/// <summary> /// Function provides you with two separate work flows based on what happens in the UI. If a connection to /// a SQL server table, the table structure will have been copied into the member variable _fieldNameTypeDict. /// If the user has described the field names and field types, we use that instead. /// </summary> /// <param name="fields"></param> private void Fields(List<object> fields) { //DO NOT CHANGE PROPERTIES FOR THE fieldFID Field fieldFID = new Field() { name = "OBJECTID", type = "esriFieldTypeInteger", alias = "OBJECTID", sqlType = "sqlTypeInteger", nullable = false, editable = false, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(fieldFID); //The following loops through the dictionary of value pairs required for the feature service attribution //table. Using the field type, create the appropriate field type and use the key value as the name of the //field. I have listed only field field types, please expand on this for your needs. Listed at the top of //this field are the ESRI field types you can use. if (_sqlServerTableFieldNameAndTypeDictionary != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> keyValuePair in _sqlServerTableFieldNameAndTypeDictionary) { Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value); if (keyValuePair.Value == "nvarchar") { FieldString field0 = new FieldString() { name = keyValuePair.Key, type = "esriFieldTypeString", alias = keyValuePair.Key, sqlType = "sqlTypeNVarchar", length = 256, nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(field0); } if (keyValuePair.Value == "float") { Field field1 = new Field() { name = keyValuePair.Key, type = "esriFieldTypeDouble", alias = keyValuePair.Key, sqlType = "sqlTypeFloat", nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(field1); } if (keyValuePair.Value == "int") { Field fieldInt = new Field() { name = keyValuePair.Key, type = "esriFieldTypeInteger", alias = keyValuePair.Key, sqlType = "sqlTypeInteger", nullable = false, editable = false, domain = null, defaultValue = 0 }; fields.Add(fieldInt); } if (keyValuePair.Value == "char") { FieldString fieldchar = new FieldString() { name = keyValuePair.Key, type = "esriFieldTypeString", alias = keyValuePair.Key, sqlType = "sqlTypeNVarchar", length = 256, nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(fieldchar); } if (keyValuePair.Value == "datetime") { FieldString fieldchar = new FieldString() { name = keyValuePair.Key, type = "esriFieldTypeDate", alias = keyValuePair.Key, sqlType = "sqlTypeDateTime", nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(fieldchar); } } } else { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewFields.Rows) { if (row.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString() == "Text") { FieldString field0 = new FieldString() { name = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), type = "esriFieldTypeString", alias = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), sqlType = "sqlTypeNVarchar", length = 256, nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(field0); } if (row.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString() == "Float" || row.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString() == "Double") { Field field1 = new Field() { name = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), type = "esriFieldTypeDouble", alias = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), sqlType = "sqlTypeFloat", nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(field1); } if (row.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString() == "Raster") { Field field1 = new Field() { name = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), type = "esriFieldTypeRaster", alias = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), sqlType = "sqlTypeFloat", //??? Todo nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(field1); } if (row.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString() == "Short" || row.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString() == "Long") { Field fieldInt = new Field() { name = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), type = "esriFieldTypeInteger", alias = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), sqlType = "sqlTypeInteger", nullable = false, editable = false, domain = null, defaultValue = 0 }; fields.Add(fieldInt); } if (row.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString() == "Date") { FieldString fieldchar = new FieldString() { name = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), type = "esriFieldTypeDate", alias = row.Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), sqlType = "sqlTypeDateTime", nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; fields.Add(fieldchar); } } } }
private void AddDefinitionToFeatureService() { /* * The main demonstration code of this project. * Iterates through the DataGridView records, creating the fields and ensuring that the esri field types for each are correct. * */ //Item item = null; Extent extent = null; Symbol symbol = null; Renderer renderer = null; DrawingInfo drawingInfo = null; object[] fields = null; Template template = null; EditorTrackingInfo editorTrackingInfo = null; AdminLayerInfoAttribute adminLayerInfo = null; DefinitionLayer layer = null; FeatureLayerAttributes featLayerAttributes = new FeatureLayerAttributes(); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (featLayerAttributes.extent != null) extent = featLayerAttributes.extent; else { extent = new Extent() { xmin = Convert.ToDouble(txtXMin.Text), ymin = Convert.ToDouble(txtYMin.Text), xmax = Convert.ToDouble(txtXMax.Text), ymax = Convert.ToDouble(txtYMax.Text), spatialReference = new SpatialReference() { wkid = Convert.ToInt32(txtSpatialRef.Text) }, }; } symbol = new Symbol() { type = "esriPMS", url = "RedSphere.png", imageData = "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", contentType = "image/png", color = null, width = 15, height = 15, angle = 0, xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0 }; renderer = new Renderer() { type = "simple", symbol = symbol, label = "", description = "" }; drawingInfo = new