コード例 #1
        // Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22790181/wpf-datagrid-row-double-click-event-programmatically
        private void DataGridRow_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            DataGridRow       row        = sender as DataGridRow;
            MainDataGridEntry dgridentry = row.Item as MainDataGridEntry;

            foreach (List <ADObjectNameValuePair> adopair in dgridentry.ADObject.TailoredADObjects)
                ADObjectViewWindow adObjectsWindow = new ADObjectViewWindow(adopair);
                adObjectsWindow.Title = adopair.First(x => x.PropertyName == "distinguishedname").PropertyValue;
コード例 #2
        public ADObjectSearcherWindow(string[] ClipboardText, XMLRecord xmlRecord)

            textBlockWildcardWarning.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            // Put the domain name into the textbox
            textBoxDomainName.Text = SearchADO.GetCurrentDomain();

            foreach (string cs in ClipboardText)
                //MainDataGridEntry tempData = new MainDataGridEntry { LookupName = cs, LdapQueryString = $"(samaccountname={cs})" };
                MainDataGridEntry tempData = new MainDataGridEntry {
                    LookupName = cs, LdapQueryString = $"(|(sAMAccountName={cs})(cn={cs})(mail={cs}))"

            dataGrid.ItemsSource = gridDataEntries;

            dataGrid.SelectionMode = DataGridSelectionMode.Extended;
            dataGrid.SelectionUnit = DataGridSelectionUnit.CellOrRowHeader;
コード例 #3
        private async void buttonSearchAD_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // (re-)set the initial datagrid entries. This is required if another search is triggered
            // and the ItemsSource has already been set to the List containing the found values which happens below in the function
            dataGrid.ItemsSource = gridDataEntries;

            dataGrid.Columns.First(x => x.Header.ToString() == "ADObject").Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            // Clear the "found AD Objects" list to prevent duplicates

            foreach (MainDataGridEntry dgridentry in gridDataEntries)
                dgridentry.Status = "Searching...";
            // Refresh the datagrid to show the new status

            dataGrid.IsEnabled = false;

            // Disable the search button so no second search can be triggered during first search is still ongoring
            buttonSearchAD.IsEnabled = false;

                foreach (MainDataGridEntry dgridentry in gridDataEntries)
                    // Clear the TailoredADObjects list before executing the "Search" method to make sure no duplicates are added to the list

                    // Search the AD using just the name (to be DELETED)
                    //dgridentry.ADObject.Search(dgridentry.LookupName, checkBoxSearchGlobalCatalog.IsChecked);

                    // Search the AD using the query string NON async
                    // dgridentry.ADObject.Search(dgridentry.LdapQueryString, checkBoxSearchGlobalCatalog.IsChecked);

                    // Sleep for 200 ms to prevent to many LDAP queries at the same time
                    await Task.Delay(200);

                    // Initiate the AD Search async (to be checked if this is thread safe...)
                    await Task.Factory.StartNew <object>(dgridentry.ADObject.Search(dgridentry.LdapQueryString, checkBoxSearchGlobalCatalog.IsChecked));

                    // Show the error message only if there is one
                    if (dgridentry.ADObject.QueryErrorMessage != "")
                        // Todo: Add this error message to the datagrid status
                        MessageBox.Show("aDO error message from catch: " + dgridentry.ADObject.QueryErrorMessage);

                    dgridentry.ObjectsFound = dgridentry.ADObject.TailoredADObjects.Count;
            catch (Exception ex)

            foreach (MainDataGridEntry dgridentry in gridDataEntries)
                dgridentry.Status = "Completed";

            // Pupulate "gridDataFoundEntries" with each single search result and show it in the dataGrid
            foreach (MainDataGridEntry dgridentry in gridDataEntries)
                foreach (List <ADObjectNameValuePair> curADObj in dgridentry.ADObject.TailoredADObjects)
                    MainDataGridEntry tempData = new MainDataGridEntry
                        LookupName        = dgridentry.LookupName,
                        LdapQueryString   = dgridentry.LdapQueryString,
                        DistinguishedName = curADObj.First(x => x.PropertyName == "distinguishedname").PropertyValue,
                        ObjectsFound      = dgridentry.ADObject.TailoredADObjects.Count,
                        Status            = "Search completed"

                // If there was no AD Object found, create an entry for the dataGrid which indicates nothing was found
                if (dgridentry.ADObject.TailoredADObjects.Count == 0)
                    MainDataGridEntry tempData = new MainDataGridEntry
                        LookupName        = dgridentry.LookupName,
                        LdapQueryString   = dgridentry.LdapQueryString,
                        DistinguishedName = "No search results",
                        ObjectsFound      = dgridentry.ADObject.TailoredADObjects.Count,
                        Status            = "Search completed"

                // Clear the NameValuePair list in the current datagrid entry / ADObject since it is no more required. The "TailoredADObject" have been transfered
                // to the "gridDataFoundEntries" variable above.
                dgridentry.Status = "-";
            dataGrid.ItemsSource = gridDataFoundEntries;
            dataGrid.Columns.First(x => x.Header.ToString() == "ADObject").Visibility        = Visibility.Hidden;
            dataGrid.Columns.First(x => x.Header.ToString() == "LdapQueryString").Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            // Refresh the datagrid to show the new status
            // Refresh the datagrid to show how many objects has been found

            dataGrid.IsEnabled = true;

            // Enable the search button
            buttonSearchAD.IsEnabled = true;