static void Main(string[] args) { AIMLbot.Bot chatBot; AIMLbot.User chatUser; string channel = args[0]; string rnick = args[1]; string rmsg = args[2]; try { if (rmsg.StartsWith("!") == false) { string query = rmsg; ObsidianFunctions.Functions ObsidFunc = new ObsidianFunctions.Functions(); chatBot = new AIMLbot.Bot(); chatBot.loadSettings(); chatUser = new AIMLbot.User(rnick, chatBot); chatBot.loadAIMLFromFiles(); chatBot.isAcceptingUserInput = true; AIMLbot.Request r = new AIMLbot.Request(query, chatUser, chatBot); AIMLbot.Result res = chatBot.Chat(r); Console.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + rnick + " :" + res.Output); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + rnick + " :" + ex.ToString()); } }
public override void OnInvoke(object sender, System.EventArgs e, object target) { ListViewItem ali = target as ListViewItem; string username = null; UUID uuid = UUID.Zero; if (ali != null) { uuid = (UUID)ali.Tag; username = instance.Names.Get(uuid); } else { FriendInfo fi = target as FriendInfo; uuid = fi.UUID; username = instance.Names.Get(uuid); } if (username == null) { instance.TabConsole.DisplayNotificationInChat("I dont know how to DeRef " + target + " bieng a " + target.GetType()); return; } string outp = username + ", " + aimlBot.Chat("INTERJECTION", username).Output; if (outp.Length > 1000) { outp = outp.Substring(0, 1000); } Client.Self.Chat(outp, 0, ChatType.Normal); }
static void Main(string[] args) { _bot = InstantiateBot(); _user = new User("chris", _bot); var input = string.Empty; Console.WriteLine("Say somthing to begin teaching me."); while (input.ToLower() != "q") { input = GetUserInput(); if (input.StartsWith("/")) { if (input.StartsWith("/bot")) ProcessBotCommand(input); if (input == "/save") { SaveBot(); continue; } } var request = new Request(input, _user, _bot); var response = _bot.Chat(request); TellUser(response); } }
/* * void OnGUI () { * // Enable Word warp * = true; * // Make a background box * GUI.Box(new Rect(10,10,300,150), "Chat with a Chatbot"); * // Make output label * GUI.Label (new Rect (20, 30, 280, 40), Output_Text); * // Make a text field that modifies Input_Text. * Input_Text = GUI.TextField (new Rect (20, 100, 280, 20), Input_Text, 100); * // If send button or enter pressed * if(((Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return)||GUI.Button(new Rect(250,130,50,20),"Send")) && (Input_Text != "")) { * // Prepare Variables * // You don't need to care, wether Only Jurassics or only Program #'s Variables * // are changed. This is managed immediate intern every time you change a global * // variable in Program # or Jurassic. * // bot.jscript_engine.SetGlobalValue("abc",15); * * request.rawInput = Input_Text; * request.StartedOn = DateTime.Now; * result = bot.Chat(request); * Output_Text = result.Output; * Input_Text = ""; * * // Gather Variables * // bot.jscript_engine.GetGlobalValue<string>("abc"); * } * }*/ public string GetAnswer(string input) { request.rawInput = input; request.StartedOn = DateTime.Now; result = bot.Chat(request); return(result.Output); }
void OnGUI() { // Enable Word warp = true; // Make a background box GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 10, 300, 500), "Chat with a Chatbot"); // Make output label GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 30, 280, 40), Output_Text); // Make a text field that modifies Input_Text. Input_Text = GUI.TextField(new Rect(20, 100, 280, 20), Input_Text, 100); // If send button or enter pressed if (((Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) || GUI.Button(new Rect(250, 130, 50, 20), "Send")) && (Input_Text != "")) { // Prepare Variables // You don't need to care, wether Only Jurassics or only Program #'s Variables // are changed. This is managed immediate intern every time you change a global // variable in Program # or Jurassic. // bot.jscript_engine.SetGlobalValue("abc",15); request.rawInput = Input_Text; request.StartedOn = DateTime.Now; result = bot.Chat(request); Output_Text = result.Output; Input_Text = ""; // Gather Variables // bot.jscript_engine.GetGlobalValue<string>("abc"); } }
