public void Execute() { short fNo = 0; string attributeValue; try { IGTComponent component = Components[ComponentName]; ADODB.Recordset componentRs = component.Recordset; if (componentRs.RecordCount > 0) { componentRs.MoveFirst(); if (componentRs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value == null) { return; } fNo = Convert.ToInt16(componentRs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value); CheckForActiveFnoInValueMap(fNo, out attributeValue); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeValue)) { componentRs.Fields["ORIENTATION_C"].Value = attributeValue; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error during Set Attributes By FeatureClass execution. " + ex.Message, "G/Technology"); } }
/// <summary> /// Mcheck Selected features are Valid for Merge /// </summary> /// <param name="g3eFno_trg"></param> /// <param name="g3eFid_trg"></param> /// <param name="g3eFno_src"></param> /// <param name="g3eFid_src"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckFeaturesAreValidForMerge(int g3eFno_trg, int g3eFid_trg, int g3eFno_src, int g3eFid_src) { ADODB.Recordset rs = null; bool flag = false; string sqlStmt = "SELECT LBM_UTL.FeaturesAreValidForMerge({0},{1},{2},{3}) FROM DUAL"; string mergeStatus = string.Empty; try { rs = Execute(string.Format(sqlStmt, g3eFno_trg, g3eFid_trg, g3eFno_src, g3eFid_src)); if (rs != null) { rs.MoveFirst(); mergeStatus = Convert.ToString(rs.Fields[0].Value.ToString()); if (mergeStatus == "TRUE") { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } } if (!flag) { MessageBox.Show(mergeStatus, msgBoxCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex.Message, msgBoxCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return(flag); }
/// <summary> /// Method to convert storage coordinates to Latitude and Longitude /// </summary> /// <param name="dXoord">X location</param> /// <param name="dYoord">Y location</param> /// <param name="dZoord">Z location (0)</param> private void ConvertToLatitudeAndLongitude(ref double dXoord, ref double dYoord, ref double dZoord) { try { Intergraph.CoordSystems.Interop.CoordSystemClass coords = new CoordSystemClass(); int outrec = 0; ADODB.Recordset rs = DataContext.Execute("select c.* from g3e_dataconnection_optable d , gcoordsystemtable c where " + " d.g3e_username ='******' and", out outrec, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, new object[0]); rs.MoveFirst(); object[] rowformat = new object[rs.Fields.Count]; for (int ifld = 0; ifld < rs.Fields.Count; ifld++) { rowformat[ifld] = rs.Fields[ifld].Value; } coords.LoadFromGCoordSystemTableRowFormat(rowformat); coords.TransformPoint(Intergraph.CoordSystems.Interop.CSPointConstants.cspUOR, (int)Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSTransformLinkConstants.cstlDatumTransformation, Intergraph.CoordSystems.Interop.CSPointConstants.cspLLO, (int)Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSTransformLinkConstants.cstlDatumTransformation, ref dXoord, ref dYoord, ref dZoord); dXoord = dXoord * 180 / (4 * Math.Atan(1)); dYoord = dYoord * 180 / (4 * Math.Atan(1)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static List <AssetHistory> GetAssetHistoryByFID(IGTDataContext _odc, int _fid, GTDiagnostics _odiag) { List <AssetHistory> assetlist = null; try { string sSQL = string.Empty; sSQL = "SELECT G3E_IDENTIFIER, G3E_FNO, G3E_FID, G3E_ANO, G3E_CNO, G3E_CID, CHANGE_OPERATION, STRUCTURE_ID_1, OGG_X_1, OGG_Y_1, OGG_Z_1, CHANGE_DATE, VALUE_OLD, VALUE_NEW FROM ASSET_HISTORY WHERE STRUCTURE_ID_1 = " + _fid + " ORDER BY G3E_FID, CHANGE_DATE ASC"; ADODB.Recordset oRS = null; oRS = ExecuteQuery(_odc, sSQL, _odiag); if (oRS == null) { return(null); } if (oRS.RecordCount == 0) { return(null); } if ((oRS.EOF) && (oRS.BOF)) { return(null); } oRS.MoveFirst(); assetlist = ProcessAssetHistoryRS(oRS, _odiag); if (assetlist == null) { return(null); } if (assetlist.Count == 0) { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(_odiag, "GetAllAssetHistory", ex); throw ex; } return(assetlist); }
/// <summary> /// Method to get X and Y offset for the WP creation /// </summary> /// <param name="p_offsetX"></param> /// <param name="p_offsetY"></param> private void GetWorkPointOffset(ref int p_offsetX, ref int p_offsetY) { ADODB.Recordset rs = m_dataContext.OpenRecordset("Select PARAM_VALUE from SYS_GENERALPARAMETER where PARAM_NAME = 'WP_OFFSET_X' AND SUBSYSTEM_NAME = 'WorkPointCreation'", CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, new object[1]); if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); p_offsetX = Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields[0].Value); } } rs = m_dataContext.OpenRecordset("Select PARAM_VALUE from SYS_GENERALPARAMETER where PARAM_NAME = 'WP_OFFSET_Y' AND SUBSYSTEM_NAME = 'WorkPointCreation'", CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, new object[1]); if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); p_offsetY = Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields[0].Value); } } }
/// <summary> /// Method to get first field of the first recordset in string format /// </summary> /// <param name="p_sql"> SQL string to process </param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetFirstFieldValueFromRecordset(string p_sql) { ADODB.Recordset rs = GetRecordSet(p_sql); string sReturnFirstField = string.Empty; if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); sReturnFirstField = Convert.ToString(rs.Fields[0].Value); } } return(sReturnFirstField); }
private void ProcessSumAndUpdateRs() { short cNo = 0; string field = string.Empty; int attributeValueSum = 0; Recordset bankAttributesRs = null; try { //Calculate attribute value sum IGTComponent component = Components[ComponentName]; ADODB.Recordset kvaResultsRs = component.Recordset; if (kvaResultsRs.RecordCount > 0) { int deletetedValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value)) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value); kvaResultsRs.MoveFirst(); while (!kvaResultsRs.EOF) { attributeValueSum = attributeValueSum + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value)) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(kvaResultsRs.Fields["KVA_Q"].Value)); kvaResultsRs.MoveNext(); } if (m_isDelete) { attributeValueSum = attributeValueSum - deletetedValue; } } //Get the attribute to be updated and update the attribute sum to this attribute string sqlString = string.Format("select g3e_field FIELD, g3e_cno CNO from G3E_ATTRIBUTEINFO_OPTABLE where g3e_ano = {0} ", Convert.ToInt32(m_Arguments.GetArgument(0))); ADODB.Recordset results = GetRecordSet(sqlString); if (results.RecordCount > 0) { results.MoveFirst(); cNo = Convert.ToInt16(results.Fields["CNO"].Value); field = Convert.ToString(results.Fields["FIELD"].Value); } bankAttributesRs = Components.GetComponent(cNo).Recordset; bankAttributesRs.MoveFirst(); bankAttributesRs.Fields[field].Value = attributeValueSum; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public FeatureInfo(ADODB.Recordset p_rs) { this.IsValid = false; if (p_rs == null || (p_rs.BOF && p_rs.EOF)) { return; } p_rs.MoveFirst(); this.FID = Convert.ToInt32(p_rs.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value);; this.FNO = Convert.ToInt16(p_rs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value); this.FeatureState = p_rs.Fields["FEATURE_STATE_C"].Value.ToString(); this.IsValid = true; }
// Need to reset the recordset position before doing any updates. // The position changes from the starting postion due to looping // through the recordset and possibly through other interfaces // that get called. private void ResetRecordPosition(ref ADODB.Recordset componentRS) { // Reset the recordset position if (m_RecordPosition != (int)componentRS.AbsolutePosition) { componentRS.MoveFirst(); while (!componentRS.EOF) { if (m_RecordPosition == (int)componentRS.AbsolutePosition) { break; } componentRS.MoveNext(); } } }
public void InsertAdo() { var con = new Connection(); con.Open("Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='(local)';Initial Catalog='Proba';Integrated Security='SSPI';"); var rec = new Recordset(); rec.Open("SELECT s1, s2 FROM Tabl1", con, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 0); rec.MoveFirst(); rec.Fields["s1"].Value = "s"; rec.Fields["s2"].Value = "s"; rec.Update("s1", rec.Fields["s1"].Value); rec.Close(); con.Close(); }
private string GetJobType() { string sReturn = string.Empty; ADODB.Recordset rs = m_dataContext.OpenRecordset("select G3E_JOBSTATUS from g3e_job where G3E_IDENTIFIER = ?", CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, (int)(ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText), m_dataContext.ActiveJob); if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); sReturn = Convert.ToString(rs.Fields["G3E_JOBSTATUS"].Value); } } return(sReturn); }
private bool ReplacewithSameCU(string strCucode, string strCategory) { ADODB.Recordset rs = null; string[] sArrCategories = null; string sSql = ""; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCategory)) { sArrCategories = strCategory.Split(','); } sSql = "select count(*) from CULIB_UNIT where CU_ID ='" + strCucode + "' and category_c in ("; for (int i = 0; i < sArrCategories.Length; i++) { if (i != sArrCategories.Length - 1) { sSql = sSql + "'" + sArrCategories[i] + "'" + ","; } else { sSql = sSql + "'" + sArrCategories[i] + "'" + ")"; } } rs = m_oDataContext.OpenRecordset(sSql, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, (int)0); rs.MoveFirst(); if (Convert.ToString(rs.Fields[0].Value).Equals("0")) { return(false); } } catch { throw; } finally { rs.Close(); rs = null; } return(true); }
private bool IsRepeatingComponent(int p_CNO) { bool bReturn = false; ADODB.Recordset rs = m_oApp.DataContext.MetadataRecordset("G3E_FEATURECOMPS_OPTABLE", "g3e_cno = " + p_CNO); // rs.Filter = "g3e_cno = " + p_CNO; if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); bReturn = Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields["G3E_REPEATING"].Value) == 1; } } return(bReturn); }
// Loop through the current Premise records on the active Service Point feature // and validate that the entered ESI Location on the current Premise record // does not exist on another Premise record for the active Service Point. private bool ValidateDuplicateOnExistingFID(string esiLocation, ADODB.Recordset componentRS) { bool returnValue = true; try { componentRS.MoveFirst(); int currentRecordPosition = 0; string currentESILocation = ""; while (!componentRS.EOF) { currentRecordPosition = (int)componentRS.AbsolutePosition; if (currentRecordPosition != m_RecordPosition) { if (!Convert.IsDBNull(componentRS.Fields[FIELD_PREMISE_ESI_LOCATION].Value)) { currentESILocation = componentRS.Fields[FIELD_PREMISE_ESI_LOCATION].Value.ToString(); if (esiLocation == currentESILocation) { if (m_InteractiveMode) { MessageBox.Show(ERROR_DUPLICATE_ESILOCATION_SRVCPT, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } returnValue = false; break; } } } componentRS.MoveNext(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (m_InteractiveMode) { MessageBox.Show("Error in fiESILocationUpdate:ValidateDuplicateOnExistingFID - " + ex.Message, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } returnValue = false; } return(returnValue); }
private string GetComponentName(int p_ANO) { string sComponentName = string.Empty; ADODB.Recordset rs = m_oApp.DataContext.MetadataRecordset("G3E_ATTRIBUTEINFO_OPTABLE"); rs.Filter = "g3e_ano = " + p_ANO; if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); sComponentName = Convert.ToString(rs.Fields["G3E_NAME"].Value); } } return(sComponentName); }
} // end function; public string get_gen_t2() { ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; string retval; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); retval = Convert.ToString((float)reccust.Fields["rtu1c"].Value); DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return(retval); //exit Function; } // end function;
public static string GetCommonNStructureID(IGTKeyObject _ko, GTDiagnostics _odiag) { string osid = string.Empty; try { IGTComponent commonN = _ko.Components["COMMON_N"]; ADODB.Recordset oRS = commonN.Recordset; if (oRS == null) { return(osid); } if (oRS.RecordCount == 0) { return(osid); } oRS.MoveFirst(); if ((!oRS.EOF) && (!oRS.BOF)) { osid = oRS.Fields["STRUCTURE_ID"].Value.ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(osid)) { return(osid); } else { LogMessage(_odiag, "GetCommonN", "COMMON_N", "FID = " + _ko.FID.ToString() + " has no structure_id."); return(osid); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(_odiag, "GetCommonN", ex); throw ex; } return(osid); }
/// <summary> /// Method to update the Structure Id of associated work points for a structure /// </summary> /// <param name="fno"></param> /// <param name="fid"></param> /// <param name="newStructureId"></param> private void UpdateAssociatedWorkPointsStructureId(short fno, int fid, string newStructureId) { List <int> workPointFidList = null; try { int recordsAffected = 0; ADODB.Recordset rs = DataContext.Execute("select g3e_fid WPFID from workpoint_cu_n where assoc_fid = " + fid + " and assoc_fno =" + fno, out recordsAffected, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, new int[0]); if (rs != null && rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); workPointFidList = new List <int>(); while (!rs.EOF) { workPointFidList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields["WPFID"].Value)); rs.MoveNext(); } } if (workPointFidList != null) { foreach (int wpFid in workPointFidList) { IGTKeyObject workPointFeature = m_DataContext.OpenFeature(191, wpFid); if (workPointFeature != null) { Recordset workPointFeatureRs = workPointFeature.Components.GetComponent(19101).Recordset; if (workPointFeatureRs != null && workPointFeatureRs.RecordCount > 0) { workPointFeatureRs.MoveFirst(); workPointFeatureRs.Fields["STRUCTURE_ID"].Value = newStructureId; } } } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public void Execute() { short fNo = 0; Recordset connectivityComponentRs = null; string feederId = string.Empty; string subStationCode = string.Empty; try { IGTComponent component = Components.GetComponent(11); connectivityComponentRs = component.Recordset; if (connectivityComponentRs.RecordCount > 0) { connectivityComponentRs.MoveFirst(); fNo = Convert.ToInt16(connectivityComponentRs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value); } if (fNo == 16) // If affected feature is substation breaker then do nothing { return; } feederId = Convert.ToString(connectivityComponentRs.Fields["FEEDER_1_ID"].Value); ADODB.Command command = null; int outRecords = 0; string sqlString = string.Format("select distinct ssta_c SSCODE from CONNECTIVITY_N where g3e_fno = 16 and feeder_1_id = '{0}' ", feederId); command = new ADODB.Command(); command.CommandText = sqlString; ADODB.Recordset results = DataContext.ExecuteCommand(command, out outRecords); if (results.RecordCount > 0) { results.MoveFirst(); subStationCode = Convert.ToString(results.Fields["SSCODE"].Value); } connectivityComponentRs.Fields["SSTA_C"].Value = subStationCode; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error during Set Substation Code execution. " + ex.Message, "G/Technology"); } }
public string GetPreferredCuFilterString(ADODB.Recordset p_PreferredCuRecords) { List <string> sPreferredCuList = new List <string>(); string sReturnFilter = string.Empty; if (p_PreferredCuRecords != null) { if (p_PreferredCuRecords.RecordCount > 0) { p_PreferredCuRecords.MoveFirst(); while (p_PreferredCuRecords.EOF == false) { sPreferredCuList.Add("'" + Convert.ToString(p_PreferredCuRecords.Fields["CU_CODE"].Value) + "'"); p_PreferredCuRecords.MoveNext(); } sReturnFilter = string.Join(",", sPreferredCuList.ToArray()); } } return(sReturnFilter); }
} // end sub; public string get_op_time_unit() { //on error GoTo err_op_name; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; string retval; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); retval = (string)reccust.Fields["TUProd"].Value; //exit_op_name: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return(retval); //exit Function; //err_op_name: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); // resume exit_op_name; } // end function;
} // end function; int get_gen_id() { //on error GoTo err_genid; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; int retval; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); retval = (int)reccust.Fields["generalid"].Value; //exit_genid: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return(retval); //exit Function; //err_genid: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); // resume exit_genid; } // end function;
private void UpdateADODBRecordset_from_ADODataTable(DataTable inTable, ref ADODB.Recordset adoRs) { ADODB.Fields adoFields = adoRs.Fields; System.Data.DataColumnCollection inColumns = inTable.Columns; //Delete if (adoRs.RecordCount > 0) { adoRs.MoveFirst(); } while (!adoRs.EOF) { adoRs.Delete(); adoRs.MoveNext(); } //Add foreach (DataRow dr in inTable.Rows) { // Proceso las que no estan borradas if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted) { adoRs.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < inColumns.Count; columnIndex++) { ADODB.Field field = adoFields[columnIndex]; try { adoFields[columnIndex].Value = dr[columnIndex]; } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("Error al actualizar la columna {0}.{1}: {2}", inTable.TableName, field.Name, ex.Message); throw new XTangoException(message); } } } } }
} // end function; public string get_utlimit() { //on error GoTo err_utlimit; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; string retval; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); retval = Convert.ToString((float)reccust.Fields["utlimit"].Value); //exit_utlimit: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return(retval); //exit Function; //err_utlimit: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); // resume exit_utlimit; } // end function;
} // end sub; void set_utlimit(float x1) { //on error GoTo err_setlimit; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); //'reccust.edit; reccust.Fields["utlimit"].Value = x1; reccust.Update(); //exit_setlimit: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return; //exit Sub; //err_setlimit: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); //RESUME NEXT } // end sub;
} // end sub; void set_modified_date() { //on error GoTo err_setdate; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; //Set Database variable; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); reccust.MoveFirst(); //'reccust.edit; reccust.Fields["DateM"].Value = System.DateTime.Now; reccust.Update(); //exit_setdate: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return; //exit Sub; //err_setdate: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); //RESUME NEXT } // end sub;
public static ADODB.Recordset OpenCommonRecordset(IGTDataContext _odc, int _fid, short _fno, GTDiagnostics _odiag) { ADODB.Recordset oRS = null; try { string sSQL = "SELECT G3E_FID, G3E_FNO, STRUCTURE_ID FROM COMMON_N WHERE G3E_FNO = '" + _fno + "'" + " AND G3E_FID = '" + _fid + "'"; oRS = ExecuteQuery(_odc, sSQL, _odiag); if (oRS.RecordCount == 0) { return(null); } if ((oRS.EOF) && (oRS.BOF)) { return(null); } oRS.MoveFirst(); while ((!oRS.EOF) && (!oRS.BOF)) { //obj.G3E_FNO = Convert.ToInt16(oRS.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value.ToString().Trim()); //obj.G3E_FID = Convert.ToInt32(oRS.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value.ToString().Trim()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(_odiag, "OpencommonRecordset", ex); throw ex; } return(oRS); }
public void Execute() { double dXoord = 0.0; double dYoord = 0.0; double dZoord = 0.0; IGTGeometry geometry = null; IGTDDCKeyObjects oDDCKeyObjects = default(IGTDDCKeyObjects); IGTApplication igtApp = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTApplication>(); oDDCKeyObjects = igtApp.SelectedObjects.GetObjects(); foreach (IGTDDCKeyObject item in oDDCKeyObjects) { geometry = item.Geometry; } if (geometry != null) { dXoord = ((IGTPointGeometry)geometry).FirstPoint.X; dYoord = ((IGTPointGeometry)geometry).FirstPoint.Y; IGTPoint point = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPoint>(); point.X = dXoord; point.Y = dYoord; point.Z = 0.0; IGTComponent commonComponent = Components.GetComponent(1); if (commonComponent != null) { if (commonComponent.Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { commonComponent.Recordset.MoveFirst(); commonComponent.Recordset.Fields["OGGX_H"].Value = point.X; commonComponent.Recordset.Fields["OGGY_H"].Value = point.Y; } } //ICoordSystemsMgr oCoordSystemsMgr; //oCoordSystemsMgr = (ICoordSystemsMgr)m_oDataContext.CoordSystemsMgr; //ICoordSystem oCoordSystem; //oCoordSystem = oCoordSystemsMgr.BaseCoordSystem; //double dMeters2Database = 1.0 / oCoordSystem.StorageToProjectionScale; //string strCurrDir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); //ICoordSystemsMgr iCSM = new Intergraph.CoordSystems.CoordSystemsMgr(); //ICoordSystem iCS = iCSM.BaseCoordSystem; //iCS.LoadFromFile(strCurrDir + "\\StatePlane.csf"); //ICoordSystem iTargCS = new Intergraph.CoordSystems.CoordSystem(); // //iTargCS.LoadFromFile(strCurrDir + "\\EPSG4326.csf"); //iTargCS.LoadFromFile(strCurrDir + "\\0061_WGS84.csf"); //IAltCoordSystemPath iACSP = iCSM.CreateNamedPath("CSFFileConvert"); //ILinkableTransformation iLink = iACSP.CreateLinkableTransformation("CSFFileConvert", Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSTransformLinkConstants.cstlCoordinateSystem); //ICoordSystem altCS = (ICoordSystem)iLink; //((ICopyable<ICoordSystem>)iTargCS).CopyInto(altCS); //iACSP.AddChainLink(iLink, true, Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSTransDirectionConstants.cstdForward); //ILinkableTransformation iTrans = (ILinkableTransformation)iACSP; //iTrans.TransformPoint(Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSPointConstants.cspENU, 1, Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSPointConstants.cspLLG, 2, ref dXoord, ref dYoord, ref dZoord); //MessageBox.Show(dXoord + " " + dYoord); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intergraph.CoordSystems.Interop.CoordSystemClass coords = new CoordSystemClass(); int outrec = 0; ADODB.Recordset rs = DataContext.Execute("select c.* from g3e_dataconnection_optable d , gcoordsystemtable c where " + " d.g3e_username ='******' and", out outrec, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, new object[0]); rs.MoveFirst(); object[] rowformat = new object[rs.Fields.Count]; for (int ifld = 0; ifld < rs.Fields.Count; ifld++) { rowformat[ifld] = rs.Fields[ifld].Value; } coords.LoadFromGCoordSystemTableRowFormat(rowformat); coords.TransformPoint(Intergraph.CoordSystems.Interop.CSPointConstants.cspUOR, (int)Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSTransformLinkConstants.cstlDatumTransformation, Intergraph.CoordSystems.Interop.CSPointConstants.cspLLO, (int)Intergraph.CoordSystems.CSTransformLinkConstants.cstlDatumTransformation, ref dXoord, ref dYoord, ref dZoord); dXoord = dXoord * 180 / (4 * Math.Atan(1)); dYoord = dYoord * 180 / (4 * Math.Atan(1)); } }
public void Validate(out string[] ErrorPriorityArray, out string[] ErrorMessageArray) { ADODB.Recordset rs = null; ADODB.Recordset rsTemp = null; int record = 0; bool hasPhaseAndPosition = true; bool hasUnknownPhasePosition = false; ErrorPriorityArray = null; ErrorMessageArray = null; GTValidationLogger gTValidationLogger = null; IGTComponent comp = Components[ComponentName]; int FID = 0; string fieldValue = string.Empty; if (comp != null && comp.Recordset != null && comp.Recordset.RecordCount > 0) { FID = int.Parse(comp.Recordset.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value.ToString()); fieldValue = Convert.ToString(comp.Recordset.Fields[FieldName].Value); } if (new gtLogHelper().CheckIfLoggingIsEnabled()) { LogEntries logEntries = new LogEntries { ActiveComponentName = ComponentName, ActiveFID = FID, ActiveFieldName = FieldName, ActiveFieldValue = fieldValue, JobID = DataContext.ActiveJob, RelatedComponentName = "N/A", RelatedFID = 0, RelatedFieldName = "N/A", RelatedFieldValue = "N/A", ValidationInterfaceName = "Phase Position", ValidationInterfaceType = "FI" }; gTValidationLogger = new GTValidationLogger(logEntries); gTValidationLogger.LogEntry("TIMING", "START", "Phase Position Entry", "N/A", ""); } try { List <string> errorMsg = new List <string>(); List <string> errorPriority = new List <string>(); string priority = Convert.ToString(_arguments.GetArgument(0)); ValidationRuleManager validateMsg = new ValidationRuleManager(); IGTApplication gTApplication = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTApplication>(); Recordset commonComponentRs = Components.GetComponent(1).Recordset; commonComponentRs.MoveFirst(); string orientation = Convert.ToString(commonComponentRs.Fields["ORIENTATION_C"].Value); int fNo = Convert.ToInt32(commonComponentRs.Fields["G3E_FNO"].Value); string featureName = Convert.ToString(GetRecordSet(string.Format("select g3e_username NAME from g3e_features_optable where g3e_fno = {0}", fNo)).Fields["NAME"].Value); int fId = Convert.ToInt32(commonComponentRs.Fields["G3E_FID"].Value); bool isFeatureConnected = CheckFeatureConnectivity(fId); ValidatePhaseAndPhasePosition(out hasPhaseAndPosition, out hasUnknownPhasePosition); if (orientation == "OH" && featureName.ToUpper().Contains("PRIMARY") && isFeatureConnected && hasUnknownPhasePosition) { validateMsg.Rule_Id = "PHPS01"; validateMsg.BuildRuleMessage(gTApplication, null); errorPriority.Add(priority); errorMsg.Add(validateMsg.Rule_MSG); //errorMsg.Add("Overhead feature is missing phase position values."); } if (ValidatePhasePositionWithSets()) { validateMsg.Rule_Id = "PHPS02"; validateMsg.BuildRuleMessage(gTApplication, null); errorPriority.Add(priority); errorMsg.Add(validateMsg.Rule_MSG); //errorMsg.Add("Phase Position attributes are not consistent with respect to one another."); } if (_fieldName == "PHASE_POS_C") { string sqlStmt = "Select {0},count({0}) from {1} where g3e_fid={2} and g3e_fno={3} GROUP BY {0} having count({0})>1"; IGTComponent gtComponent = _components[_componentName]; if (gtComponent != null) { rs = gtComponent.Recordset; if (rs != null && rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); if (Convert.ToInt32(rs.Fields["G3e_CID"].Value) == 1) { //JIRA 195- check Duplicate Phase Position rsTemp = _dataContext.Execute(string.Format(sqlStmt, _fieldName, _componentName, rs.Fields["G3e_FID"].Value, rs.Fields["G3e_FNO"].Value), out record, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, null); if (rsTemp != null && rsTemp.RecordCount > 0) { validateMsg.Rule_Id = "PHPS02"; validateMsg.BuildRuleMessage(gTApplication, null); errorMsg.Add(validateMsg.Rule_MSG); //errorMsg.Add("Feature has duplicate Phase Positions. Phase Position should be unique across all the wires within same conductor."); errorPriority.Add(priority); } } } } if (errorMsg.Count > 0) { ErrorPriorityArray = errorPriority.ToArray(); ErrorMessageArray = errorMsg.ToArray(); } } if (gTValidationLogger != null) { gTValidationLogger.LogEntry("TIMING", "END", "Phase Position Exit", "N/A", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error during Phase position validation FI. " + ex.Message, Caption); } finally { rsTemp = null; } }
public bool ValidateWorkPoints() { bool bReturn = true; string sSql = ""; ADODB.Recordset rs = null; ADODB.Recordset rsWP = null; sSql = @"select g3e_fno, g3e_fid,wpCUs.STRUCTURE_ID, count(g3e_fid) from ( select COALESCE(comm.STRUCTURE_ID, owner.STRUCTURE_ID) as STRUCTURE_ID , cu.G3E_FID, cu.CU_C, cu.ACTIVITY_C, cu.g3e_fno g3e_fno , count(*) as cuCount from COMP_UNIT_N cu join COMMON_N comm on cu.G3E_FID = comm.G3E_FID left join COMMON_N owner on (COALESCE(comm.OWNER1_ID,comm.OWNER2_ID) = owner.G3E_ID) where (cu.WR_ID = ? OR cu.WR_EDITED =?) and (owner.g3e_fno<>19 or owner.g3e_fno is null) group by COALESCE(comm.STRUCTURE_ID, owner.STRUCTURE_ID), cu.G3E_FID, cu.CU_C, cu.ACTIVITY_C, cu.g3e_fno ) CUs left join ( select wp.STRUCTURE_ID , wcu.ASSOC_FID, wcu.CU_C, wcu.ACTIVITY_C, wp.g3e_fno WPfno , count(*) as cuCount from WORKPOINT_N wp join WORKPOINT_CU_N wcu on wp.G3E_FID = wcu.G3E_FID where wp.WR_NBR = ? group by wp.STRUCTURE_ID, wcu.ASSOC_FID, wcu.CU_C, wcu.ACTIVITY_C, wp.g3e_fno ) wpCUs on ( CUs.G3E_FID = wpCUs.ASSOC_FID and CUs.STRUCTURE_ID = wpCUs.STRUCTURE_ID and CUs.CU_C = wpCUs.CU_C) group by wpCUs.STRUCTURE_ID, g3e_fid,g3e_fno"; Dictionary <int, Int16> FIDs = new Dictionary <int, Int16>(); Dictionary <int, Int16> MissingWPFeatures = new Dictionary <int, short>(); Dictionary <int, Int16> MissingWPCUsFeatures = new Dictionary <int, short>(); IGTApplication m_oApp = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTApplication>(); rs = m_oApp.DataContext.OpenRecordset(sSql, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, m_oApp.DataContext.ActiveJob, m_oApp.DataContext.ActiveJob, m_oApp.DataContext.ActiveJob); rsWP = m_oApp.DataContext.OpenRecordset("select g3e_fid,STRUCTURE_ID from WORKPOINT_N where WR_NBR = ?", CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, m_oApp.DataContext.ActiveJob); DataTable dtWP = GetDataTable(m_oApp.DataContext, rsWP); if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { rs.MoveFirst(); DataTable dt = GetDataTable(m_oApp.DataContext, rs); if (dt != null) { DataRow[] rowsWithNull = dt.Select("STRUCTURE_ID is null"); if (rowsWithNull.Count <DataRow>() > 0) { foreach (var item in rowsWithNull) { if (!FIDs.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(item["g3e_fid"]))) { FIDs.Add(Convert.ToInt32(item["g3e_fid"]), Convert.ToInt16(item["g3e_fno"])); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Int16> item in FIDs) { DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("g3e_fid = " + item.Key + " and STRUCTURE_ID is not null"); if (rows != null && rows.Count <DataRow>() > 0) { if (!MissingWPCUsFeatures.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(rows[0]["G3E_FID"]))) { string iWPFID = Convert.ToString(dtWP.Select("STRUCTURE_ID = '" + Convert.ToString(rows[0]["STRUCTURE_ID"]) + "'")[0]["G3E_FID"]); MissingWPCUsFeatures.Add(Convert.ToInt32(iWPFID), 191); } } else { if (!MissingWPFeatures.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { MissingWPFeatures.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } } } } } } if (MissingWPCUsFeatures.Count > 0) { bReturn = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Int16> item in MissingWPCUsFeatures) { m_oApp.SelectedObjects.Clear(); IGTDDCKeyObjects oDDCs = m_oApp.DataContext.GetDDCKeyObjects(item.Value, item.Key, GTComponentGeometryConstants.gtddcgAllGeographic); foreach (IGTDDCKeyObject item1 in oDDCs) { m_oApp.SelectedObjects.Add(GTSelectModeConstants.gtsosmAllComponentsInActiveLegend, item1); } } MessageBox.Show("Unable to write to WMIS; highlighted Work Points do not reflect all CU activity.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(bReturn); } if (MissingWPFeatures.Count > 0) { m_oApp.SelectedObjects.Clear(); bReturn = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Int16> item in MissingWPFeatures) { IGTDDCKeyObjects oDDCs = m_oApp.DataContext.GetDDCKeyObjects(item.Value, item.Key, GTComponentGeometryConstants.gtddcgAllGeographic); foreach (IGTDDCKeyObject item1 in oDDCs) { m_oApp.SelectedObjects.Add(GTSelectModeConstants.gtsosmAllComponentsInActiveLegend, item1); } } MessageBox.Show("Unable to write to WMIS; highlighted features have no Work Point.”", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(bReturn); } string sDiscardedCUs = @"select g3e_fid,wpCUs.STRUCTURE_ID, count(g3e_fid) from ( select COALESCE(comm.STRUCTURE_ID, owner.STRUCTURE_ID) as STRUCTURE_ID , cu.G3E_FID, cu.CU_C, cu.ACTIVITY_C, cu.g3e_fno g3e_fno , count(*) as cuCount from COMP_UNIT_N cu join COMMON_N comm on cu.G3E_FID = comm.G3E_FID left join COMMON_N owner on (COALESCE(comm.OWNER1_ID,comm.OWNER2_ID) = owner.G3E_ID) where (cu.WR_ID = ? OR cu.WR_EDITED =?) group by COALESCE(comm.STRUCTURE_ID, owner.STRUCTURE_ID), cu.G3E_FID, cu.CU_C, cu.ACTIVITY_C, cu.g3e_fno ) CUs right join ( select wp.STRUCTURE_ID , wcu.ASSOC_FID, wcu.CU_C, wcu.ACTIVITY_C, wp.g3e_fno WPfno , count(*) as cuCount from WORKPOINT_N wp join WORKPOINT_CU_N wcu on wp.G3E_FID = wcu.G3E_FID where wp.WR_NBR = ? group by wp.STRUCTURE_ID, wcu.ASSOC_FID, wcu.CU_C, wcu.ACTIVITY_C, wp.g3e_fno ) wpCUs on ( CUs.G3E_FID = wpCUs.ASSOC_FID and CUs.STRUCTURE_ID = wpCUs.STRUCTURE_ID and CUs.CU_C = wpCUs.CU_C) group by wpCUs.STRUCTURE_ID, g3e_fid having count(g3e_fid) = 0 and g3e_fid is null"; rs = m_oApp.DataContext.OpenRecordset(sDiscardedCUs, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, m_oApp.DataContext.ActiveJob, m_oApp.DataContext.ActiveJob, m_oApp.DataContext.ActiveJob); if (rs != null) { if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { bReturn = false; MessageBox.Show("Work Point(s) are out of synchronization", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(bReturn); } } return(bReturn); }