DrawingInfo() { renderer = renderer, labelingInfo = null }; List<object> fieldList = new List<object>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.RowCount; i++) { DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1]; if (cell.Value.ToString() == "Double") { FieldDouble field2 = new FieldDouble() { name = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), type = "esriFieldTypeDouble", alias = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), sqlType = "sqlTypeFloat", nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; } else if (cell.Value.ToString() == "string") { FieldString field3 = new FieldString() { name = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), type = "esriFieldTypeString", alias = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), sqlType = "sqlTypeNVarchar", length = 256, nullable = true, editable = true, domain = null, defaultValue = null }; } } //object array so that we can contain different types within. //Field type double for example does not contain a length parameter. Hence we need different field type //representation. Unexpected properties for data types will cause a failure on the server end. fields = fieldList.ToArray(); if (featLayerAttributes.templates != null) template = featLayerAttributes.templates[0]; else { template = new Template() { name = "New Feature", description = "", drawingTool = "esriFeatureEditToolPoint", prototype = new Prototype() { attributes = new Attributes() } }; } editorTrackingInfo = new EditorTrackingInfo() { enableEditorTracking = false, enableOwnershipAccessControl = false, allowOthersToUpdate = true, allowOthersToDelete = true }; adminLayerInfo = new AdminLayerInfoAttribute() { geometryField = new GeometryField() { name = "Shape", srid = Convert.ToInt32(txtSpatialRef.Text) } }; layer = new DefinitionLayer() { currentVersion = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.currentVersion : 10.11, id = 0, name = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.name != null ? featLayerAttributes.name : "BrewsDownload" : "BrewsDownload", type = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.type != null ? featLayerAttributes.type : "Feature Layer" : "Feature Layer", displayField = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.displayField != null ? featLayerAttributes.displayField : "" : "", description = "", copyrightText = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.copyrightText != null ? featLayerAttributes.copyrightText : "" : "", defaultVisibility = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.defaultVisibility != true ? featLayerAttributes.defaultVisibility : true : true, relationships = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.relationShips != null ? featLayerAttributes.relationShips : new object[] { } : new object[] { }, isDataVersioned = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.isDataVersioned : false, supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter = true, supportsAdvancedQueries = true, geometryType = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.geometryType != null ? featLayerAttributes.geometryType : "esriGeometryPoint" : "esriGeometryPoint", minScale = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.minScale : 0, maxScale = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.maxScale : 0, extent = extent, drawingInfo = drawingInfo, allowGeometryUpdates = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.allowGeometryUpdates != true ? featLayerAttributes.allowGeometryUpdates : true : true, hasAttachments = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.hasAttachments : false, htmlPopupType = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.htmlPopupType != null ? featLayerAttributes.htmlPopupType : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone" : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone", hasM = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.hasM : false, hasZ = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.hasZ : false, objectIdField = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.objectIdField != null ? featLayerAttributes.objectIdField : "FID" : "FID", globalIdField = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.globalIdField != null ? featLayerAttributes.globalIdField : "" : "", typeIdField = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.typeIdField != null ? featLayerAttributes.typeIdField : "" : "", fields = fields, types = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.types != null ? featLayerAttributes.types : new object[0] : new object[0], templates = new Template[1] { template }, supportedQueryFormats = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.supportedQueryFormats != null ? featLayerAttributes.supportedQueryFormats : "JSON" : "JSON", hasStaticData = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.hasStaticData : false, maxRecordCount = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.maxRecordCount != 0 ? featLayerAttributes.maxRecordCount : 2000 : 2000, capabilities = featLayerAttributes != null ? featLayerAttributes.capabilities != null ? featLayerAttributes.capabilities : "Query,Editing,Create,Update,Delete" : "Query,Editing,Create,Update,Delete", editorTrackingInfo = editorTrackingInfo, adminLayerInfo = adminLayerInfo }; DefinitionLayer[] layers = new DefinitionLayer[1] { layer }; AddDefinition definition = new AddDefinition() { layers = layers }; string serviceEndPoint = "http://services1.arcgis.com/"; string serviceEndPoint2 = "http://services.arcgis.com/"; bool b = RequestAndResponseHandler.AddToFeatureServiceDefinition(serviceEndPoint + _organizationID + "/arcgis/admin/services/" + _featureServiceCreationResponse.Name + ".FeatureServer/AddToDefinition", definition, _token, txtOrg.Text); if (!b) b = RequestAndResponseHandler.AddToFeatureServiceDefinition(serviceEndPoint2 + _organizationID + "/arcgis/admin/services/" + _featureServiceCreationResponse.Name + ".FeatureServer/AddToDefinition", definition, _token, txtOrg.Text); lblSuccess.Text = b == true ? "true" : "false"; Update(); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }