private bool CheckCourseAvailabilityFromMasterClassSchedule(Course course) { InsertLog("Checking availability of " + course.CourseCode + " " + course.Section + "...", Color.Black); WebManager schedulePage = new WebManager(""); try { String[] courseSubjectAndCode = Regex.Split(course.CourseCode, @"(?<=\D)(?=\d)"); schedulePage.SetReferer("") .AddParameter("term", AddDropTerm) .AddParameter("subj", courseSubjectAndCode[0]) .AddParameter("crse", courseSubjectAndCode[1]) .AddParameter("camp", "") .AddParameter("web_avail", "") .Load(); InsertLog(schedulePage.ToString()); // Retrive the course details foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode row in schedulePage.GetHtmlNodeCollection("//div[@class='body']//tr[@bgcolor='#ffccff']")) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection courseDetails = row.SelectNodes("td"); if (courseDetails[1].InnerText == course.Section) { courseDetails[6].SelectSingleNode("span[@style='display:none']")?.Remove(); int.TryParse(courseDetails[6].InnerText.Substring(2), out course.AvaliableQuota); courseDetails[8].SelectSingleNode("span[@style='display:none']")?.Remove(); int.TryParse(courseDetails[8].InnerText, out course.WaitlistQuota); break; } } return (course.AvaliableQuota > 0 || course.WaitlistQuota > 0); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); if (ex is WebException) { InsertLog("Server returned error: " + ex.Message, Color.Red); if (ex.Message == "Break in attempt" || ex.Message == "Session timeout") { if (PrepareLogin() && Login()) return CheckCourseAvailabilityFromMasterClassSchedule(course); } } else if (ex is NullReferenceException || ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { InsertLog("Cannot retrieve the course details.", Color.Red); } else InsertLog(ex.ToString(), Color.Red); } return false; }
private bool SendRegistrationRequests(List<Course> requestList) { if (requestList.Count == 0) return true; InsertLog("Sending your registration request (priority: " + requestList[0].Priority + ")...", Color.Black); WebManager registrationPage = new WebManager("", WebManager.POST); try { registrationPage.AddParameter("term_in", AddDropTerm) .AddParameter("RSTS_IN", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("assoc_term_in", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("CRN_IN", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("start_date_in", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("end_date_in", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("SUBJ", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("CRSE", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("SEC", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("LEVL", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("CRED", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("GMOD", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("TITLE", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("MESG", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("REG_BTN", "DUMMY") .AddParameter("MESG", "DUMMY"); // Drop requests int dropCount = 0; foreach (Course course in requestList.Where(course => course.Action == Course.ACTION_DROP)) { course.Status = Course.STATUS_SENT; registrationPage.AddParameter("RSTS_IN", "DW") .AddParameter("CRN_IN", course.CRN) .AddParameter("assoc_term_in", "") .AddParameter("start_date_in", "") .AddParameter("end_date_in", ""); dropCount++; } // Wait requests int waitCount = 0; foreach (Course course in requestList.Where(course => course.Action == Course.ACTION_WAIT)) { course.Status = Course.STATUS_SENT; registrationPage.AddParameter("RSTS_IN", "WL") .AddParameter("CRN_IN", course.CRN) .AddParameter("assoc_term_in", "") .AddParameter("start_date_in", "") .AddParameter("end_date_in", ""); waitCount++; } // Add requests int addCount = 0; foreach (Course course in requestList.Where(course => course.Action == Course.ACTION_ADD)) { course.Status = Course.STATUS_SENT; registrationPage.AddParameter("RSTS_IN", "RW") .AddParameter("CRN_IN", course.CRN) .AddParameter("assoc_term_in", "") .AddParameter("start_date_in", "") .AddParameter("end_date_in", ""); addCount++; } // Update request list view this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { // Run on UI thread SetRequestListView(); }); registrationPage.AddParameter("regs_row", dropCount.ToString()) .AddParameter("wait_row", waitCount.ToString()) .AddParameter("add_row", addCount.ToString()) .AddParameter("REG_BTN", "Submit Changes") .Load(); InsertLog(registrationPage.ToString()); // Check response content HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode infoText = registrationPage.GetHtmlNode("//span[@class='infotext']"); if (infoText == null || !infoText.InnerText.Contains("WEB REGISTRATION PERIOD")) { throw new WebException("Server busy or Unknown error"); } // Update registered course list RegisteredCourseList.Clear(); foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode row in registrationPage.GetHtmlNodeCollection("//table[@summary='Current Schedule']//tr")) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection courseDetails = row.SelectNodes("td"); // Ignore the first row with <th> if (courseDetails != null) { Course course = new Course(); course.CRN = courseDetails[2].InnerText; course.CourseCode = courseDetails[3].InnerText + courseDetails[4].InnerText; course.Section = courseDetails[5].InnerText; course.Title = courseDetails[9].InnerText; course.Credit = Convert.ToSingle(courseDetails[7].InnerText); RegisteredCourseList.Add(course); } } // Check registration errors bool registrationError = false; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection errorTable = registrationPage.GetHtmlNodeCollection("//table[@summary='This layout table is used to present Drop or Withdrawal Errors.']//tr"); if (errorTable != null) { foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode row in errorTable) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection errorDetails = row.SelectNodes("td"); // Ignore the first row with <th> if (errorDetails != null) { foreach (Course course in requestList.Where(course => errorDetails[4].InnerText.Contains(course.CRN))) { course.Status = "Error: " + errorDetails[4].InnerText; registrationError = true; } } } } errorTable = registrationPage.GetHtmlNodeCollection("//table[@summary='This layout table is used to present Registration Errors.']//tr"); if (errorTable != null) { foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode row in errorTable) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection errorDetails = row.SelectNodes("td"); // Ignore the first row with <th> if (errorDetails != null) { foreach (Course course in requestList.Where(course => course.CRN == errorDetails[1].InnerText || course.CRN == errorDetails[2].InnerText)) { // Check waitlist if (errorDetails[0].InnerText.Contains(Course.STATUS_WAITLISTED)) { course.Action = Course.ACTION_WAIT; course.Status = Course.STATUS_PENDING; } else { course.Status = "Error: " + errorDetails[0].InnerText; registrationError = true; } } } } } // Change the status to completed foreach (Course course in requestList.Where(course => course.Status == Course.STATUS_SENT)) { course.Status = Course.STATUS_COMPLETED; } // Update list views this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { // Run on UI thread SetRegisteredCourseListView(); SetRequestListView(); }); return (!registrationError); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); if (ex is WebException) { InsertLog("Server returned error: " + ex.Message, Color.Red); if (ex.Message == "Break in attempt" || ex.Message == "Session timeout") { if (PrepareLogin() && Login()) return SendRegistrationRequests(requestList); } } else InsertLog(ex.ToString(), Color.Red); } return false; }
private List<Course> GetCourseListFromRegisteredRecords() { InsertLog("Retrieving your active registered course...", Color.Black); WebManager activeCoursePage = new WebManager(""); try { activeCoursePage.Load(); InsertLog(activeCoursePage.ToString()); String title = activeCoursePage.GetHtmlNode("//h2").InnerText; label_registeredCourse.Text = label_registeredCourse.Text.Replace(":", " for " + title.Replace("Active Registration (", "").Replace(")", "") + ":"); List<Course> toReturn = new List<Course>(); foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode row in activeCoursePage.GetHtmlNodeCollection("//table[2]//tr")) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection courseDetails = row.SelectNodes("td"); // Ignore the first row if (courseDetails != null && courseDetails[0].InnerText != "CRN") { Course course = new Course(); course.CRN = courseDetails[0].InnerText; course.CourseCode = courseDetails[1].InnerText; course.Section = courseDetails[2].InnerText; course.Title = courseDetails[3].InnerText; course.Credit = Convert.ToSingle(courseDetails[4].InnerText); toReturn.Add(course); } } InsertLog("Retrieved registered course.", Color.Blue); return toReturn; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); if (ex is WebException) { InsertLog("Server returned error: " + ex.Message, Color.Red); if (ex.Message == "Break in attempt" || ex.Message == "Session timeout") { if (PrepareLogin() && Login()) return GetCourseListFromRegisteredRecords(); } } else if (ex is NullReferenceException) { InsertLog("Cannot retrieve registered course.", Color.Red); } else InsertLog(ex.ToString(), Color.Red); } return null; }
private List<Course> GetCourseListFromMasterClassSchedule(String courseCode, List<String> courseSectionList) { InsertLog("Retrieving course details of " + courseCode + "...", Color.Black); WebManager schedulePage = new WebManager(""); try { String[] courseSubjectAndCode = Regex.Split(courseCode, @"(?<=\D)(?=\d)"); schedulePage.SetReferer("") .AddParameter("term", AddDropTerm) .AddParameter("subj", courseSubjectAndCode[0]) .AddParameter("crse", courseSubjectAndCode[1]) .AddParameter("camp", "") .AddParameter("web_avail", "") .Load(); InsertLog(schedulePage.ToString()); // Retrieve the course title String courseTitle = ""; String htmlSource = schedulePage.GetHtmlNode("//div[@class='body']/b[1]").InnerText; if (htmlSource.IndexOf("Course : " + courseCode + " ") >= 0) { courseTitle = htmlSource.Substring(htmlSource.IndexOf("Course : " + courseCode + " ") + courseCode.Length + 10); InsertLog("title: " + courseTitle, Color.Green); } else throw new NullReferenceException(); // Retrive the course details List<Course> toReturn = new List<Course>(); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection courseTable = schedulePage.GetHtmlNodeCollection("//div[@class='body']//tr[@bgcolor='#ffccff']"); if (courseTable != null) { foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode row in courseTable) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection courseDetails = row.SelectNodes("td"); // Ignore the duplicate rows if (courseDetails[0].InnerText != "" && courseSectionList.Remove(courseDetails[1].InnerText)) { Course course = new Course(); course.CRN = courseDetails[0].InnerText; course.CourseCode = courseCode; course.Section = courseDetails[1].InnerText; course.Title = courseTitle; course.Credit = Convert.ToSingle(courseDetails[2].InnerText); course.Date = courseDetails[9].InnerText; course.DayOfWeek = courseDetails[10].InnerText; course.Time = courseDetails[11].InnerText; course.Room = courseDetails[13].InnerText + ", " + courseDetails[12].InnerText; course.Instructor = courseDetails[14].InnerText; courseDetails[6].SelectSingleNode("span[@style='display:none']")?.Remove(); int.TryParse(courseDetails[6].InnerText, out course.AvaliableQuota); course.MaxQuota = Convert.ToInt32(courseDetails[7].InnerText); courseDetails[8].SelectSingleNode("span[@style='display:none']")?.Remove(); int.TryParse(courseDetails[8].InnerText, out course.WaitlistQuota); toReturn.Add(course); } } } String notFoundSections = ""; foreach (String courseSection in courseSectionList) { notFoundSections += (notFoundSections == "" ? "" : ", ") + courseSection; } if (notFoundSections != "") { InsertLog("Cannot find section(s) " + notFoundSections + ".", Color.Red); } return toReturn; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); if (ex is WebException) { InsertLog("Server returned error: " + ex.Message, Color.Red); if (ex.Message == "Break in attempt" || ex.Message == "Session timeout") { if (PrepareLogin() && Login()) return GetCourseListFromMasterClassSchedule(courseCode, courseSectionList); } } else if (ex is NullReferenceException || ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { InsertLog("Cannot retrieve the course details.", Color.Red); } else InsertLog(ex.ToString(), Color.Red); } return null; }