コード例 #1
        private void sBtn_ForgetCardRefund_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (myPOS.NCategoryID == 17)
                if (myPOS.POSForgetCardAction == ACMSLogic.POS.ForgetCardAction.ForgetCard)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "This receipt is for Forget Card Deposit. \n You are not allow to tender forget card deposit and forget card refund under one receipt.");

                // New Forget Card Refund
                FormForgetCardReceiptSelection frm = new FormForgetCardReceiptSelection(myPOS);

                    if (frm != null)
                        if (!frm.IsDisposed)

                #region COmment
            //				if (myPOS.ReceiptItemsTable.Rows.Count > 0)
            //				{
            //					MessageBox.Show(this, "Only One item is allow for Forget Card Refund per receipt.");
            //					return;
            //				}
            //				ACMSDAL.TblClassAttendance classAttendance = new ACMSDAL.TblClassAttendance();
            //				DataTable forgetCardClassTable = classAttendance.GetForgetCardClassAttendance(myPOS.StrMembershipID);
            //				if (forgetCardClassTable != null && forgetCardClassTable.Rows.Count > 0)
            //				{
            //					DataTable dateTable = new DataTable();
            //					DataColumn coldate = new DataColumn("Date", typeof(string));
            //					dateTable.Columns.Add(coldate);
            //					foreach (DataRow r in forgetCardClassTable.Rows)
            //					{
            //						DateTime forgetCarddate = ACMS.Convert.ToDateTime(r["dtDate"]);
            //						DataRow[] rowList = dateTable.Select("Date = '" + forgetCarddate.ToString("ddMMyyyy")+ "'");
            //						if (rowList.Length == 0)
            //						{
            //							DataRow newRow = dateTable.NewRow();
            //							newRow["Date"] = ACMS.Convert.ToDateTime(r["dtDate"]).ToString("ddMMyyyy");
            //							dateTable.Rows.Add(newRow);
            //						}
            //						else
            //						{
            //							r.Delete();
            //						}
            //					}
            //					forgetCardClassTable.AcceptChanges();
            //					ACMSDAL.TblReceipt sqlReceipt = new ACMSDAL.TblReceipt();
            //					DataTable table = new DataTable();
            //					foreach (DataRow r in forgetCardClassTable.Rows)
            //					{
            //						DateTime dtDate = ACMS.Convert.ToDateTime(r["dtDate"]);
            //						DataTable tempTable = sqlReceipt.GetForgetCardReceipt(myPOS.StrMembershipID, 17, dtDate);
            //						if (tempTable.Rows.Count > 0)
            //						{
            //							if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            //							{
            //								foreach (DataRow tempRow in tempTable.Rows)
            //									table.ImportRow(tempRow);
            //							}
            //							else
            //							{
            //								table = tempTable.Copy();
            //							}
            //						}
            //					}
            //					decimal mUnitPrice = 0;
            //					string forgotCardReceiptNo = "";
            //					foreach (DataRow r in table.Rows)
            //					{
            //						forgotCardReceiptNo += r["strReceiptNo"].ToString() + ",";
            //						mUnitPrice += ACMS.Convert.ToDecimal(r["mNettAmount"]);
            //					}
            //					myPOS.NewReceiptEntry(myPOS.StrMembershipID, -1, "Forget Card Refund",
            //						1, -mUnitPrice, forgotCardReceiptNo);
            //				}
            //				else
            //				{
            //					MessageBox.Show(this, "No Forget Card Receipt to refund.");
            //					return;
            //				}
コード例 #2
        private void sBtn_ForgetCardRefund_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (myPOS.NCategoryID == 17)
                if (myPOS.POSForgetCardAction == ACMSLogic.POS.ForgetCardAction.ForgetCard)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "This receipt is for Forget Card Deposit. \n You are not allow to tender forget card deposit and forget card refund under one receipt.");

                // New Forget Card Refund
                FormForgetCardReceiptSelection frm = new FormForgetCardReceiptSelection(myPOS);

                    if (frm != null)
                        if (!frm.IsDisposed)

                #region COmment
//				if (myPOS.ReceiptItemsTable.Rows.Count > 0)
//				{
//					MessageBox.Show(this, "Only One item is allow for Forget Card Refund per receipt.");
//					return;
//				}
//				ACMSDAL.TblClassAttendance classAttendance = new ACMSDAL.TblClassAttendance();
//				DataTable forgetCardClassTable = classAttendance.GetForgetCardClassAttendance(myPOS.StrMembershipID);
//				if (forgetCardClassTable != null && forgetCardClassTable.Rows.Count > 0)
//				{
//					DataTable dateTable = new DataTable();
//					DataColumn coldate = new DataColumn("Date", typeof(string));
//					dateTable.Columns.Add(coldate);
//					foreach (DataRow r in forgetCardClassTable.Rows)
//					{
//						DateTime forgetCarddate = ACMS.Convert.ToDateTime(r["dtDate"]);
//						DataRow[] rowList = dateTable.Select("Date = '" + forgetCarddate.ToString("ddMMyyyy")+ "'");
//						if (rowList.Length == 0)
//						{
//							DataRow newRow = dateTable.NewRow();
//							newRow["Date"] = ACMS.Convert.ToDateTime(r["dtDate"]).ToString("ddMMyyyy");
//							dateTable.Rows.Add(newRow);
//						}
//						else
//						{
//							r.Delete();
//						}
//					}
//					forgetCardClassTable.AcceptChanges();
//					ACMSDAL.TblReceipt sqlReceipt = new ACMSDAL.TblReceipt();
//					DataTable table = new DataTable();
//					foreach (DataRow r in forgetCardClassTable.Rows)
//					{
//						DateTime dtDate = ACMS.Convert.ToDateTime(r["dtDate"]);
//						DataTable tempTable = sqlReceipt.GetForgetCardReceipt(myPOS.StrMembershipID, 17, dtDate);
//						if (tempTable.Rows.Count > 0)
//						{
//							if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
//							{
//								foreach (DataRow tempRow in tempTable.Rows)
//									table.ImportRow(tempRow);
//							}
//							else
//							{
//								table = tempTable.Copy();
//							}
//						}
//					}
//					decimal mUnitPrice = 0;
//					string forgotCardReceiptNo = "";
//					foreach (DataRow r in table.Rows)
//					{
//						forgotCardReceiptNo += r["strReceiptNo"].ToString() + ",";
//						mUnitPrice += ACMS.Convert.ToDecimal(r["mNettAmount"]);
//					}
//					myPOS.NewReceiptEntry(myPOS.StrMembershipID, -1, "Forget Card Refund",
//						1, -mUnitPrice, forgotCardReceiptNo);
//				}
//				else
//				{
//					MessageBox.Show(this, "No Forget Card Receipt to refund.");
//					return;
//				}