コード例 #1
        // Estimate pose for of the given glyph
        private void EstimateGlyphPose(ExtractedGlyphData glyph, int glyphID)
            int imageCenterX = imageSize.Width >> 1;
            int imageCenterY = imageSize.Height >> 1;

            Point[]   glyphPoints = new Point[4];
            Matrix3x3 rotation;
            Vector3   translation;

            // get array of points with coordinates in Cartesian system with origin in image center
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                glyphPoints[i] = new Point(
                    glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral[i].X - imageCenterX,
                    imageCenterY - glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral[i].Y);

            // estimate pose using Coplanar POSIT algorithm
            posit.EstimatePose(glyphPoints, out rotation, out translation);

            glyph.TransformationMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(translation) *
            glyph.IsTransformationDetected = true;

            // check if we have previous rotation of the glyph
            if (!prevRotation.ContainsKey(glyphID))
                // remember it if not
                prevRotation.Add(glyphID, posit.BestEstimatedRotation);
                Matrix3x3 newRotation = posit.BestEstimatedRotation;

                // check if best estimation is at least twice is better than the alternate
                // (better according to the POSIT algorithm)
                if (posit.AlternateEstimationError / posit.BestEstimationError < 2)
                    // error difference is not very big, so compare both transformations with previous
                    // and select the one which seems to be closer to it
                    Matrix3x3 d1 = prevRotation[glyphID] - posit.BestEstimatedRotation;
                    Matrix3x3 d2 = prevRotation[glyphID] - posit.AlternateEstimatedRotation;

                    float e1 = d1.GetRow(0).Square + d1.GetRow(1).Square + d1.GetRow(2).Square;
                    float e2 = d2.GetRow(0).Square + d2.GetRow(1).Square + d2.GetRow(2).Square;

                    if (e1 > e2)
                        glyph.TransformationMatrix =
                            Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(posit.AlternateEstimatedTranslation) *

                        newRotation = posit.AlternateEstimatedRotation;

                prevRotation[glyphID] = newRotation;
コード例 #2
        // Try recognizing the glyph in the specified image defined by the specified quadrilateral
        private ExtractedGlyphData RecognizeGlyph(UnmanagedImage image, List <IntPoint> quadrilateral, int counter)  // counter -> HLE
            // extract glyph image
            quadrilateralTransformation.SourceQuadrilateral = quadrilateral;
            UnmanagedImage glyphImage = quadrilateralTransformation.Apply(image);

            // otsu thresholding

            // recognize raw glyph
            float confidence;

            byte[,] glyphValues = binaryGlyphRecognizer.Recognize(glyphImage,
                                                                  new Rectangle(0, 0, glyphImage.Width, glyphImage.Height), out confidence);

            if (confidence >= minConfidenceLevel)
                if ((Glyph.CheckIfGlyphHasBorder(glyphValues)) &&
                    // ---HLE
                    //Save out image for checking
                    System.Drawing.Bitmap managedglyphImage = glyphImage.ToManagedImage();
                    managedglyphImage.Save("C:\\Users\\heve\\Documents\\_Work_PointCloud\\AAG\\ImageProcessing\\glyphImage_" + counter.ToString() + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                    // ---HLE
                    ExtractedGlyphData foundGlyph = new ExtractedGlyphData(quadrilateral, glyphValues, confidence);

                    if (glyphDatabase != null)
                        int rotation;

                        foundGlyph.RecognizedGlyph = glyphDatabase.RecognizeGlyph(glyphValues, out rotation);

                        if (rotation != -1)
                            foundGlyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral = foundGlyph.Quadrilateral;

                            while (rotation > 0)

                                rotation -= 90;


コード例 #3
        // Try recognizing the glyph in the specified image defined by the specified quadrilateral
        private ExtractedGlyphData RecognizeGlyph(UnmanagedImage image, List <IntPoint> quadrilateral)
            // extract glyph image
            quadrilateralTransformation.SourceQuadrilateral = quadrilateral;
            UnmanagedImage glyphImage = quadrilateralTransformation.Apply(image);

