コード例 #1
ファイル: AI.cs プロジェクト: ncarmic4/fl-chess
        private const int Randomness        = 0; // Degree of randomness, random number between -val to +val is added to each rating

        private static void EvaluateAiMove(Dictionary <Square, AiChessPiece> board, float[,] strength, Player currentPlayer)
            List <ChessMove>     moves   = GetMovesForPlayer(board, strength, currentPlayer);
            List <Task <float> > threads = new List <Task <float> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < NumThreads; i++)
                Player threadedPlayer = new Player(currentPlayer);

                List <ChessMove> threadedMoves = new List <ChessMove>();
                int threadIndex = _turns.Count;

                // split up best moves
                for (int j = 0; j < moves.Count; j += NumThreads)
                    if (j + threadIndex >= moves.Count)
                    threadedMoves.Add(moves[j + threadIndex]);

                // store new board for thread
                Dictionary <Square, AiChessPiece> threadedBoard = new Dictionary <Square, AiChessPiece>();
                foreach (Square s in board.Keys)
                    AiChessPiece p = board[s];
                    threadedBoard.Add(s, new AiChessPiece(p.Name, p.Owner, p.Type, p.Position));

                // init new strength for thread
                float[,] threadedStrength = EvaluationValues.InitStrength(threadedBoard);

                _turns.Add(new List <ChessMove[]>());
                _ratings.Add(new List <float>());

                Task <float> thread = new Task <float>(() => Minimax(threadedMoves, threadedBoard, threadedStrength, new Stack <ChessMove>(),
                                                                     threadedPlayer, TurnSearchDepth, 3, threadIndex, 0));

            // Wait for all threads to join
            foreach (Task <float> t in threads)
コード例 #2
ファイル: AI.cs プロジェクト: ncarmic4/fl-chess
        public static void AiMoves(Dictionary <Square, AiChessPiece> board, Player currentPlayer)
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


            // Generate new environment for AI to simulate moves in
            float[,] strength   = EvaluationValues.InitStrength(board);
            Game.AIMoves        = null;
            _totalMovesSearched = 0;
            _turns   = new List <List <ChessMove[]> >();
            _ratings = new List <List <float> >();
            Player player = new Player(currentPlayer);

            // Run evaluation
            EvaluateAiMove(board, strength, currentPlayer);

            // All combinations are now stored in _turns, and their corresponding ratings are in _ratings
            // Find the best depending on player

            float best;
            int   index = 0;

            // Flatten lists
            Random             random  = new Random();
            List <ChessMove[]> Moves   = new List <ChessMove[]>();
            List <float>       Ratings = new List <float>();

            for (var i = 0; i < _turns.Count; i++)
                List <ChessMove[]> moveList   = _turns[i];
                List <float>       ratingList = _ratings[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < moveList.Count; j++)
                    Ratings[Ratings.Count - 1] += random.Next(-Randomness, Randomness);

            // add the ratings of the turns to the total rating
            for (int i = 0; i < Moves.Count; i++)
                ChessMove[] moves = Moves[i];
                Ratings[i] = 0;
                foreach (ChessMove move in moves)
                    if (move == null)
                    Ratings[i] += move.Rating;
                    Ratings[i] += (currentPlayer.Name == "player1" ? 10000 : -10000);

            // find the min or max
            if (player.Name == "player1")
                best = float.MinValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ratings.Count; i++)
                    if (!(Ratings[i] > best))
                    best  = Ratings[i];
                    index = i;
                best = float.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ratings.Count; i++)
                    if (!(Ratings[i] < best))
                    best  = Ratings[i];
                    index = i;

            // Set the ai's moves in Game
            Game.AIMoves  = Moves[index];
            Game.nextMove = Moves[index][0];
            //Debug.Log(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms - " + _totalMovesSearched +
            //          " moves searched. Best moves yielded eval of: " + Ratings[index]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: AI.cs プロジェクト: ncarmic4/fl-chess
        // Recursively find best moves
        private static float Minimax(List <ChessMove> allMoves, Dictionary <Square, AiChessPiece> board, float[,] strength, Stack <ChessMove> moveStack, Player currentPlayer, int turnDepth, int moveDepth, int threadIndex, int turnIndex)
            // Base case
            if (turnDepth == 0)
                return(EvaluationValues.BoardEvaluate(board, strength, false));

            // If new turn, switch players
            if (moveDepth == 0)
                Player opposite = currentPlayer.Name == "player1" ? Game.Controller.Player2 : Game.Controller.Player1;
                opposite.Commanders["M"].Moved    = false;
                opposite.Commanders["R"].Moved    = false;
                opposite.Commanders["L"].Moved    = false;
                _ratings[threadIndex][turnIndex] += Minimax(GetMovesForPlayer(board, strength, opposite), board, strength, moveStack,
                                                            opposite, turnDepth - 1, 3, threadIndex, turnIndex);
                int movesSearched = 0;
                // Iterate over possible moves
                for (int i = 0; i < allMoves.Count; i++)
                    if (i >= allMoves.Count || movesSearched >= PossibleMoveDepth)

                    ChessMove move = allMoves[i];
                    if (!board.ContainsKey(move.InitialSquare) || move.Attack && !board.ContainsKey(move.TargetSquare))

                    int parentNodes = 3 - moveDepth;

                    // Store results in _turns
                    if (turnDepth == TurnSearchDepth)
                        turnIndex = GetIndex(_turns[threadIndex], _ratings[threadIndex]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < parentNodes; j++)
                            _turns[threadIndex][turnIndex][j] = moveStack.Skip(parentNodes - j - 1).First();
                            _ratings[threadIndex][turnIndex] += _ratings[threadIndex][turnIndex - (j + 1)];

                    if (turnDepth == TurnSearchDepth)
                        _turns[threadIndex][turnIndex][parentNodes] = move;

                    // Save state of piece/board before making a move
                    AiChessPiece holder = null;
                    float[,] holderStrength = null;
                    bool[] commanderState = new bool[3];

                    // Make a move
                    MakeMove(board, ref strength, moveStack, move, ref holder, ref holderStrength, currentPlayer, ref commanderState);

                    // Determine next best move
                    _ratings[threadIndex][turnIndex] += Minimax(GetMovesForPlayer(board, strength, currentPlayer), board, strength,
                                                                moveStack, currentPlayer, turnDepth, moveDepth - 1, threadIndex, turnIndex);

                    // Unmake move
                    UnmakeMove(board, ref strength, moveStack, ref holder, ref holderStrength, currentPlayer, ref commanderState);

            return(EvaluationValues.BoardEvaluate(board, strength, false));