public static Size DrawTip(Control control, Graphics graphics, TipSection tipData) { Size tipSize = Size.Empty; SizeF tipSizeF = SizeF.Empty; PointF screenLocation = control.PointToScreen(Point.Empty); if (workingArea == RectangleF.Empty) { Form ownerForm = control.FindForm(); if (ownerForm.Owner != null) { ownerForm = ownerForm.Owner; } workingArea = Screen.GetWorkingArea(ownerForm); } SizeF maxLayoutSize = new SizeF(workingArea.Right - screenLocation.X - HorizontalBorder * 2, workingArea.Bottom - screenLocation.Y - VerticalBorder * 2); if (maxLayoutSize.Width > 0 && maxLayoutSize.Height > 0) { graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; tipData.SetMaximumSize(maxLayoutSize); tipSizeF = tipData.GetRequiredSize(); tipData.SetAllocatedSize(tipSizeF); tipSizeF += new SizeF(HorizontalBorder * 2, VerticalBorder * 2); tipSize = Size.Ceiling(tipSizeF); } if (control.ClientSize != tipSize) { control.ClientSize = tipSize; } if (tipSize != Size.Empty) { Rectangle borderRectangle = new Rectangle (Point.Empty, tipSize - new Size(1, 1)); RectangleF displayRectangle = new RectangleF (HorizontalBorder, VerticalBorder, tipSizeF.Width - HorizontalBorder * 2, tipSizeF.Height - VerticalBorder * 2); // DrawRectangle draws from Left to Left + Width. A bug? :-/ graphics.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowFrame, borderRectangle); tipData.Draw(new PointF(HorizontalBorder, VerticalBorder)); } return(tipSize); }
public static Size DrawTip(Control control, Graphics graphics, TipSection tipData) { Size tipSize = Size.Empty; SizeF tipSizeF = SizeF.Empty; PointF screenLocation = control.PointToScreen(Point.Empty); if (workingArea == RectangleF.Empty) { Form ownerForm = control.FindForm(); if (ownerForm.Owner != null) { ownerForm = ownerForm.Owner; } workingArea = Screen.GetWorkingArea(ownerForm); } SizeF maxLayoutSize = new SizeF(workingArea.Right - screenLocation.X - HorizontalBorder * 2, workingArea.Bottom - screenLocation.Y - VerticalBorder * 2); if (maxLayoutSize.Width > 0 && maxLayoutSize.Height > 0) { graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; tipData.SetMaximumSize(maxLayoutSize); tipSizeF = tipData.GetRequiredSize(); tipData.SetAllocatedSize(tipSizeF); tipSizeF += new SizeF(HorizontalBorder * 2, VerticalBorder * 2); tipSize = Size.Ceiling(tipSizeF); } if (control.ClientSize != tipSize) { control.ClientSize = tipSize; } if (tipSize != Size.Empty) { Rectangle borderRectangle = new Rectangle (Point.Empty, tipSize - new Size(1, 1)); RectangleF displayRectangle = new RectangleF (HorizontalBorder, VerticalBorder, tipSizeF.Width - HorizontalBorder * 2, tipSizeF.Height - VerticalBorder * 2); // DrawRectangle draws from Left to Left + Width. A bug? :-/ graphics.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowFrame, borderRectangle); tipData.Draw(new PointF(HorizontalBorder, VerticalBorder)); } return tipSize; }
public static Size GetTipSize(Control control, Graphics graphics, TipSection tipData) { Size tipSize = Size.Empty; SizeF tipSizeF = SizeF.Empty; if (workingArea == RectangleF.Empty) { Form ownerForm = control.FindForm(); if (ownerForm.Owner != null) { ownerForm = ownerForm.Owner; } workingArea = Screen.GetWorkingArea(ownerForm); } PointF screenLocation = control.PointToScreen(Point.Empty); SizeF maxLayoutSize = new SizeF(workingArea.Right - screenLocation.X - HorizontalBorder * 2, workingArea.Bottom - screenLocation.Y - VerticalBorder * 2); if (maxLayoutSize.Width > 0 && maxLayoutSize.Height > 0) { graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; tipData.SetMaximumSize(maxLayoutSize); tipSizeF = tipData.GetRequiredSize(); tipData.SetAllocatedSize(tipSizeF); tipSizeF += new SizeF(HorizontalBorder * 2, VerticalBorder * 2); tipSize = Size.Ceiling(tipSizeF); } if (control.ClientSize != tipSize) { control.ClientSize = tipSize; } return(tipSize); }
public static Size GetTipSize(Control control, Graphics graphics, TipSection tipData) { Size tipSize = Size.Empty; SizeF tipSizeF = SizeF.Empty; if (workingArea == RectangleF.Empty) { Form ownerForm = control.FindForm(); if (ownerForm.Owner != null) { ownerForm = ownerForm.Owner; } workingArea = Screen.GetWorkingArea(ownerForm); } PointF screenLocation = control.PointToScreen(Point.Empty); SizeF maxLayoutSize = new SizeF(workingArea.Right - screenLocation.X - HorizontalBorder * 2, workingArea.Bottom - screenLocation.Y - VerticalBorder * 2); if (maxLayoutSize.Width > 0 && maxLayoutSize.Height > 0) { graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; tipData.SetMaximumSize(maxLayoutSize); tipSizeF = tipData.GetRequiredSize(); tipData.SetAllocatedSize(tipSizeF); tipSizeF += new SizeF(HorizontalBorder * 2, VerticalBorder * 2); tipSize = Size.Ceiling(tipSizeF); } if (control.ClientSize != tipSize) { control.ClientSize = tipSize; } return tipSize; }
protected override void OnMaximumSizeChanged() { base.OnMaximumSizeChanged(); float currentDim = 0; float otherDim = 0; SizeF availableArea = MaximumSize; for (int i = 0; i < tipSections.Length; i++) { TipSection section = (TipSection)tipSections[i]; section.SetMaximumSize(availableArea); SizeF requiredArea = section.GetRequiredSize(); offsets[i] = currentDim; // It's best to start on pixel borders, so this will // round up to the nearest pixel. Otherwise there are // weird cutoff artifacts. float pixelsUsed; if (isHorizontal) { pixelsUsed = (float)Math.Ceiling(requiredArea.Width); currentDim += pixelsUsed; availableArea.Width = Math.Max (0, availableArea.Width - pixelsUsed); otherDim = Math.Max(otherDim, requiredArea.Height); } else { pixelsUsed = (float)Math.Ceiling(requiredArea.Height); currentDim += pixelsUsed; availableArea.Height = Math.Max (0, availableArea.Height - pixelsUsed); otherDim = Math.Max(otherDim, requiredArea.Width); } } foreach (TipSection section in tipSections) { if (isHorizontal) { section.SetAllocatedSize(new SizeF(section.GetRequiredSize().Width, otherDim)); } else { section.SetAllocatedSize(new SizeF(otherDim, section.GetRequiredSize().Height)); } } if (isHorizontal) { SetRequiredSize(new SizeF(currentDim, otherDim)); } else { SetRequiredSize(new SizeF(otherDim, currentDim)); } }