            // otsu thresholding

            // recognize raw glyph
            float confidence;

            byte[,] glyphValues = binaryGlyphRecognizer.Recognize(glyphImage,
                                                                  new Rectangle(0, 0, glyphImage.Width, glyphImage.Height), out confidence);

            if (confidence >= minConfidenceLevel)
                if ((Glyph.CheckIfGlyphHasBorder(glyphValues)) &&
                    ExtractedGlyphData foundGlyph = new ExtractedGlyphData(quadrilateral, glyphValues, confidence);

                    if (glyphDatabase != null)
                        int rotation;

                        foundGlyph.RecognizedGlyph = glyphDatabase.RecognizeGlyph(glyphValues, out rotation);

                        if (rotation != -1)
                            foundGlyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral = foundGlyph.Quadrilateral;

                            while (rotation > 0)

                                rotation -= 90;


コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Clone the object by making its exact copy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns clone of the object.</returns>
        public object Clone( )
            ExtractedGlyphData clone = new ExtractedGlyphData(
                new List <IntPoint>(Quadrilateral), (byte[, ])RawData.Clone( ), Confidence);

            if (recognizedGlyph != null)
                clone.RecognizedGlyph = (Glyph)recognizedGlyph.Clone( );
            if (recognizedQuadrilateral != null)
                clone.RecognizedQuadrilateral = new List <IntPoint>(recognizedQuadrilateral);

コード例 #5
ファイル: MarkerFinder.cs プロジェクト: Spawek/valeo
        private PositionAndOrientation GetPositionAndOrientationFromGlyph(ExtractedGlyphData glyph)
            double x = glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral.Average(g => g.X);
            double y = glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral.Average(g => g.Y);

            Matrix4x4 transformationMatrix = glyph.TransformationMatrix;
            float roll;
            float pitch;
            float yaw;
            transformationMatrix.ExtractYawPitchRoll(out yaw, out pitch, out roll);

            double xP = Math.Cos((double)yaw) * Math.Cos((double)pitch);
            double yP = Math.Sin((double)yaw) * Math.Cos((double)pitch);
            double zP = Math.Sin((double)pitch);

            //double angle = yaw * 180.0d / Math.PI + 180.0d;
            double angle = 180.0d - Math.Atan2(yP, zP) / Math.PI * 180.0d;
            return new PositionAndOrientation(x, y, angle);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Try recognizing the glyph in the specified image defined by the specified quadrilateral.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Specified image.</param>
        /// <param name="quadrilateral">Specified quadrilateral.</param>
        /// <returns>Glyph data.</returns>
        private ExtractedGlyphData RecognizeGlyph( UnmanagedImage image, List<IntPoint> quadrilateral )
            // extract glyph image
            quadrilateralTransformation.SourceQuadrilateral = quadrilateral;
            UnmanagedImage glyphImage = quadrilateralTransformation.Apply( image );

            // otsu thresholding
            otsuThresholdFilter.ApplyInPlace( glyphImage );

            // recognize raw glyph
            float confidence;

            byte[,] glyphValues = binaryGlyphRecognizer.Recognize( glyphImage,
                new Rectangle( 0, 0, glyphImage.Width, glyphImage.Height ), out confidence );

            if ( confidence >= minConfidenceLevel )
                if ( ( Glyph.CheckIfGlyphHasBorder( glyphValues ) ) &&
                     ( Glyph.CheckIfEveryRowColumnHasValue( glyphValues ) ) )
                    ExtractedGlyphData foundGlyph = new ExtractedGlyphData( quadrilateral, glyphValues, confidence, new Size(image.Width, image.Height));

                    if ( glyphDatabase != null )
                        int rotation;

                        foundGlyph.RecognizedGlyph = glyphDatabase.RecognizeGlyph( glyphValues, out rotation );

                        if ( rotation != -1 )
                            foundGlyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral = foundGlyph.Quadrilateral;

                            while ( rotation > 0 )
                                foundGlyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral.Add( foundGlyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral[0] );
                                foundGlyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral.RemoveAt( 0 );