public string GetResp(string msg, string user) { try { myUser = null; //GC.Collect(); myUser = new AIMLbot.User(user, myBot); AIMLbot.Request myRequest = new AIMLbot.Request(msg, myUser, myBot); AIMLbot.Result myResult = myBot.Chat(myRequest); string reply = myResult.Output; if (reply.Length > 5) { if (reply.Substring(0, 5).ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == "error") { return(string.Empty); } return(reply); } return(reply); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("There has been an error starting AI.", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning, ex); return(string.Empty); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string settingsPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.Combine("config", "Settings.xml")); Bot myBot = new Bot(); myBot.loadSettings(settingsPath); User myUser = new User("consoleUser", myBot); myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = false; myBot.loadAIMLFromFiles(); myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = true; while (true) { Console.Write("You: "); string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.ToLower() == "quit") { break; } else { Request r = new Request(input, myUser, myBot); Result res = myBot.Chat(r); Console.WriteLine("Bot: " + res.Output); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update // Update is called once per frame void OnGUI() { //Input_Text = CommText.text.ToString(); // Enable Word warp // = true; // Make a background box //GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 10, 300, 500), "Chat with a Chatbot"); // Make output label //GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 30, 280, 40), Output_Text); // Make a text field that modifies Input_Text. if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) { // Prepare Variables // You don't need to care, wether Only Jurassics or only Program #'s Variables // are changed. This is managed immediate intern every time you change a global // variable in Program # or Jurassic. // bot.jscript_engine.SetGlobalValue("abc",15); request.rawInput = CommText.text.ToString(); request.StartedOn = DateTime.Now; result = bot.Chat(request); ResponseText.text = result.Output; Input_Text = ""; CommText.text = ""; // Gather Variables // bot.jscript_engine.GetGlobalValue<string>("abc"); } }
private static async void BotOnMessage(object sender, Telegram.Bot.Args.MessageEventArgs e) { Bot.Types.Message msg = e.Message; if (msg == null) { return; } if (msg.Type == Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.TextMessage) { AIMLbot.Bot AI = new AIMLbot.Bot(); AI.loadSettings(); // This loads the settings from the config folder AI.loadAIMLFromFiles(); AIMLbot.User me_aiml = new AIMLbot.User("dd", AI); Request r = new Request(msg.Text, me_aiml, AI); Result res = AI.Chat(r); string s = res.ToString(); await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msg.Chat.Id, s); } //if (msg.Type == Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.TextMessage) //{ // //await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msg.Chat.Id, "Здарова " + msg.From.FirstName //} }
public void Test() { var bot = new Bot(); var user = new User("me", bot); var request = new Request("test", user, bot); var result = bot.Chat(request); }
public void chatbotanswer() { request.rawInput = _questiontext.text; request.StartedOn = DateTime.Now; result = bot.Chat(request); _answer.text = result.Output; // TextToSpeechMark ttsm = gameObject.GetComponent<TextToSpeechMark>(); // ttsm.Synthesize(_answer.text); }
public string Ask(string name, string question) { var sharpBot = new Bot(); sharpBot.loadSettings(SettingsPath); var loader = new AIMLbot.Utils.AIMLLoader(sharpBot); loader.loadAIML(aimlPath); sharpBot.isAcceptingUserInput = false; sharpBot.isAcceptingUserInput = true; var patient = new User(name, sharpBot); var request = new Request(question, patient, sharpBot); var answer = sharpBot.Chat(request); return answer.Output; }
