コード例 #1
        public ACTFBWatchNotification(ACTFBIncidentItem IncidentItem, IWatchList Parent, ACTFBIncidentSourceOptions Options, ACTFBIncidentSource ParentSource)

            mIncidentItem = IncidentItem;
            mParent = Parent;
            mOptions = Options;
            mParentSource = ParentSource;

            mfFadeOut = true;


            //Check if a stream exists for this region
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mOptions.StreamURL) == false &&
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(mParentSource.GetIncidentWatcher().GetStreamListenerPath()) == false)
                //If we have it set to open the stream
                if (mParentSource.GetIncidentWatcher().GetAutoOpenStreamOnWatch() == true)
コード例 #2
        private bool UpdateIncidentList()
            bool fNewIncident = false;
                //Create a request for the xml file
                HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(mParentSource.GetOptions().IncidentSourceURL);

                //Set the proxy if there is one
                if (mParentSource.GetIncidentWatcher().UsesProxy() == true)
                    webRequest.Proxy = mParentSource.GetIncidentWatcher().GetProxy();
                //Get the response as an xml file
                HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();

                if (webResponse.ContentLength == 0)
                    return false;

                //Get the xml document
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                //Get the first node "<rss><channel>"
                XmlNode markerNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("rss").ChildNodes[0];

                Dictionary<string, ACTFBIncidentItem> latestIncidentsList = new Dictionary<string,ACTFBIncidentItem>();

                //Loop through the chillen
                foreach (XmlNode incidentEntry in markerNode.SelectNodes("item"))
                    //Process the node into an incident item
                    ACTFBIncidentItem newIncident = new ACTFBIncidentItem(mParentSource, incidentEntry);

                    //Add the new incident to the existing incident list for checking
                    latestIncidentsList.Add(newIncident.ID, newIncident);

                    //Add the incident or update it
                    if (mIncidents.ContainsKey(newIncident.ID) == true)
                        //This incident already exists, update the entry values
                        ACTFBIncidentItem oldIncident = mIncidents[newIncident.ID];

                        //Is it already being watched?
                        if (mParentSource.GetWatchList().IsKeyBeingWatched(oldIncident.ID_GENERIC) == false)
                            //Should we auto watch
                            if (mParentSource.GetOptions().ShouldWeAutowatch(false, oldIncident, newIncident) == true)
                                //Make autowatch noise
                                mParentSource.GetWatchList().Add(new ACTFBWatchNotification(oldIncident, mParentSource.GetWatchList(), mParentSource.GetOptions(), mParentSource), oldIncident);

                        oldIncident.Location = newIncident.Location;
                        oldIncident.Latitude = newIncident.Latitude;
                        oldIncident.Longitude = newIncident.Longitude;
                        oldIncident.Status = newIncident.Status;
                        oldIncident.Suburb = newIncident.Suburb;
                        oldIncident.Type = newIncident.Type;
                        oldIncident.LastUpdate = newIncident.LastUpdate;

                        //Reseat the old incident
                        mIncidents[newIncident.ID] = oldIncident;
                        //Set flag to Make a noise
                        fNewIncident = true;

                        //Check for autowatch
                        if( mParentSource.GetOptions().ShouldWeAutowatch( true, newIncident) == true)
                            //Make a noise
                            //Add watch
                            mParentSource.GetWatchList().Add(new ACTFBWatchNotification(newIncident, mParentSource.GetWatchList(), mParentSource.GetOptions(), mParentSource), newIncident);
                        //Its a new Incident, add it to list and tooltip
                        mIncidents.Add(newIncident.ID, newIncident);

                        mToolTipText += "ACTFB: "+ACTFBIncidentItem.IncidentTypeToString(newIncident.Type) +
                            "." + newIncident.Location + "," + newIncident.Suburb + "\n";


                //No Problems encountered
                if( fNewIncident == true && mFirstUpdate == false )

                mFirstUpdate = false;
                return true;
コード例 #3
        private bool CheckType(ACTFBIncidentItem Incident)
            //Get Values from the list
            foreach (string s in mSourceSettings.AutoWatchTypes)
                //Get the type
                ACTFBIncidentItem.ACTFBTypes watchType = (ACTFBIncidentItem.ACTFBTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ACTFBIncidentItem.ACTFBTypes), s);

                //Does it match
                if (Incident.Type == watchType)
                    return true;
            //No Matches
            return false;
コード例 #4
        private bool CheckSuburb(ACTFBIncidentItem Incident)
            //Get Values from the list
            foreach (string s in mSourceSettings.AutoWatchSuburbs)
                //Does it match
                if (s == "*")//Match all
                    return true;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(Incident.Suburb, s, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    return true;

            //No matches
            return false;
コード例 #5
        private bool CheckStatus(ACTFBIncidentItem Incident)
            //Get Values from the list
            foreach (string s in mSourceSettings.AutoWatchStatuses)
                //Get the type
                ACTFBIncidentItem.ACTFBStatus watchStatus = (ACTFBIncidentItem.ACTFBStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ACTFBIncidentItem.ACTFBStatus), s);

                //Does it match
                if (Incident.Status == watchStatus)
                    return true;

            //No matches
            return false;
コード例 #6
        internal string ReplaceInciWatchVarsInString(string oldString, ACTFBIncidentItem IncidentItem)
            String returnString;

            returnString = oldString;

            //Do Replaces

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%ID%", IncidentItem.ID);

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%SUBURB%", IncidentItem.Suburb);

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%REGION%", IncidentItem.Region_GENERIC);

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%ADDR%", IncidentItem.Location);

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%TYPE%", IncidentItem.Type.ToString());

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%STREAM%", this.StreamURL);

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%STATUS%", IncidentItem.Status.ToString());

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%SIZE%", IncidentItem.Size_GENERIC);

            //LAST Updated
            returnString = returnString.Replace("%LASTUP%", IncidentItem.LastUpdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"));

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%APPLIANCES%", IncidentItem.ApplianceCount_GENERIC.ToString());

            returnString = returnString.Replace("%CURTIME%", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"));

            //Return adjusted string
            return returnString;
コード例 #7
        public bool ShouldWeAutowatch(bool NewIncident, ACTFBIncidentItem OldIncident,ACTFBIncidentItem NewUpdate)
            //Check if autowatch is enabled?
            if (mSourceSettings.AutoWatchEnabled == false)
                return false;

            //Was there a change?
            if (OldIncident.Suburb != NewUpdate.Suburb)
                if (CheckSuburb(NewUpdate) == true)
                    return true;
            if (OldIncident.Location != NewUpdate.Location)
                if (CheckLocation(NewUpdate) == true)
                    return true;
            if (OldIncident.Status != NewUpdate.Status)
                if (CheckStatus(NewUpdate) == true)
                    return true;
            if (OldIncident.Type != NewUpdate.Type)
                if (CheckType(NewUpdate) == true)
                    return true;

            return false;
コード例 #8
        public bool ShouldWeAutowatch(bool NewIncident, ACTFBIncidentItem Incident)
            //Check if autowatch is enabled?
            if (mSourceSettings.AutoWatchEnabled == false)
                return false;

            if (CheckSuburb(Incident) == true)
                return true;
            if (CheckLocation(Incident) == true)
                return true;
            if (CheckStatus(Incident) == true)
                return true;
            if (CheckType(Incident) == true)
                return true;

            return false;