                                rotation -= 90;

                    return foundGlyph;

            return null;
コード例 #7
 public TrackedGlyph(int id, ExtractedGlyphData glyph, Point position)
     ID       = id;
     Glyph    = glyph;
     Position = position;
コード例 #8
        // Get ID of the specified glyph
        // Note (todo?): glyph tracking needs to be improved since current implementation
        // is not reliable enough for the case when several glyphs of the same type are
        // found and those do not move smoothely.
        private int GetGlyphID(ExtractedGlyphData glyph)
            int glyphID = -1;

            // get CoG of the provided glyph
            Point glyphCog = PointsCloud.GetCenterOfGravity(glyph.Quadrilateral);
            // distance to the closest simlar glyph kept in history
            float minDistance = float.MaxValue;

            // name of the passed specifed glyph
            string glyphName = (glyph.RecognizedGlyph != null) ?
                               glyph.RecognizedGlyph.Name : string.Empty;

            // check all currently tracked glyphs
            foreach (TrackedGlyph trackedGlyph in trackedGlyphs.Values)
                if (trackedGlyph.Age == 0)
                    // skip glyph whichs were already taken or just added

                if (
                    // recognized case - compare names
                    ((trackedGlyph.Glyph.RecognizedGlyph != null) &&
                     (trackedGlyph.Glyph.RecognizedGlyph.Name == glyphName)) ||
                    // unrecognized case - compare raw data
                    (Glyph.CheckForMatching(glyph.RawData, trackedGlyph.Glyph.RawData) != -1))
                    float distance = glyphCog.DistanceTo(trackedGlyph.Position);

                    if (distance < minDistance)
                        // get ID of the closest glyph with the same name
                        minDistance = distance;
                        glyphID     = trackedGlyph.ID;

            // if the glyph is further away than the maximum specified limit,
            // then it is no way can be treated as smooth motion, so reset ID
            // (TODO: should probably depend on glyph size ...)
            if ((glyphID != -1) && (minDistance > MaxAllowedDistance))
                glyphID = -1;

            // if glyph was not found within tracked glyphs, then add new
            // glyph to tracker
            if (glyphID == -1)
                glyphID = counter++;
                trackedGlyphs.Add(glyphID, new TrackedGlyph(glyphID,
                                                            (ExtractedGlyphData)glyph.Clone( ), glyphCog));
                TrackedGlyph trackedGlyph = trackedGlyphs[glyphID];

                if ((glyph.RecognizedGlyph != null) &&
                    // correct coordinates of recognized glyphs to eliminate small noisy shaking
                    glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral = trackedGlyph.Glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral;
                    glyphCog = trackedGlyph.Position;
                    // update glyph with the latest CoG and recognized info
                    trackedGlyph.Position = glyphCog;
                    trackedGlyph.Glyph    = (ExtractedGlyphData)glyph.Clone( );

                // reset age of the tracked glyph
                trackedGlyph.Age = 0;

                // add glyph's position to history

コード例 #9
ファイル: GlyphTracker.cs プロジェクト: sivarajankumar/gratf
 public TrackedGlyph( int id, ExtractedGlyphData glyph, Point position )
     ID = id;
     Glyph = glyph;
     Position = position;
コード例 #10
ファイル: GlyphTracker.cs プロジェクト: sivarajankumar/gratf
        // Estimate pose for of the given glyph
        private void EstimateGlyphPose( ExtractedGlyphData glyph, int glyphID )
            int imageCenterX = imageSize.Width >> 1;
            int imageCenterY = imageSize.Height >> 1;

            Point[] glyphPoints = new Point[4];
            Matrix3x3 rotation;
            Vector3 translation;

            // get array of points with coordinates in Cartesian system with origin in image center
            for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                glyphPoints[i] = new Point(
                    glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral[i].X - imageCenterX,
                    imageCenterY - glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral[i].Y );