static void getOutput(String input) { Bot myBot = new Bot(); User myUser = new User("consoleUser", myBot); myBot.loadSettings(); myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = false; myBot.loadAIMLFromFiles(); myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = true; Request r = new Request(input, myUser, myBot); Result res = myBot.Chat(r); Console.WriteLine("Bot: " + res.Output); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bot myBot = new Bot(); myBot.loadSettings(); User myUser = new User("consoleUser", myBot); myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = false; myBot.loadAIMLFromFiles(); myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = true; while (true) { Console.Write("You: "); string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.ToLower() == "quit") { break; } else { Request r = new Request(input, myUser, myBot); Result res = myBot.Chat(r); Console.WriteLine("Bot: " + res.Output); } } }
async void do_work(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { var worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; var key = e.Argument as String; try { var bot = new Telegram.Bot.TelegramBotClient(key); await bot.SetWebhookAsync(""); AIMLbot.Bot lazy = new AIMLbot.Bot(); lazy.loadSettings(); lazy.loadAIMLFromFiles(); lazy.isAcceptingUserInput = false; AIMLbot.User us = new AIMLbot.User("Username", lazy); lazy.isAcceptingUserInput = true; bot.OnCallbackQuery += async(object sc, Telegram.Bot.Args.CallbackQueryEventArgs ev) => { Telegram.Bot.Types.FileToSend s; var message = ev.CallbackQuery.Message; if (ev.CallbackQuery.Data == "callback1") { s = new Telegram.Bot.Types.FileToSend(""); } else if (ev.CallbackQuery.Data == "callback2") { s = new Telegram.Bot.Types.FileToSend(""); } await bot.SendPhotoAsync(message.Chat.Id, s, "Sure! But... not today :)"); await bot.AnswerCallbackQueryAsync(ev.CallbackQuery.Id); }; bot.OnUpdate += async(object su, Telegram.Bot.Args.UpdateEventArgs evu) => { if (evu.Update.CallbackQuery != null || evu.Update.InlineQuery != null) { return; } var update = evu.Update; var message = update.Message; if (message == null) { return; } if (message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.TextMessage) { if (message.Text[0] == '/') { if (message.Text == "/test") { await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, "Yeah...", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId); } if (message.Text == "/sleep") { var s = new Telegram.Bot.Types.FileToSend(""); await bot.SendPhotoAsync(message.Chat.Id, s, "Yeeeeeeeeeah, sleeeeeeeeep!"); } if (message.Text == "/song") { var s = new Telegram.Bot.Types.FileToSend(""); await bot.SendAudioAsync(message.Chat.Id, s, "", 4, "Eels", "I need some sleep..."); } if (message.Text == "/work") { var keyboard = new Telegram.Bot.Types.ReplyMarkups.InlineKeyboardMarkup( new Telegram.Bot.Types.InlineKeyboardButtons.InlineKeyboardButton[][] { // First row new [] { // First column new Telegram.Bot.Types.InlineKeyboardButtons.InlineKeyboardCallbackButton("Work", "callback1"), // Second column new Telegram.Bot.Types.InlineKeyboardButtons.InlineKeyboardCallbackButton("Work harder", "callback2") }, } ); await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, "Hmmmm... What should I do?..!", Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.ParseMode.Default, false, false, 0, keyboard); } } else if ((message.Text[0] >= 'а' && message.Text[0] <= 'я') || (message.Text[0] >= 'А' && message.Text[0] <= 'Я')) { await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, "I'm too lazy to learn russian, sorry...", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId); } else { AIMLbot.Request r = new AIMLbot.Request(message.Text, us, lazy); AIMLbot.Result res = lazy.Chat(r); await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, res.Output, replyToMessageId : message.MessageId); } } }; bot.StartReceiving(); } catch (Telegram.Bot.Exceptions.ApiRequestException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var myBot = new Bot(); myBot.loadSettings(); var myUser = new User("consoleUser", myBot); myBot.IsAcceptingUserInput = false; myBot.LoadAimlFromFiles(); myBot.IsAcceptingUserInput = true; var synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); var commandProcessorFactory = new Mock<ICommandProcessorFactory>(); var innerprocessor = new Mock<ICommandProcessor>(); commandProcessorFactory.Setup(x => x.GetCommandProcessor(It.IsAny<CommandRequest>())).Returns(innerprocessor.Object); var processor = new CommandProcessor(commandProcessorFactory.Object, myUser, myBot); var results = new[] { new CommandResult { ResultType = CommandResultTypeEnum.Text, Content = "Hello Dude", Pause = 1000 }, new CommandResult { ResultType = CommandResultTypeEnum.Text, Content = "How are you?" }, }; var resultQueue = new Queue<CommandResult>(results); var result = resultQueue.Dequeue(); while (result != null) { var sayText = string.Empty; switch (result.ResultType) { case CommandResultTypeEnum.Text: sayText = result.Content; break; case CommandResultTypeEnum.Bot: var r = new Request(result.Content, myUser, myBot); var res = myBot.Chat(r); sayText = res.Output; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sayText)) { Console.WriteLine(sayText); synth.Speak(sayText); } if (result.WaitInput) { var line = Console.ReadLine(); } else if (result.Pause > 0) Thread.Sleep(result.Pause); if (resultQueue.Count == 0) break; result = resultQueue.Dequeue(); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public string AIMLWhatTypeIs(string FieldName, Bot ChatBot, User ChatUser) { Request chatRequest = new Request(string.Format("SQLBOT WHAT TYPE IS {0}", FieldName), ChatUser, ChatBot); Result chatRes = ChatBot.Chat(chatRequest); return FieldName = TrimWord(chatRes.Output); }
void Self_ChatFromSimulator(object sender, ChatEventArgs e) { // We ignore everything except normal chat from other avatars if (!Enabled || e.SourceType != ChatSourceType.Agent || e.FromName == Client.Self.Name || e.Message.Trim().Length == 0) { return; } bool parseForResponse = Alice != null && Alice.isAcceptingUserInput && Enabled; if (parseForResponse && respondRange >= 0) { parseForResponse = Vector3.Distance(Client.Self.SimPosition, e.Position) <= respondRange; } if (parseForResponse) { parseForResponse = respondWithoutName || e.Message.ToLower().Contains(FirstName(Client.Self.Name).ToLower()); } if (parseForResponse) { WorkPool.QueueUserWorkItem(sync => { lock (syncChat) { Alice.GlobalSettings.updateSetting("location", "region " + Client.Network.CurrentSim.Name); string msg = e.Message.ToLower(); msg = msg.Replace(FirstName(Client.Self.Name).ToLower(), ""); AIMLbot.User user; if (AliceUsers.ContainsKey(e.FromName)) { user = (AIMLbot.User)AliceUsers[e.FromName]; } else { user = new User(e.FromName, Alice); user.Predicates.removeSetting("name"); user.Predicates.addSetting("name", FirstName(e.FromName)); AliceUsers[e.FromName] = user; } Client.Self.Movement.TurnToward(e.Position); if (EnableRandomDelay) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 + 1000 * rand.Next(2)); } if (!Instance.State.IsTyping) { Instance.State.SetTyping(true); } if (EnableRandomDelay) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000 + 1000 * rand.Next(5)); } else { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } Instance.State.SetTyping(false); AIMLbot.Request req = new Request(msg, user, Alice); AIMLbot.Result res = Alice.Chat(req); string outp = res.Output; if (outp.Length > 1000) { outp = outp.Substring(0, 1000); } ChatType useChatType = ChatType.Normal; if (shout2shout && e.Type == ChatType.Shout) { useChatType = ChatType.Shout; } else if (whisper2whisper && e.Type == ChatType.Whisper) { useChatType = ChatType.Whisper; } Client.Self.Chat(outp, 0, useChatType); } }); } }
public bool IsMonth(string FieldName, Bot ChatBot, User ChatUser) { bool res = false; try { Request chatRequest = new Request(string.Format("SQLBOT WHAT MONTH IS {0}", FieldName), ChatUser, ChatBot); Result chatRes = ChatBot.Chat(chatRequest); string chatOutput = TrimWord(chatRes.Output); int numberValue; if (chatOutput != "UNKNOWN" && int.TryParse(chatOutput, out numberValue)) { this.Number = numberValue; res = true; } } catch(Exception) { res = false; } return res; }
