public override void load(XElement node) { UInt16 intVal = 0; String strVal = ""; look_id = node.Attribute("lookid").GetUInt16(); if (node.Attribute("server_lookid").GetUInt16() != 0) { look_id = node.Attribute("server_lookid").GetUInt16(); } z_order = node.Attribute("z-order").GetUInt16(); use_only_optional = Generic.isTrueString(node.Attribute("solo_optional").GetString()); randomize = Generic.isTrueString(node.Attribute("randomize").GetString()); foreach (var item_node in node.Elements("item")) { UInt16 itemid = item_node.Attribute("id").GetUInt16(); int chance = item_node.Attribute("chance").GetInt32(); ItemType it = Global.items.items[itemid]; if (it == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid item id brushId: " +; } if (!it.isGroundTile()) { throw new Exception("is not ground item: " + itemid + " this is a " + it.Group.ToString()); } if (it.brush != null && !it.brush.Equals(this)) { throw new Exception("can not be member of two brushes id:" + itemid); } it.brush = this; ItemChanceBlock ci; = itemid; ci.chance = total_chance + chance; border_items.Add(ci); total_chance += chance; } foreach (var optional_node in node.Elements("optional")) { if (optional_border != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate optional borders"); // continue; } intVal = optional_node.Attribute("ground_equivalent").GetUInt16(); if (intVal != 0) { ItemType it = Global.items.items[intVal]; if (it == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid id of ground dependency equivalent item"); } if (!it.isGroundTile()) { throw new Exception("Ground dependency equivalent is not a ground item"); } if (!this.Equals(it.brush)) { throw new Exception("Ground dependency equivalent does not use the same brush as ground border"); } AutoBorder ab = new AutoBorder(); ab.Load(optional_node, this, intVal); optional_border = ab; } else { Int32 id = optional_node.Attribute("id").GetInt32(); if (id == 0) { throw new Exception("Missing tag id for border node"); //continue; } AutoBorder border_secound = null; for (int x = 0; x <= Brushes.getInstance().maxBorderId; x++) { AutoBorder border = Brushes.getInstance().borders[x]; if ((border != null) && (border.Id == id)) { border_secound = border; } } if (border_secound == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find border id. Brush: " + name); } optional_border = border_secound; } } foreach (var border_node in node.Elements("border")) { AutoBorder ab; int id = border_node.Attribute("id").GetInt32(); if (id == 0) { intVal = border_node.Attribute("ground_equivalent").GetUInt16(); ItemType it = Global.items.items[intVal]; if (it == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid id of ground dependency equivalent item"); } if (!it.isGroundTile()) { throw new Exception("Ground dependency equivalent is not a ground item"); } if (!this.Equals(it.brush)) { throw new Exception("Ground dependency equivalent does not use the same brush as ground border"); } ab = new AutoBorder(); ab.Load(border_node, this, intVal); } else { AutoBorder border_secound = null; for (int x = 0; x <= Brushes.getInstance().maxBorderId; x++) { AutoBorder border = Brushes.getInstance().borders[x]; if ((border != null) && (border.Id == id)) { border_secound = border; } } if (border_secound == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find border id. Brush:" + name); } ab = border_secound; } BorderBlock bb = new BorderBlock(); bb.super = false; bb.autoborder = ab; strVal = border_node.Attribute("to").GetString(); if (!"".Equals(strVal)) { if ("all".Equals(strVal)) { = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else if ("none".Equals(strVal)) { = 0; } else { Brush toBrush = Brushes.getInstance().getBrush(strVal); if (toBrush != null) { = toBrush.getID(); } else { throw new Exception("To brush " + strVal + " doesn't exist."); } } } else { = 0xFFFFFFFF; } strVal = border_node.Attribute("super").GetString(); if (!"".Equals(strVal)) { if (Generic.isTrueString(strVal)) { bb.super = true; } } strVal = border_node.Attribute("align").GetString(); if (!"".Equals(strVal)) { if ("outer".Equals(strVal)) { bb.outer = true; } else if ("inner".Equals(strVal)) { bb.outer = false; } else { bb.outer = true; } } if (bb.outer) { if ( == 0) { has_zilch_outer_border = true; } else { has_outer_border = true; } } else { if ( == 0) { has_zilch_inner_border = true; } else { has_inner_border = true; } } if (border_node.HasElements) { foreach (var specific_border_node in border_node.Elements("specific")) { SpecificCaseBlock scb = null; foreach (var conditions_specific in specific_border_node.Elements("conditions")) { foreach (var match_border_conditions in conditions_specific.Elements("match_border")) { int border_id = 0; string edge = ""; border_id = match_border_conditions.Attribute("id").GetInt32(); edge = match_border_conditions.Attribute("edge").GetString(); if ((border_id == 0) || "".Equals(edge)) { continue; } int edge_id = AutoBorder.EdgeNameToEdge(edge); AutoBorder bit_border = Brushes.getInstance().findBorder(edge_id); if (bit_border == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown border id in specific case match block"); } AutoBorder ab2 = bit_border; if (ab2 == null) { throw new Exception("error ab2 ==null"); } UInt16 match_itemid = ab.tiles[edge_id]; if (scb == null) { scb = new SpecificCaseBlock(); } scb.items_to_match.Add(match_itemid); } foreach (var match_group_conditions in conditions_specific.Elements("match_group")) { uint group = 0; String edge = ""; group = match_group_conditions.Attribute("group").GetUInt32(); edge = match_group_conditions.Attribute("edge").GetString(); if ((group == 0) || "".Equals(edge)) { continue; } int edge_id = AutoBorder.EdgeNameToEdge(edge); if (scb == null) { scb = new SpecificCaseBlock(); } scb.match_group = group; scb.group_match_alignment = edge_id; scb.items_to_match.Add((UInt16)group); } foreach (var match_item_conditions in conditions_specific.Elements("match_item")) { ushort match_itemid = 0; match_itemid = match_item_conditions.Attribute("id").GetUInt16(); if (match_itemid == 0) { continue; } if (scb == null) { scb = new SpecificCaseBlock(); } scb.match_group = 0; scb.items_to_match.Add(match_itemid); } } // aqui conditions_specific foreach (var actions_specific in specific_border_node.Elements("actions")) { foreach (var actions_replace_border in actions_specific.Elements("replace_border")) { int border_id = 0; String edge = ""; ushort with_id = 0; border_id = actions_replace_border.Attribute("id").GetInt32(); edge = actions_replace_border.Attribute("edge").GetString(); with_id = actions_replace_border.Attribute("with").GetUInt16(); if ((border_id == 0) || ("".Equals(edge)) || (with_id == 0)) { continue; } int edge_id = AutoBorder.EdgeNameToEdge(edge); AutoBorder bit_border = Brushes.getInstance().findBorder(border_id); if (bit_border == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown border id in specific case match block"); } AutoBorder ab2 = bit_border; if (ab2 == null) { throw new Exception("error ab2 ==null"); } ItemType it = Global.items.items[with_id]; if (it == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown with_id in replace border"); } it.IsBorder = true; if (scb == null) { scb = new SpecificCaseBlock(); } scb.to_replace_id = ab2.tiles[edge_id]; scb.with_id = with_id; } foreach (var actions_replace_item in actions_specific.Elements("replace_item")) { ushort to_replace_id = actions_replace_item.Attribute("to_replace_id").GetUInt16(); ushort with_id = actions_replace_item.Attribute("with").GetUInt16();; if ((to_replace_id == 0) || (with_id == 0)) { continue; } ItemType it = Global.items.items[with_id]; if (it == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown with_id in replace item"); } it.IsBorder = true; if (scb == null) { scb = new SpecificCaseBlock(); } scb.to_replace_id = to_replace_id; scb.with_id = with_id; } foreach (var actions_delete_borders in actions_specific.Elements("delete_borders")) { if (scb == null) { scb = new SpecificCaseBlock(); } scb.delete_all = true; } } if (scb != null) { bb.specific_cases.Add(scb); } } } borders.Add(bb); } foreach (var friend_node in node.Elements("friend")) { String friendName = friend_node.Attribute("name").GetString(); if ("all".Equals(friendName)) { friends.Add(0xFFFFFFFF); } else { Brush brush = Brushes.getInstance().getBrush(friendName); if (brush != null) { friends.Add(brush.getID()); } else { throw new Exception("Brush" + friendName + " is not defined."); } } hateFriends = false; } foreach (var friend_node in node.Elements("enemy")) { String enemyName = friend_node.Attribute("name").GetString(); if ("all".Equals(enemyName)) { friends.Add(0xFFFFFFFF); } else { Brush brush = Brushes.getInstance().getBrush(enemyName); if (brush != null) { friends.Add(brush.getID()); } else { throw new Exception("Brush" + enemyName + " is not defined."); } } hateFriends = true; } foreach (var friend_node in node.Elements("clear_borders")) { borders.Clear(); } foreach (var friend_node in node.Elements("clear_friends")) { friends.Clear(); hateFriends = false; } if (total_chance == 0) { randomize = false; } }
public override void load(XElement node) { string strVal = ""; look_id = node.Attribute("lookid").GetUInt16(); if (node.Attribute("server_lookid").GetUInt16() != 0) { look_id = node.Attribute("server_lookid").GetUInt16(); } foreach (XElement child_node in node.Elements()) { if ("carpet".Equals(child_node.Name.LocalName)) { int alignment; strVal = child_node.Attribute("align").GetString(); if (!"".Equals(strVal)) { alignment = AutoBorder.EdgeNameToEdge(strVal); if (alignment == BorderType.BORDER_NONE) { if ("center".Equals(strVal)) { alignment = BorderType.CARPET_CENTER; } else { Messages.AddWarning("Invalid alignment of carpet node"); continue; } } } else { Messages.AddWarning("Could not read alignment tag of carpet node"); continue; } bool use_local_id = true; foreach (XElement subchild_node in child_node.Elements()) { if ("item".Equals(subchild_node.Name.LocalName)) { use_local_id = false; int id = subchild_node.Attribute("id").GetInt32(); int chance = subchild_node.Attribute("chance").GetInt32(); if (id == 0) { Messages.AddWarning("Could not read id tag of item node"); continue; } if (chance == 0) { Messages.AddWarning("Could not read chance tag of item node"); continue; } ItemType it = Global.items.items[id]; if (it == null) { Messages.AddWarning("There is no itemtype with id " + id); continue; } if ((it.brush != null) && (it.brush != this)) { Messages.AddWarning("itemId " + id + "already has a brush"); continue; } it.IsCarpet = true; it.brush = this; carpet_items[alignment].total_chance += chance; CarpetType t = new CarpetType(); t.chance = chance; = (ushort)id; carpet_items[alignment].items.Add(t); } } if (use_local_id) { int id = child_node.Attribute("id").GetInt32(); if (id == 0) { Messages.AddWarning("Could not read id tag of item node"); continue; } ItemType it = Global.items.items[id]; if (it == null) { Messages.AddWarning("There is no itemtype with id " + id); continue; } if ((it.brush != null) && (it.brush != this)) { Messages.AddWarning("itemId " + id + "already has a brush"); continue; } it.IsCarpet = true; it.brush = this; carpet_items[alignment].total_chance += 1; CarpetType t = new CarpetType(); t.chance = 1; = (ushort)id; carpet_items[alignment].items.Add(t); } } } }