            // estimate pose using Coplanar POSIT algorithm
            posit.EstimatePose( glyphPoints, out rotation, out translation );

            glyph.TransformationMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation( translation ) *
                                         Matrix4x4.CreateFromRotation( rotation );
            glyph.IsTransformationDetected = true;

            // check if we have previous rotation of the glyph
            if ( !prevRotation.ContainsKey( glyphID ) )
                // remember it if not
                prevRotation.Add( glyphID, posit.BestEstimatedRotation );
                Matrix3x3 newRotation = posit.BestEstimatedRotation;

                // check if best estimation is at least twice is better than the alternate
                // (better according to the POSIT algorithm)
                if ( posit.AlternateEstimationError / posit.BestEstimationError < 2 )
                    // error difference is not very big, so compare both transformations with previous
                    // and select the one which seems to be closer to it
                    Matrix3x3 d1 = prevRotation[glyphID] - posit.BestEstimatedRotation;
                    Matrix3x3 d2 = prevRotation[glyphID] - posit.AlternateEstimatedRotation;

                    float e1 = d1.GetRow( 0 ).Square + d1.GetRow( 1 ).Square + d1.GetRow( 2 ).Square;
                    float e2 = d2.GetRow( 0 ).Square + d2.GetRow( 1 ).Square + d2.GetRow( 2 ).Square;

                    if ( e1 > e2 )
                        glyph.TransformationMatrix =
                            Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation( posit.AlternateEstimatedTranslation ) *
                            Matrix4x4.CreateFromRotation( posit.AlternateEstimatedRotation );

                        newRotation = posit.AlternateEstimatedRotation;

                prevRotation[glyphID] = newRotation;
コード例 #11
ファイル: GlyphTracker.cs プロジェクト: sivarajankumar/gratf
        // Get ID of the specified glyph
        // Note (todo?): glyph tracking needs to be improved since current implementation
        // is not reliable enough for the case when several glyphs of the same type are
        // found and those do not move smoothely.
        private int GetGlyphID( ExtractedGlyphData glyph )
            int glyphID = -1;

            // get CoG of the provided glyph
            Point glyphCog = PointsCloud.GetCenterOfGravity( glyph.Quadrilateral );
            // distance to the closest simlar glyph kept in history
            float minDistance = float.MaxValue;

            // name of the passed specifed glyph
            string glyphName = ( glyph.RecognizedGlyph != null ) ?
                glyph.RecognizedGlyph.Name : string.Empty;

            // check all currently tracked glyphs
            foreach ( TrackedGlyph trackedGlyph in trackedGlyphs.Values )
                if ( trackedGlyph.Age == 0 )
                    // skip glyph whichs were already taken or just added

                if ( 
                     // recognized case - compare names
                     ( ( trackedGlyph.Glyph.RecognizedGlyph != null ) &&
                     ( trackedGlyph.Glyph.RecognizedGlyph.Name == glyphName ) ) ||
                     // unrecognized case - compare raw data
                     ( Glyph.CheckForMatching( glyph.RawData, trackedGlyph.Glyph.RawData ) != -1 ) )
                    float distance = glyphCog.DistanceTo( trackedGlyph.Position );

                    if ( distance < minDistance )
                        // get ID of the closest glyph with the same name
                        minDistance = distance;
                        glyphID = trackedGlyph.ID;

            // if the glyph is further away than the maximum specified limit,
            // then it is no way can be treated as smooth motion, so reset ID
            // (TODO: should probably depend on glyph size ...)
            if ( ( glyphID != -1 ) && ( minDistance > MaxAllowedDistance ) )
                glyphID = -1;