public bool IsNumber(string FieldName, Bot ChatBot, User ChatUser) { double numberValue; if (double.TryParse(FieldName, out numberValue)) { this.Number = numberValue; this.CharBeforeNumber = ECharBeforeNumber.Add; return true; } else { Request chatRequest = new Request(string.Format("SQLBOT WHAT NUMBER IS {0}", FieldName), ChatUser, ChatBot); Result chatRes = ChatBot.Chat(chatRequest); string chatOutput = TrimWord(chatRes.Output); if (chatOutput != "UNKNOWN" && double.TryParse(chatOutput, out numberValue)) { this.Number = numberValue; chatRequest = new Request(string.Format("SQLBOT WHAT PRECEDES NUMBER {0}", FieldName), ChatUser, ChatBot); chatRes = ChatBot.Chat(chatRequest); chatOutput = TrimWord(chatRes.Output); switch (chatOutput) { case "ADD": this.CharBeforeNumber = ECharBeforeNumber.Add; break; case "MULTIPLY": this.CharBeforeNumber = ECharBeforeNumber.Multiply; break; case "DIVIDE": this.CharBeforeNumber = ECharBeforeNumber.Divide; break; default: this.CharBeforeNumber = ECharBeforeNumber.Unknown; break; }; return true; } else { return false; } } }
async void launchWorkerAsync(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; string key = e.Argument as String; try { Bot = new Telegram.Bot.TelegramBotClient(key); await Bot.SetWebhookAsync(""); int offset = 0; while (true) { var messages = await Bot.GetUpdatesAsync(offset); foreach (var message in messages) { var msgText = message.Message; User currentUser; if (users.ContainsKey(msgText.Chat.Id)) { currentUser = users[msgText.Chat.Id]; } else { currentUser = new User("Уважаемый", bot); currentUser.Predicates.addSetting("favouriteanimal", "default"); currentUser.Predicates.addSetting("name", "default"); users[msgText.Chat.Id] = currentUser; } if (msgText.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Text && msgText.Text.Contains("/game")) { string text = msgText.Text; text = text.Replace("/game ", ""); string[] clues = text.Split(','); clues = clues.Select(x => x.Trim().ToLower()).ToArray(); List <string> games = Program.SetupFacts(clues.ToList(), ""); if (games.Count == 0) { await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, "Не знаю таких игра :("); } else { string res = games.Aggregate((i, j) => i + '?' + j); res += '?'; await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, "Я что-то такое знаю. " + res); } } else if (msgText.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Text) { Console.WriteLine(msgText.Text.ToUpper()); Request r = new Request(msgText.Text, currentUser, bot); Result res = bot.Chat(r); if (res.Output != "") { if (res.Output.EndsWith(".jpg.")) { await Bot.SendPhotoAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, res.Output.Remove(res.Output.Count() - 1, 1)); } else if (res.Output == "time.") { var time = "У меня " + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + ", сколько у вас - не знаю"; await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, time); } else if (res.Output == "foot.") { string table = football.getTable(); await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, table); } else if (res.Output == "anec.") { string anec = Anecdot.anec(); await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, anec); } else if (res.Output == "voice.") { string anec = Anecdot.anec(); SpeechSynthesizer speaker = new SpeechSynthesizer(); speaker.Rate = 2; speaker.Volume = 100; speaker.Speak(anec); speaker.SetOutputToWaveFile("soundfile.wav"); speaker.Speak(anec + "\n АХАХАХАХАХАХ"); speaker.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); var fStream = new FileStream("soundfile.wav", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); await Bot.SendVoiceAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, new Telegram.Bot.Types.InputFiles.InputOnlineFile(fStream)); fStream.Dispose(); } else if (res.Output == "beauty.") { var fStream = new FileStream("..\\..