result = new TableDefinition(tableName);
            TableColumn     curCol = null;

            var readMetaSql = new SqlTask($"Read column meta data for table {tableName}",
SELECT  cols.name
     , UPPER(tpes.name) AS type_name
     , cols.is_nullable
     , cols.is_identity
     , ident.seed_value
     , ident.increment_value
     , CONVERT (BIT, CASE WHEN pkidxcols.index_column_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS primary_key
     , defconstr.definition AS default_value
     , cols.collation_name
     , compCol.definition AS computed_column_definition
FROM sys.columns cols
INNER JOIN sys.tables tbl
    ON cols.object_id = tbl.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas sc
    ON tbl.schema_id = sc.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.systypes tpes
    ON tpes.xtype = cols.system_type_id
LEFT JOIN sys.identity_columns ident
    ON ident.object_id = cols.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.indexes pkidx
    ON pkidx.object_id = cols.object_id
    AND pkidx.is_primary_key = 1
LEFT JOIN sys.index_columns pkidxcols
    on pkidxcols.object_id = cols.object_id
    AND pkidxcols.column_id = cols.column_id
LEFT JOIN sys.default_constraints defconstr
    ON defconstr.parent_object_id = cols.object_id
    AND defconstr.parent_column_id = cols.column_id
LEFT JOIN sys.computed_columns compCol
    ON compCol.object_id = cols.object_id
WHERE ( CONCAt (sc.name,'.',tbl.name) ='{tableName}' OR  tbl.name = '{tableName}' )
    AND tbl.type = 'U'
    AND tpes.name <> 'sysname'
ORDER BY cols.column_id
                                          , () => { curCol = new TableColumn(); }
                                          , () => { result.Columns.Add(curCol); }
                                          , name => curCol.Name                         = name.ToString()
                                          , type_name => curCol.DataType                = type_name.ToString()
                                          , is_nullable => curCol.AllowNulls            = (bool)is_nullable
                                          , is_identity => curCol.IsIdentity            = (bool)is_identity
                                          , seed_value => curCol.IdentitySeed           = (int?)(Convert.ToInt32(seed_value))
                                          , increment_value => curCol.IdentityIncrement = (int?)(Convert.ToInt32(increment_value))
                                          , primary_key => curCol.IsPrimaryKey          = (bool)primary_key
                                          , default_value =>
                                          curCol.DefaultValue = default_value?.ToString().Substring(2, (default_value.ToString().Length) - 4)
                                          , collation_name => curCol.Collation = collation_name?.ToString()
                                          , computed_column_definition => curCol.ComputedColumn = computed_column_definition?.ToString().Substring(1, (computed_column_definition.ToString().Length) - 2)
                DisableLogging    = true,
                ConnectionManager = connection