            // if glyph was not found within tracked glyphs, then add new
            // glyph to tracker
            if ( glyphID == -1 )
                glyphID = counter++;
                trackedGlyphs.Add( glyphID, new TrackedGlyph( glyphID,
                    (ExtractedGlyphData) glyph.Clone( ), glyphCog ) );
                TrackedGlyph trackedGlyph = trackedGlyphs[glyphID];

                if ( ( glyph.RecognizedGlyph != null ) &&
                     ( !IsCoordinatesDifferenceSignificant( glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral,
                       trackedGlyphs[glyphID].Glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral ) ) )
                    // correct coordinates of recognized glyphs to eliminate small noisy shaking
                    glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral = trackedGlyph.Glyph.RecognizedQuadrilateral;
                    glyphCog = trackedGlyph.Position;
                    // update glyph with the latest CoG and recognized info
                    trackedGlyph.Position = glyphCog;
                    trackedGlyph.Glyph = (ExtractedGlyphData) glyph.Clone( );

                // reset age of the tracked glyph
                trackedGlyph.Age = 0;

                // add glyph's position to history
                trackedGlyph.AddMotionHistory( glyphCog );

            return glyphID;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for glyphs in the specified image and recognize them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image to search glyphs in.</param>
        /// <returns>Return a list of found glyphs.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method does processing of the specified image and searches for glyphs in it of
        /// the specified <see cref="GlyphSize">size</see>. In the case if <see cref="GlyphDatabase">glyphs' database</see>
        /// is set, it tries to find a matching glyph in it for each found glyph in the image. If matching is found,
        /// then <see cref="ExtractedGlyphData.RecognizedGlyph">RecognizedGlyph</see> and
        /// <see cref="ExtractedGlyphData.RecognizedQuadrilateral">RecognizedQuadrilateral</see>
        /// properties of <see cref="ExtractedGlyphData"/> are set correspondingly.</para></remarks>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedImageFormatException">Pixel format of the specified image is not supported.
        /// It must be 8 bpp indexed or 24/32 bpp color image.</exception>
        public List <ExtractedGlyphData> FindGlyphs(UnmanagedImage image)
            List <ExtractedGlyphData> extractedGlyphs = new List <ExtractedGlyphData>( );

            if ((image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) &&
                throw new UnsupportedImageFormatException("Pixel format of the specified image is not supported.");

            // 1 - grayscaling
            UnmanagedImage grayImage = null;

            if (image.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
                grayImage = image;
                grayImage = UnmanagedImage.Create(image.Width, image.Height, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);
                Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.BT709.Apply(image, grayImage);

            // 2 - Edge detection
            UnmanagedImage edgesImage = edgeDetector.Apply(grayImage);

            // 3 - Threshold edges

            // 4 - Blob Counter
            Blob[] blobs = blobCounter.GetObjectsInformation( );

            // 5 - check each blob
            for (int i = 0, n = blobs.Length; i < n; i++)
                List <IntPoint> edgePoints = blobCounter.GetBlobsEdgePoints(blobs[i]);
                List <IntPoint> corners    = null;

                // does it look like a quadrilateral ?
                if (shapeChecker.IsQuadrilateral(edgePoints, out corners))
                    // get edge points on the left and on the right side
                    List <IntPoint> leftEdgePoints, rightEdgePoints;
                    blobCounter.GetBlobsLeftAndRightEdges(blobs[i], out leftEdgePoints, out rightEdgePoints);

                    // calculate average difference between pixel values from outside of the shape and from inside
                    float diff = CalculateAverageEdgesBrightnessDifference(
                        leftEdgePoints, rightEdgePoints, grayImage);

                    // check average difference, which tells how much outside is lighter than inside on the average
                    if (diff > 20)
                        // perform glyph recognition
                        ExtractedGlyphData glyphData = RecognizeGlyph(grayImage, corners);

                        if (glyphData != null)

                            if (extractedGlyphs.Count >= maxNumberOfGlyphsToSearch)

            // dispose resources
            if (image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
                grayImage.Dispose( );
            edgesImage.Dispose( );