\\1beauty.jpg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); await Bot.SendPhotoAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, new Telegram.Bot.Types.InputFiles.InputOnlineFile(fStream), "Красивее не сыскать"); } else if (res.Output.Contains("poetryFlag")) { var poem = res.Output.Replace("poetryFlag", ""); SpeechSynthesizer speaker = new SpeechSynthesizer(); speaker.Rate = 2; speaker.Volume = 100; speaker.SetOutputToWaveFile("soundfile.wav"); speaker.Speak(poem); speaker.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); var fStream = new FileStream("soundfile.wav", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); await Bot.SendVoiceAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, new Telegram.Bot.Types.InputFiles.InputOnlineFile(fStream)); fStream.Dispose(); } else { await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(msgText.Chat.Id, res.Output); } } } else if (msgText.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Photo) { ProcessImage(msgText.Photo[msgText.Photo.Length - 1].FileId, "", msgText.Chat.Id); } offset = message.Id + 1; } } } catch (Telegram.Bot.Exceptions.ApiRequestException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); asyncWorker.RunWorkerAsync("999037946:AAHbd0xIjp5l6iS0aGuVB-jIP2R4a99EUFo"); } }
public override void control(bot ircbot, BotConfig Conf, string[] line, string command, int nick_access, string nick, string channel, bool bot_command, string type) { if ((type.Equals("channel") || type.Equals("query")) && bot_command == true) { foreach (Command tmp_command in this.Commands) { bool blocked = tmp_command.Blacklist.Contains(channel) || tmp_command.Blacklist.Contains(nick); bool cmd_found = false; bool spam_check = ircbot.get_spam_check(channel, nick, tmp_command.Spam_Check); if (spam_check == true) { blocked = blocked || ircbot.get_spam_status(channel); } cmd_found = tmp_command.Triggers.Contains(command); if (blocked == true && cmd_found == true) { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :I am currently too busy to process that."); } if (blocked == false && cmd_found == true) { foreach (string trigger in tmp_command.Triggers) { switch (trigger) { case "stopchat": if (spam_check == true) { ircbot.add_spam_count(channel); } if (nick_access >= tmp_command.Access) { foreach (string chat_nick in chatting_nick) { if (chat_nick.Equals(nick, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { still_chatting = false; chatting_nick.Clear(); chat_time.Enabled = false; chat_time.Stop(); ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", line[2] + " :Ok, I will stop."); break; } } if (still_chatting == true) { ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", line[2] + " :You are not currently talking to me."); } } else { ircbot.sendData("NOTICE", nick + " :You do not have permission to use that command."); } break; } } } } } if ((type.Equals("channel") || type.Equals("query")) && bot_command == false) { chat_time.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(this.Options["chat_timeout"]) * 1000; if (line.GetUpperBound(0) >= 3) { string msg = ""; if (line.GetUpperBound(0) > 3) { msg = line[3].TrimStart(':') + " " + line[4]; } else { msg = line[3].TrimStart(':'); } string[] words = msg.Split(' '); bool me_in = false; foreach (string word in words) { if (word.Contains(Conf.Nick)) { me_in = true; break; } } if (me_in == true || still_chatting == true) { bool nick_found = false; for (int x = 0; x < chatting_nick.Count(); x++) { if (chatting_nick[x].Equals(nick, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { nick_found = true; } } if (me_in == true && nick_found == false) { chatting_nick.Add(nick); nick_found = true; } if (nick_found == true) { // Start Chatting still_chatting = false; chat_time.Stop(); Request r = new Request(msg, myUser, myBot); Result res = myBot.Chat(r); string owners = ""; foreach (string own in Conf.Owners) { owners += Conf.Owners + ","; } owners = owners.TrimEnd(',').Replace(",", " and "); ircbot.sendData("PRIVMSG", line[2] + " :" + res.Output.Replace("[nick]", nick).Replace("[me]", Conf.Nick).Replace("[owner]", owners).Replace("[version]", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()).Replace("\n", " ")); chat_time.Start(); still_chatting = true; } } } } }