コード例 #13
ファイル: GlyphsInput.cs プロジェクト: sic2/HaptiQ
 private String registerGlyph(ExtractedGlyphData glyphData)
     String id = "id-" + glyphDatabase.Count;
     glyphDatabase.Add(new Glyph(id, glyphData.RawData));
     return id;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Clone the object by making its exact copy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns clone of the object.</returns>
        public object Clone()
            ExtractedGlyphData clone = new ExtractedGlyphData(
                new List<IntPoint>(Quadrilateral), (byte[,])RawData.Clone(), Confidence, this.CoordinateSystemSize);

            if (recognizedGlyph != null)
                clone.RecognizedGlyph = (Glyph)recognizedGlyph.Clone();
            if (recognizedQuadrilateral != null)
                clone.RecognizedQuadrilateral = new List<IntPoint>(recognizedQuadrilateral);

            return clone;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for glyphs in the specified image and recognize them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image to search glyphs in.</param>
        /// <returns>Return a list of found glyphs.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The method does processing of the specified image and searches for glyphs in it of
        /// the specified <see cref="GlyphSize">size</see>. In the case if <see cref="GlyphDatabase">glyphs' database</see>
        /// is set, it tries to find a matching glyph in it for each found glyph in the image. If matching is found,
        /// then <see cref="ExtractedGlyphData.RecognizedGlyph">RecognizedGlyph</see> and
        /// <see cref="ExtractedGlyphData.RecognizedQuadrilateral">RecognizedQuadrilateral</see>
        /// properties of <see cref="ExtractedGlyphData"/> are set correspondingly.</para></remarks>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedImageFormatException">Pixel format of the specified image is not supported.
        /// It must be 8 bpp indexed or 24/32 bpp color image.</exception>
        public List <ExtractedGlyphData> FindGlyphs(UnmanagedImage image)
            List <ExtractedGlyphData> extractedGlyphs = new List <ExtractedGlyphData>( );

            if ((image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) &&
                throw new UnsupportedImageFormatException("Pixel format of the specified image is not supported.");

            // 1 - grayscaling
            UnmanagedImage grayImage = null;

            if (image.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
                grayImage = image;
                grayImage = UnmanagedImage.Create(image.Width, image.Height, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);
                Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.BT709.Apply(image, grayImage);

            // 2 - Edge detection
            UnmanagedImage edgesImage = edgeDetector.Apply(grayImage);

            // 3 - Threshold edges

            // 4 - Blob Counter
            Blob[] blobs = blobCounter.GetObjectsInformation( );

            // --- HLE
            // create copy of source image, so we could draw on it
            Bitmap imageCopy = image.ToManagedImage();

            System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData imageData = imageCopy.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height),
                                                                             System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, imageCopy.PixelFormat);
            // --- HLE

            // 5 - check each blob
            int counter = 1; // Counter -> HLE

            for (int i = 0, n = blobs.Length; i < n; i++)
                List <IntPoint> edgePoints = blobCounter.GetBlobsEdgePoints(blobs[i]);
                List <IntPoint> corners    = null;

                // does it look like a quadrilateral ?
                if (shapeChecker.IsQuadrilateral(edgePoints, out corners))
                    // get edge points on the left and on the right side
                    List <IntPoint> leftEdgePoints, rightEdgePoints;
                    blobCounter.GetBlobsLeftAndRightEdges(blobs[i], out leftEdgePoints, out rightEdgePoints);

                    // calculate average difference between pixel values from outside of the shape and from inside
                    float diff = CalculateAverageEdgesBrightnessDifference(
                        leftEdgePoints, rightEdgePoints, grayImage);

                    // check average difference, which tells how much outside is lighter than inside on the average
                    if (diff > 20)
                        // --- HLE
                        // - draw on image
                        Drawing.Polygon(imageData, corners, Color.Red);
                        counter++; //counter -> HLE
                        // --- HLE

                        // perform glyph recognition
                        ExtractedGlyphData glyphData = RecognizeGlyph(grayImage, corners, counter);

                        if (glyphData != null)

                            if (extractedGlyphs.Count >= maxNumberOfGlyphsToSearch)

            // --- HLE
            //Save out image for checking
            //imageCopy.Save("C:\\Users\\heve\\Documents\\_Work_PointCloud\\AAG\\ImageProcessing\\FoundObjects_dll.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
            // --- HLE

            // dispose resources
            if (image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
                grayImage.Dispose( );
            edgesImage.Dispose( );
